imOWNS VILLE, TEXAS, APRIL 26TH, 1860 NO. 37. .i¡(.(Il ctl,ag BROWNSVILLE. CLEANS. BOOTS, SHOES Aro'.BJÍOClÁXSj. Balaklava. UY A. B. MF.EK. NEW ORLEANS. ; ChargG oí tont7¿S / ; od the Ijattle’íi bloofly ma¡ ge! 'lOStBC - > 51 I R S‘.K I N N E Y . T E RMS:'* a>- copy, one year, SI Oilone 2 ou ; tb SpunFfdi and bV.i/ii ,, S11) 0" id .use rates. \ UK A NG EM EM'S. Alexander WerMshi, GROCERY STOR E, Alexander wiíRBiski.--iMear «q family gHHicriefi, nt wholesale and nl- Hgi|-mil. -Having at all times a. well seiecti^l and eboiw asiiortnieiit of all the viirious articles hi his line, nutitlw hetulR of fumttefl, and all. Wishing to nurcliiw. ■•itlier nt wholesale, or retail, flint lit! can tiiruisb them groceries and provisions at the very lowest prives and of the very- hetil quality. Among his stock cun be touml croekery, ghres and hardware ; Il garni Iissorlmcint of wines and Hquora, to-l a icen No. I ; cutlire, tea. sugbr, mackerel anti cod-tlsli : luuiis t.nd bacon, rice, candles, strnp. pepper, «piu-, «irk'd apples, ritisens, verudcoUe, hiiwiutoiiI, chotiulntc, brooms, ¿nd, in' feet a ypmpk|.e assortment nf the very best lirtictort. ____...... , , . ■■ Those wishing to yurcbasc me requested to give him a call, at hia store, on eleventh street. Brownsville. January tat 1^60. jan 12-1 y R? A GENERAL .assortment^ tiM abóye goods t6-‘ ceíved by ibc latest nrrivals, eiinatanlly oii'hunil iinfi for sale on the most ihvónible teñí», at llie .óld eatabUfthmeutor .' " ,l-' '. FROST & CO., Ao. , Magaztw. Street, NEW ORLEANS. In addition to the foregoing, we. nro constantly miuitifiicturkig in New York, the celebrated Mexican, LOW-CltOWXEn, HBOAJbWtlMMEl) Hath ; a full supply of winch, at low ¡>ricew, we keep constantly ou band. Particular attention paid to the iMcxictói trade. u nuyI2-ly( .,1 sp-—«!_ It.YMARSH ifEMl AN & CO1 CARRIAGE REPOS1TOBIT no - --U,A*Wcre Rich Jei XTAL ST^EET...............-:il0 he latee’ Inches, Clocks &' Fancy Gootks of E $'-,p titiüKt material, juBl received, efea 10 foformhfs oli3 friendh and lias itr i#Land 1110 Public generally, that h«S rhng¡$® , m tllc Kerth, where ho has ar-Iny cifciiri Rictimer, from the lend-t-xtci^f, ’ ‘Wicüslóris to his present FIN^r^1 "took of and dHRY- WATCHES AND GLOCKS; and Siff.° 11 S°°dH Hue. ire Gold Bniin<®,ftcIea’ W^GH'isscr, Opera-Glasfies. TbawfZ Watch Chains, Fine Cutlery, &c favWNS VILLE, *1' EX Ari.___ ... —--- M'Ar-hw/* aud Retail Dt-uler in DOM FAT 1C & FOREIGN CIGARS Smoking and Chewing «Tobacco, Pipes, Pipe-lubes, Cigamtos, SnulV, Cigar Cases, C’gamlo Cases. &e. Post-Olli ;8 Building, BMyusvilk1, Tfxns. y.8* Ofa e in J U. Putegnafs building, in front - f I id* ,’s -¡•■'iiiunuit. BaowxsviLLi Texas. July? P. W. (¿róss FIT. K’ S Hire un.-thqTH EXT RAC'D1 R--every Miilg in -Second cIsíss Sitrgei v." Sh:i' ingimil Hah-drosHrig done up iti th* m<>si Approved minninr. Oltice ou i-Jizaboth Ffioppireiii- the commercial house of Fniiuiiseo Y'turliL J"1.'7 'J A. o gnui til by ? , documents in tbr SpiuiUi lniiguagt. BraWeshre own amfl|c'>B' rti'*» EngtlY ivorks <>n the eml law. be epp<:. tuniLies nf I'otisuitillg lawyers ungía _»JU, ífel* i-rviei'S "to tin* , nr whercsocViT he ________________ 11. A. GALLVP, Jlttoriwti and Counsellor at Ixtw, BT .OWNS.VI LLE, TEX AS. 1 PARTICULAR attention will he given io claims against, the State sud General Government. ml Ofk ' • __ I E W EXPltiisS BIÑB, FOR the accommodation of the trav cling public between MatomoroH and ______ Monterev Will leave Matamoros on or immediately after the nival of the New Orleans steamships,' Direct for Momterey, where a cuiinection will be had with the Stage Line to Saltillo. Return trips will be made to connect with the steamships hound to'New Orteiure. Fine ¿’ouches, lost horses, careful drivers, and m ue others, will he employed upon the'lino. Fare -Eiflier Way—$>85.00. ■<><; For Passage, apply at Victor's Restan rant. Brownsville, Texas; Adam’s Hotel, Matamoros; Mt uterev Hotel, Monterey. 11. SCHWERIN, I’rupnitor. i'<-b2:S-3m. ________ [ K S T A U L I S » E » FOR O V E R 4 0 YEARS.] Corner Girondeltf. awl Grtroier st»., NE IF ORL^kNS. KEEP constantly on .hand from 2514 to 300 CAR- RIAGES, comprising nil the styles in use. and which we oiler to sell on very accommodating terms Parties desiring to purchase, will piense cull pnd ex mine our Stock and Prices before purchasir ' else where.____________________________»RVG SlIOR®) kd" Tchoupitoukr. stred», Net» Orto^, \minIW, Chonicds, MedW, $(=, ViCotLoui»ana, Alabama. ÍBkmpd keens constantly on hand a in ¡ KrortSof »nig¿ Medicines «nd tonsistiug in part oí Jiinc«s Quinine, Epfa CaHtor, Oil, bbls. Camphor, i 60 bbls- Alton, 5 ,/ 40 bbfa..Flnx S-cil, J. & 20 bales Spori^.-aM quahUeB, F 1,hlP1 Mustard, . Mbs. Opium, All Engia IMtadJaw* Lrcneral'uHlect Extracts, Powders, &■«.. mST1""1 f™lhC S°"b rouTOÁÑ novl'sif^ --- Uhei George II. Vintén., TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' ware HOUSE, No. 105, Poydras, bctwroi»Campatid_ Su Charles streets, NEW ORLEANS. l’r(!Hse.«, Type, Ink, Paper. Cards, and Furnishing of every description, at Manufacturers?' Agent, for the sale of R. Hoe & CoJs. PRESSES, and Jas.' Conner & Sons’ TYPES. , JSS- Old Type taken iii Exchange for new nt ten cents per pound. Second-hand Presses bougl$liind sold. Ntiw On leans, 1859. pdyj.4' ___________ & BLESSING'S í^Íte and photographic VoMLeOOJW, lost Extensive in the City,) p. 61 Gimp Street. NE W 0ULNAES. u^ed from 134 Canal Street.) TtVlfUistle of Miniatures ancli Portraits made jj at tilfcblishment, either plain. Colored, or iiinted ig.Water, Pastel or India Ink, description of firetnimento ¿■Htoidíemícak for the business. Inc enjille suthe lowest market prices. n°vl25' 1 4 I j villi'.his prull- t-.ilV.i‘iiSiiti both ‘idi'Mit the t" '"v.'profíssirinally engaged. Dr. Junes can " office, in lire Putcgnnl Building. <>p-litoumrat, Elizabeth rireet: ur t ,-itber of tire above pliievs during hi- ?wncc toll ’-a attended to as soon us pnsmhle. I» .I .Hid 1> W< •" Dr H . Executed » GRAY, whn tht-.piib'ic that he i-vili • for thfi prusi.*eui rr* iiii.t "ciii-ts. *.-rk if lli<- most li"., • ~ *.f m p-.'rtonu I' Tl. It -res shod v.'.lh Rew shoe-, all round, at ^<-.d,.*i#R4 GOODS, not Debent,uve, will lie charged nt tin. late uf tweutv cents per loot. , For Fn-iglil or Passage, having superior sfaie-r-ym. ficc««urn udaLiuus. apply to Gapb KENhln . On board tstearaer Grampus, oi to yi C. K. PAYNE. | ju I y 11 Camp street. Now Or lean j,,iaa|.lej4 ko venski old, a if Am av und Counsellor at Law and O. TÁLAMON________________X. DEKSOMMIM. O. Talamon &. Dessommes, IMPORTERS of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 4 Mnguzine*streeL, NE W OU LEA NS. O. Talamon. COMMISSION MER.CÍL \A'T. No. 61 Faubourg Poissons tere Street, PARTS. Goods imported express!)' for the Mexican Market. nov!2 _____________________ tiiants, ;elebrated Paper, Scales, Etc. T Sgv'lR, Ao. I 1 eOEflNS, L«" a la Tubal Chu Tin Bro Tw= ,.70 Magazine street. NEW t.—Keeps conriimtly on liaml of— ...Matches______Note Paper. .. .Gufli-e Mills... .Letter Paper. .. .Blackiiiir...)Vrapping Paper. ... .Mats.... .. .Mtrelanl. .. .. . .Corn Mills____Tacks. •ales_________Counter Platform do. -.TMiu-nls PATENT BALANCES tor weigh Tstetw l'ATE™ “'(y _____Ink. ......Rope. . ".Counter Platform do. ________________ _____________ ksmi tilting .. "ng to order, by JAMES . - litre method of informing nn;men(ly located at Browns- tof the libiive business in ALL di'lreiili character be plvdtrc» , tii,- entire satref; etioit ->t his _________ A. R. Miuik CATÍVENTER AND JOINER, Bl.OWNSV1LLK TEXAS. Á, Lt. w...kin tire above line, intnisled tn him. 3. will Ire exeenk-d in a sryrerior rnanuer and i- 'h promptness. . , u He e:.n Ire found at bisestr.Mishmi'iit on thirteenth, b^ F'izabeth and Washington Streets. )•«• tan 21 I860. “ ---------wewnrae ^nit0 Not1a Mán attor Pv^'^l he8G rcma^ from tito ÍÍ, Y. pS of proal: “ The Twp b'eward'H speech. , ‘ L9? n ÍQRn i - a ifian. i C Sh*.:'Yr'"th'if » W' ma, J ¿o vl; ? 8lrGot’ihe' vx toX own ova underthe edito// half -e i’9* A nCor0 ÍS fic nn'Ao 1 York CitylA'6 don t serve on juries. Ho don't Wb-ur. wqrjtiy^hmd the study in a white .-eohooL W;vR!OnD Uto tbo engine».’ He don't ’teS* *.? office. print4 .0<1,'n •i- ubl b chureft ; uu’T'uL^..,.. > • \ • duuiA into Potter's Field, or sot . i)od tors in Fourth avenue. TIid-iA^uth an(k Fourteenth streets, fo. 4 :kc>pt()n; or,\ if not thus told, kick I tffiTinto the 1 Black Grave Yard,’ m op ¡of a d v.en black bodies there I 'fore him. Wc, ‘ doughfaces ’ is wc a* e—1 pro-slavery,’ ‘sold to the S' 'th,' &«.—frot.i the very botto i of 0 i hearts, pity the poor, miser: ble, New '’ark ¡ ■ ger.’ ’■__________________ Decay of ¡Mbxifaa zen of Mexico, who wa brought up in that cou’dry, has ricenly traveled through tin '-■* part of it, gives the r< vationti as follows : ., . The cit- of Mexicc bus* lost its pristine beautv, and toda$ iVfeots the evils of civil war, more than aiy other ctiy lit the country, its st’fa j are W, ih build, igs di!a;; lated, the people uni ettied, and marti law approxi■. lat-ing to mob law, rules supreme, luleod, we will not stop at the city of Mexico to speak of its dissolution, but icpart-ing from the gates and prot ¿din- down, the National Road through PueUa-Ja-iapa and other intermidate, yiLagcs wh.vh once approximated to civiliza no ■ and Mt, nothing .now is be si on but Vie moFt cono'' .r-e evi lencos >>i j? ouruuvnui buw*, iv. -* if not thus fold, kick- I 1 T">1 -- -T- rf" nw bftt lifeless clods GUrfa)tor7.; Presses onward, onward, onward, Till they storm the bjoody pass,— Til!, like brave Leónidas, They storm the deadly pass! Sabering Cossaek,-Kaimuck, Kalli, in that wild shot-vended valley,— Dienched with lire and blood, like lava. Awful pass of Balaklava! Oh, that rash and fatal Charge, ... Oil the battle’s bluudy marge! For now Russia’s rallied forces,—- Swarming hordes of Cossack horses, TrampUng o’er.’the recking corses, -Drive the thinned Rssailante buck, Drive the feebh* reinnant back I O’er their late liermc track! Vain, alas! Now rent aud sundered, Vain, your straggles, brave Six 11undred t Half your number lie asleep, In that valley dark and deep., Weak and wounded you retiré From that, hurricane of ilrej— That tempestiwHis etoriit of fire! But no soldiers, firmer, braver, Ever tri^d, a field of fame,— Than the Knights of Balakhiva,— 4 Honor to each hero’s name Yet their country long shall monrr> For her ranks so rashly shorn,— rio gallantly but madly shorn. In that fierce and fatal Charge, On the battle’s bloody marge. The Word “ Selah."--The thoughtful reader of the Psalms 6an not have failed to ask himself what the word “ Selah 11 means. It is a Hebrew word or sign, which the translators of the Bible have been forced to leave as they have found it from their ignprance or disagreement as to its correct insigniiication. The Targtim and most of the Jewish commentators give to the world the meaning ' of eternally forever. Éabbi Kimchi re&rds if as a sign to elevate the voice. ,;The authors óMhe Septum gint translations appear to have regarded it as a" musical or rythmical note. Hernor regards it as indicating a change of tone; Matheson, asa musical note equivalent, perhaps, to the word repedt. zlccording to Luther, and others, it is equivalent to the exclamation silemc ■? Geeenius says that “ Selah ” means, “Let the instruments play and the singers stop." Wocher regards it as equivalent to sarsum corM ! 1 (up, my soul!) Sommer, after examining all the seventy-four passages in which the word occurs, recognizes in every case “ an actual appeal of summons to Jehovah; they arc calls for aid, and prayers to be heard, expressed either with entire directness, or, if not in the imperative ‘ Heari Jehovah F or1 Awake, Jehovah!' and the like, still earnest addresses to God, that he would remember and hear,” etc. The word itself, he regards as indicating a blast of trumpets by the priests. Selah, .itself, he thinks is an abridged expression useu io^, jt¡Ligg»uon, inaiuat-ing the sound of the stringed instruments, and Selah a vigorously blast of trumpets. " A jcidge in Indiana threatened to fine a lawyer for: Contempt, of court; “ I ¡have expressed no contempt for the it K**” sa*(l the lawyer : on the contrary, painfully concealed my'Toolings." DU I Luv* u - the uttc-r poverty brought about by tno existing state of pobt'cal n.flaira* A Prop of lNX.--Thmk^f a Que'. < first eigi'ature f a \aTrJ“'b ,it to bl an ci. to*’ fatal ¡donminí? ink. oi «n* w»-rJ3«r- — fjtrtjttTOWi ^8>-. .. V _______ imitation ■ of anduior s writing; ’'WtoFti each letter took on a proud gir’’-? refusal^ written in ice ; oí a mother’s dying expostulation with a wayward son written in her heart’s blood; of an indignant fatl ar’s disinheriting curse on his first born, black with the lost color of the grey hairs which shall go down in sorrow to the grave—think of these and of all other impassioned writing to which every hour gives birth, and what a. strangely potent, Protean thing, a drop of ink grows to be 1 What is Worse tha^ Crime. 11 exchange says truly that “ ibqsnot crib •. such as murder and robbery, which destroy the pea^e of society, so pinch a* the contemptible gossip, the family n narréis, jet lousies \pd bickerings between neighbi rs, nieddlvsomeness and tattlin'.', which ire the cai.1 the virtuous, send LD a premature wrap c many tender be*tgi, who 'lannot. ri.-o beyond the rea k of ti.oir demobiac shafts. Olí I thai -very virtuous fcmbl i and honorable n-nn re dd ami v-oil-I heei* the advice of one who talk id st iisu " in plain way when Sili|b ‘dre c\ make yourself miserable .and ch ■■■ ? bes and-slaaders round the ..rid Live them down. The worst h .ul .eked slanders can’t stand long ag. a - good life. They arc generally tb< -h .- rabio tools of the wicked one, wh.- li ;.r i not worth picking up. A part ol ' he world has nothing else to do but sLird-.' tho other part. Th« y servo their ,mster. do their work, and will have fhr । ic-ward”___________________________________ _________ Th it “That.'"-1u thirty-one wjixU hoxv many thats can be gmiWtr a y in«erted? Answer, fourteen. llre>md that that Z/rti man said, was w-t ha that that one should say : but th-1 tin! that that man said, was tivd^th..i timt man should not say______- , . of-the following says and saiJd B., did vou say, or did you tu what I said you said? because C. said you said you never did say what L said Nnw if von did so.' that y0U J^ ’ vo-u rtiid. then what did you my, _______________ A Mr Hillock lias been walking on the river Don, in Canada, by mcam= of vroteiMocs. something like snow shoes. The riC'frspapers say that he had no t if-&& keeping, his equihbnuw, an i that his shoes did not smLmore that, six or sever inche^J - SÍGH.X'KKAI. ¡IHALKIL M ir*"--' 7HES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ’ARE, GTNS. PISTOLS, SPORTING us, VinlR.:, Ai'cf.rileurm, Guld, Silver pecliitih . Field Glasses mid Fancy k<-cds un assortment of the celebrated silver fed White Metal, simsisting of Castors, CandSjks, and Tea Sells; at tire lowest nuuket prices.^ JEST-tohes and jewelry repaired on short no-tice, a^muited. nut 12ly. And exclusive Agents 1’68 -> Four Ace” Flour. _ Nos.-30& Fh New Levee St, NEW ORI A.ANS.. Our numerous acquaintances on the Rio Gi'^’de are invited to give ire a cull. nnvl-iy GOLDSMITH &. BARNETT, DE AL J.; RS IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, No. 18 Magazine Street. NEW ORLEANS. ALWAYS on hand a good assortment of bottled. Winks. Liquors, «te. Also Agents for Michael. B. Wolfe’s cele braird Ahomai'ic Schiedam Schnapps. nov!21y NEW ORLEANS icultural Wareltouaes, \d IDS. Gn»p Street, Corner of Itoydnt! 9E0RGE W. S1ZEÍI. rhnenl of Agricultural and Iloriicitliural PLEMENTS & MACH INERY. cli Burr Mili Stones'. runs, Bolling Cloths, Corn Milfa, Gin [ii", Spades, Shovels. Hoes, Axes, Cha lire, ■Fairbanks’ Patent Platform Scales. 104, & Cor. CORPUS "GHRISTI, Cocnty or Nn counties of Western lexns. with pnnclnality and dispatch. Deeds, Moitgag«s( cm-efullv drawn, and Depositions prompt!., taken’and returned. Has coiretontly tor rale s-nne » Uh- choicest, lands in Texns, vath perfect lilk-». ..ud in quantities to snil >my pmvharar.___ ,F'D ' -^,ar#er noHse, riOUNER of MAIN axd DROSS Streeth. in frr< C of the new Wharf, INDIANOLA, Texas. JO ' SOPH G. CARTER, of Kentucky, Proprietor. N. B,—Baggage conveyed io and troin the boato fnre'of charge. ____________tiePfcl ‘I’,. Notice. rnllE ntirferrighed is the owner of the Island called I the Brazos St. Jago, in Cameron county, and al! mrrous desirous of pure.lnreing or renting lot» on ‘■aid Island will please call and make their umuige menfa with myjigent W, By JOHN V. SLNG1ÍR, Feb. 4. 186O.-3rn Agent. ____________________ g. w. dunuar. i:::::::::: •. : o. vomutiES. G. W. DUNBAR & CO., Wholesale! Dealers in ■ : ________ Boot^ Shoes and Brogans, Manufactured expressly lor the Rio Grande, and Mexican markets ¡arid a dvytirlmcnl, of our I louse, at No. 5 Magazine Street, NEW ORLEANS [s devoted exclusively io this Irade. nov!21y ... CHARLES STILLMAN, \ MERCHANT, Lerte, Street tBrotonsvville Texas. ;-m24-l|r x ___________ " Boofc^. Stationery, etc. ■> R. PALMElt'^aH on hand and is constantly ej e receiving a well"ifilectcd assortment of article? hi nit line, In mit this market, which lie oilers at the ¿«-««•■t ca¿ pricca, at wholesale or retail. xlto. one octave ROSEWOOD PIANO, tor cheap for cash. E***’ 1 „ 'jY^^jL-vrAN & CO., Street. RROWN'SV/LLE. TFLYAS. sifiir ii^Fro d u c e¿ <1 hi ce ríes, FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS. A.b< i—Y u r n i t ti r e and Lumber. V ictor’s Restaura!. CHRISTOPHE ANGELINI, for a nnmU'r of yeara in Victor’s employ begs leave to announce to his friends and the public, in general that lie tms leased the above named establishment, lie win spare no pnius to keep up the good reputation ol will contlmíe ns liérórü' 'under the title of Victor's Restimnit. mnrS-tf CHRISTOPHE AN (1ELI.NL _______________________ Henry Miller’s Hotel. (Formerly Webb 8,- Afif.Ur’».') VTM1Í5 Honse is sitanted in the most central part fl W the'eily, ond'for aceoinmoclnlions cannot be by My hotel in Western Tex:re. The typist arp_ Seasaut and well ventilated. The table iei)l .ihra^i Ik? snpi>licd With every luxury to be f 'imítiií.in t® market. je‘23 grixti1:!. isiertSo........w>irAr:iAxo trevlSo ¿ /\ M. TREVINO A BRO., 'TXWHOLESALE axd RETAIL Dealers in Staple W Fancy DRY GOODS. Elizabeth street. 3vtoi.E. Texan—Always ou haad a largo »s-iwrtiitonl of DRY GOODS, suitable for the Trade ot "both FroaUers. Being able, and having made are rangceieuU for constant importatiitiisdilwII'lYdra t¥c Nartbfm markets, thej have siipííribr facilities Tor 8eniaí.weil-ralecte.'l FRESH, GOODS, by whofrrale und rtoaí!, at very low rates.' ' ■ je23 :• Francisco Y furria, ¿TflOLESALE and RETAíL'DEALER in Fa- GroCZIUFA', Iñf" • Tf.-r.tovtr.’ TDHoir I V* ttdr^txtre, Crockery. Cutlery, Glav trail. M. DI OREGOHIO. J. II. HOWLAND 3. 3. KOPF GREGORIO, 1-lOWS.AiVD & GO., IMPORTERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry aiid Green ij'ruits, Nuts, &c. No. 38 Fulton and 37 Front street., New Orleans. hovl21y v„ j. hart. ::::». u. hart. : : : : e. Solomon E. J. HART & CO., Ab. Í7 8? 79 Tchuupitoula» St., NEW ORLEANS wholesale dealers in LIQUORS, WIKES, TOBACCO, TEA, í KGÍUS, AXII A 1.1. KI NOS OF (iROUKIUES, li.-ags, Chemicals, Quinine; nov!2ly í it_____________ Ttie Courts oxi tlie Rio Grxide. The U.-5;. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas ha?1- sessions at Galveston and Brownsville. Those at Brownsville begin on the First Mondays. i» the months nf March and October, and continue until busini-ss is disposed of, or the term ut.Galveston requires adjournment. lion. John C. Walrous, District. Judge, Galveston, George T< Mason, Esq., Hist. Attorney, “ . Henry E. McCnllotlgh, Marshal, • ' . “ Francis J. Pnriq-r, Clerk, Smit a Rosa. George Dye, Deputy Marshal, Brownsville. r insTitirr oireivrs twki.f¡p» .n-Dirúr. district. Hon. Edmond J. Davis. District Judge. Brownsville. A. B. Bacon, E.-q.. District Attorney, “ 9 19 & S -;5 <3 O’ Kj f'-i-nornn Rrnwiv.d'lp ‘HUiilgV, .lUilUI'liig. . . . Anr "3 Nov. 1? ap» r: uaiMcare, uroa-ery. uuucry, [rawm. u..., . lilUlugv, .iMiiiii'iiq;.....'iu; -i. .*>ev. i" ,ttir>a-street.Brownsville. Texan;—Being in con- Starr......RioGhxntleCity.May '28..Dec. 17 it receipt of every variety of Family Groceries, Zapata........ ^BiTresenvd Fruite, Pie Firuifa, Hard, Hollow, .Webb... .Laredo. ry and .Willow-ware, and in sfiort, of of articles found In a^irst-chres grocery Carrizo.... 4 1 ...June IL.Dee. 81..I. .. .June 18. .Jan. 7, ’61. .2 COUNTY Ori'lHEllH i. . - , ... oi articles iminu ui a insircjasfigrwiiuy , _ _ A „ ,,, . ito store, direct from &-w*0rto, the CkGl.^r»"' County.-AA^f Jiwtiqe, StenhenPflwera, prepared to furnish famine» and the Shenff, James. G. Browne} District Clerk, W.W. 1$»^ unsurpassed in execute of qua Nelson; County Clerk, Jefferson .Barthclo^-F. F. ‘ price by any house ou the fron- ^nn, Deputy; Treasurer R. J Lawlor,:-ConnW It «i*. i H. c wm Nwiln A lAvnnnoi* ■ Wmwn wft prepared to fármsh families and tiro Sheriff, James,G. Browne; District Clerk, W. W. i^ tiicNewBrícl^Stoi'e, ou Elizabeth qU -beforepurchasing elsewhere. je23 ■ rcim, izcpiiiy ) i.ii:u.6inur, h. uawim,, wiwu-y CommifisionerR, Wm. Neale, AfexanS, Nos. 23 and *25 Magazine street. A'A’M' ORLEANS. fSEV Goods Imported expressly for the Mexican Market. novi2 ly Tobacco, Curds, invited to .give ns ft ___________________________________ TiWeayest Hardware Store ini F New Orleans! "UBÍ1R & FAUCHEUX, No. ,3R Old Levke -Il mI Iretwoen Conti and Bienville streets, niidtqg iUl(j js Conti street—Import its and GENERA!, HARDWARE. Cutijsry CMfih and FANCY HARD WARK. -WftlntSj Otfa. Vill'llishes of all sorts, Cord-llc ‘fe. Tni-, Rosin. Coal Tar, etc. ¡ J'or sale at _tSprices and dn the moni liberal tk-nito. " altennon paid to Mexican urdera uovI21 1 _________________________________ B. y.k-...............;.F. M.VL0CHÉK. L F. Mioton & (-'O’J C,<,rw.Lfl cmtí Conti s&eets, NEW ORLE AN. I^PIkS and dealers ix CHINA, GLASS , ,AK!ITHENWARE, jl.iktL Jmmuned «»« .Britunilg qBnBRAl Housk-Fvknishing Goods, ^oo^Delrentore, and assorted Crates, for LotintiK alutays on hand. nn^®jal attention paid to the MEXICAN 1 RAI^ iiovl2 ly trai; ÍÍ Ao. 41 I.'BLOOM__________________.J. M. SCHWARTZ. J. Bloom & Co.? WIIOLES?$LE iGROCEHS, and Dkalkrs in WESTERN I?liOl)UpE,'No. f>6 Magazine, ?1 :irfl 23 Xfatphez =frwt, ./VE‘W OltT.EA'NS. i-re-a Ullvuilb, 10;>v-i-t'ptó2 xy (p., e W. A. Haimey'S* €o., Dealers tn hats, caps, straw goods. (UMBRELLAS, etc., etc., Ko. 82 Canal street. NEW:ORLEANS. . " ’ • noy!2 ly . W. A. Violett & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Nos. 3». 41, 43 find, 45 New Levee, N'F.W ORIJ ANS, uoxlSly • kt justóme _________________ I THB |rican flag » rXTIN^ OFFICE, VARIETY E-X-y*. materials having, i of the “pLAtí/1 ÍS& with the M in and work cxecilons-«K^iuy» x fe»9fk ' feto ivSuiieitot »Iatltier‘ t, That rén\i. U iw Mr. sav,