pxTsofl < nt f»‘ti>). ilwáiatiék'ititltó'te •■'.‘il>í®Í‘i‘l"?*'/lrJ - Ir¿ • 4 t-iiiW 'J; WEEKLY NEW MEXICAN MAKDEfcHKlD * TOCtER] Wt UM these Truth» to be it If evident $ that all M«-n émtod Equal.' (Publisher* VoU i<> N»TL KSl>AY. JAM ARY X» IBW. r * «•*** »** ¡ t» * &>;■ PA- IR r 1, tee, el w*í iwy d’ JawbKrmmeck It* reg 50 SjfyííS $•$$ ■W' *tó Ys íNi^^ ¿M & -’(/¿r'.V'ú-? ■ 1-'-'r¿pe^e^™ee*ee^^^4^BN,NBi^^ieei*—*l?^l*e** ■ l,V-?*' .* eel ■■■¿■b VVRWw-'.Yf >" 11 'te:*.;**»** to***:** W :Í#S®L «&• V, S^W^'W**^****^ jgrtiíiiíf-^.i' . w»e: j‘í'-V^ij^■*'■' '''**■"' ’'■'“""""'"' ~~"--"A " :’•' 'rt¿: i**Í7 r$'-> .teeKww>’teMw>*MM- ***.**-^*e-**; **•«! w-dl.i^tetohl^wteciMFart***,. Sa&W6M'i»wiW»WteM •'teé ■nW*"i.N4’te ,hé>Ma ^¡íg.te ate s$5W*ss!íñ^^síís '.**i ***' te?^(XírJ S’-ÍSí^.-Wí" teti tegtel/Nr •te : X 1<í.NÉ(IéÍéíl'' . «HM-.jKtó - wa.l5SHitt!'t3rJ5SS: ^XssL-te e*l=s ■i8?r~'-'3L.-e'íííg4^1¿LA..1 (¿EAXeá-^^** -’¿i1 «Smíw *w'’ i ■' •■ r—-’ ■S9"S3®’."xí?A'.Wi-¿’T "■*• SKríliW aWW^WM-^ ■ - . The Mtewrel* ' ] AttStme Fe Me»ít* *•’ .«****•» ”n **• pf te* freí S5ÍT1 ret-H*r it* wamirta in |*y*' la»t SOorday higtt. by a Urge and ti»;: '."■;j.i-:'\is--^ >;.'■ - - w.V.M.AjHgi,-' 6ex*M»tiiddi*ri.twll*lJf>ul*nvh . Jn the »<-tr ■' i si *>1«, wax ftret wltlixl, .ar.-i the •tWraumMfigaWtoliy *.«• r«-><»holby'emt®r»iiw frill* th- WvM vf Frxníca, wh- bt»K>t*t vwr -ehh item .wtile fr.ml Í............................, ■ • . «te qwatithw. t« flat A-ell vti»üxt< itey twVjvS* own» an4 I (- tinitcs-tfOtt ano proivu • tiwni, uevrei rab)e m<,n r 1J# |w btttton hglte) "Z?. , : . ------------------ -------------------- ............. ... ,. .. m|rt fr< SBl^^ W> ' -- :t 11¡' -4 .'• ¡¿Xsiryr. nil; Niiw MKXirAN / y,'WVwtiUliVKKi¿ WteAMy.WY ■'! Hf I \ j| Tt <'A Ax/<» Xante », XvW- MetiedC . xllTit'K IS JOliXNOX s tttiuv* .. ***** ww mt ......... tw $>.h i* a^»*« •<« ** *>t *n ‘\e ¡Pt.. «uAw'rtpWtew Itet* ti>r a teteilwtl.,m *rt»*onlM> 14WYW CAHD& IÍKSBY HlMiKRTi - AÚeW ** * Mw RATES OF ADVERTKTAC ; F * esrb »-i¡>i F-r eatk *oh-' --IFvfoMjrn ..................................... j'«.Mainel of rí i-1, $ - A i- ntvcrtiM m, -,i> . harcrl hi ih» ti}»,.* oiht twist emui>t< «J, T-melrwt «. - i ■ - A.l OdMIrllllii*"♦«'•»«.-!ei. ; t., Í • u<,A.i-r [ntemtril tn pt» s., •#. ¡ t , * ebirgvd *» adirrttre*.» > t« ar1, a-tv •«<«*, IF|*rvw»nai in < h«r* n^itl ,io iwjwtt any eut-h ati»;« 11 Wiili th' 4 ■ Waa^ingtofi, t)rc>-rr*»-r ;>-j advice* (y»tri »>ílb-«:r* ln rharg». ufU«* A(i.nl,m way that i,» vt h.ilf iiT iba-# it. «tul urr IwtiteteL» __.> . tlit-’-igA. Drr. It ha* toen eno»r ?r*a fn-rt- ai uve pnij-u. ng.',, „ ? r^ittoawRy. .-■ ’ Ku**> ww < *«IK ,'. mention tovi-i w roi.fo m the ofasmró.c'nmti- In Wt, vpe*l* -"*•- i-:-t xr-uku on .fameantte.-by • v b*»<• vu*e«i lió Ir ft.N to telM Bp ** Mtn. in*t rt>i»n) v*rtK th* toWB> tteir ••talte to clcteté.soin# Ihwlgnb , won, br.a««.i flwti,Tr. m th* '■ fic«»t eouBlf) it>vT< bent, or ftrst-cfoM dema-........................................... . ._ , __________ (.«ueh eeui.. .imilit «O ¿OI'JTdgtié to r*a;.s m thi Lvgktetaro t»r pls.aá in nnmítf 'ux.i.ahbntigh ite wtewy ,h»»M te.: -tfe w»« brilliant in foci Vim b^ Saw w<-.. ite »^t;> to w.4e. ' V» hóúi» fríodTmtTtouh’ m ttelemtoHal troawttry Mibfr.t ¿to any Stsiet . ***^,1* «s^mblni tero? potfi|wwint tte , bL''■■ * 7, V, a^n^TvM^ne* th*h p. - ph ihmk’Js. 'So mote itiixntoess •- •■ ' ' ■- ’ •"• ' -• -----*->»--------- '• • ’- Vrmm-«h8-.n4 Ló'-ctilfotfo» i" te..Nn than tbei of tte pantisan ■ rib XX,»». xt-kM tiiow- mMtor, wboln mawr Qpses fort.fotoj ifirtufol ■ New kv.e^l.-kmka. 'tfl ' «'» «?*«<’ /"« *•■’*'' ***» >**”*» *••» kiw ►•*»,>» nneirewrnviwi! steritnr»mMwoOlce;Pl*>steps IAw tM-.-hy «i- > mannite |hb> -Ae bn . j h ■t,afectx,r h tti * and -ic«mi«me)y n-,-9, who 1*. vontteeallr at i «tot* to malí* popfllst InvB and pvotninMit . canilhtetvs '«it nt wrt'^lp pismltefa uhictr 4'ioutid 111 all hviehb-irli'i^l*. JPetba'ph íte t lifter IbahB bi n fot hte prtttflii and certainly ; in ter remunvnite him for the h* with whfrit.-,1 he estofo their hnitwtif.'gafoul atrfl patriotfohtf err* ,.T texnee. «W. b„^t W.r Tn,. tnrm tr.-m t.Vv .*t.»hll perwte in ti* t Territory dww éti । tnewMiw fateaT the .-. .. » _ . - . - ' . S- wwr*i*or*, tewet»- ■ Tht- p-rlotnivts aro all *mate»rS,'Wid tnnrt ,«,f *«•,„ ’«Avrwarde, * - ant’ia^wflfltenux ■ ■ ■; ■ what rat* they ttK'». ■-'." -we hMV>. ft» iwwnw.' .-- --w... , . -..,-■■ .. . rveMW aM'frte*w‘’. i " a terasranh -fri’ijtlehttyrótouhfoil with*níhu»iB»Íie appleeiw. wtretidvraHyaun- -•": "Tin ' “ ™ toi-. «■ . V .....v«.V"’^«__________.-.a*. '. VMk-ehimilatiiWvnik* ail tviiTVVTItM i-'H ¿k« tete» U11WT . ,7M 1 r , <_ 'tert may In- |watetct aiW*4 m public before. The én- ? Uw provhl.-w tó emy m»t. U üt rvil » eought ylt***^*^ »« b»y «il-futi*?, and the A t» b* r.^ited, ehd l».,w Ur te¿ U» would *1'^ 'T6W fro* '>*-<» 6*^.* ’’ • » -. .a* * . 1T- Ttek>f¿tea»»t»S- skxlwLilha ,Ín3 taritR MVi»kte***wb L> **xtalw »>*■ nnu tly iho Vvil. ' h tev b M m i , . eo ttetwo hi t* can fail te pn-teet »nd A. ' The pra iííki bai tiée*. lo draw. wartiiata pn : tteirwa*,«»y f * the páywitmt -j> (urofe or any ■■'' utter imb-UN-dne» dtw Front íhe Tv»*tlory," and I1 itew¿ with l(jé Iwhdw «(tú jvñft-ty, hetehy , Uw ww-te.te'VMhle ”, pato» »t -óf tai-er., L. htr. h» tetn'vin -tepútr. Ih tend the* " it Wlí , •*»’*♦** M*? ttet j wdUndvrwtúd wt- were ronnm# w T :"'H*1*‘ tí** *|- *í|^¿éni¡ii<’• (debt^aa .te® ’’ M: »«8»:'IíkIowh al y-V ; 3 *t*t^Vi*qt■^•.thec itlte, )*tí. r i-tey rM ©I eiS. Xi -an r -'-; wtjrrtnte wíid«ufo*vm^tat^-nf^n.ofite !^*n aeoth eFte*e.51 H.th tte tortea are ¿ : American ataefr. end fest running it anticipated^ iilehy tainOT red* Sh: on the tapia for tet eawre 4*y. -" . . ' . . StWL. V’ty We are ptea«edr to. announce that lion. Jfeiip 1). Bi»V of I* Utenlle, haw betel. *P* .Pointed' e»*i*a«tt aasewso? for tee count ira of líincoln. Itefti AnS end Grant, vice Wi*« I». l9»ynorMMi te-aigwed." ' "\ " EtWr"*lt< Smb 4 Bro nntered a large Nt of' .gpotetteday.-' ^<3F Beth teewi tel tte l,-g»iUtute eiett te-'«itewo» tooroing at teti »\-1wk. \w W«ñxIW¿bY N tñn-X..ntciúiBT'.K $7; ' 9: ve- tax*», to pay. apd th y- pty frow AS to ?<> tenth «lithe dollar#; while the peor Bae'pays dólúr-for dollar,. The ' ■'^W áU6 latea *lw* cateátioni banging we*! ‘1*- poor w*«s te jpf? I ■ i-nwiediitely. White ■ira«|.i »dl*Ue bea^f - A" wart#» upon the pre-' ■ -Wlpt.tfli"»!*»». <* a Warrard ia-m-d ..Opon. W «W* : i^e £** **« Nú hú,ot h»prt*wm»tw.*y tw •Uw*****- -l)>. '. '■' ’ ÍRA¿;ltóK • ' O • <.t\-«mórtal Ubrfunv - ÁTtoRXKY AT IAW. UmFR SEW MEXtoO. *»e tú ctert» WÍ Ih* T-hrtt'*y. a-»I * W Bmwrws*--*«*«* V»H «•*»«• ' • ^-v’Yr*K’'- ú . Ta/W" cx-lio*. TÚ»»*» ' ■ ><«■»<•»,<*.■•» ^"""tT F- Cp.XWAVy ATTORNEY AT LAWt *WtáI^m-*8IK»- -. .'. t "Irire go. (tec’. ]'.- • Tbc Swansea t «Wfnany's -liver »iM»tvri¿ «rd refloleg Work* Wt No* Al. jk? »te "■>**■ ri st fort, caught RTc about f«-9slc<*'. IN. , Charlee Sloinalt, Who wet hto*-i '>ut by'the- *_1 great Áre, swtvidrd lo-tlay, fry. sltwiting. himself •j With a pi-tnl Iti the head. IIi- wife. Who *.«»■ i altet in TU- a«Vj»l*iHig r«wW. jhx-ard-lire re<>o-t am her Ind. n«d lotted het hsaheteil deed, and tn-ratoe a mttng'maetae. ,™ .. . .. ., . -■ . L . '*"' r. , w* have e«w.' »»ehn« pfofosstonah nf .crmsi-feratiw webrfty whnii ¡ i»t,»«...■ •- wt-ro hi^rtdr to this, knd-- we stope the «wt»-’ ¡ wjstthn will repeal tto ^te'to*ai'ro btteniro»»j^»t: i inrervaN ddringtee WmtcraÚl wi believe .teat a ; w-j • ■ ** . " was; wi* w*•*.*#*’i *-»>■>»-■«v »«■> i*-*w^ * forge .wifondance will gvM ’ tee .petfomero. ^retEvwoa•»-!ro=wi• b*^>¡» «**•'t-«*-b i WtonéVfo thryww’r trr*tt. - "" " ' 1 ■^ln»1»utvhxmiKte'nts.sj*i «.»■■'• . '.;. , " 1 ’• - 1 *? ’: *■ " ”t '»•• V.iiv fo-n. "U'..n»M eta r*t#»»)i<>n" , •4 tbry'awc T<,.ti4 ea ) toKii-ta, *nl b»*Y ah4 wMi-e, ;' |,lT,lb-t aertTtilan* wi.it*inéátor. Tlwy al*»«ueMplM Sy offitx, tn iB "n-,.^. ew! I4e*>Ti. * WMv-huwrt» Vt«r'4i- thr.ir . ‘Wow, litWeef*-'. r . ■_"'• . It m«y !» «appueSd ihvy -ww* «etibreed- from »»c>ar • -K •_■• -*—{.» a ha».f tiWy were ehi^K-J, an.! oTUre We* ; *rte pirye'i :>;>*■ m tto.roantrhe tn>m which th» tmitfaftb .ytoe«niv-i to t>ii« citolvy.’ * ? ^¡*w jaiwy w"*t tmAed té IfiUl by fl* Ihiteh and IMS- . Were Nboer'xl* S*m time t>$- the Swtdie, the arttivf» ; twwitpi wi* Atoeat. TI* warly «wc*la oTXvw^ Shr.W tbti eetllr wifr Itnpotrtti) iTito'liiatci-i1 . eny tw fl* y--*r» ti$l< tStt, «»4 IWñfrot» I»w>w>ádt>..ari* to ehxpv *»■! ¡,ef a jallo a l»h orina vok*. .——"- la HOB Matyl»ti4 wat WettM ky fowfl**,’ wifler-lvm» ': ■ Baltimore, a ho brought «s^l» tpM# foiglaml wn4 troUrni. ■ Sorth-Tarviinaaní ¡South Can link ware eeViNd In 1460 . I*to by nl powibty by eowiv tie who- eawre early,tate X*w Y‘e*. - Tlwee tattle tprr#4 si-.r» teetotal .wadl,ltothe lMteh#t,‘wi h thee>.ióni*ti. eu4a»¡tikeiNter-tormiiÍM.li*4rberg*ló 'j «orne iutoiwiirH al«o,«»g ’th «ti i mage up that eimglo- । tvph.;,4 fevcf^ Oixilr*crod nt *8oSt tte.s»#*' wwfte ta>* * b’eli ha» «tase •prve4thrx-.uellollitb*.rl>ii«-4 with-ttoprlúex***, V - -" V^- •tafos»;HI* t*ow*M"X*tlve'Cani<-.''' " | " » ••■ ■ ' '.^ m »i' •* ' • -' ;• ' • ..-./^ suUtetoliee,^ NafoH.- la «riwrc-a, and far fnto'lhc fou-r.-» iawillwwff. ' " '•.".. ew tú va:fio »-.g eríúRwto «w, i Tto wInd «fon* thl». *. *. dto consíderxM» sotar as the -XlenAítW eeWetWMite pr-xgr™^ War gíathv dífltíagw ttt *«r<»’'fot chfmwyi, fr» i Cettle «*»* rvie<4 i*** -in »aM¡..»t«té» wtg'wtine; t«¡ l'wiü'fo licrttoítehcd^oud itoLvralfo wt.wevwtjl'**--'. flteera, eeow41r® t>í‘g,Bnd ‘ .flunked llOtees.'■ ¿' " tecy are how1 an'lrr.lvtínltolj. wired’race, a bnfr’.ut ot ládgttwe, -«.her'teta that Whh-b WaJ Wertátád'to 1 * eotirre e-ieamen ty alt. r ..............""'. iw«**i*y:6t*eiy "r*w.tis-gt*wi>viwnr i«.t<»w»*»tr. a»4 , ■ ¿,, . , ■■,•„•."=:■ '..«-■ a_»_a^.. . ’ to’al W*4«*te-eatiylh* -onSs- ecteaet»of itidiwlie* tró•’■’•S,PWívfrl*u,1 !*t*’W1*^ »^***** * *9®-*<*■* ■ - . ', .-, '■ ■ Fflrt Wayne, Iwd., INc. «g, • Aalto e«jtohfa7ip A gfe-thte «tümtogdestroyte ffoaswr. Milter ■r*ie.**tne l<.farof»lb»W. an» • ■ i. , ..■..'.*- - .'_■ . . _ 'ty;*todw*iwm>.' Idb^Wfi.OOb. IS i^Síi •íftíítói^iSií®® KIRBY BENKDietj t**»**- ¿.. ittMtef »M OomellfrT at I*w, ^V'^A^tA F8, NRWM|iXB?O» .. . ' 'kot A,,>^ “ tofon. _...-. .M»- ..' _.. THOMAS U.CATROX, Attorney titlaawi lÜÁX^A M w* MKXILXfo / -• •*$ pr««w •¿ati'fte'tvwmtotew wto titohy b'teTW»» ti*tecul etteulh* gm* to the hjHw tod^»etklre**twrtice pemmptiy **M, ■ . < ■ '■, x» ■ tirwM ’ Attorney at Ikwv Sam Flfo XR* MEXICO. Stfoct afai pTOMkM toNmiWh will 6e *to* to itemveft# ttelM* toprtoetorpn ihetmey vmTTtKfleww wm> S jQAO iiotitiuw.xv ; /?' ATTORNaY AT l*W* "■•' - «is*» wxbw eetén**-. ■ wietoi-* wtRbgjeNto Wi tot «teto-* «t V’~ ■ a--”_-______- --- ■ t*»^.■''-v • -"’.? : I'S»!* ‘ • - •'■ '.•■ ^^sTOiia®, " 1TT3BNKT ATLAWi aiSéatoaawtoítt*- :, 1 «SÉí^sgsS l«*d» * wirtatfls t í ilw cid *ebl totee mroent tbjpetoic «lirt.'i to Ito yx-w. Xo *»n baying rog«rd for tttoh. »«d nto •<"*■ F*)' > 1 } *'^w'. ■ warrants, obtaiiicd biitfi $i*W, id 'ltwe«-wbi«to-l: Will peit to*ht gwtl ti.y*«»,toBB6t Nm*V tetter I ' *iii*ell tte*to yonet «'* ceto«:6ti iMfor* - wxdtex|wj"itot<<)W te?"á' .** to b,n4* ' kto*-iite»»y4 to toww,. j ' X*.*»»' will petit»b*.wvt dáí. oyti> ">•**■ *: ’• dgttitoflf «to** *'< •_•■ '■ ■"'tiisi" i$fo*te!tton>1;tee.1 :.<* <« «. known 1¿ ¿wy 113 i® |íp&íí |H Si£ SB: made "honorable men." 1 liy twenty of his pairona* who lnal»t gpotT pteiigte that they shall have hi* support for an ~¡i .......... -------------------,..—«^oñiyy, . Thó uppent to font by t.tes.-d party to.wrrww «j.eoíMwted (m^naUoM uBtiiitefurtfo* j M1M| teWiMuenlntey, ate When fie*lrlt*tiee)y . _............................ J dwlan-s tlteV he cannot support them all that ., ti.»™ «xub-J et Ptyimwite Xi me,, each thrógjens hUM ■».w«b * new paper, ‘ 'T:.r Writ im»w»n«ii<* 6r! * fon p> *tiq> their •hbKeerlptidiMi, wjthdraw» .«tod» fo>m t .'Tlssf." The V»f1»r ’ unnifj at tiset guy as thvit átl n-titscmeUt S X in J ebuwe the pct* follow ‘wow. pw-«*'< *■'*«*» dilfatwiti.to'dix'but jtfwfiaitevni» itike a vtTy drób. He ban '-«pent ■ bm lime, bls ti** **rly in. ¡v natten» tm, *-<- )..w m> gie»iv< irgo* - t^otiey. ate- htitífote. nanfo to ptet* tbeee men " ¿ ' u" ' """' - •* •• -- in pn»Won. ’ 111* prarbi were cant brlotvtwite whii,b turn andTeml him,' Thesemt-h all gnow * tn tepniarlty *nÜ j^iíMiÁMr.^ / ' w‘»«t ; e*4 '■ p*5-;=* *v* i*i»»« '. di):> * t*/te*¿Vi .t^i**'.?.-;';', <";- <':3W aw:i*éiw*ctiy- iú«^t>i.b:^te..i»k Iñx'nae.tixtúti ,|íé>-:.tNlV. ^*r ;teáM,;yi*tly: ■ »xi*«***í - ******** A'e®*/ ■ .ayate* »f’.tx'**wM ai***!, and-' < ■-Ú «éwr* M.ti ge .Nte*'«**#<■>«» te*.- ■ ?¿: ii*y*Td j¿i^ . i A.-uh-r tee- gv«w*al Uwt .wty -ab<*t::ibe,ttel'd¡fl!y; - W ;í*^7;tiir .***■*•. f*dtd dejS W-í****^ ?*/-#. •^^^N***** .tei.ex^wimirgaie ■yiiwíy.■»•.***»> ge*;;-* w";«b*' **♦;... >g-ateald ¿íl*ie wemeS. g**'** **$• ** * - wW <*■ M-tee *»■,: pte*> wwiie^v^N^! SSSWl^NBB M* . • .>• - Indl.tnapoi»*, Dee. IS. ' A terrible ajn Meet erre^wl on the Cixcie-eMi end Indiairtpolm K. R. al tMÁnt to-dey, Mir Mo¥n*tt yet received, r, ""*' 8altú)a%.hee. í». The R»bim»n morder rxami'uatldn ckMMftf tete p. m/ <• IIampio* **d ■ .tilVtiró wife eitfn»' ■toed to await tee -iieeteng oT the Groii Jnry.r tee -other* .wete diwbarifed. It ketvport^d by teé MoTimm» that INigietm Yyeng will lie here texiweeM. i-.^r'' p-te*páí.,lkie*> whe 'dictated that-wbelw pi?H*tiÍcúÍát '.- 4 . ■, '■ '¿- , _ .'""■-’7-'.'. v/i.’6".“ •tlY:-Á8Á-NÍ*,*“itmterytéo*r .'"-rtat'feiV’lehw.fj'i* . l>* i|*e*t»n ofwpply .wd .;demawd* rwrd- tot by .lhe /Wt. '"'.TÚS» WÁl w** b*-.h. 'lxrk’e.f ..xtsh5^s*r l»*,»t’wteite?toje« dcviieM°for wartatfri .e* wlách-ybw'ipMw nealíú ‘ ht'v’»ó.**»íh^wf-.W"r:-> ji ■ Awd the*, with:»' iíce lo^i*g-4*é>way*--o.né:. iepporting-lte-’Govetwer#, the'"«6»* *rc¿i*g:te' k^:**’ pítete'". rt^vsttoto—^he; ftof. ^ítútírly. te* eebjetei!** ■jhw^^‘^M:M¿ÍN^iw- ■ Hf«'';’|h;.',teh'' Nw- ' ',• '.<■- ■■■ ■'■ ' •: É7É-' "-.'.;.:v-- M-l». *tti*.Mi,*>tiw¡te .plwteÜa tiee< Gidddg’b Memgé:.;.;' X Mea**: áppÁH-cc. ilk ' The lwric*«i"tite4tieér4Fi»*ritú alter deíate-he lite screw started fot Ke* York sodet wall .tee l":-Wmtnqnicating With the «toro, ltotwm*MW¿Í*",". -teen scitt a- dispatch .IO Ito Governor atelag 8 - . tee Spanish Consul e««*M vfifoy the same g*|P* ■’• ■rtecs ■*» tH-rvtoforc, «¿fl it s*cb was the me. : tee SpsuisY coRsúl^ wrrold Uwrl -«gain. ' fte- • gtocmmeót replied a^nantvcly and ibe cm , eat IMadeil" and "'to-wteldtel his post» .¿It.la rto.'. poAed. that /the termmander oC the tiaragotw .ástod -tee: ¿crvwnmm to rowowe®** twpon--'".. ■a«*piece»\ ¡toatelnéijf,író*r tee • Hornet, 'th* ■ ”■* ' *- n-reeed and lite Sstieoee eaHel for Saailetl* de *Cwto wtoro.**’ to»'shwc arrived; 3 wot IwwW-'wb* WWrt* pmwion> Of Í1* JtiilV' l*A-:'*'**ier ,*b**i^. w»-.'l •-***:■ •y 'yk**»--;* te^ ;jd^'wtw:,l*Wi^^*Brtl*..ewi5wcf;. "Ti* •wwgre* (*erhidd*- ^yNV^ * ito^^WNhw’irafoy.cf *3:'?'" "¿Í ." -The vatiiolfo bkhope oftbe ctwitry Mto “'“¿t”*’*teW. “ ** ‘i*!Z^TwLi“JZ,&.»:-wW¡Ok ■ -«»■«» «r*.*«te.vk- r0rtM.:|M.6> ,.tu lb, ; ■tWtikato'kiWi^,. ;■ -,■...]*, i*¡i’y.’il*»>jáb.W«»"« •»' '■:■'» "ee.Ftowee.:, • ’S. ■wtorkrora.-«KknneMttWC»» I ' «*»=*-«>»» W*«N*lw«e.Nr.' .eta'-Mto»* to utei’i '.se*1 «*•■■■. •awetoytotN’r**fo- '" '"í'-'v" • ":‘ ""'' !**M^T-WN»*d ‘® person ■ : -W^w**** *tb^ -wT'8*^”**1' -’’" itflcalfoii -^r.'-tee; to,.tie; F.RW!. . -. • -.:. ';, "', ''1*5 IWfcWteMO*-^:.^^ -.tee|áilt#>‘cX 5- •■ ia¿a<¿-igiiíi^x •"• At* :tee?.iá^9>feíí*n»^< Me tealiwll úíiaete grtee Vetad’Stete*-1ie**ii- "j <^¿wel’ <¿»4 -gfi|érs>í. SM^h¡¿í’ri... -■ ‘^:,^7.¿<<;,2- ,1 •;-, *.< ■¿Aak. ■’:• '-1'1. '- >->»•<- ^-r - >'-iv- *' ':•*. ■"",*■ '. --..rz' :< •¿-.A'-.-' "'■ V.' !Zr*s7,i¿'^rv pe^wwKikr^iii. **'***N! '**' toeti¡*toMepkwdtl*rtiji^^ fa2ww. w*H b. 6Ut u w -teete j*te**l: bíteíglte^naet.mxlter» LÍte aet ii’itBim t:-jiA*^'' •*****- .«wé^-atertiwRkte'N."Sü*NÍMN* _ _ r-racm». M'ewd-ewtW* W:*®' *•> ‘ eí*”¿a^,*Í*-" •‘teu-fteyiite'^iyí • ^i^jw^.'jí^ **<** . wtow te h»7.-«Rc^»iWy: ht^ecctod. ..*d'*:w8y"<<. vtawlNw to ■**..';' Qelewea."-; lita .-ahegUwéu .'•*> daww-N*p»*--< '•’ :;NN .•¿W.«^ii: ■*to**-i;: ■' -7c- -W7 **í* .ti^ljí^iv:- jjjiet^íi^yeáim*^^ íi*rq¡t¿ •, ;■; TW" '®Étefcii¡ÍÍ*-’1ÍlÍÍiÍÍÍÍfcv''jawiÍÉÍM"iÉteé’*tetóíÍltfiÉS^A-vi5&'» k.,....,i:.. ................................. i^'-i c'L • »lrr3r^:? \ ?l|V|i^-’ ■