PAGES EL UVALDE TIMES Diciembre 10, 1978 where you are coming from and I honestly admire your courage to speak when there are others, including myself, who should, but don t. Mrs. Bailey, you did not answer Mr. Torres’ questions. I believe that you thought that you had and you were giving him all the information which had been furnished by the UCISD administration. During the break, I heard Board members saying that one of the problems which might come up relative to a voting box in the West end of town was that other citizens of the UCISD might want individual voting boxes in other areas also. Why wasn’t this brought out in the report? Why wasn’t Mr. Torres and a few other citizens asked to help the Board study this problem? Texas A & 1 and Pan American U n iversi ties was what was asked for. Perhaps the administration has not informed you well on this matter either. Your are required to have a written affirmative action plan which is to be adopted by the Board and open to the public, that written which was asked for. have one? Is it available? Does the Central Office maintain evidence that affirmative action is hiring and policies? admnistrators do not have information or are unsure Acontecimiento... narraciones a Antonio y los testi-han llegado It is plan being Do you allowed in promotion not permit Space will me to comment on the other information you tried to pass off to satisfy Mr. Torres' questions, but which were only more muddy water on the real issues, one last thing comment did tell that he formed times him administration further Perhaps know either that when Mr. Torres and Mrs. Rodriquez do go to the administration offices and the schools that they get a giantsized “run-around". It seems that individual either the needed of their authority to give it out. I think that when you refer someone to the administration, you need to follow up on it and make sure the administrators in question do what they are supposed to do. In fact, why don’t you accompany Mr. Torres to the Central Office sometime and help him get the information he needs? Indio Juan el mensaje a todos los de esta have been The other thing Mr. Torres asked was to see the affirmative action plan. Perhaps, Mrs. Bailey, you felt that your brief reply relative to Dr. Little’s intentions to recruit at However, I must You Torres misinseveral referred on. Mr. was and you to the UCISD for clarification, you don’t Since somewhat critical, I also feel responsible to offer myself to the UCISD Trustees and to Mr. Torres to help in whatever ways that I can. cerned payer, better than average in of El “Hecho Guadalupano de acuerdo a las tradiciones, atribuidas Valeriano, monios hasta nosotros, significa las Apariciones de la Virgen al Diego, es que envía habitantes tierra, y la Imagen que nos deja como signo y testimonio. En esto tiene su fuente la fervorosa devoción de los Mexicanos a Santa Maria de Guadalupe, Madre y Amable Patrona de los Pueblos de America, invitándolos a buscar continu-mente la Unidad y la Fraternidad cristiana del Continente superando opresiones^é imperialismos extraños. » 1 SOMBER LISTENERS: Tuesday’s school board Billie Bailey (not pictured). The meeting later erupted when Torres was no^ allowed to speak and Dr. Arnim walkout out in protest. Pictured here (1-r) John Loehr, Commissioner Gilbert Torres, Superinten- Everybody listened, but nobody heard. That seemed to be the case at last meeting here. Commissioner Gilbert Torres heard responses only from President Arnim walkout out in protest. Pictured here (1-r) John Loehr, Commissioner Gilbert Torres, Superintendent R. E. Byrom, Assistant Superintendent Paul Curtis, Superintendent-elect Dr. Eddie Little, Federal Programs Director Joe Ammerman and Dr. Cecil Arnim (with cigar). This I Have To Say, i I am a con-citizen, tax-and at least my knowledge public education. Respecfully, Dr. Donald E. Smith “Parents, Thou Shall Not Speak At School Board Meetings....” WE MUST SUPPORT TORRES! RUIZ & SONS SALVAGE Compramos Carros Viejos Old Eagle Pass Rd. Custom We buy junked cars, scrap iron, all kinds of metal RIO GRANDE MEAT CO”-- It was a most childish beheaviour by the board members. The report of the additional voting box was placed as a separate item on the agenda (as No. 3 item). Mr. Torres said he would like to complete his statements after that report was made. It was most logical that the Board hear the report along with Torres' comments since it was Torres who had initiated the request for another voting place. Mrs. Bailey refused to change the order of the agenda and instead called for the auditors’ report in between. There is no law that says an agenda must be risidlv followed, it was set up improperly to begin with, possibly intenionally, so that Mr. Torres would not be allowed additional comments. La Fiesta Del Diez y Seis.... programa que se iba a desarrollar: el coro, discursos y poesías (Habría Presidentes Honorarios- nombre e Presidentes Honorarios a cinco de los que mas me criticaban, sin decirles a ellos. Asi les pagaba sus críticas. Pues en la escuela en el sexto año nos enseñaron que no devolviéramos mal por mal porque era la mejor manera de ponerlos en vergüenza a los que nos hacían mal.. Con los avisos de que venia muy buena música empezaron a asegurar sus puestos, pagando el dolar por adelantado. Tuve la buena suerte que nadie me negef. Unos de a dos o tres y hasta de a cinco dolares me prestaron de muy buena gana. Yo les prometía pagar a unos el 14 y a otros el 15. si iba a represen- Meat Processing ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS We Can Process Your Deer Meat Into Pan Sausage, Ring Sausage And Smoked Sausage To the few Mexican-Americans present at the school board meeting, it was a lesson in valor. As Commissioner Torres addressed the board. Dr. Arnim chewed on his cigar as he trimmed his nails. John Loehr hung his head, while Charles Griffin sat passively. Dr. Dimmitt, Dan Davis and Jake Jacobs were absent. Mrs. Bailey was the only one talking and her voice sounded as if she had rehearsed the perfect tone of harsheness. To have the meeting adjourned twice by the board rather than hear him out, and when they board members walked out, he threatended to sue them. And this man puts his life on the line for all those parents and all those children who cannot speak for themselves. Mexican Americans owe a lot to Gilbert Torres. May God Bless him always. Juan se fue el otro dia y, para el miércoles siguiente recibi cartas del director de “La Oruqesta Nacional Fronteriza". el Sr. Manuel Domínguez dándome a saber que estaban en la mejor voluntad para venir a tocar a Hondo, que tuviera yo confianza en ellos, pues todos eran mayores de edad y aseguraban que yo quedaría conforme con su trabajo. Que para ellos estar seguros que yo los iba a ocupar que les mandara treinta dólares y asi yo también estaba seguro que buena preguntarle mandar un tante. Asi hablaron a Cambel y cuando me vio dijo: “Si el Sr. Ibarra viene a invitarme, yo no voy porque ya lo conosco. Nos mete en unos ajustes que quedamos mal. Santiago Lo tomamos a risa, pero el Consul dijo: “Póngalo en el Programa." El Sr. Cambel se volvió a negar y para justificarse dijo: “Pregúntele al Sr. Ibarra el tema que me trae y vera." We iba a tener orquesta. Me Jui a San Antonio a mandar hacer el programa. Me acompañaba mi Compadre lose ( el Angel de la Guardia) . Primero me fui al Consulado a invitar al Consul como hacia cada año. y El Consul me pregunto" “Que tema trae Usted para su amigo?" “El tema que traigo es ‘Los Adelantos Modernos en Mexico' Que tal lo ve Usted?" le dije al Consul. Shop Our Freezer Specials Tan pronto recibí la carta, correo y les mande el dinero y fui a la imprenta y mande ¡lacer 300 avisos para mandar a todos los pueblos cercanos a Hondo, dando a saber que la Orquesta Fronteriza de Piedras Negras venia a tocar durante las fiestas del Diez y Seis en Hondo y por supuesto, haciendo una cordial invitación a toda la gente. Enseguida me puse a completar el como que al Uvalde Truck Stop OPEN 24 HOURS For The Holidays We ) now have Tamales & Buñuelos Steaks & Mexican Food San Antonio Hwy. 278-9980 278-9635/ El Uvalde Times 621 W. Main Uvalde, Texas 78801 278-3616 CLASSIFIED ADS 278-3616 HOMES FOR SALE FINANCIAL SERVICES Veterans NO DOWN PAYMENT 30 YEARS TO PAY 408 PEREZ ST. 3 BEDROOM V/i BATH $27,500 Prestamos OTHER VETERAN HOMES LE PRESTAMOS DINERO SOBRE ARTICULOS DE VALOR. PASE POR 117 CARDWELL ST. O L^AME AL 278-5091 DESPUES DE LAS 4 P.M. Hokit’s TRANSPARENTES ALFOMBRAS LINOLIOS ♦MAS DE 30 ANOS DE EXPERIENCIA Public Notice Request For Proosal (RFP) THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES is letting a contract under Title XIX of the Social Security Act for Non-Emer-gency Medical Transportation Services for Eligible Medicaid Recipients in Edwards, Dimmit, Kinney, La Salle, Real, Uvalde and Zavala County, Texas Esto Lo Tenqo Que Decir esperar a hacer su comentario hasta después de este reporte. Era lo mas logico, ya que fue Torres el que pidió este lugar adicional para votar. La Sra. Bailey se rehuso a cambiar la orden de asuntos en la agenda y pidió que siguiera un reporte largo por los contadores públicos sobre el estado financiero del distrito. No existe ninguna ley que dicta que la agenda debe seguirse en orden rígida, y la orden de asuntos fue hecha muy impropiamente, posiblemente con la intención de negarle a Torres sus comentarios, sabiendo de ante mano que no se habia hecho nada sobre el lugar adicional de votar. “El Uvalde Times" is published weekly in Uvalde Texas. It is the intent of our newspaper to publish news and information in the most accurate professional possible. printed corrected following tion of the editor. will in issue and manner Errors be the when ♦PRESUPUESTOS GRATIS Scottie Malloy REAL ESTATE 278-5486 27S-7477 HOUSES FOR SALE NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE ON S. CRISP FOR CALL 278-3 105 5:30 P.M. SALE. AFTER CASA NUEVA DE VENT/t MISCELLANEOUS USED WASHING MACHINES FOR SALE. TWO WRINGER TYPE WASHING MACHINES IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. CALL 278-2172. Lee Plumbing TODA CLASE DE PLOMERIA. LIMPIEZA E INSTALACION DE TANQUES SEPTICOS. * SERVICIO DE 24 HORAS Effective dates of the contract will be from March 1, 1979 to August 31, 1979. TDHR reserves an option to renew this contract at the Department’s discretion for a limited period of time without utilizing the RFP procedure. Copies of the RFP, instructions and correspondence are handled by the contact person: TENEMOS QUE DARLE APOYO A GILBERTO TORRES! Original articles in this newspaper cannot be reprinted without the permission of publisher. “El Uvalde Times" es publicado semanal-mente en Uvalde, Texas. Es la intención (je nuestro periódico de publicar noticias e información en la ! manera mas correcta y professional posible. Los errores cometidos serán corregidos en la corregidos siguiente cuando sean la atención editora. en la edición, traidos a de la the de no CASA NUEVA DE MARAS FOR L£ SUR CRISP. 3 RECA- SE VENDE Septic Tank Cleaning & instal-aticn. All Plumbing work. 24 Hour Service 278-8246 LAS 5:30 278-3 105. favor DESPUES P.M. DE DE DOS MAQUINAS DE LAVAR DE ‘ROLES* EN MUY BUENAS CONDICIONES. LL <*MEN AL 278-2172. Gary Lumley, Regional Director of Fiscal Management Texas Department of Human Resources P. O. Box 2410 San Antonio, Texas 78298 (512) 533-3161 FOR RENT FOR RENT To be considered, proposals must be submitted to the contact person by the DEADLINE of 5:00 p.m., January 12, 1979. TDHR reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. FOR LEASE THE FORMER MORENO’S BODY & PAINT SHOP, 620 N. GROVE 278-9544. FOR RENT CALL ONE ROOM OFFICE IF YOU DON.T HAVE A FULL TIME SECRETARY, WE OFFER ANSWERING SERVICE. CALL 278-3616 FOR MOPE INFORMATION. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE FOR I NISHED. 657 E. 278-2910 RENT— UNFUR- LARGE YARD LEONA. CALL । AFT 5 P.M. A meeting will be held on December 15, 1979 at 233 E. Mitchell, San Antonio, Texas at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the procedures by which proposals are to be submitted and evaluated. Para los pocos mexicanos que nos encontrábamos en la junta fue una verdadera lección de valor. Cuando el Sr. Torres hablaba a la directiva el Dr. Arnim se cortaba las unas y chupaba su ... puro. John Loehr colgaba la cabeza y Charles Griffin parecía estar en la luna. Dan Davis, el Dr. Dimmitt y Jake Jacobs no fueron a la junta. La Sra. Bailey era la única que hablaba y parecía que hal ia ensayado para que su voz saliera con el tono perfecto de frialdad. El ver la junta interrumpida dos veces , para no escuchar mas al Sr. Torres, fue mas que los cualquier persona hubiera resistido y por eso fue que el Sr. Torres amenazo con demandarlos en la corte. Y este hombre puso su vida en peligro por todos aquellos padres y nino que no pueden Nosotros los mucho que Que Dios hablar por. si mismos. Mexicanos de Uvalde tenemos agradecerle a Gilberto Torres, siempre ¡o bendiga. Y vamos todos a las juntas de escolar! la directiva letters to the are ^welcome, newspaper endeavor to be the voice of the people. We do ask that letters be written in a respectful manner and signed by the author* with mailing address included. The editor reserves the right to edit for conciseness and clarity. editor This will Artículos originales este periódico pueden ser república-dos sin el permiso de la editora. Cartas a la editora serán bienvenidas. Este periódico tratara de ser la voz del pueblo. Pedimos que las cartas sean escritas en manera respetuosa y firmados por el autor, con su dirección de correo. La editora mantiene el derecho de redactar para concision y claridad. Olga Rodriguez Publisher & Editor Horas de Oficina 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Lunes a viernes Mon-Fri Office Hours 9a. ni. a 12p.m. Saturdays -Sábados f