El Uvalde Times EL UNICO PERIODICO BILINGÜE EN EL WINTERGARDEN * THE ONLY BILINGUAL NEWSPAPER IN THE WINTERGARDEN AREA VOLUME II NO. 12 UVALDE,TEXAS APRIL 23,1978 THROUGH MAY 7,1978 THIS I HAVE TO SAY MEXICAN AMERICAN BANQUET BIG SUCCESS by Olga Rodriquez Since this will be my last issue before the primary elections on MAY 6,1 am going to write in bold letters, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! Take your new yellow card with you and if you don’t have it, call the Tax Assessors office at 278-3225. If you voted in the last two years you are still registered and can vote, even if you did not receive your new yellow card. A lot of these cards were returned by the post office, so chances are the tax office still has yours. You will save yourself some time and trouble and will make it easier on the election clerks if you have your card with you when you go vote. Also, attend the precinct convention immediately after the elections close, after 7 :00 p.m. Be informed, be active, have a part in the decisions that will go to the national convention! It all starts here, in our neighborhood precincts. BANQUETE GRAN TRIUNFO EN UVALDE •I* e~e e^e el* ele e|e e^e While I was gone one day, Ofelia and Elia were supposed to file away some of the pictures we have collected. When I returned I found the pictures on display on our front window. The idea was a hit, for a lot of people come by to enjoy them. Its like a huge picture album, of our city. We will leave them for a while, then change them, so the sun will not hurt them. tfttttttttttt WELCOME LULAC STATE CHAIRMAN RUBEN BONILLA APR 1$ ■ ■■ . . "Nú V. t -% - v --U' 'U.:. ' 4 ■ 1 ■ ” i Congratulations to all who organized the Mexican-American Banguet, for giving us the opportunity to be together, to hear such qualified and dedicated state leaders, for honoring local citizens, for such a happy occasion. In all my experiences I have come to realize that it takes only a few persons to bring about a big event, so I know you all did a lot of work, but your reward is the appreciation that so many people have shown to you, and the fact that so many attended and so many wanted to there was not enough room for them. It will be a long remembered event. Gilbert, 1 know you are wondering why I mentioned that march for clean water for the Bums Addition that you organized some ten years ago, but it was because all I could think of that night was how far you had come since that march through dusty Elizabeth and Farrar streets. The Bums Addition has city water now, and paved streets, and there are so many other good changes that back then we thought were impossible. There is still a lot to do, but we have come a long way, haven’t we? Uvalde is changing, and we are all proud to be Cont’d on pg 11 ESTO LO TENGO QUE DECIR por Olga Rodriquez Ya que este sera mi ultimo periódico antes de las elecciones primarias antes del 6 de MAYO, voy a escribir en letras grandes, NO SE LES OLVIDE VOTAR! Llevese su nueva tarjeta amarilla, y si no la ha recibido, llame a la oficina de la Asesora de Impuestos al numero 278-3225. Si usted voto en los últimos dos años, todavia esta registrado para votar, aunque no háya recibido su nueva tarjeta amarilla. Muchas de estas tarjetas fueron devueltas por el correo, asi que puede ser probable que la oficina de impuestos tenga la de usted. Se puede ahorrar tiempo y trabajo y les hara mas fácil el trabajo a los trabajadores de las elecciones si lleva su tarjeta cuando vaya a votar. También, asista a las convenciones de los precinctos, imediatamente después de las elecciones después de las 7:00 p.m. Este informado, sea activo, tenga parte en las decisiones que llegaran a la convención nacional! Todo comienza aqui, en los precinctos de nuestra vecindad. tttttttttttttttttttt The Uvalde Chamber of Commerce billboard announced Uvalde's welcome to Ruben Bonilla, State LULAC Director from Corpus Christi, who was the main speaker at the banquet. Other main speakers were State Representatives Ben Reyes from Houston, and Matt Garcia from San Antonio. El rótulo de la Camara de Comercio de Uvalde anuncio la bienvenida extendida por Uvalde al Sr. Ruben Bonilla, cl Director Estatal de LULAC de Corpus Christi, quien fue' cl orador principal en el banquete. Otros oradores principales fueron los Representantes Estatales Ben Reyes de Houston y Matt Garcia de San Antonio. A capacity crowd filled the Uvalde Civic Center last Saturday, April 15 during the first Mexican-American Awards Banquet organized by the Committee for the Re-election of County Commissioner Gilbert Torres. El Centro Cívico sc lleno a su capacidad el pasado Sabado, 15 de Abril durante el primer Banquete de Honores para Mexico-Americanos organizado por el Comité para la Re-eleccion del Comisionado Gilberto Torres. Cuando sali de la oficina un dia, Ofelia y Elia hiban a poner en alguna clase de orden todos los retratos que hemos acumulado. Cuando regrese encontré la mayor parte de las fotos en la ventana del frente . La idea fue muy buena, ya que tenemos muchas visitas que llegan a ver los retratos por la ventana. Es como un album enorme de nuestra ciudad. Los dejaremos alli por varias dias, y los cambiaremos para que no los perjudique el sol. Conf d on page ! j COUNCIL REJECTS DAWSON’S PLEA Its a good thing the city council has its attorney Phil Hughes sitting with them at most their meet ings. It was especially handy when attorney (Emmett Haréis aouerared before" the council representing ousted police officer Gary Dawson. The city council and the visitors might as well have been in court for all the lawyer’s talk Mr. Harris used at the meeting. Mr. Harris first advised the councilment that they had the prerogative of going into executive session to discuss Mr. Dawson’s case, since it involved a personnel matter. After some discussion Councilman Bill Mitchell moved that the council go into executive session and Councilman Lecho Quiroga seconed. That motion was outvoted when Councilman Rodney Studer moved the meeting be conducted publicly and Rudy Gonzalez seconed such a move. Mayor Cain then broke the tie when he voted for an open Cont’d on page 2 fines for animal keepers in city limits Citizens who have large animals in residential districts inside the city limits should take note of the new city ordenance that took effect on April 21 and which could result in fines up to $100.00 dollars if violated. The minimum of 1 250 square feet for each large animal (l^orses, cows and donkeys) and a minimum of 250 sq. ft. for each small animal (sheep, goat). Horses, cows and donkeys must be kept in a fence no closer than 100 ft. from the nearest resident other than the owner, and sneep and goats must be in a fence no closer than 50 feet from the nearest neighbor. Multas a Dueños de Animales Todo cuidadano que tenga animales en los districtos residenciales dentro de la cuidad tendrán que tomar nota de la nueva ordenanza que tomo efecto el 21 de abril en que puede ver multas hasta de 100.00 dolares si es violada. El mínimo de 1,250 pies para cada animal grande (caballos, vacas, ínulas) y un minimo de 250 pies para cada animal pequeño como (borregas, chivas). Los caballos, vacas y muías deben de estar dentro de una cerca no menos de 50 pies de el vecino mas cercano. Fue una noche de gala ese Sabado, 15 de en Uvalde. Fue el dia del evento político mas formal, organizado totalmente por, y para la comunidad Mexico-Americana de Uvalde. Approximadamente 600 personas asistieron, con 200 mas que fueron rechazadas en la puerta por falta de lugar, y otras 185 que tuvieron que rechazarse por telefono porque ios boletos se habían agotado. Todos estaban alli, se puede decir, los politicos y personas activas de la ciudad, los oradores eloquentes, los pastores de iglesias, profesores, los candidatos para las próximas elecciones, y los ciudadanos jovenes y ancianos, Ruben Bonilla, el Director Estatal de LULAC habia sido el orador de la noche, y probo ser todo lo prometido, pero el publico no esperaba que su platica seria acompañada por otros dos grandes oradores de la causa Mexico-Americana. En realidad muchos Uvaldeños nunca habían oído el nombre de Ben Reyes, el representante del Estado de Houston. Algunos sabrían que Matt Garcia es también Representante del Estado de San Antonio, pero no se imaginaban que fuese el eloquente y perfecto defensor de nuestra gente que nos probo ser esa noche CONT|NUED ON PAGE 2 Laverne Rodriguez Named Miss San Antonio Majorette I- W:- ■■ ■ < i 1' i 4 ■I H ? * < A | 5. ■ M,®' 11 Laverne Rodriguez, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Fuastino Rodriguez, recently returned from San Antonio Twirling Festival which was held at Trinity University, April 8. Miss Rodriguez was named Miss San Antonio Majorette in the beginner senior deviation. The pageant was judged on one third modeling, one third solo and one third T-Strut. Laverne came in first in all three categories. In addition to the pageant she also placed third in two botons, first in solo basic, and T-Strut. Laverne recently is taking instructions from Pat Jones of Dallas, Texas. (Congratulations, Laverne!) Vote Mayo 6 SOME BANQUET! It was a grand evening that Saturday, April 15, 1978 in Uvalde. It was the day of the most sophisticated political event organized by and totally for the Mexican-American community of Uvalde. Approximately 600 persons attended, with 200 being turned away at the door, and some 185 others turned away on the telephone during the day. Everyone was there, one must say, the political activists in our community, the reserved conservative citizens, the city officials, the eloquent speakers, churchmen, teachers, the candidates for coming elections, citizens young and old. Ruben Bonilla, State Director for LULAC had been scheduled as the main speaker and he proved to be the man of the hour in every respect, but the audience had not exnected that his speech would be anchored by two other great orators of the Mexican-American cause. In fact, many Uvaldeans had never heard of Ben Reyes, the State Representative from Houston Some may have known who Matt Garcia was but they had never imagined that he could be the eloquent and perfect defender of our people that he showed us he was. Mas Mejoras Para Carretera 90 AUSTIN-Ofertas de precios para la reconstrucción de partes de las dos carreteras en Uvalde serán formalmente abiertas el 19 y 20 de Abril por el Departamento de Carreteras y Transportación Publica. Aproximadamente 3.5 millas de la Carretera U.S. 90 en Uvalde sera reconstruida en varias secciones. Entre las calles High y Camp el camino Cont’d on Page 4