THE XPxv MEXICAN. fi ::*** pattu'uiar w-i. «revive tbe coneideratten F*t KXOKiKRnhLv^MjryeKKK.Y ,.R r;ow,^r , K.lttrerw l'cxHtviv’-'V»-. .. ■ ■ »,. --------------------...j-, - ateo nukre rérén>n,? n‘*',,o"e wbn h •ehoul-l <'v ' S^XTA Ffc, TI KSllAl, DEV 1C, ré-1. taeta.i. and it w the duty ta ihr l»-gi>l»lwe át >lréT*» ' WEKKtF N'ffW Afí<í¿<.V.T , M preie.rt re»M.ou t« ect .upwn «b- «.-.-«ge «i. j—--»-* i- yetorfwine/ r’í-i , wisely vreommré'd» the greatest poseibré pepre rnr fhe Sin te y*, coneuteet with tbe w»->l»re of tiré people ottrdeefeU*wi - iwm on tlw ahlliiy .Of I* nrresvntqtivr* in ‘muhL I h1*.moMifog tirere ts.von» h . . «A>• ? y «r ’ IU - - -Kuroiw iterimi •*'«" **‘l * ’ Mr. Pre sute nt, your committee ' Si-eT Vork. Dee. g. * ' Bpeclai dfopatefae from Pari» *•? tfat the altnailoa in France is grave. TH Orleans prince» and peaking ifclhg* »tí (be Kdivwing preatnbli1 and " '— ™ tbo «ippoHuiiíty vi dl»pfo> ll,a pravtirel *>H«- । peihy for*3iMh sides. Fhuiuvr. tavetout ai .' - ... ■....... ....», questions on which tfa 'gteat partk-a of the Vnlon will neat divide^ •Rew York, Dfa. jf. A epeclal dlapiteb from ttirtafatra», Mwlco. under date of Dec. 5th; aaya that the rebel General TréejiB® ba" taken Saltlllw, niter heavy loan on both ehtea, The ¿éVerámeai inrepe •ItllsWia pcMWWVH Ul AHM riTiw;n wn ww »nv , pnweivew"» •»-re»wl»ren »>"** *w« w. - ------ omaklrte, but the rcbvls control the pe rlamnf that th* repnbRe wa* menaced. The ¡ remilute^j» for the vonai . * , ,. ■ , . . ■■ . . .. i hve tradrs’the'Tliuee think* will anT ill <-on»ntere4 h-go-, Vi tare*», H i» róawrébly le be-expectej fatal mighPrééóil to me»t rerfow tejer) io out tb»t tta 6rti*. dvnun.trtion e«id .drhmatton ta «terete, fadreed» ‘are om of tfa gre»te.t fa^”,c*0 « •"* *» ™ ereeeefofa to eof 'territory^ writer ttu» and -étbter beadi the reemege contain». m*A vale- t.. v-n-’ppsed »• Mmw, : ♦ . . I a tie mfacnation. wbt.b ti ie very Areirebte end -n.mCn.. J.r.n.m... C».H. | *»..ll «• >»• l‘""*i'",i«* *' I*"»'” ^1 «p«Ud. Garete.. Sieawre Vigd. . --. * anti pat.retaati) capitali.ta of fa ewtere Mr» eti) ¿ 1hre G.mtale*. IVJto Valuable tugg-Mione are w»ade with r*v- both Tcrti^irte*; and ' S*r.'h-« Jow'l* F BiM.ii.qt . ■ a*» to lire huemea o| |fa Territory,, end re- ' Wtareee; we hare foil coni lence in fa Ite- 1 r.,bbc Proante-Vueet; St! Vrein. Jreui’ wmmVnd.trm.» w-de wbnb. if adoj*teii. fl» • ^btadbfan,- eMrtX fad% hito*? dto*»"**» •’ t M»-Stivi. Ih B«rga*. Í Capiiei—I* -fro ¡¡Utehc*,^ Xsaatiu Gonrslv#,.? bonds J »»n J.i-k Glint Iinlisn' «Iff,i's- >• yijtii. j*-»»* m«. \»—Ik-nigt.o -Jerautillo. Gañ í». JiwrbT. IfovoHt. ! militia an4**far l«t*rn«l |in,ir*iVi.R«*M*—<-'»n.trl»rio Gaeta, . X* annr Vigil. Vii-roV S< Xxsin. Ha«nU»n l Ihichre-^Juan ^^••taL-e. Xsaarie G Ma. Sdvi. , _ •■ p.ddV Pi op-rty|-h.F.. Be nnett, Dniro btn.-hréVGenti-UnoGsMi». I.diriiv— Dreg® Arvbiih-ta,. Ni.iant»r Vigil,. Di»n>via Eduftetoi—Mlnfoqdi F. U-»"'*ti,~^o*t. Bo«i-: ' U,io *wtvy? and to tatter the curetam* ped pro- , Vrein. d-1»' M*-.Sure. Di »'« > ' B«»g»». im<*efawri* _ **..".* Pñ.anc^—N ««ria G»ntdi»,"'Nicanor Vigilé ■ w jmopl*-... Wv will hire txreyiw. hwiefae Juan Xwé G-“taire, •" - toireNfo* •!Pte‘>*Hy. **•*•* ta the revowrewl* Xlfort* end Lin ie-F D nnrit, Bre j «truto ttw* by fa fateltam y. nigna J «recailfi*. Di-go Ar- b'ti*-l«- | ' * "• • . .. r- .1 iirg** end Kl-W*-4..-C IÍ mifh*o i • 38T Tfa' ^r mr imrfass m.tteHr of »vf*iirt* X» Garre». J-ru* M. S*l»a| 1 ,r1 «■*?n>mittte*. Hr„fa-bn* tt.nw»ing% fo Hon. s re« • B»va,"T»ré»i.i«nt of that body, and ere the SMwenal K^pabltcan P**y eRd ft* m- aspn?». «nt of ttry admiwetratw* t»T IWvxh-pt Giant., by Mr. Gallegos, may epetafo P**ja brteW* i® Cójgfwwi, to the iateiwto. -of thia Tfortitoty i" Whweea-; the iatataete ef th» Territory and Piiviiuii—Vuvtite St:; Vrain, Jreu» commendetoHis -fade' wfah. if .a«iopted. nm ’P,“ . ‘ " ....________ _____ '*-1 «!' ettlIAeld ponvestion of the French fern en fa pahltcafa, Bonapartlrt» ato ¡caitimforé omakirta, belfa re-tais control ib* pwhloa ....... from two pointe, and tie eutreudcr ie hourly prince* anawerwd that fay would tat act whir- Gultoga. ths retal commander, I» organising ' a 6>rvq la Mwu|ervy for hirther; opterathHts-i Comne, 'the govennnteit cotuiaafeiv*‘. on 'tihe [ river, ally wait» for1- report» ol Trevluo ato 1,1 8AMTA Ffi WHOLESAW M f^g.Ls WVMCTLO SSIKLI tna TH! »,w .; °' • Omekov X, sutnítt -1 fabta b\\, S,w McmJ ** ¡ . ■ - ■"""" ——o-- „ Ohl further con» Wereitoe; there wa* no nfa taking that Tbtera showed extreme anxiety to prevent the pfineíé fro» lahlai their heate. , On. the aatne ofoht the commitidn» ow thó. ahrvsatmn of the law of exih? mei; *ho»id thby ... .... Hbhwd- C MiCetrék drteg«re Bt’v w*,te tor-repon» 01 i revino auu enroeuroin »«* "w vr «re., »..w ! not foil to sppreriat* the valer of Territorial 4 <*ti8oe ' ¿.wnhi. tliieVvfrAsri Gulroga. The Governwent official» her» (Me- ¡ abrogate the lew, thb prince* will perhaps ,. . x .-'u.v« ..v evr,H«<*. ----*- ■.■ -• - -■• ‘ «u-re-u “vre Vre-- j i «nd warrant», en-l in a UtatJi tj*e>twe»- ■ farifore . * Flampree)- conceal git news; tUré U conaljlcred A tebhsb fa cVr-ht ta.fa-Territory. r, J. R«*dveil; that eenl rMrgtee io Congrew; uulavombte to the govirtiinenL All tele- I taco- Ar, bul« is Nicanor 1 Tta un-tewn of pubbe land», .fa aettínwcet' fvom Anton» i» -reroe’-rfutiy requrteni to way ta r»eies««ry r Candi-kirn' ! fare ta atientioh. , Awo-, Indian Aurtra, > promote tfa ptogreva 6fri prosperity of. our | rar claim», public buiidmge ’ pwnpte. ,. -' and otfo-r waiter» ta intrtert awl iwiporta'nc*. i - Resolved; That a topy of this preamble wto :a"-----;a._.i_'_ _ ii Ji.— a., i .... »• _ •_ 1 reetamit-na be fowarded to fa itvn. ll, C. McCofoto^- . — Mr. Stevens wovto fa» a enm*itt»e of three on iwrespowifottee ta earned by 'tfa president ta this tweeting to urge upon the Republican» of this Territory fa TM-reashy ta tarmony in nor e«-t*,‘uwl to remmunrrete fa *ww» of fa* eonwentina tp fa Rrpublirei» ta this TVmfay .itoto'ihewntiofa.1 eotfarttwe-m W*faf^*ne. JI edge Montoya roeré I. tenwrrid the wwotiew ta )Ir.eStMvRS by inserting fa warn»» of Ben, Stevens, (Turbe B. Oane, and givwe ample ewMrwee. that «ornee* ♦* wot fom nite, bdl that be fret» fa' Lpmjtlr, ew4y'h*» mda*lri.*wjy fobeavit io brain ■ 1 *li. »t »rtvi»*w* and to dveiwe myeW for tvlire- . t Hg Ihrot; tt> 4r«Ui^«e the feeontwh. of tiw i >«<* «br Wrifor-, práa)*rrny ' Whd heppiwm of '. Vuvmarlei wpwiivlly rwwe irf the revowwrod*. E d |lil*—sXur»rio ' G-n-iefos, Pedre Sou.L»-. A'i-imre St Vrwn. • . • D oi. i- tn,V. rgís. J•-»«» Ma. Si«v •. j a |1»w«<»T'.i*vio G«ll»-g«a. -P.itilic Pinprrty—^lvan... Cristóbal Cfaecs, ■ Jaltori Sip' h»-*. I.ui» ,G' i*=gO. Ltbrery—-Witiiem Bredy, Vicente Chaye», Greg*w,.-i tiíwrtt. j i E-*ti m^Gregorio ,Ot ro. ti. S, RueN-ll Vi-ente Char.*, Menetl Ne* B'tt'kr titer for ta i . , JV Mej -r R-hrer end M1 .’. ' the Áilatrtfo end Pto-ifi»- *n*ery. emevd in last 3" i nighr» coach from th* eowth, end Mt t4*M»y for * the eait. • tW Dhth An’ocfo IArtxwk end To !an*trr Warner of Albnqm-rqu* aré m’íbe nty< FltOM MVt lU»XV> OVILY naeKMURK 3. •ROCliUlKB. " Finer, tttrn, Wrhewfh feue-’Hili, Hew. hendí th;, • .«,T.......... (ioflte. Hii>, .... ... . .; to “V ■: foaid, ftrat earitty.. 0*1 yti........... •««ferfot ti tert. 1 Ipicrfór le euupettded. I# Ingersoll'* case the pápete bare bee# returned by the Sheriff end orwd “defendant not found" Breuna* was clwfotto wjgh Mayor Befo lor,* abort time ye»terday ; the Ifatfit awtf Mell are to, inti mate relaUuM^juultfa former though opposed to Tamuiaey, bee heee "aMtee the friends of the Ringla vertoae **ye albce the coibmeeeemeot ta tegkl preceedihg agelee them. .- ” ■•” Lowtaa. Dec. é.^ Rrpufolken meeting* were held et Biming-bem and Rcmlin» yeetefaey. Th* pfrt***d**B* ■ were disorderly al. the Reading meeting nad I fafae np In a row. _. _________ " w‘i«»rk‘ Dec. 7. ' 1 .The Bree al Ptorttand, He;, and el Cowcoid N. II, destroyed property amounting Id nfaul gio ooo ’ ■'■ ■■ - The hoard othealth Jha’ve Inflfomitioa faew-tagvarloun tenetnem bonne* upd cellar» I# thfo city tn be entenabie ami Ute, Inbabltant» hate been ordered t« vacate them- ' y . Hailfex. ÍNc-f. - Two cburcbee, eeverel htowca awrítwrtw abd telegraph line* on Move Edwards l-laed were' destroyed by the hue gafo. Sbipptag eteo aulferéd c-inskteraidy»* - enter the cháimber. Thtera yecardlfig thte as a 'menace to ilw lyttoMfo, will pmmttt a pfripS»!-line fora«leffnlte typublican gntenrtneni. h , believed that the fowfafawt lie Ihba pmclpl-toted or the republic, will fell, v TM Rmpetor of Brasil in an lifonlew wM the newspaper eowwpnndcBte In Egypt ex* pMHUMrtl hlrowelt math pleased wKh the sefoma -wbU h lhe pteeeak . chewing d,^ ■ ireN**.|ita.... ... . . to erire, to '.to,.'»,.; . S?¡u,Wt,M*1 ■"■ • • Oiierr. n»fo."..¡ ■ Cn**** sfoerto... ' V.W wiote. - paint*.. Mwrlwerits............. apngwm ............ ,, hwretov...; •i, Anw*e«i|......... ffersm .. " Wsmeww».;...;.......... fallord titea O#«e. tó 151.- -' tote 4 » WjHK Iw - •- - - w ■■ a ap.i ’ w " 13 S' h 4 oe • >> w i »» lew, bw * *1 g < w » I» » 1 * " S|m 3Í U:.Vg l.'.w “Lsi 3 i’í» LN* t-.- # iit; a •>» .. . vVr-to ■ .Baancmm awwjpréw* «iqrrn ".Brewa fared» • lb to' rd* fc..*' ■ "to *i i-t. "" Bltorbed .io - 8$ ,, •(<• - » .do . « to to " ie . . Awoartb oat » te r. rts *<. i t1 «.v■■ .. KeNufay-fléti»..-... ...... • ic»rowe**i aamsHis.. .................. . CssUiwfr-e ....... . thyrtte. Meifcwn Ptaiwfle, to Barjratdv,..;. . :Fí*»mM 5»^to......... cViflr.te» stirf to ' d<» ...... tofaua v. "■*>■ ,K>. iw»tM »n vori, - to di>... Pipthft i|h *» .. ,1» J„ ,. - Bcñtril plwülc, üu ,|ei . r- .’ .Frene»Merino» de ? «Uiw». "***!•-Ayr. 'rc*‘ »*t'.ifaN. > . *> tank... Mu ■ ■'--■..,. - WkáMagww; Dec: T." ’ ■ y*mepworth froan the pw.t ofll»e cwmmBfo* reported a bill tii ivyfoe. eonxil Idatr and ainewi the atatotng retallng to the ptwit oftke ifopari-mea. - The rcatllng of iht> bill-was latrmipt*< by tilt, éxidrtóio» oybe a»«>rti*iig fomr, and the Howe went Ipte. cwheHtee ¿f lhe wfoitv fon Uw Mewajfo. ‘"The motion to .refer the 'Pteiw Kfem’n ncommcndaltoti as .t■ NMtby ■ dterwaaton, foání»'' cipated in-by Beet». ÍUfod.xll, Fnmve worth hod Nlhlack la opposition to ilfo . scheme^ 0*1 i. Dawe* In Haver I the settee» .was Anally referí^ to lhe cemtáfttee ' v- Uugt'ptt«>Hv"3fd£, Dee. 1. .. The Ire la aww totally extfogebdwd. tonat* *ftlmaleil to carved ♦to.OOG oe wbkh tbcro ie a partial iamiraw*. it fe fatted Hiai Bbaak of SmUhberg awl Henry Bester of Hagrnuoo are foully injurod, 'Á**aa If foe, and Bcvgrai «he«> ate vevetely bun by the falling *4 th*. - ,enp<*u One oilht bodlea burled la the rains; ba* been recogniard as that ot J. Flejrdering* a ffteéan. 4 ■ ■ ~ i’')-' Í '• ,' 8." *' n . '. ,-. IhliOtoM .Sm't*, Met* wt.fato.-’re't'. ;,i to * * to b-uvr i« ,4lty...... to fo «K» «.ifí... .,. • ; to.-*erré*flát^gfilí>.«.,,." i'-ua n-'» top*' dó ,to#*i»lry.... t.i"- »>•< towwti -to to,to.¿.... . . . tobliitahsmirrtot.i...;..-.. , <«. to aarfamri» Ji*?* .to , to wwM to*»* fi-is .............. 4» tos«?wM*’»«.;^.. ■'..■íüSSBE::;-. ::::±: . Lf hie ere HelemrsI» p»t to*.. i, to’.<>Vj»l£i«e$h-d..... -, to ■ .to'ten«e*Mnx>‘ty.. X.. Ct»ihbW»|_*e»wrtoa.......... re»w..y. V;;: ."V Ikvm.. : Mere llw* wwe< fon» ycr-*',|r- . . <*Ae*wl - ".#»;to.. to •r'W-*«»<..eidonx;_ to de . ■ toBretafa to. :'to to fo'Rjbfo ,te*to- " - * to'»» •k ■ , Chicago. Dec. e. The Tribune'» Washington epevinfomyp a ______________________ ____________. ________ ('paper réqnrettrig SecretarFish to rccohsMrr '■ |3P Col,•'Pr»re, 8th' Cavalry, ■ I- ft .for th- ; hi» dctefimnatiuti to retire from the ceMerl .state» yesterday ew. lesee of abw.n*y jU<*».: and etora'l»,, on 1-faWity, ■ tlé ¿as had scvetai plain.Iilnta. Wiídrñetates'tareh Si L>rey„ V. ler, • beb w | ' Tíre npfedntment nt W. B. Irving a* rfalster La Junta, were farind -Bp. during"ifa efaetoe•! tfal»twl‘.-^ecie.l* Ctak I* regSnlrtl hy the fro* toaré: ateñl»y élréti-d interpreter fto th* Houwe.of Re|»ré»*itot’*ré;-... Th* proewedi^ga'being :ei.*' , ■ . .. .... -; .- • v , .- — wad éréirély tomlmted to fíp.toh, uni tony ,,fafa«tow*tolltfa Ute péfafal actolfa. 8fa, of the to»¿ib*H' Uta fatotofahiigg «Mt la».-**•* •* W»P«Ulta gtog*, »ofcpret*r réitotanrély e*«4ta|.^d Ll»Ofyfamyrwhile fanMIwg ..fate- previdin, for; SZj, bui' tltet m- ;tbe".[*«tofaI6ii of pfa-;w.einto tfa tmwnréiww* <*f ■tbw.toeé'fe*'^ goienMn*?< *X allow' ibe .-'pér- ;'die*‘ to.- -tytafairet-i' Sfi'íw w dVrért »1iity'-wi»ly‘"»*: r ¡Kro*t/ñtorprérét.' to*F bea ’e 6,1.1 -Ma*.* I . '^"b» the and canwK but giwa entire eaU». fectwti. . • . . 3 U-W ; reu>»lD. The secret of ibte owrréfiept la the . Agri'-ulture and ' Manofovtwre» ,-*• Vicente (*litv.-»,ijo>¡t Ant* «io^Rfomr^T». Isidoro Martin.. "' Fm*»»'*—M •’•‘tvya. Eugenio 'Mórenfo,". - J jarr Antonio «'kh.-fcsiv;, , ” "■ ' * Mjtoe and ’Lento—J... R-> Jfanaow,.?Loí» G i.-e-i, Jui« Cristobell l**»*"»: • Elf^rione ■nrw Otero. ^;«nr«it-o Banlnhel, J.»* A^íbrercro- ' y í'. E..toM RdU—M-nucl Ntfrwrefo J®í* *■ . «:uó»-m, Stlyenfre Abeyria.-" '/>. 1 y E«icrO’,”-d i*trefile CÍsre»- Jueti C. R «-*i«'rm. Fr^wvwrii» Sendbh*!.-' ■■' » .. '■ ' But hariwt. Dee. Tbi Roman govemmeet ha» received a protest from Constantinople aaalpid. the coo-clOTttto of a to-aty with Rnwlo made two years see', relative to cousntar jerfadlctton,.««n the ■-grñeed that k t* la. vtniaHoa of- the treaty of Dari». Thy protest to nutfibrtl to the laffneuce -et Printer Bhettorlt». .who «aretes» of l*riwce Charite induces the Ihrtte toAawrt Mn seies* elgwiy as a pen oí >he gwc with Resala. / . « . • Pert*. Dec. ef*e-,txmmeMat la brinefoir lhe Mte wfr* against lhrir;foadenk_" The Moftwoe qeewlfoa ptmeteea •»v Xv. ¡jaré- Martin. E'igré *‘Mot*-nil. , ' tV.Gnv.'/.Ciddii.ig* ft¡r|rve:é4 -fi'rt «nndat '■■ '.;*re»»ije t$ir¿ iwrttoLs/^l'wr^-hítPwfoiib^"**; • '■',towltoto.'*'.:répy-.'»f'j**'T' #?■/. k1;ré ««*»- v-..'tto)^Í¡y«for- BuHfotoitiy-' in- -*ir •folto«n*.,hiii for a ■/<'^u^S»/wtÍÍí-leí weí yjiH"' elide ,1o giVe to ah' 'rfl ■ .- ■_•. itofa1.- ■'i.'!*'‘'''t--- ■■ - - S/í 'C;" Tii* ,ád*fo**réítito -of., th*. < • |7<^-foi' - k» w mkhcxn. - * :>í''í ,r 7 ;■•; ^-,y; i :«<»'■#;*<'w.-V. \ <• 'JtgÍF'- *;*ff** ■ reímfo"" KL' .8sto,i*yii;*te 'j v;;: ',to*'--í*faré ;tfo:°fo*vW»|?ri*d/: '-MÍtouíb*to'. ffa.-^.1 j'ñeréni; /'. r !Íré'¿M..«x«i-ll i ey'd‘...i l'.íwirti foí*foré::"v Tb'to; €■ -¿'lto'étt.fto'..*retey »i*tojhe !£■■■■ P»re: <..0*1^?»^.í 'Z*v< ptoln-i»e íFlterrefdta e»wnr»M r bt» fiiM aonuat mt»- injury to t^e mtereelevilírW M*xu» by •ueedu'i j'Jtiíifoíta Sií^'ptihiréírj:^ 'S?,*Íe*‘X ______. ,v „.. _.. . fovdietr ■ betío* tw.nwke ■<>*•**to*1" R■ • «f*wd- ■ Arta’#** T -»: to>'far «itw»*a ^jlrii-XréN •" ^'fatofo'.^We*--. toUto '.'••'''"•he «**r ’ /Tír PteA^g- We,,ul* •'•Bt* ,^wd D<* ' iréíd T^'.ryí¿to' A Tim , O' ;....... ,yf W íl Hereto ‘ ................... ...... ■■ ■• —-I'lT". fa’Atatoré •ta*yi|ftor**“’ -.ftotowto t 'tote* 4-f to*,a ;N$.' i^*to'to;«fa .etoy^.-- ■ toréeoextor» ■ , yr;. ^*é5fo6tn^w;..i>»;wrrk, i?ó’Árr’óp|¿éii^iw?Ía ■«^•t e^a'-N^.tJ.rMlfoWwo'foceiitl^etetegi'.ftOOt,. wm *- y#|'-ina*; «Ifr ■fositriá. W*¿Itrnmw,. eiilwr rwa-^ • br<. her* WW<: ^*^/?*yw*iiuv4iy¡» Nw^''w«Jk*wl.‘., Üwl«n-*ave freew drawn wp M< **ti be intrifr dored.ln both teme» tré*»*e ’!*»’rétré*- --'They; teül provide, that.fró*nwd alter' tifo'wdtotek*' wf^’táh» mflrirrégrs aheff. ¿te .gneerrétoetto1* liwlt'to'.Uré'Uwii «f fa Celicii Btuito, faí ihe ntarélagé nfottane 'réa' UfoA <:.: vv/' < - "-.^J :V to?T**' nwwweefa**-to' Wfa et ... Atrito fffréré to--rétoíaieit to Ufo Bttito :ifa^toitoi-tofirSlIj'. ;:.i" '■' ■ X,\V ^?:'v ■ •/There-yrejre iwe«^^ Achewtiiw.! :4. :V‘. 'i .■i." । ni-.-w-eim Wsivtioe ;toxxon.-ei« BMTBD Sr xtln MStliteT COVRT.,» TauMtt.av ui Nx* -Meatcfo,. y jyirfo «MwNJ Dwuieu ■'. - > -TM-'tinitedlWW!'. y .-" ■y> HJk.iger.imd."- f•''. . Elisa A,'E«gwr.ta» wife*. | To 5e*wa Mt Edger wed' itiea.'.* Bdgwr. tM alerto tf^imed-.diifewduhte. .'•■•■.•'" MlfaVit havmg-heen' fad toifaifan* et tfa eta* -f jmM c»*t.*>whqr that y*iba tato* ' fepdent» :*• .Ufa, res’drút* i< the Trifa-iyX Mexico, and thSrpoWew' emmet. be .Mtofa you toe etai to**» M..Kv«W.»fa.'«tfa' A, ktonr hh wife, 'dre- therefore.fa.eiiy refanóiM toTnotawd.tofa,;bH réyta* .bthwe-toy:Di>btd' Bi*e Dwtrid Cuan for tie Xm Jwiichd Dt trttt of the Tn rttmy *f Bnw .Mexko <* the fast *y of the nrat Mon ifarW. te t*/hegéñ afa;hew at fama Pa in re*i dlwrtri w. •!!*■•*< M**ir ■ nf fetawri* A. M- IMX th*» **<*»««.to pS** USS A .. • The Figaro .nays fljhirinr have, .been '-semi* to Cbctboerg wHd Brest to 'have Veurel* .prepared toreftdeing abont the .canal of'Frenen and . repreernt» tl&i< theae-., wiral pretnntfoen, are take» to prewwi anotitet retotwfew Elba. -,. ■ • -. rt 1*W¡aMS¡toñ¡JDec.-T. -' . War» openutoMtoB^te^tod fihte’moeningi lnfore iN| «fata*, ■tavnetigating'-totawtimfa fa\*tvfaNd.' nfa that. ‘awAber tetatily fa Nfa ametb* bg^faiVáfatohfafaÁÍ^iM*^^-. .¿ ':■■ ' ■.. In*.. M«*a f**tifa:wMjfaifafa-e** M'ttoi «aifowfa. «efata te'taffHtolntoilfa *;MNwÍ^Nr*WN^vv¿^i'<<>i'rr ■<. ;lM*fa' W:;*rfafafa*;‘ fahg ■ **: to <) 11 w _■ u <•« « »’w .yf.41 ,j MW 1 .■ iinat-iek . • .,» jo m it * 'luitteto'-''- ^7 SflSili ;6® i Wr S*to.itogL$S sl-iT ■w ,.P—x-;,.-.-_ -i-j».-. iii-ai'-Silii WT'-'NRM Si l: gjyCgHHB sxfr'^yis^^i :':v :-Btttícr , - sis .■^V^.V.. ........ .., -■ ■.-■■»5-^;gÜ¿rr^B€T Ss^íkS"1 | w "/■< ^r*Nll!TQ*y OF-KKW -MRXWÁJ ■;Vtoe*#r»i«*a ihitefor cerei» ( ..Á"-' • -.••',?NtotoFto8tol*Ne*'1"' >■' B^lwthtawik'',: "-/'i? <»ÍIYDOW BJ^gÍ.RTí ..". ".-.■ -flyewie-M»