NEW MEXICO METHODIST. VOL 2. HCM'OBKO. SEW JtlEXMKX. NOVEMBER, J-HKfi. NO.2. New Mexico Methodist NOVEMBER, 188B. Turoxt.rPK-iTe»T*rr UKLtOHersfKmouHAi. rrnuxnniu’ie» JUnri- 8. W. Tborntox, Editor. We have put the ■utao-rtprtim of rlw- Xxw Me*K-ii Mkthupi-t ni Uh- low |wk«- «JO« The American Mission held it* find Albuquerque C'L. ' session iuMaedintely tallowing tin j (.'ommnniaa aen-iycs. ' Bev. W. R. Kistler was elected sev-'jwturv. The usual committer» were ¡appointed wlio in due time miidelhnir Inppropriatercpoits. The Suporinte»-•leuL Rev. fi. W. Thonatou. presented I-i hopeful report << tes work Ji is I prharhers an- erarb- all aow meu m Antonchiro Chilili. V.eaejoa, Baña Ana. El Emo, HHlalwre. La Joya. . L:m Crucca. 1 La Wcsdla Valley.. "Tee. .Chavez, ; sublime thought that. -Christ uradtB- AIIVEKTIKINO KATES. H.i»i :.iu HUB । aim Subserils-fortl-e Mkthodist, ire it is w*s electol eecrrtsy. llHMinl_vrrlÍHÍoii"-peñ|*‘" " .Hui-U preaching cannot tfail to tin good, if the . people-will only hear. The closing hymn was. ■•hi the in* rtf(Christ 1 dinry $owvring-ii n tlie-wns-k* of lime. All tiie.light of sacrril «on Grtthera round its head stifillíñe."" Tlie writer felt that it was an hotn well s|s-nt, andwrm one of rrert! wi-r jdtup. . A Ihraut.u. IT ELL THE TIN'fl'll .1. F. Cordova .1. F.T ótdovn. x boy twtiwween. alii as- th. ini T. M. HatWomi p<,riant writlies.-, in a lawsuit <*ee iff Springer. ■ - • \ L. Erampton ,statistieal Tao*. - joy» «ft tar world, with all #a HmzIHik toys; Fin only a you nr irirl now." "3ba» KlifhHIa wiMnaifKiwy wek jwm,. Wfc-r hi-art luU nt can-- end doula* luid rear*: -Fvu krpl pultina off ihi-Hm<- to lx- voo.1, Tn*te*ili>rt»wlni6nir to do a* I nhniihl. Knw l»(b> XHnrM. Iwin to 4" rtvl* . T.nle>. whetbet skk» U- dxrk or tiriirht. ,M»k.- other* heppy by.m«*1 or lore. Ua.killK to Jolt* tor hrlp from *lw»e. And lhi-n’ll U- happy no». And u* the year* )»■ > on--Sil‘ OTB LATE ANNV AL MISSION MEETING. last annual meeting ent by the native preiu-hers Lu «arrying out a siell wmruged programme in which were pn-sr-ined eseays and discussions on the leintilig dorlrioes of Xl*e .. wiio iius Inte-" ly -come to us from thy Roman Cuth-olie church, preached *.gnrt.d wnnon in SpaniA. inleiyretetl by Hon. G. " M. Sluur. At liigin the Bishop preaeheti at the VUun-li Bev. L. Frampton interpreted the Ht-nuon into Spanish AJ-ter which Hie Bishop ordaineii seven of uur preachers to elder's onk-rs. assisted by Revs. S. W. Tlurmton, W. R Kistler and the writer of this article. Rev. A. A. Kidder, one of the preachers thus onlaintsl. is ie the American work. The appointments were lheu read for Iwiti.- Missions, us follows, WÍEW MEXICO (English) MISHIOK. Superintendent. S. "W. Thornton. Albuquerque, J. S. Smith. Hl Faso, Las Cruces, fl. 1. M. Bogers. Kingston. Las Vegas, Baton. Santo Fé, Sliver City. Soeorro, Springer. .new MEXtfoe araNisH hmhion. Thos. Harwood. SupcriutendenL .Albuquergue. irivid Alvs. K. W. Chase, W. H. Kistier, á. W. Sinnock, (1 J. Moore, A. A. Kidder, A. B. Jones. W. Thorntow, J. Raodoviti. Alex. .Man-hand it. J'urp.s. L. l-’rumptou- B. (iutiem-z. Jleuito Garvin. AN" JKH R S WORSHIP ithe ilnwyers. lifter .-eqin~tioning liiiu si-verviy. said. "Yoilr father has Is-en telling you lion Io testih. hasnh I Illi"'" -Yes."" said the boy. ■iN'ow." suid the -¡nwyrr. -just tx*H ¡ uh f»w yourJatiu-r tohi you Io lesii- •fWell:" said the'lsiy • moflen! k. "Ta It was al the Metiimiist Enisoyuil be. The prayer wan apprupi mt f. The preacher read, a- his ■i.riptmv lesson, a portion of. the 1st. and 2nd 1 chapters of Paulk J JSeisUe to Un-' t'orinthians. Then announced liymn No. 238, • Jesus, thy blootl and.righteousness My beauty are. my glorious dn - i. " 1 Then preached, furky minutes, from J Cor.. I: 23 and 24: eouuncneing. -But we preach Christ erueitieil, etc. In tin- scripluiv lesson occura the .text from which the Rev. Mr. Nicholson, the first Methodist preacher to New Mcxii», preaeheti, in Sonto Fé, Oct, 1851, just 35 years ago, -And I. brethren, when I came U> you, 1 camo not in excellency of s>>c<.*ch or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testiiuis uy-of (>od. Fori .detenninciLto know nothing among, you -eave. J oh us Christ and him crucified. " I Cor. 2: 1 ami 8. Jt was.a good sermon, well arranged, olear and forcible; and well cal- j 1 wistlil just Is- can-fill and tell (lit-truth I i-Oidti tellilu- same thing evv Tin- ib-v. A. B. Jones, the nerrb api*>iiiUil iuiiiiwU.-r to plaiv of the Hex N. W. Cluw. nhowaw -a|. pointed by Bishop Warren, to Kings ' •"i. "is -n wvWH®cd niisiioiuirv from . Bulgaria. i lie went <>ut to "Bulgaria hi JMRU. .. • Wastot Tunmva until ISd*. tiiem-fllto I Sttdf until 1884 Hud elinrge of our Theologiinl School. B-'tilpird to ' 1881 on aii ouut of sidcnoee. He went out from Amiwrst ('oik*.-when- he graduated. His wifi- is n grmiuaU-ol Wiibndwu Seminary; We beapeak for Br«i. suri Sister Jones a [dca.-wuit «ml miiiv—-fill y«*n with the go-sl people of Socor»» And as a resilient of tite-HSein City/ .1 cungriituinti-. our people in being sc. fortunate as to secure the service*