_ ___ _ _ _ THE DAILY RANCHERO. VOLUME .1.' ........ ____ IL MATAMOROS, M EX ICO, FBI DA Y MORN 1 NG . NOVEMBER 3' 1865' n. a. yai.roTr.... souths tissrir. MALTBY eV KliXNBY. Editon., I’utd ¡fillers ntnl I'ruprietors. DvR' U) V‘.-Ü;UÍTÍNÍ;7.7... Omc'K on Tkuan St., AKati iiik 1‘i.aza. i Haí'KÚ ok SviitmnirTcuN—Daily, per ainiuin, in eivwiraiy tie: hull'yeatly, t:>¡ qu.m-uly, montldy, ; Hiligle copie-., IÍ} Ratkh or ApvmvHHINO-l'<-rw|mué of eiichl ■ . luiCM,. lUit. iiucitioo, il.ál); each sub.tqucut: ".'el Rady, itm-rtlvn.tl. LiiiC'tcil reduc tion lu reguiur pu-1 bum lb-.-in. ur do wbut you please with ta-'in ; mir prívale opinion i», that you " - hud bet ter redt’l and reform ; I-t " Wink, the lamp iiulil* out to burn. The iile.,1 simier may return." As to Ila- assiissiiintiim proje ct, we will suy that ueexjHict lo cut uur meals mid enjoy our rest as usual. A rousriouscie-.i ol duty piiiTuritH'd gives a k-ehitg of per- Luter from tiliu Aorth. We imvc received Nirw Otlcaiw dale# tu I he 2,‘iih nil. New otiK. Oct. 21.— Tim cotion tnuiket win dceidc'dly inttro «elite and linn tit day, middling closed nt fi'je, Gold closed tit 146<4. >itelling Rx I NUMBER J4O. The Il it nt-In-to IhreainnetL I IQr The firiii <4 Un-Hbz & L"kber is । I d ironh eil by mm mil cottseiit, published to day, 1‘tnbiT 1 st. 1^65 change IO9*;|'. Xkw Om.Rtxi, Oct. 24.—Cot ton 56c. Gold 151, Inn Ratu Gkn. L*.sl briflunt explicit.* o! the 1'nmch mmy wgaiu*l ih'.- AiuV<,mid tin- ci.iibrily of the Z-i'javes b-t ..operiur í.u-* Illi.** IIP TH. Oil' ....... V'l-i-t II,UT- UT.VII m«» ijiur I VUiFMg' iei • tbv (k-purum* of H i^raiúk i,t iKIá, in- Lr fd. ih.it if the j.uthur «ítc hIih- todav b ■ ¡ 1 Cfiurilt Wuik ral T *rc»fiui< .or. I # ...1 < t . . i w, m Ll uc-.n < . Ju m.,........I, * u ... * P /. -( t V 1 V 11 f 111 V 1 1 f i ' T i- t » . (Finni Hie Mrxii sa Time*.) AAX1K LAVUIK. _______________ rpHEbitoiiii wofnm firm In thi-,eil. w>ii b. , HOTKlji Itl'STAItlt AHi'l'S 1 c-lo-ct by th,: Lilli of November n. it. AII ■ . -í'5* « ........by tin: l.flli of Novelnh'». ». ,lt. .ill • perreti" hiving ulaims against us wifi ptrxn* । . th,-ni for sctltciueal; and ,ili |.< r„>u< ' .......1 ure rc-iunti-il to pay prertou# m that itste. Due iiotim will lie giveti of our f-ilure ' . "..t'tITNAM A c f). I!. Mntsm-'rna, (let. 22, lFi;>. t n -t M*T*Hmu»i, Oct. iy. I 1ti.l,l..!i M.L'o "i/71 " "'I'l Hrfw.peitiu'i'Mliip |l,n.i,g’or,Mi,tln« in this IKiil k.M) Minto. It 1* pmutui lu re 1 1 city uudri Un* cty),- c-f »'«. .M-mia t u. i ciiriHhai, I'nlwillislmiding lire a bit u! mid 1 iMrma tld.- ilsy ciismlved by mat-nit - -in«-r>t. “ ! rhivalroiis iiflc-eiiou dl-played by Mr.!’** Dmiglus in hi* tmc-in. Io- clul nm ubtiiin , ; the h, ri'iice for a wife Mhe was uuirriid ¡ | tn Mr, Fi'i'gusuci, id Ilriiigdurrc'dt." 1'liei IT ■ '’I'ciilnl Vi-l-ei have- bra'll so CHUl-'l flmlig. 'Lhis lender and chastening «can writ- ' in n:nfi. he -\tr ,.r V;.,„ ««Irtrteil leu ill 1G85. by Mr. Dougtajr" uf Fiug-liliHl, Si iilluud, am! *ddr<-#sed to Auaie. ■ liHutimi. i one of the itriir daughters oí Sir Robert 1 ______ । 1-nurii!, first Bnruin-1 uf Mux we tun, by ibis second wile, who w»s a daughter of rrni’ I OLLL.II k ¡, pinl)(u'5 lv PB.UVR.USH Ml6‘íT*Kll*tV» 'pilE ftc-t virani attarhmf nt of 6he Procrea» Motive wni i*x Ro-nfeikofl on the ISth lust. f <'r !',<• t.. eptimi And itC'''ioim.>d*tio» o( iU <'!d .111.1 II fm r.n". I ii.ti.tner. Mini gurttl. .\r> |i4iu< iM.e I,iti> spired t-> intike tbr /•/.'«• ,r ft HsT^UIULVT th< iii'.st ih .n*. aith#y hr • . f Mr. Hr. 1?«vkhux* wiil liuuidute the Li.li.e-Hof " I Ihr Ac fn. ’H per).io vjl|ir |mu)¡. (<> of that insulting sheet cntitli'il *• Ei, Ran । would bl' extorted in the event uf the out v - - CHKRO i Itwiefure udiiMi you to eoine . laws taking this place Thu l.st as made ! ‘ over to this mdo william delay be,-mH.. :i7h ,mures. im ii you me ¡inphii-.i-Dd-.d, u tuiefc negm im, b'.-c.i dctniliui to attend to your cn-e ; sucli 1 being fire ti mini mom verdict rcndi-n-d : nn'ntiutihig. Ihe sum of miiuey winch I against you un ye»lcrday. Il you tin in it í i’ie^e nmne* stood for amounted to neurit1 droiiyour pen and aiistuiii fnmi following: ,|ir , „ |Hi............. , , , , . . , the d.uniJs of your nerve-i-.-l ¡'idem. nl. '* " "h ",q "'ld H':V'h 1,UI,drvd '" 1 |tl:'[.ar». Aecoiding til this list all wvre to1 In- robbed alike, if the bandit* euidd only ' , t:d,e the eiiy,- initeud of taking all llmi 1 ■ any p.iriii-ui.ii- mm possesses. Nolwith-' slimding this li'il there is iiiiuiidimt evi-| | ib.'ucii to sliow that a general robbery was • I conli-inplnteif, «ml n precipitous retn-ut , was tu follow. We now think the retreat geutieimin of our ar quaint unce 'aZ,,U V e"uv- 'l,lWH ll,iH l,l“eo 1 “» -"-'dv . Hto-rd lu the white puuuie. ; ........, .........ncjfnoiudcdun .. ' j . , ■ lureigi. vs mid Mexicans in lhe city worth | * ■■ " - have (NJ. Mou-by arrested. Nkw Yung, Oct. 2'1.- Advlcei from ('¡iiuhuton Fay that rniii'h cxeilenient prevails ut Bi'iuilort, cthieertiing the miner -ship of the Sea Island estate). The ar-gruel having un impressim; t|ml the esta tvs Lad been given tu tliKiin on fright. Gc-ii. Bennett Iuls I.ishkJ ¡u1 order pus. j pending the mgaiiizullon <>!' colored mill-i ti-i in (‘Imrli'.Huii, in having a tendency will immediately be rruulc but without tin- ¡ yna cue uripieiiend-.iJ. u biudc negii c.i dets ¡led to attend to your cn-e ; the day will nriivc whim you wi'll rm_____ her inc. Th‘'ii yon will ,'Xclaim. O me for not having follmvi-J Ihv uclvi.--,' m a friend. . Without tinyihiig fiirlln r to udl, emu mend lie' sentim mti of fm.'iit'd mid t's- org-inizutibfi was ebii-fiy Ihi.i ni-rit. cmiic Frovi-iomd tlovernnr nod Gcnend w "ll|d wiittrly reeiretiiz- them. Tin-Í of Algeria; but, Imping to , xereisn n clmuge, we think, has impr.ivcil tire ma-m I ««, ihtmvasuivu c. giL-ater h.liw-nw u,x.n the de-lmy ut AL-; ■» '1-' »nny of England this Im* ,d "{fir' n’x'-.L uú.t all Turk in u,ea bn” gvrm nt IJim }'rciH'h i’lir-i injclL hu wcut.j Ui'^l bíTMinr riu1ifin/il Jt ivtt* thmp H thr br*4 at rr1- in tti-IG. Iu l-niMct*. :imc) bveumrii 1 ^'rmKiin wur by tvltofr ft ^im*-nN mih! . l,D>' ln the city. I1 ul ,(hd Vhmnbcr uf Dcputi.,-.-, whi.h posi - i di vision* with gri-at feefing nnd effi cl — ! 1»tm be retained until 1H48. bating tbe -ll •hv gnut battle ul Hiil-lr, in t!>-: rvyululiuu he <-.^vrt#-ui:IJr d. u Nuutigj ______________ ................. "...................... ‘ "W*-11’’ *d gn at prmnfn- «a» - mimng 1 lilt* t lltil ** ( 1 1.^.1 ... 1 1.1 rrmlK (lv*inu< , ..... •••.....-.....ii mail l.eatf. ■ur onir -< ut th- rrrigrm Hmine, c'l.i-iui-n iaf .V1- H.J.IPOltti. H. «rmaiTinrei, (let.,IT, ISgJ -eu islands, on the oust of Caroli mi, re- ‘ lo the white |H!up!c. lump bvrgiiH-m hns been hung ul ¡ lllstrni|,m tinder bi.:-. Philipp.', m.d next '’«1 ver of gnat prmtiDe mp l.'im.f-aureng 1 —" j" Ihe Dtnhi'.ssiit 'be * Ilin." Hr hud eii-r !>-c ri an nr*1e t1 . . 'OrleaiH. !|c «us u pru'iiiioi'fi fiieiuber' lulrn'rvr df'* Annie laiirrh',’' «nd «suit it 1 hiuh< , ... ..... ot the-Cmiititix.nt m,.] L'giMinlive Asscti). 1 verysivevily to his emnrmles in :mnp.-[ AcshMir blii-N; wim I'CiiHpicnuus hi June, I* Ih, hi1 ^'i IDs d> nd body was f m,4. wfiiltn in ! the tighl ugutiiil the* imurgwitu iu Puri# ■ pencil, n ti-rse which wc have taken Ihr1 mui olliciiiied ,m Ot-u. f,’uvigmiu'n Mim-nei Ifls'rly to mid to ihi. tiemitiful and Imieh 1 r-l Wnr until Di'centhcr 1818. Hi- was n I ing sung ; i slicmmms g»d unwavering oppciuc-ul ul j Lmiii Napoleon, tind after the touj> il tlul of Deci'intfer 2, IHAL we* nrrcMed am! di-tiiiiii>d until Ju.try 9.1 V'M. fn April,1 I , Lie was appointed, by Pt tailcn a pruniinimt part in any jmti.' tira I I. ashviilc; great effort* tin- bi iug nude lu I in tutor ol the fi-iii-iiey IVlm'i- einly f.iih the ; And th tinnethat Aiiiim I.-,-irle litare tin- her jt dnhe fmc, '.¡nvti -in- her pretal -■ true. And I >r h-muy Acini.. 1 untie I if lay an if mu ;tnd die. Hit hrnw h like the -n w dtfff, Her thri-Ht i- lik-' Ih. -nun ■ JJ--r fn-r ................ Hint v TL- ¡ r kdccatioxai I'fllS in-iiiatinn. t .tbhli !i#d unJ'i th, ufrer . u-.n r-l Hie (h i .t Un. ( *(li■ i uf m .«Usui!.. pen P'f’ililfljl o« iie-trn c i r.< HBStee. Uprncd tin- tin' HrcspUuu of Me pu- Il.tY ur ¡VüVLMMKlL in iXiHiRt rrtinx KMItllAl'l;» II .M.IT A MOHO* lltWRl, fOS3n>Fuur<1X Hui F.L. tlM.nx *,--|mrr.l lb* H>t*l.1*!s JJ. Mat am. to*. hnvf imilHi hAh ¡miela luto«ne undir the name Him.i. nt: t.a t-i. M»rA*4».aoa. lo bring oti a war of races. I'h- ■ cr-iiHiiiiiiieniión lina Inn > 11 (-«<■ >•>- „,«• ,„v.ted to roo ii-'v.'sbiiy, nitt-r Iniiin-.' a pn¡ with few nu’ulile incident*. A ekillful .MlLsl i'iui lake the 8W 1 lie iisumI number ol I n Im1 ii'nn In . I'l.-ir o'linh'd Iriti- lín II1'Uli I Hi......i, i nl --Í ni -nth I.mg i Hough, unit the tale , mir íríi'iidlv. our t our pn pi i- 'A'ei I-.is. ni).’ up will) (he fui!..» iijf ilm-ei . •i-ntleiiii'ii tiny Ire t'lmnln ii.lu ll,e luinihof her.. potlin your nib.-rhi-m (if Olden tluyu Hint ii.xti'niiiimli-'ii « ■l<) onmnin;'ullurk, uulu your elv' Kill!i|vn!.“ The re iitwuyx wa* » ' good di al oí fin» ju thv Hiii' liivroiiii ft-lhiz, ’ mm,-Ini. Our pritute opiinim i•. ibid a ilic.ii.nud or lilL'i'u hundred rugged Holdier* Mould enter ;i!l tii.it th'- fiietluii leaders ................... x«(.. .... have conn....... from firnt. to iuvl, and ; "'mu- of ilu-ir muH'idnr p„w..r pri, bn,,.) iliat sine.' tin- fio Id on Wednesday tn urn '...... 'liie VL.y ir. ur li.iini, has ud.-pl.d n •Ai-y pirn, in ril.itnm in the gn,-a! uumlH-i : t" -'.i1'' f.i tiie.ri liny thing. By a''un-li. i-, mp.ii.rir.ii <>! imm'n'i's, we uiike on: '1::d r.t.T ciigldy tlirnhlllld nu ll have rein i-.i-mI II,miHnivs. Still Ihey du II',! uitm-k Ai "n-Lite reinforcitmi-iila are uti'.'.nn- e to 1 £la.y* A imidcr mid darker norther than iota (lie |ifi-"iii:ig sprung up mi Wedm-ihiy iiicht, brtm;ui-r wouleu clothes ¿nd warm li.'d. d/ail.s ,iit-, fnahiioncxelti.lively. ulh-jr.i ol that ilk. We "iii. WhiLl' stull' of (I,, of tilia city i •" l‘ l> •"!' niiMfh-iiH'uudu,, 111-. I la.Il i... ui . < . . . I , i I 1. I ■'igii's in thia morliii frani" We me ler i , |n--tsl taking ol tin- ciiy, i-lou.ly weiillif r 1 is ini net. m;.| her gulhnil def.- ul-rs readi 1 iru or- OI.I'IUI I III CUI til. 11 nV ¡late i lony ... ,|lrm, I olher i'itii',1, mui pi|i t"Ul ;n |u । lll,|i *'■ i,H l,l|liey ci| iii.'tc.Hiitg it. Wi'lcniii that Un Iririjlliaium, ,l"11 ll.v P,liding imylhing. nlul........................... it.I! HlV. which Oiirr'l.t to ...........i nr ful-1', whirl) tiltil lll-imi.e III f.i'i'OIIUrllrh thill objmi... .V, r, .VrO't. I ' I Ul- IHI, II in, 1 ur sun- | n.ishingyc Hft.r.h.v mmudng w„s I,. ¡sic rmm;" "K i,*w.ul,ll' 1'l"»lh<'gMiphie -'il’ld nnid nine '..■.-Inel. in the force,o-mJ "i" r,,!"'liH' , A “ki,'iu! lU1U "ll" l;l,iv attack in fnrw wim iittcmpf.-.L iln-l i."d 're °f lhti el'y “,ly 11 ke-'ping prod.-»!lybevnndth... dead ! ',Y ,'1,,l,luw a!ui lie Mtile. Here ure we poor devils ut' i'llifc'iix, i-1, । luive now for sunn1 litu- been [ erig.igi-d ii, the emlenvor to hold up the | lamp i-1 truth, and thv emm of ju-iiee.1 rii.'l ii 'imimiti' th" puth of peace'. W" t^y* Th ' enemy put Im th n pompous j “iH .......... by du mmn.'-lu ou the ,'JOtii «It. ammum-ing ¡ «'isironj1 "yet ihiet- Jays r/h f .MiUiimui'o*, mui ¡ di''iil ili'U the taking of Mntmiiorus by 1'Llo «"mid l>e mmc.iiuced. The i I .st: <<>M) ¡THF. i'OVtlSV. *ndi mi udilress, Ihnl the decider «mi | ______ _______ __________ ire furnished with vulunldt'advice So___ one hud the ruiwsily tu tnake th- »is-i"i roll svij i)i:.x ai t wiroitr t* < t.oroe. u. I । m i Mn , H. >i im. ran, Mil I 1 r .*<> it MKXtCU uliil I'l'blfl, tin r.G 11* Pitornssioy ■ I c «•<•!> Imported, 'I'l'UII'l.. I 11 IIS l*| log ■ li M (M l Al It'Ui;, -ii ' Ju • slllii#: 11 n 13.' Alien *1 Cn ini.Hsro*. mg from the < *li,irli-«tmi corn-ptmilvi. I!. Miifnm iras. Aiik'i-1 1. c-iuiduw atul lierspi-ctiw. ' Hut Hie coiiere'c, the phy-Tb... having eemu-iJ on ¡ fal of the pUce. that Inv-dv.w WnLeschiy wu-not n-sumud. nnd very 1 c"m ..............................I’some very chlutcrmu» li'tlo urlilk-ry tiring mmked the events ol *' u'lr',l'll|,""««--vd. Il would be lathi tn Iheduv. ' l,ie ,T''r‘d,»>V. Tier niillaivii wight us 1 he’lmr-eti.il troops have Iwn dcdmi-d/'';11 "1,|vli"ill-v l"' "hU-uMln'iiM-Lea with lire Irom ti', ■ Mm e of eot,scii'iitii)ii-ii"ss mid I whivii bus rt-w:l< r*-d tbe tiur imp.i-.-iil-le ■ 1'k"1 'k,|,ll'11" 111<; ll,l.v'1 "C grace beLcvuk'ijri1 which lie* ('ri-iiior Ims im- Airi'-iini.i binding can bi-rei-oto,J fire (6 inted ici nil nun li'iM-iinielisoevi r it iu| rc-infm-'cnumw will ta: cm jauid. adeipi.ili-pcrverlcd by luid tumi, the liberals if) mid ' •'» hag to- muGw Jm-.a- winch Ii.ih ban h ri , Ingi'lliri' tor IIi'* pliimh-r uf lina oily miiE tli- -.hi- mi.Lug cimnhy 1 in"! Dr. Muck,')", I he rei t uily app,m). b'd Colli-ctor. yi-sfi iday. in the f-tirei, but 1 judging fnmi Im Ivikaus he nppniaehul Hie. liial Hi- hud begotten Gltf ti.lfodiu lion nt ilm Astor lluuM- on 1,¡^ ln*i vtmi,' 1 p.is-i'd. hi tiit- little huir I hate teen1 I'tlri me tmp.ijnr l.nGly, with ma-iv eariM iliynnii'd u! by flie olher r.indid.i 'I'lie pi'i'uli.ii iy heaiihy Hummer iLi Itir It wa. n fii-r led yv.sti ul iy evening 1 Hint ihe H<|'iiib!,.'es mining the unt'aW lead- । ■''bidi Un- i t!y Ims piowd i* v< er« hav*'icae'u'i! un iriiicciiimlul.i,' pitch, ¡ and il.itr bumD mu di-pi-iniii.’. Their fr.-'ii.D report ........ ki||i-,| h, the shir- mi-ir * ii-'fi'nlay mid ih" day before.— Him In kf-fpuig the Ntri-el* m a in.i.dilirm. and thuir piiNitin'iu—, HIKIIX 1‘Knpi.R AT TltH Nirnr X' W *i nrk lli'rnlil prultwv, t-. i|, ri'-tui'.ilmn id guinl In'lhlg Ik'Iw................. North mid South, mid y<-i it ¡)iii.i,.|.............: Indi ridmnii of vulgar alnint' .d ||, «... I ■xt di I iumiel.i ihL.i ..... ... ... » Mu-* nil the wutM to in,', Alni l"i linbuy Arn,... 1. ii IT lay me il.n.n anil rhe. Hh' Annie l.nur:i'. ili'iire I, IVe ne'er *hsll mart -tgim • (hr, b- k 11)1011 Hit' Imtth- th l-l. mnjih tf* net i lh'd-:ouni ruiultiiic nl of -mpt ilor tliiLdml. to'ihi -.a Ti bm HAU KARO l*etsi. fioTRL ni:i„ < t ntti.,1 .u si.ui, t'R.-f.Rrr roil*. 1 liil'l.i M I FAMuROfi, •1 I., ti:.- i- ,r of N. w Theatre .> I. UtilF MIHHnl I’nii-w I'H. f.ircwi I! t. u„,, tn * Imuoul iim'I.i H.,th » 'tin I in, ul new In-mi I y H Nae «’« •»« m:\ । M.irk 4 hr Imo I, , ,.| '1 ml it ii'ii'i • ip IL.in |>ii'.'ii..i* ( H'nttfn Ju, llr .Vi V GOODS. xu'iurnr ’<’w« TIiouniihI DoIIih*! ti* ji»t ■ i" the Di'nf a I । I pi i h-tninij DRI RS. IU DUH, M'UIIK .-it.ttMb'.ii, Pa it A-ttcii'ii.-i, RecidiTH lire ulli'ii siirpi'ÍKi-,1 and rweiiiimly disgi)*l..| ul H'.mi" siahstieil pnrugriiph in u m-ivs pupi-r, cmbrjciug miuieronN fiituris l.ui m-immrn-t:t m to be palpably iibruid. Such -• j piirngniph* ui-imlly exhibilicig “"ine eti . rioii.i results of cnileetc'd iiiiurmuiicm or - ..........-I''| u.iMriiM'enleiiUinm*, are usn.illy m.ue, i • you im l„.-,L lo ihn «.uKKnc-ti! ! at their first publiemion ; but 1„.¡IIK ,,, itsu 11 ¡i- city । fll.-in|. Imv, rimnr-,1 hl Iry V, h.c I*) deny the fulHeixic'ds which it I niters, we do (eel that H i* hi>'»h< rlmr.ieirr in huton, IL* ti,', i *d Ni w Vol Ii, ami ihal. in pindu-sJiun <>l I l"' pi||*«'l,d blither ibnii Hanim mu x "‘"'I*-Il ill'll S ,i«j|l.n to which we rej.i K I ||'"I Unit forever, IIJU-I mill 11 !ur II>1 ., I (TV. a* wi'll a* ihu exec idlnm ul id , ; | tn the i'iui al time I ! , Ih'tlHVI. I'llHldll't Jllhll"'ll III -I I, 1 mi'ii, what min in tint H"ii,ii is m>; I till' I 't'V" III I'll t ? «'•iii'T-d ilenr i, again, ii in time, o , ........... I ::i'ii Gi'c.i! and pei'u^icnt ■ i i'iui'' me <-, ■ 1 recondite Niihjc.clH, not, (aiiViihily, cmn of ||((. qu.'sumia forvmi- . • b ■ mui lb help you III .(-mdiy j'|lu llM, sub latren wus |he ydlow fever, its rhu • e ttermnmie ymir nice and rmtne ? •• Oh, they uro m-gketul. mid enr.-h-ssh' cupn-d, 1 "“'’V'™'1 w,‘" r,,,"i hy J misiilcm I Jeriumlmn! how often would .mi;i ..h-.r h.-;,,,, I».¡ i„ ,i । 31 r-f furris, of the (L S. Hiiniltuy I Im vo 1,'n the red vouumlor my wingsúíf ní"1^ “Z h* Lllti ¡• compk-l.'report of i,.., .... W1,u|i ’ ,"!W*l|nptr.i for n while, they become Inch-1 iho sumiiiry eemditinn m' New Ork-uim iu.l ye would lol I he wmg, of tire Im-................ ........ W|ul|| u nM|k,r Ulv<,lw; during 1864., He s.dd that sfrire It, oc-’ icily bad in th eh ntigt'd by the htriugunt , " . ________......... jmie of military law t'rmn the peHtspoi of in .< misprint in the figure*- [ tho cimtiiu.mt to om- ol tin: hculttikm h chics nf tire L'ninn. Mr. Han is tuirihu-tc* Thia tiuppy chrttigi' tn the •• execilriit hygienic rtlk's of t|)U niilhury mithorlth-», which, if /eiiiuve-d, h|i. dwturvd. woidd cause lire rclnrn'of llio city to Its funner unwholesoiiM'tn'Aii," Wear......................................... a I<>m to decide whether it in Um rub'*, or (he an-thnriiie*. whose rem«v,t! would hi ijig th.1 <*ierre ut (bty ugnin muter (lie domiil.itkm ....... it.'? flty, which oug'lit tuhuvi-' bi-c-ci !"iig muer nmiiivi-d, will hi* uuw i i lei etui w Uli, I lie giouml, and ,1 Ih Ih-Uit j i,, h'l th'-e id'v Viigniulii, wtiu lire doing K — ,ln iuiv,*i iwinent tni , 1 l"'1 ioi'"i'ii> inc. - imi ...............h ii'ithiiii: but voiumliiiiig mitrngi'H nod bv |pi*iu<'d in a ' Noil hern pii per muui' imu-1 tl"' lh'»t through tniin from ('.drimbii',' ■ mg by pliinib r, do Un» work, rnd thu* | ug‘> wbti'h pn>rui»i-d, cm the rocmfit i.( «■„ I Ki ntuvky, ou (ho Muhili- mid Ohm li.nl I have ,1 gieiil nullity hi the city. This is etmli* in piiiuiiifr iluinpi, iimku >-uwl >iie, <.............. ”rni>d with n h.ige mimbei ..i ¡-i. । • * ...i... I. r. #' i-.-.t....... * "Hi'* Hi" lull,ui «.dvtilivetnmttii u( (he • 'lori'd eli'u'climi ri, nmy think that i* Km prom-ds fl(*m Imitility in the race, I — hbl s • 1 n.xDK.Xhl D M'i,i, n'iigi'i», wlm hft ('iJiitiilms on Siu.'l.iy, t UI>Jh. ....ifi-iilylwu dur* rm (he touh'. Tim • HKtt'i.x , AMi |i'\j TiHiiri u im. are imw running regularly turom.-li «'HitlU *' Friend, lor your tun eeiif. po.t ip.- ’mid........'mm <-Krtum* of in. mi|h'i-|iHvii : pich„.,f I,, th.. U'.-st. A.-flier I'bo-ae., wtlu u “'I y°" U8t" * '1,1 ¡ b.'i bllie'l । ■' p sb-, in her M-'am-o tvliUtlu from you. ! „m| I,.,a Ini I < ■).,,*„ , . Illi cn|« prrfiitiisit - ■ j Ufiwil|]npiir-1 for a whll^í tht-y bt eume hith-1 lh<) «unihirj coixlitlfto Xow Orlctuu , in wingi of the Im-| cri,iiS|y nlfsurd. When u reader mevi*!‘Il,ri,,X ,,t' »'dd that uleice llioc-- prim eugh- niecxieudt'd over limmM men.: wil|, „„(•!, plu,l{rM.,ha. if he will regard ' lh‘- {]"i!M| Slates force*, tho induatnons men .laboring men, and bi* 1 them atfentivclv lie will mmnllv fia,I ci.» 1 e‘7 ‘hmigt'd by lhe Mriugunt ÍHtónu are for the which oppme ' IZhv cni? !ar Ol'^' p,0»rw-:i,,,1i The proof reudieg Of tiger.in always imeurify of life mid property. „ |ul,o,i ,lld ?„d time e.msurning operutimi. , *?.ick again U> <.ur hostile friend* I mid Uni figurn# rulatiiig lo the activo cou-* ho áeiti’oyed five Of our papera. Wn ¡ cerní rd the day, end mutteiTi of moment vrlih to make a bu=ine*a jirojmsition to ¡ to the public usually toneutne us modi you: We will t;cnd you live b urn] red j time tin d In ti or, ns I ho mil tire of nuwipu-C'ipicn of our isrue daily, tu Brmvtmiile I [xt bu.-inm-a will admit, (ire it tdwuys uuderitnoi) Uli! you ¡m t: c nanro on delivery, m.d, I'urUier, ih, puymi.-nl “ir ii.i'-k.-; w. Stir* Tho .Xorf.dk lUi.inoki- IJimti-folk», a lew dpy» nihhu hniring ol tin-whetvik bou I* of w guest who hud iii-sc.'iim|H d without going ihniugh the u-u.d formal ity of puyiitg hlii hill, «mil him it m»iv : -■ Mr. --------, ()e*r sir -Will you send Hh- wuimnil of your bill, mid oblige," etc hi which I tie di-liuipiiiil iiiadi- nnawer ; "Tin-uiimuot in 88(1 62 U. Vtniru n-iu-ni. hilly." 1 Nr Thfi Pin inns ¡ire errnting a stir hi Ctinmia. Agents of I he organization r<* cetfily vmiii'd boih Qurhi'c md Oiiuwu. «) ■ iihd Ini'i *!|ii'down lim )|ii-l>m,.| f'hi.-n । liusii.ni'l* will have bi see whclhrr Hieir ’ WtvvN lire nrrui’d, In-hue ltu*v ttii.Ulx* to differ Htufi iln-m rm m «imv Al ,uj j,,, k llt, , ivhx'thi-r ihi-y .hull luivu multon orlmcf' , for diiitirr..- Pr,M>. Jimr. i '$oed dr'hit the flrru known ■» KltF.H'U/. A A, LHirilKH dhar-lic.lt l.y .............. ....... Ihhihv bet. UCHIi |sr,< I.JAVUt'l/s LKICHKK, i p, i;Iti:m>z, A, I.Cft'IIHIl, till HU NG. tieri' »».) Il ll,« IÍ.I Ilia, i.iihTlll.ltX im-, MIHU: Mtt Itti.liN' ('UIIN KA lb. i....... '' ,)' 'll U.l ImufN l.y »k)ti' 1 ■ ■ f t >- I If, ■ ‘'i'.uihh, •I I* 'Ilull hiauusge» I MHHi I'AklM,. iit'iMreui).