Ílílb...X3S.U®___________________™. .^ICAJL VOICE ________________________'_______ __ Tag^_ 17 CATHOLIC YOUTH charge by the OYO laembership. The station will be open two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. Products will be sold at several cents under the regular retail price and the profits will be used for cornjiiunity enterprises. Ramiro Gomez, a senior of Chaffey High School and Eladio Quezada are leaders of the project. Gomez is planning to take junior college work at Chaffey and later hopes to enter Pomona College, aiming at preparation for foreign commerce ana a job in South America., Rev; Josiah Poeton, who spends most of his waking hours in social work among the Mexicans, has assisted with advice, although the entire co-operative project has been planned and carried forward by the Mexican youth. TEACHERS MEET A new type of association was initiated last May• when a group of Mexican-American teachers gathered at the Los Angeles YMCA to plan for a Teacher's organization. Following a supper, the group dispersed to a .vieeting room where different teachers led discussions on objectives. The association's objectives discussed were: 1. to make a survey of the regions, where -we could do our best services'.' 2. to acquaint ourselves with particular advantages and disadvantages in securing positions. 3. to observe why our teachers should be more adaptable for community work in a foreign background group. 4. to observe because of our psychological understanding of the Mexican childern we are able to halp them become better Americans. | 5. to help and encourage students who are preparing for a teaching career. All the objectives were passed and accepted with a few minor changes. Officers elected were Mrs. Mary Escudero, president; Mr. Gualberr< Valadez, vice-president; Miss Mar; Ann Gonzales, secretary; and Mis.. Fernanda Contreras, treasurer. M. Richard Ibanez of Upland was ele< • ted legal advisor and Mrs. Kat.' erine Murray w?s invited to ser1 as coordinator. A committee was formed to prepare a constitution and the date was set for the next meeting. Present at the meeting were Me adames Ange 3. ina Barbosa, Los Angeles; Teresa Miramontes, Pomona; Dora Ibanez, La Vernb; Mary Edna Garcia, Los Angeles; Alicia'Cbrtez, Chino, Emma Lopez, Poj'iona; Fernanda Contreras, Guastj; Mary Ann Gonzales, Placentia; and Dolores Tejeda, Beverly Hills. Messrs. Stephen Reyes, Pasadena; Rudolph Morales, San Diego; Gual-berto Valadez, Placentia; Rogei Anton, Los Angeles; Arthur Murray. Los Angeles; Richard Ibanez, Upland; and Dr. A. Sandoval, Azusa. Mrs. Elena Aguilar, Mrs. Mary Escudero, Claremont; Mrs. Katherine Murray, San Bernardino; Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Chavez, Bakersfield; and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Mendoza, Rivera. LOS MAYAS The two youth groups organized an Montebello under the wing of the Mexican Youth Conference are known as the MAY*A BOYS apd MAYA GIRLS They are recognized by the Montebello Board of Education and therefore receive many privileges. They have had five socials since the (cont'd on page 18)