And lastly again, here are the conference teams to watch for: Santa Ana, with Fries and O’Campo, high school stars; Velazquez, Reye-s, ex-high school stars; "Juventud Mexicana" with Talavorra and Arparon; Watts with Ramirez Compton J.G. sutr, Cuadillo Santa Barbara State, Umberto Marquez, S.A.I; and Monrovia with its improving team that plays on a city’ league where their opponents average as high as 6’1" per team. Our dope is this: Santa Ana will be Conference champs this year. Don’t say we didn’t tell you. FLASK — IMPORTAKT!* ’ LAST -T^UTR REPORT FROM SPEECH CONTEST COM-HTTEK Stephen A. Reyes, Chairman Here Are the Speech Contest Rules: 1. No speech to last more than 10 minutes. 2. Speeches rust have sore relation to the following topics: Mexican Youth Arising What the Conference has done for Me Has Mexican Youth Surrendered? Citizenship — Who is a Citizen? Biographies of Outstanding Mexicans in the United States Ail other subjects must first be submitted to the committee chairman-'for approval. 3. Speeches will be graded according tc‘'title, subject i'.attei-, organization, coherence. 4. _ti.ll participants must their applications to the Speech Committee Chairman, Stephen A. Reyes, 864 South Raymond Ave., Pasadena, C?lif. 5. Dr. A. A. Sandoval will present the cup to the winner of the contest, at the; last mealtime during the Conference. 20