1........................* JUVENTUD Aztecs Capture Mesa Tourney Clash For Trip To Exposition On reviewing the past year in this anniversary issue of “Juven tud” the sports editor gets glimpse of the Aztecs in action. The Aztecs, the official softball team of the organization fought its way to win the Mesa B league tour nament. They went into competition for a trip to the San Francisco Exposition against Father Em melt’s Mission boys, winners of a Phoenix district tourney. Looking at the bright side of the future year, the sports editor sees a fine squad of basketball players and, judging from softball enthusiasts, spies a top season next year for the softball squad. anniversary issue of the sports editor 44 a * judging icui pitiiy ci » । prospective T <• •*. > Ir < 1 ♦ / 4 ■* • *f X ♦ T * ■■■ * < 1 f •V - V ■Kl yr w * ■T fex/ __I ■ 4 I :4; 74 ■ff' .A I > V .i* *■■■•• ■M* /> 38r I w Í I < 1 J <'*» • <1 ? ■* »*• ----------o--------- Some wonder why a few college students are doing their sleeping in class instead of at home. Are they burning the midnight oil, or are they------ ---o--------- Seeing much, suffering and studying much are the three pillars of learning.—Disraeli. much, Flores, I Lo propio en todas ocasiones CRISMON FLOWERS Cerca a la oficina de corios John Salas . ->lti « MÍ •- GENERAL Blacksmithing Electric & Acetylene । 226 Welding DISC ROLLING TRAILERS DRAGS MADE TO ORDER Phone Mesa 518J 28 So. Robson St. f ♦ ** we* Rj L _ <♦ J •X 1*4 • < 1 >y /«*<* ljjt A » • ♦ • e N» *•- v "... v 'S & < it 1 x ' ^Jk - j t > • 4 i 1: 1 \ \ J .4 ¿ AZTECS, official softbadl club of “Progressive Juvenile Division. Local Woodmen Camp No. 154 of the W. O. W. of Mesa, Arizona celebrated their 12th anniversary at the K. P. Hall of w fr H > Fine Arts PAINTING "Now is the time youths having a liking for the aes- “Divicion” Plans Trip to Hermosillo The ista” Divicion Juvenil Progres-is looking forward to a trip to I Friday, December 15, 1939 Plans Are Discussed For Civic Center A series of discussions in open forum fashion were carried out by tho “Divicion Juvenil Progresista” to analyze the merits of a civic center for Mexican youth in Mesa, Arizona. Several plans were presented by club members discussing tho issue. The erection of a civic center for Mexican youth has been an issue that has always hovered prominent ly at club meetings, lieutenant con 4 4 * fcrences, and sessions of the clubs’ — senior council. As an outcome of the discussions, several definite plans were conceived and sites for the center were considered. Throughout the discussion of the several meetings reports of Mr. Joseph Jarvis’ efforts in bringing about a favorable realization of the organization’s plans were also dis cussed. Mr. Jarvis is recreational director of Mesa, and with the cooperation of citizens that, like Mr. Jarvis, view the ever increasing problem of a growing city, the Division’s plans will surely be realized, is the opinion of a majority of the lieutenants and organization leaders. “Cooperation in an issue so vital to the Mexican youth of this city and to the city, is a most tangible characteristic of Mr. Jarvis for which the Mexican community should surely be grateful,” explain ed a speaker during one of the Jarvis educational s well as recreative trip sessions, this spring, Guerrero. According to director Guerrero, the trip will give the members of the organization an opportunity to see many southern Arizona and Sonora. At the same time it will M said director P. W. ----------o--------- Indolence and stupidity are first cousins.—Rivarol. per and portrait *• Mesa, Tuesday, December 13. Tho meeting was opened by a musical number by Jesus Arroyo’s orchestra and Carlos Mendoza, council commander of the local camp, gave the opening address. • V The main speaker for the evening was E. D. MacDonald, council com mander of Arizona and New Mex-ica. Ho spoke on the policies of the organization and gave a detailed! account of the progress of the or-1 ganization during the last year. Other speakers were R. S. Mendoza, Santos Roman, Dolores Gutierrez, and Conrado Ramirez. Officers were also elected for the day night at 7 p. m. Director Guer-coming year. After the election a rero has revised plans that will be 1 used with a boosted attendance. dinner was served. To terminate the affair the members danced to the music of Arroyo’s orchestra with vocal numbers by Lily Ison and dance num bers by Sally Mendoza. Parts for All Cars Mesa Auto Supply 19 W. Main Mesa Phone 300 Jovenes, que satisfactoria sido la oportunidad de | co-operar con ustedes. Algún dia que formen su propio hogar recuerden la mueblería e* still j painting were given regularly every Tuesday, and later class were changed to Thursday. Director Guerrero invites Guerrero nights -r .11 places of interest in Arizona and northern youths that desire to attend and give many of the Mexican boys who who are interested in art to come ! have not been to Mexico an oppor-i to the regular sessions every Thurs- tunity to study a small cross sec- tion of life in Mexico today. “No doubt a vast amount of knowledge about the country will be gained through direct experi — DRAMA ence as a result of this trip, »I the favorable for the leaders of the organization agree. Prospects are production of a historical play with Mexican history as its theme. Plans acted upon to start are now being the formation of a branch for play production. “Cultural and commemorational plays with a comedy for variation will be the general themes of the plays that our organization will . >> produce,’’ stated Mr. Pedro Guer rero, director of the orernnizAflon. I If plans for a civic center are car- : e*í J zs i i 4 4 Vi /\ i y i 1 1 V \ ri r> /"A 1 1 1 F ZY ried out, a theatre will be acquired for the use of the drama branch. MUSIC The Garcia brothers, troubadores of the venil Progresista’’ are booked for a mpsical program over Station HOY Garcia << official Divicion Ju- in the near o Without economy, none can be rich; and with it few will be poor. Le deseamos a la Juventuc animo y fe SHOWALTER’S AUTO SUPPLY 10 W. Main St. Mesa .. _ Paul KARL’ SHOE STORE Main Street Mesa, Arizona Drinting Office Supplies T ypewriters Greeting Cards GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS STRAUCHS ea 60 West Main St. Mesa, Arizona ffer Pens — Books Art Supplies in Phoenix, Arizona, future. The Garcia singers have been directly instrumental to the maintaining of a lively spirit during club meetings even during the longest program when a fellow tires of hearing one speaker after another. Limpieza Esmerada Siga siempre el buen camino joven! El que bien empiesa bien o- Manuel Alcantar To Sale Spend Holidays Here West Main Street Mesa, Arizona * En Este, Su Primer ANIVERSARIO Les Deseamos Felizdad Y Excito Agradecidos de su Valuosa Cooperación Esperamos Que Pasen Una FELIZ NAVIDAD EL SURTIDO Super Tire Service Manuel Alcantar, well known former Mesa youth, will spend the holidays in Mesa according to word i recently received. I Mr. Alcantar has been residing in , Los Angeles where he has been at tending the University of Southern California. Manuel received his masters degree at the University of Southern California and is now working for his doctor's degree there. Manuel was graduated from Mesa High after four years of out-Mesa High after four years of out I standing athletic activities and an exceptional scholastic record. Later Manuel attended Arizona State Teachers College at Tempe where I he received his bachelor's degree. Manuel attended is of W. Main St. Mesa Agradecemos el patrocinio de clientela Mexicana WRÍGHT 4 r r FOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES - 0 ITEMS FOR LESS « Apache Trail Lechería El Mejor Lugar Para Comprar SU AUTO Llantas Baterías ....fc- Partes Nuevas o Usaoas onys termina I Felizidades En Su Aniversario Pasen Una Feliz NAVIDAD Verdaderos Amigos Vuestros Sutton * During his years of residence here Manuel was known as a cham pion of youth activities and as a willing cooperator in all tasks that brought favorable results for youth. His contributions to these col umns will be featured in following issues of “Juventud. — •• >» En emergencias cuando el medico extienda su receta, VISITE LA BOTICA e •i: THE REXALL STORE servicios Car Market Electric Co. W. Main St. Mesa W Main St. Mesa Adelante Jovenes: que sus esfuerzos se re- doblen para que sus trunfios sean mayores en el ano venidero. I I I i vuestra Pono sus disposición Calles Main y Macdonald a Mesa Chandler