PAGE 13 APRIL 23,1978 THROUGH MAY 7,1978 EL UVALDE TIMES JAY GARCIA RETURNS TO 1- ■■ <■ Dear Editor: SAN ANTONIO SWURP Requests A crucial problem has arisen, however, that obligates us to ask you for help. The problem is in a X Roberto Gonzales y su esposa Rosa son los propietarios de este progresivo negocio tan esencial en nuestra ciudad. El comercio esta ubicado en la carretera 83, hacia Crystal City. Este es el lugar para ordenar esquisitas invitaciones de casamiento asi como formas Sr. Gonzales es imprenta. para toda clase de negocio. El un experto en toda clase de el ramo desde la edad de ocho El ha estado en Su padre estableció en 1927 un periódico en español llamado “Las Noticias” y desde su niñez el Sr Gonzales estuvo rodeado de maouinas de imprenta. Entre los 1940 y 50, su padre estableció una escuela para ensenar a veteranos a operar ñas nuevas maquinas de lino-tipe. En ese tiempo también empezó a imprimir un periódico del la escuela secundaria de Del Rio, en el cual Roberto hacia la mayor parte del trabajo. Jay Garcia has just returned to San Antonio and has announced plans to reactivate the Crusader Band. Garcia had left last November to play up North. He worked in Michigan and surrounding areas before returning to Texas in February. He joined up with Los Casinos in McAllen and stayed with them until the end of March. Jay Garcia said that he missed having his own group and that was his primary reason for returning to San Antonio. Upon arriving in San Antonio, he got together with former Crusader band members, Joe T. Campos, sax and vocals, and Henry Galvan, bass. They also incorporated Mario Cardona organ, Frank Cardona, accordian, and Hector Sanchez, guitar into the new band. Jay Garcia said that they would be recording some original songs by sax player, Joe Campos, and Albert Esquivel of Texas Talent. Jay Garcia’s last big hits were “Me Estoy Acostumbrando De Ti" and ‘Mastedonte, B.C.’’ Vote Mayo 6 Roberto Gonzales vino a Uvalde para asistir al i Jr. College y empezó ha trabajar con el periódico J local donde llego a trabajar por quince anos. Aqui ¡ conocio y se caso con la Señorita Rosa Buantello, > y en 1967 establecieron su propio negocio de i imprenta. Su experto trabajo de formas comer- j cíales, tarjetas, sobres, folletos, asi como las invi- 5 taciones es conocido por todo el area de Uvalde, 5 lo cual hacea este negocio un orgullo para nuestra» ciudad. 8 Toda la familia ayuda en la imprenta. La Sra. Gonzales es la principal colaboradora del negocio, y la hija mayor, Anna, quien asiste a la High School ayuda mucho después de escuela. La imprenta cuenta con otros dos empleados, Fernando Ortiz y Kelley Copple de los cuales los Srs. Gonzales están orgullosos porque hacen muy bien su trabajo. Aid for Crockett Commissioner rural West Texas county called: Crockett County. Although the county is small and in an isolated part of the La Hora De La Decision Para La Buena Vida STARTING PAY $ 397.50 PER MONTH LA BUENA VIDA APRENDA, GANE, VIAJE GRADUANTES, LLAMEN A 278-3616 DAVE J. GARZA NAVY RECRUITER NAVY RECRUITING OFFICE 118 KINGS WAY DELRIO, TX 7884C flore Studio Photo gr aphers WEDDING SPECIALISTS 278-4605 ESPECIALISTAS EN BODAS OPEN 329 S. Evans 1-5 P.M. ¿=XK=:----XKT--HICZDOi__XX TIRE —d KAT FISH KITCHEN voters had their ballots taken out of the ballot box and not counted for very suspicious reasons. Finally., two votes for de Hoyos were illegally not counted because of marks on the back. Thus while de Hoyos lost by only 32 votes, our research has shown that a minimum of 50 and possibly as many as 70 Anglo votes were illegally cast. 95.2% of the Chicanos in that district are registered to vote and almost that many voted. The Chicanos in Ozona have done their job. They have registered and have come out to vote. Yet, the election was taken away from them. The only way the election can be g given back to the people is through the courts The Chicanos in Ozona are very poor, but they have raised a small amount of money. They are represented by two very excellent attor neys, Mr. Luis Segura and Mr. Roy Botello, who only ask for expenses. The trial began last week, and we pledged to raise $3,000 for a litigation fund to the expenses of lawyers. When we the case, this fund be replenished by Court and will continue to be used for other cases. We need your help to raise these funds. Using the Voting Rights Act, the Mexican Americans in Crockett County set out to force a fair reapportionment so that they would have a reasonable chance to elect another Chicano to the Commission. Through a series of care-! fully planned and hard fought maneuvers in Federal Court, the Crockett County Chicanos got that chance in December and January. The Federal Court ordered new elections under a fair plan of apportionment and in December, the Chicano candidate, Sostenes de Hoyos faced two Anglo candidates. While he led both of the Anglos, he failed by only 13 votes to receive a majority. De Hoyos was thus for-/ ced into a run-off election in which the Anglo vote coalesced against him. tion by only 32 votes. Serious racial antagonism marked the election Space does not allow us to include copies of the vicious letter his opponent, Marley, sent to Anglo voters. Here is how our research has shown that the election was taken away from de Hoyos. We now know that 21 Anglos voted who live in Crockett County but who do not live in the Commissioner’s district where the election was being held. An additional 31 voters are persons who own ranches Commissioner district but who reside in the town of Ozona in other Commissioners’ districts. Indeed, three persons from this group changed their registra- state, it is important to all of us because it represents a dangerous trend here in the Southwest, and at the same time, a cruel dilemma for us. Let me explain. In many parts of the west, and particularly in Texas, you virtually need a lawyer to register the people. Crockett County was so outrageously gerrymandered against Mexican Americans at the County Commissioner level that most of the work in that county consisted of court action. In May of 1974, a Mexican American, Jesus Castro, Democratic election Number Four, there has never been a Republican primary election in Crockett County, he was assured of election in November After Castro received the nomination, but before the general election in 1974, the five Anglos on the County Commission reappor- I tioned the county. I Since Mexican Ameri-Icans make up about I half of the county’s I population, there was no longer any way to aboid the election of at least one Mexican Amer ican Commissioner out of the four. Therefore, the Anglos did the next best thing, they gerrymandered virtually all of the Mexican Ámeri- 3 can population into one C district to prevent the in the possibility of electing a more than one Chicano ■ Commissioner. Since | Castro took office in ■ January 7, 1975, he has [ worked hard to help । his people, but almost tion residence just prior ■ without exception, his ■ motions always die for । want of a second. The ■ problems in Crockett [ County were presented ■ in Congress and in part ■ led to the application । of the Voting Rights ■ Act to Texas in 1975. won the primary for Precinct Since He lost the elec- * * * * to the election so they could vote against de Hoyos. Eleven of the Anglo voters reside as far away as California and clearly have no intent to return to and live in Ozona. Next, 14 Mexican American ESPECIAL DE MEDIODIA ti DAILY LUNCHEON TODO LO QUE ALL YOU CAN EAT— PUEDA COMER c SPECIAL *1.99 ALSO MEXICAN FOOD & STEAKS New Hours 10 A.M. — 2 A.M. Sun. — Thurs. OPEN 24 HRS. Fri. ~ Sat. 278-6007 210 W. MAIN -i pay the win will the Sincerely, William C. Velasquez Executive Director 212 E. Houston St. Suite 401 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Vote UVALDE COUNTY JUDGE DAVE HOWARD The Qualified And Experienced Candidate RD POL ADV BY DAVE HOWARD, 603 FARREL DR. CONCHITA VASQUEZ MANANA Maestros De Ceremonia ★ FREDDIE MARTINEZ y MARTITA GUTIERREZ del Canal 41 Eddie Olivarez y Los Playboys” * BIG LOU y LOS MUCHACHOS ★ LOS HERMANITOS AMAYA i Pueblos Vecinos Están cordialmente Invitados! Solamente ^6.00 por Persona