PAGE 6 EL UVALDE TIMES August 16, 1979 New Businesses In Town ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦nee# er"> JI i Una linda estudiante va atravesando el parque de la Universidad, cuando un bien plantado athleta se dirige hacia ella con una mirada de interes. Se entabla entre los dos una animada conversación, y finalmentee el joven le pregunta: —Tiene usted algo especial que hacer esta noche? -No-contesta ella emocionada—Que planes tiene usted? -Estaba pensando que tal vez usted podría quedarse un rato cuidando al nino mientras mi mujer y yo nos vamos al cine. -Tengo menos miedo a la gripe que sus consecuencias. —Querrás decir a sus complicaciones. -Me refiero a sus consecuencias. Acabo de pagar la factura al medico. ♦**♦**♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦** Law Changes Right of Way On Ramps And Frontage Roads AUSTIN — Texas drivers need to know about an important new law which will seriously affect how they drive on freeway frontage roads. The change is so important that ignoring it could literally become a matter of life or death. The law, passed in the recent session of the Texas Legislature, gives traffic entering or leaving freeway ramps the right of way over frontage road traffic. It was signed by the governor on June 11, and becomes effective August 27. should be alert for any changes in signs on the frontage road he may drive regularly and should be aware that all ramp traffic will legally have the right of way over frontage road traffic later this summer. He should also be aware when using freeway ramps that other drivers may not be aware of this law change and may overlook the new> signs. Signs are being changed now. Drivers should heed new sign arrangements as they encounter them. CONNIÉS DRESS SHOP. Honey Queen, Azannette Chapa cuts the ribbon during the grand opening of Connies Dress Shop at 123 N. High. Owner Mrs. Connie Costilla is seen next to Miss Reyes. Members of the Roadrunners Club look on. * í ' f i X y T- ü I* LARRY’S CLOTHING CENTER held its ribbon cutting ceremony last Monday, Augus 13. Uvalde Honey Queen and members of the Uvalde Roadrunners Club participated. The western clothing store is located on Gamer Field Road. *♦*♦**♦**♦♦♦*♦♦ A gato viejo, ratón tierno Dicese del viejo enamorado de mujer joven. A buen santo te encomiendas. Se dice tono irónico de quien confia la resolución de sus problemas a una persona inútil e incapaz. *****♦*♦♦♦♦*♦*♦ Maybe You? Fifty-four million living Americans are expected to have some form of cancer in their lifetime. Support the American Cancer Society’s programs of research, education, and service for cancer patients. CASH MIGRANT SUMMER YOUTH RECREATION PROGRAM it reads in part: 4 The driver of a vehicle proceeding on an access or feeder road of a controlled access highway shall yield the right of way to a vehicle entering or about to enter or leaving or about to leave the road to enter the highway.” Many ramps on Texas highways already are arranged that way, and YIELD and other signs are in place on the frontage roads for this kind of operation. Other places where ramps and frontage roads meet, however, are not. There, the signs presently are arranged to require the ramp traffic to yield. The situation is especially critical where the frontage road carries traffic in both directions. Ramp traffic both entering and leaving the freeway crosses opposing streams of traffic on the frontage road. Frontage road traffic must yield to vehicles entering the freeway. On two-way roads, both lanes of traffic yield to vehicles using the exit ramp. No batalle! Subscríbase a El Uvalde Times. Se lo entregamos a casa o se lo enviamos por The Community Agency for Self-Help (CASH) has received a grant from the Community Services Administration in Washington, D. C. through Colonias del Valle, a Texas conduit agency, to implement a Migrant Summer Youth Recreation Program, in Zavala, Dimmit, Kinney, La Salle, Medina, Maverick, and Uvalde counties. The MSYRP program is designed to provide recreational opportunities for migrant children during the summer months. The CASH Migrant Summer Youth Recreation Program will consist of the following components: a) Recreation support programs will provide recreation opportunities such as playground activities, organized sports and games, arts and crafts, information tours, cultural field trips, instruction in the creative arts and special events. b) Transportation support programs will provide transportation services to such cultural, recreational, or educational activities. CASH was one of twelve community based organizations in Texas chosen by Colonias de Valle to administer the Migrant Summer Youth Recreation Program. CASH will be working closely with local organizations in each county in order to coordinate projects that will best serve the migrant children in each area. Organizations that will be operating CASH/MSYR projects in this are include the Community Services Agency and the Southwest Resource Development Agency of Carrizo Springs; Farmworkers of Medina County of Devine; Mayor Cris Gomez of the City of Brackettville; El Paso Del Aguila ofi^agle Pass; the Carter for Human Services and Centro de Salud Teen Health Clinic of Crystal City; and the Barrio Development Corporation of Uvalde. The wise motorist 2nd correo. Llame al 278-3616. Discover BEN FRANKLIN X WJe bring variety to life? SALE STARTS WOKDAIJ AUGUST 20tk-SATURPAg AUGUST 25ik SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST In order to provide parents with more time in which to purchase school supplies for their child, and to relieve some of the pressure from local merchants on the afternoon of the first day of school, the kindergarden and elementary schools have comprised a “materials list,” fvhich will allow the student to purchase their needs prior to the opening of school. SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST KINDERGARTEN - one (1) pair blunt scissors, one (1) box of #8 crayons, one (1) 8 oz. bottle of elmer’s glue or other white glue, two (2) number #2 pencils, (PLEASE DO NOT SEND A STORAGE BOX FOR SUPPLIES!) FIRST GRADE - two (2) number # 2 pencils, one (1) manuscript writing tablet (Nifty pencil tablet #2047 or equivalent), one (1) big Chief tablet, one (1) school supply box (cigar box), one (1) pair blunt scissors, one (1) large box Kleenex (200) count), one (1) bottle of paste (not glue), one (1) large eraser, one (1) box of #16 crayons. SECOND GRADE - two (2) number (#2) pencils, big eraser, notebook paper (no tablets please), clipboard type holder for notebook paper, one (1) spiral notebook, crayolas (#24 size box), sharp pointed scissors, Elmer’s school glue, ruler (inches & centimeters) WAX Oniv M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.MM.M.M m m m m Girls. Misses. Women's Sizes! Youths ', Boys. Men "s Sizes! A lovely way to organize and display all your favorite photos big 11',x9'. m size Padded covers m choice of designs With 8 magnetic pages The Touchables... School Needs with Feelings! Great vmyl covers with molded impressions Indestructable. won’t tear stain, curl or peel1 Choice of designs and colors, too Themebooks. W'/ixB-in.. 60 pages..99c College Themebooks. 9'Ax6-in., 100 pages 1.19 3 Subject Themebooks, 10'4x8-in.. 102 pages 1.29 Qipfohos. letter sue . . . . ...2.49 . Binders, bin. Capacity...........2 69 CANVAS SNEAKERS Wear 'em for tennis, shopping, logging, anywhere Comfy sole, canvas duck up pers Machine wash 27 28________________ BASKHBALl SHOES Comfy low Cut oxford with rubber toe cap. cushioned insole In navy or white with contrast race stripes' Now Of* New Of* 091 Mk ru 1T4.T4.T- A Estamos Para Servirle!! UVALDE TRANSMISSION EXCHANGE Ahora Usted puede tener su transmisión reconstruida en su automobil o troca en casi todos los casos, dentro de unas horas por menos de lo que se la pueden re‘ condicionar o Roe. <199 Rm. H.49 uy one MENS FEE SHIRTS —4 $ 5 BOYS BRIEFS. TEE SHIRTS : ( FRITTOFTHeI/BI reparar en UVALDE TRANSMISSION EXCHANGE UNDERWEAR 100% cotton underwear1 Briefs with heat resistant waistbands, lycra spandex leg openings Tee shirts are shape retaining and taped too' MENS BRIEFS 5 A 5 S 5 NOTEBOOK Filler Paper SI ★ CUPON ★ Get One FREE Todo trabajo garantizado Revisado de Transmission gratis Levantamos su transmisión gratis cuando nosotros se la instalamos También remplazamos empaques y filtros Tel. 278-5131 UVALDE TRANSMISSION EXCHANGE 205 Calle N. First Earl Beckworth Afiliado con Odessa Transmission Exchange, Odessa, Texas ^SS5S532S?5iK?95