Clasificados.(619) 409 1777 jueves 09 de diciembre de 2010 DiarioSanDicgo. Servicios PLOMERO PLOMERÍA EN GENERAL Servicio Económico. 30 años de Experiencia. Presupuesto Gratis. 125'459981 (619)934-7861«(619)253-7869 L&G LARIOS Y GUTIERREZ TAX AND IMMIGRATION _____________________ 3317 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA. 92104 • Tel: (619) 516-2320 Tel: (619) 634-6563 • Radio: 125* 132297*23 o 125*139*5073 ★PREPARACIÓN DE INCOME TAX DESDE S20.00 FORMA 1040-EZ ★FOTOS $5.95 ★TRÁMITE DE CIUDADANÍA $80.00 ★RENOVACIÓN DE MICA (GREEN CARD) $40.00 ★TRADUCCIONES DESDE $20.00 LLAMA PARA HACER UNA CITA. LA CONSULTA ES GRATIS. c HORIZONTAL 1. Caballero valeroso, notable por sus hazañas. 8. Espacio que ocupan las viviendas en las fincas. 13. Cizañero, en México. 14. Protección, defensa. 15. Que usa buenos o malos modales. 16. Celebrar con palabras. 17. Tierra labrada. 18. Predestinado. 19 Zahina, adaza. 20. Siglas de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte. 21. Guacamayo, ave trepadora. 22. Dioses bienhechores de la mitología escandinava. 23 Jugo viscoso de algunas plantas. 27. El primero en una clasificación. 29. Desperdicio. 30. Símbolo del prolactinio. 32. Fortuna, riquezas. 33. Trillada, sobada. 34. Roca feldespática de color verdoso con rayas amarillas. 36. Semejante, análogo. 37. De la antigua Mauritania. 38. Forma del pronombre de tercera persona singular. 39. Ave trepadora de México. 40. Aféresis de ahora. 41. Orificio del barreno por donde pasa la mecha. 44. Preposición que significa junto. 45. Moldura cóncava en la basa de la columna. 47. Que tiene vida. 50. Embuste, trampa (pk). 51. Sábalo. VERTICAL 1. Producto graso y pastoso que se emplea en medicina. 2. Afligir, acongojar. 3. Sitio cenagoso. 4. Apocada. 5. Parte móvil de la mano. 6. Cólera, enojo. 7. Negación. 8. Confusión, enredo. Diario San Diego Utilice este espacio para beneficio de su negocio 8 18 19 20 28 29 32 30 34 39 40 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 Derechos Reservados 12/09/10 © 2004 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 9. Rey de los amalecitas (Biblia). 10 Botón gemelo de camisa. 11. Cada uno de los periodos de la vida. 12. Aro, planta aroidea. 16. Parte del cuerpo de algunos animales (pk). 18. Anestésico. 20. De hueso. 22. Turno o vez. 23. Palabra semítica que significa hijos de. 24. Rey de los hunos. 25. Piel curtida del carnero. 26. Grito lastimero. 28. Letra griega. 29. Rama cortada de un árbol. 11/25/10 Soluciones anteriores. Public Notices ■ Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010-030391 GREEN minds, located at 1837 Olive Green St. »!>. Chula Vista, CA 91913 this business is conducted by Co Partners Tire first day of business was N/A Otis business is hereby registered by the fotowaig Jonard Gil Rodríguez Lopez. -150 East II St.. Apt 810. C hub Vista, CA 91910 .8*1 Painter S Carreon, 1837 Olive Green St. unit 5. Chula Vista. CA 91913 this statement was filed with the Rccorder/Counly Clerk of San Diego County on November 10. 2010 11/18. 11725. 12/02. 12/09/2010 Ficrmous business name STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010 030388 LAS PALMAS MEXICAN CAFE, local cd at 640 Highland Av. Suite A. National City. CA 91950. mailing address. 2498 Roll Dr 1111. San Diego, CA 92154 This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 11 04 10. this business is tieretry registered by tire following Mana A. Canelo, 240 Qumlard Ave «26, Chula Vista. CA 91911 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on November 10. 2010 11/18. 11/25, 12/02. 12/09/2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010-00103851 CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner Brandon Colt and Shannon Hill, on behalf of - Rae Colt, a minor, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows Rae 30. Deidad de los Frutos y Jardines. 31. Calcular la capacidad. 33. Nota musical. 35. Palma para tejer sombreros. 36. Deseo inmoderado. 38. Heces. 41. Fenómeno atmosférico que produce variación brusca en la temperatura. 42. Alga filamentosa de las aguas corrientes. 43. Duración de las cosas eternas. 46. Preposición. 48. El, en francés. 49. Pronombre personal. Colt to Phaedra Rae Colt THE COURT ORDf RS that aU persons interested m thr. matter shall appear before this court at the heanng indicated bek>w to sIkm cause: if any, why the petition for change of name shook! not granted NOTICE OF HEARING Date December 21. 2010 Time 8:30 am Depl D 25 Superior Court of California County of San Diego 220 West Broadv/ay San Diego, CA 92101 A copy of this Order to Sher// Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, pnnted in this county Diario San Diego Date November 08. 2010 Kevin A Enright fudge ol the Superior Court 11/18, 11/25, 12/02, 12/09/2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER 37-2010-00080352-CU-PT-SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS. Petitioner. Christian Martinez, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows Christian Martinez to Christian Martinez Ibarra THE COURT ORDERS that an persons interested in this matter shall appear before ths court at the heanng indicated below to show cause, if any. why the petition for change of name should not be granted NOTICE OF HEARING Date December 17. 2010 Time 8:30 a.m. Dept 4 Superior Court of California County of san Diego South County Division 500 3rd Ave. Chula Vista. CA 91910 A copy of this Order to Show Cause sha’I be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Diano San Diego Date: November 04. 2010 William 5 Cannon Judge of the Superior Court 11/18, 11/25. 12/02, 12/09/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010 030537 % natural Gómez, located at 3073 Fairmount Ave. San Diego. CA 92105, mailing address. 3523 Fairmount Ave. San Diego. CA 92105. This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 11-12-10 This business is hereby registered by the following luana Gómez, 3523 Fairmount Ave. San Diego, CA 92105 This statement v/as filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on November 12. 2010 11/25, 12/02, 12/09. 12/16/2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 2010 030894 EC auto repair, located at 8176 Commercial St. la Mesa. CA 91942 This business v/as conducted by The Owner The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 04-22-10 and assigned File No 2010 011272 is abandoned by the following registrant Javier Chagolla Segura. 2493 Mcknight Dr. San Diego, CA 91945 Signature Javier Chagolla Segura This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk ol San Diego County on November 17. 2010. 11/25, 12/02, 12/09, 12/16/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010 030933 A) SAN DIEGO PARTY PRODUCTIONS. B) SO PARTY PRODUCTIONS, located at 610 Telegraph Canyon Rd «H. Chula Vista CA 91910 This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 11-17-10 Ths business s hereby registered by the following Armando Rodríguez, 610 Telegraph Canyon Rd «H. Chula Vsta, CA 91910 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on November 17. 2010. 11/25, 12/02. 12/09, 12/16 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 2010-031501 A) HALLMARK COLLECTIBLE, B) CROWN COLLECTABLES. C) HALLMARK COLLECTIBLES. D) CROWN collectibles, located at 1166 East Lane, imperial Beach. CA 91932 This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 03-25-05 I hr. business is hereby registered by the following Ricky A Fdra. 1166 East lane, imperial Beach. CA 91932 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk ol San Diego County on November 24, 2010 12/02. 12/09.12/16. 12/23/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 2010 029678 MAESTROS ESPIRITUALES, located at 52/1 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego. CA 92115. This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 08-01-99 This business is hereby registered by the following Alejandra S Barbosa. 290 Spruce Ct. Chula Vista. CA 91911 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk ol San Diego County on November 03. 2010 12/02. 12/09. 12/16, 12/23/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010 031376 MAGICAL SHINE CLEANING SERVICES, located at 1133 Helix Ave. Chula vista, CA91911 This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 11-23-10 This business is hereby registered by the following Maria Elena Campos. 1133 Helix Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91911 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on November 23. 2010 12/02, 12/09. 12/16. 12/23/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 2010 031729 A) REAL ESTATE GURUS. B) THE REAL ESTATE GURUS. C) GURU REAL ESTATE. D) THE REALTY GURUS. E) REALTY GURUS. F) GURU REALTY, G) REAL ESTATE PROS. H) THE REAL ESTATE PROS, located at 8324 Panorama Ridge Ct. Spring valley. CA 91977 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership The first day of business was N/A This business is hereby registered by the following Eduardo Bustamante Jr and Cynthia A Perez, both located at 8324 Panorama Ridge Ct. Spring valley. CA 91977 This statement v/as filed with the Recorder/County Clerk ol San Diego County on November 29. 2010 12/02. 12/09. 12/16. 12/23/2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER 37-2010-00104766-CU PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner. Rachel Byrne and Craig Rasmussen, on behalf of Shawna Somogyi. a minor, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows Shawna Somogyi to Shawna Rasmussen THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition (or change of name should not be granted NOTICE OF HEARING Date. January 05. 2011 Time 8 30 am Dept: D-25 Superior Court of California County of San Diego 220 West Broadway San Diego. CA 92101 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition m the following newspaper of general circulation, printed m this county Cuno San Diego Date November 23.2010 Kevin A Enright Judge of the Superior Court 12 02. 12/09, 12/16, 12/23'2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010-031792 A) PAREL REAL ESTATE. B) PREM. located at 8400 Miramar Road, Su-te 200. San Diego. CA 92126. mailing address. 8187 Rimndge lane. San Dego. CA 92126 This business is conducted t)y An individual The first day of bus-ness was N'A This busmess is hereby registered by tne following Romeo lucido Parel. 318/ Rimridge Lane. San Diego. CA 92126 This statement was filed with the Recorder-County Clerk of San Diego County on November 30. 2010 12/02. 12/09. 12/16, 12'23/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 2010 031524 SHORE TOTAL OFFICE, located at 9530 Cabot Dr. San Dego. CA 92126 This business is conducted by a Corporation The first day of business was 05 01 04 This bus-n-- s is hereby registered by the following RAt investment Corp. 9530Cabot Dr. San Diego, CA 92126 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on November 24. 2010 12/09. 12/16, 12/23, 12/30/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 2010-030161 MALIBU MOTORS. 'OCalCd at 164/ Palm Ave. San Diego, CA 92154 This business is conducted by An Individual The first day of business was N/A This business is hereby registered by the following Marco A Escalante. 1551 Hunters Pointe Ave, Chula Vista. CA 91913 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on November 09. 2010 12/09. 12/16. 12/23. 12/30/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010 031997 sunview properties, located at 4'90 Bonita Rd. Ste 102. Bonita. CA 91902 This business is conducted by A General Partnership The first day of bus ness was 10 01 80 This business 6 hereby registered by the following Robert Walton. 4-10 E St. Chula Vista, CA 9'910 and William TUrp-n. 972 Songbird Lane. Benita. CA 91902 This statement v/as filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on December 01. 2010 12/09, 12/16.12/23. 12/30/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 2010-032405 denali construction, located at 30 Cribe Cay Blvd. Coronado. CA 92118 This business is conducted by An individual The first day of business was 02-10-91 This business is hereby registered by the following William Henry Bake- 30 Cribe Cay Blvd. Coronado. CA 92118 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on December 06. 2010 12/09, 12/16. 12/23. 12/30/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2010-031946 BRIONES CATERING, located at 4021 Newton Ave, San Diego. CA 92113 This business is conducted by Husband and Wife. The first day of business was N/A This business is hereby registered by the following Ramon T Briones and Marta l Briones, both located at 4021 Newton Ave. San Diego. CA 92113. This statement was filed with tne Recorder county Clerk of San Diego County on November 30. 2010. 12 09. 12/16. 12/23. 12/30/2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2010 00080698-CU PT SC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petit-oner James Frederick Boulden. on behalf of Franklyn R Boldn. a minor, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows Frankyn R Boldn to Franklyn R Bold n. he also filed a petition with this court, on behalf of himself, for a decree changing names as follows James Frederick Boulden to Beau James Rodrigues Bold n THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested m this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated oeiow to snow cause, if any. why the petition for change of name should not be granted NOTICE OF HEARING Date January 10. 2011 Time 8 30 a m Dept 4 Superior Court of California County of San Diego South County Division 500 3rd Ave. Chula Vista. CA 91910 a copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the pennon in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county Diario San Diego Date November 24. 2010 William s Cannon Judge of the Superior court 12-09.12/16. 12/23, 12/30-2010