aprl-Ht * os there Js nothing on that side tb-it *S “ 6tzm7cro? P81'haps some of > live imnn «j.n.-............. ' ri®r friends Diav n.=:L- .Tuff-~ Maunder my handland the apr26-lw t;; r- p the p the [aim man, itbal Wm. «ftrttoiuy tí1 wnife in gtiard the cpr-ieks, .- a. -'¿A'ób.UK seal of the Department of Stalo, the day and yukr first above written. E. W. CAVE. Secretary o/ Stale. that bls losses am It ;"'.56‘^Scarb<>rougl. & 'tauaBW-'eltcaped” , jm^d'tocéndiiú'y, he h^/Iort'a large' number «ftiKÍÜd^nów many, we qre not Informed. Í »L?lUa.el!5,J,lu.e- D,.‘- Jordan'may. io^u,8“rei’W ffi,e8' yblnlon, Inker of talh actio >r aud 1 ac-nder-" esenta-- •V’: ;XH/ [■ Ad*» ¡flgpu* r* •.-■-d' ’ ■'v- ■ ... ....x ^'V ■> XlAt'X’iS-’^ ifi. -Í* > '..':. X.--■■ ifr. ■, A# & ÍÍ iw Shrgnuerirau gln g. ’thuaspar.’"aTtízZ ¿ÍT/ZTstin. ¿Sfir*During my absence from Brownsville, the 1'lao will be left in charge of 11. A. Gallup. K«|,r. . Oipies of the Fi,.v; done up in wrappers cm always to had nt the Posr-C irncK. TTfE tire authorized to iitmonpcoHUGH O’CON yy NOU as a candidate for $heriff‘of Cameron evuuty at the next August ch e lion. ~y- Wr- lire requested to nimoimc-i Wm. Nkale K-iq« as a candidate fot .County Clerk, at the ensuing August election. J. IL pAf.MKit, Esq., tin non nc.es himself as a 'Candidate for lbs office of Comity Treasurer, at the coming August el option., ________ _ , Geo. Dyk, Esq., 5» u candidate for Mayor, al; the coming city election. JOSEPH L. PUTEGNAT is a candidate for County Treasurer, nt the August" election. oaewew”**eew,B,l— *E3~ We commend the communication of Major i Ford to the Editor of the Austin Intelligencer. \ ----------►««•o»»'»—--—— " fS- Palmer and Sala's Dramatic Company are ¿d'itained another week by an accident^ temporarily ifv tdt-m.ava.nf..the.Iffilips. They may be expected wp .... ____________: ,L. <1OW1 The .—The loss of tlie Liberalits, in killecl and the bombardment of Vein. Cru=tift¿r tW of the form*»-, —.■* > property.^- ! D^BatrK—On the 13th ,of March the r . ..V Allionio Ciu-viyai was attacked in TtaL0! Am JIcotcueal bctwceil Tesuitlan and i lasca » by atReactionist force of 1200 men, with ' «?14 P CT(°! nrtl1 ery commanded by Oronoz.— immedtately tcok p06se8B¡oa of Cerro Blanco “Pied till the 18th, when the forces of e a fiual and very Vig.0l.Qus attod( aR(¡ lpfl*MrC5lt kaviu? ma,ly dead and he fluid with a targe quantity of alms ot war and one piece of artillery, «tatas that ? -a 1,ltcrdi!iPateh from Puebla only 600 m t °" thti 22d '"'^1- y mtn paving lost more than half his force. Lt o b” T Ín P”““ * ' ofta™ CM UP™ “““■ S«ve-«1 the rangers camp ° They "CaS.rancb ncQr1^ opposite # wotó hav ” bira „*2. 6 “ ” —11 »•»- tot S5=^"=S5 «teal, or starve • reíUrn Í0 -«v.c ja uvtnme i hiaes, there is still considerable stack. ... '• •. Bno^vna.^ Mr. .Editorin, ¿f?*11:3° to major nnnu^rin^hettier you dfeo • ■■■ -hattie oKRio Grande City, as Sotamuhicationiiubhstad tan I state that yon did The viiomy was »'t!l’<«^ of Rte Grande City, airi tU> adva¿c{n¿ force beyond him on the llpint#., altotit day-light you fell n> (J nicketo and learned that he P of disobeying my orders. I am Major 8. 1 On the 26tli of December view with Maj. Heintzeltonn, of attack jipon Cortina, then\i near Rio Gruuuv City , »<« uinuii™-- vv7!''' rd to take charge of Capt. Lieut. ™ Av . ---------,p„ u- „„-..i™-'ce a posi- *■/> in the -4. Just was en- About ■ a Moxi-ioroed to ■ near; foe r.City.-l which he Oronoz ma were forced wounded ou and munition Carvqjai pursued him; Later fróXn Mexico. Wc have received the, Prisma of the 9 th, from Aviiicn we gather the following items. Gov. Treviiio •of Tamaulipas had retarded to Tampico from his visit to the interior towns, leaving at Tula as a garrison, a small force organized there. The Indianola had ,been nationalized, and tha,-' name Constitution given her. / On the 8th, the Constitution brought tbe^-'éíiip . Maria Concepcion iuto.the Port of Jami)ipo..aShe had attempted to take-, that vessel^seveiyf days lie-dbre. but could not. '¿yertake her. It was'ascertained by letters réceiM there’ by the Mexico, that the . Maria Concepcion left Havana as/» part of Marin’s fleet. The Captain Portilla “¿celares that he left Havana twenty days before,-for Galveston Texas, and that the currents had/hyówn them out of their course, fiiu't for four day» they had been lost, not being able to make observation,although the weather on the coast darlngthat time had been very pleasant Z' Nothing satisfactory could ire obtained/rom her papers. / • The pilot boat -Arrogance hod also Leen taken near Alvarado and brought into port by.the Constitution. She had left Nsutius for Vera Cruz with a cargo^f provisions, but the Capt Benito Vifiaz, thinking that he could dispose of his'goods for a Iwttafcprice to the Zeacfionista, rvent to Alvarado no6 ppuhimg tiiat he should- find them there. The Progresista,^(Matamoros), endorses the repgrt .of (^en^^ott, mide Upoa information ob-from ^°VBr?wa- We have no doubt Col. ,^owu can get plenty- of such endorsers. Although / tbat*y of the avíete trona tHlmson at Victoria escaped to this t- ti Of the tfveriln ^pite of the tremendous efforts ":' they •natoettmtiíé'^dé^Iy for tejhug the truth, could testify to ftq fact thaUeárlyrone hundred, of Ms . TOBtt deserted from Comargó and joined Cortina at R!o Grande City;. / Ti; ' CpL Prawn.' may bp. a^tp.iq.my something in pal-Uatíqn of W course ;• be may have been . the dupe of designing men.-—men no better "ihaii.. tt&p.', jo whom ite r^f^re M the originatora of the difiicutili?» here. Bufóse who have bean on the lower, IÚo Grandé for any considerqh'ia length of timei. cannot' u éll help knowing that such a report is without the slightest foundation; Apd any one, knowing the fools, aa^'niaking.Eucli atatemente.'on this sjde of the Rió'Giixtide, otighf .ta í|e;d(>aít with us tho-Cpn-, tralftts -l&nd delegate" fix>?n; Ktanes county, on the ground that he bull lró«Sl X'Blnck Republican and'voted for John C. í'rénróiít'./'. .-;"v' • We imrót confess that wo cannot see the justice ' or policy of such ft course. It Is an injustice to ihiri people of Karnes county, k-aying them uhrepvesen-.j ted in a Convention which protegged to represofff the sentiments of (he State- •It is an impeachme:it of the integrity of the dele-, gate, virtually saying th al one who has been a Black Republican cannot be a good democrat. It seems to im that such u course will only tend io widen the breach made between the north and' the .south by designing demagogues. It will prevent the augmentation of the Democracy b) reerm 8 •'from its opponents. Il wav be however that the members of that con-ventiou*think that they have "strength enough to carrv-out tbeir plans, and went no .more voters among which (hey may be called upon to divide the . spoils, or perhaps they have an article ot their creed prescribing the time of probation of a new convert. If so the people,of Karnes, ought to have known it. and if knowing of such a provision, they have violated its provisions, they have received thd lust penally of their evil deeds.' now long since such a doctrino lias prevtdlecl ....... _ S-mvo. uonstnlineu-w rtrék ,er, recent. )e expected to do with the author of the following Í evening. He assured us that fo Which is a part of the Resolution under which ce6 ,,DOn t?,7, Í which we should have to pass aii<^°r br,?uS.il hora». »•»,■» bulo,, gr«Z»rü\ was a picket ou the Roma food. T?La!thcre We had frith us Capt. H. Clay hkr at . ■ taire Rountree, Mr. McCluskey a^Iw<>rtyo " ivho are well acquainted with tbo él^''1^^8 mg Rio Grande City. They ' wti5ferOl,lnil; opinion we could not get upon"y °J without violating the only nosiiiv,iFiaJrO1lld Maj., Heintzehnan in thíe^voixls EÍ® bjí to stir up the enemy's pickets if din'™' S¡S «... .term, «ndíorEÍ. tihlJtoT ml1 X\ £18 btlt OU<3 Silfc* CÍIUl’Rn i l i »■«.»_,, imcd „ pics ‘g-**. within ti fcw hundred yards of the ■; on the creek, and waited fur Mai IB-»1 inck/!t came up a little before BtakK’Jní'í ph-ui of attack was still adhered tok P -at. the creek ran iu without firin--, ner of thu fence enclosing Rini/, party of ?J oxican ¿k’lrmlshera wtó they fired at us from there, till wc north of Rio Grande City. Wc no enoniy were not in the city. I ft the Koma road mid learnt that camped about lmlf .it mile above in chaparral. Ho had left the towti i al. Had, I attempted to occupy h Roma road the night previous, and by a initacle, to pass the enemy’s' have stumbled mío Coi-tinti s cam men. and be could havc • -at least, seven times i’Míié.' 8' ",^h-: lithe; itj.ih- titiTi- ■^fccMApvOTtidMórForélgnASito,/», .toe. first rank, ifftd two of the eectm" .^éctohi. of tlio fitat tank; uíidí. i y^'d-Aii'Tl'eaflui’y -¡-'officers, JtWo Ion gyo,; 'tstBWg T •ttW'W I7«W; ta'; ......... ■pí? I leirñÜEí, 'í|g|gET^#ÍÍ.L .. rosvincquflW;.flMldAbe- totaiyetf'af;w,--p1sta.dSaiL/.lM7' :citable.tiian W'titjtar' :brjng two interprcter^wlth foémíwho épgófctt" Ííttte Edgijshjjfoutmák/.fop.jDutókUÁngábgkiwtati^' At^llltodt W-Sifiióult ío ¿éíto.ro¿fiN§8ong to eróCi'.así ■wiir^tak''fok¿oi^y;ton'.br’!^ 'iWof'May:' e TH¿ .fíllIMT 'Ai tiró "recent nieetiúg. óf íhe share6fltorfooí;itÍ*,ís Company it was agreed to.'itiBe,an' adjffitíonftíSúái of £100,000,.in ,'brdér 'to. cortipie,te, apdcqulp^ttie great ,pbip for sea making (the . toyd nbptnal capital of tbé company £jl30,000. The .additional capita! ■Is to carry a preference dividend.of aeveriteen and a half per cent., payable out of the first profits of the ompiiby | and the directors have Ahe.powet; of r«- the new share» after the. expltatfon b£.tev;CL . Robertson; iff the Board' oft Trade, has ®,A m,“»to,aD,d careful examinationrof the ship, H,ttlfced the. »Iteroations which will bere-be,orc th9 Boar<$ of Trade will grant then- certificate. .Many of these requirements ? VCry character, but '.the whole of. , Tr.e{/Ulfod can be completed in' about two iTS,?;., xt exP,Gctcd tljatthe ship will be" able io start for New York about the same time that the i irooe of Wales will visit Canada, and will, it is nopeti he able to accompany the royal squadron, wiicuiiirs have been issued to the present shareholders, requesting them to send in applications for tiie nlWi to n^8ht applications for nearly £20,000 had been received at the offices of the Company.—London Observer, March 12. —--------►«-»»N¡,'e.—... [From the N. O. Papers.] The Cmcent, referring to the great growth of the Northwest ami the Immense power which Ute new apportionment of Congress will give it, exhibits the reasons for a close mid friendly intimacy between that region and the feouth, but trusts -hat these relations will not be disturbed by any schemes of plunder^ such ns Homestead bills and other measures. i’alk on 'Change refers to Dr. Wilkinson's awful demolition of the Chamber of Commerce. The, same .enthusiastic statist continues to cipher the' light” bigger., Is there no stopping him :W"a®Mihe^P UPt0 M63.080, aud is crying- r out like Oliver. Twhst,. for mdre.I moro 11 ” f“i-■■ ■' /state of" affotr's ,in Europe,' ■and;.anticimWítoublé;;.-'to the Popé " '• wtoKed by Nagles and probably, by Spirit andSár- i -• - • . /;."■ t- ■ wm- ' Ata-Si/totre quotes á .doleful view of the. future" a'tho ^F>>l!r ü?,’on á Georgia paper, but thinks -the ¿¿-if people will yet,come to their Senses, qnd. right the fouiff ship of State.' , . W"- ”Ee* ^rt,r,“ for iIto;8rei MRS- a.SAIÚL.¿. - M1LAY.L.MAV; MRjft.SALA.. . MR. R. MUR ¿Y, ....ow^Fg ihemaeivc# indebted rrírnt" ' i , "Notiéct lb«nl:tal for fho pal- Á> twoi¿^wJ£Tly ,f>Wu<1 ap9n him íbp'^ti V- " fl> hKlu<í,,t hi# tad»W '- enepr Chrjstoplw Angtilltti, ^Broyrilte,,.March Vffo^ Vitrnm Bi it. w. eaytn, 8.^'E. 11. Horíi/ . Xlélbér,X’^tóii,lto¡n6;^i%^¿r, Graff," Dr: Bryon, Safi'" Fe'rhftn'do/Mo.'-TXr IWreins, S. H. Lestbr, Cliarltis Stillm^ii, BroM'fróvniti: Capte Walworth. Santa Gtii'triideih E.ZJ.-Barker, Santa'RoB»',: Dr. Harm»»,. México,:. E." XMCoi'inedy, Stáunbáat Ranchólo i l^ ^eb'lrór/Tyle^Tó^iiá? " *=■ - To amend ai»Act, to incorporate the city of a^rr?,wl,Hvi$February 7th, 1853. i, . Be enact«l by.th¿ Legislature of the State of Petas, That the fifth Section of the above mentioned Act. be so amended.as to read as follows: Suction 6. That the City Council shall have full power to make and pasa such-by-laws and ordinances, as they shall deem necessary to maintain i the cl'-anhiiess and, salubrity of said city, to insure the safety mid corivpnience of passing in the streets, squares and alleys; to,establish and. regulate such common schools as they may direct; to. orgahlze; and regulate a fixed department for the purpose of extinguishing and preventiug coniJagrationg: to prevent the- stonuge oi* gun-powder within the limitaof said city ; to establish a system of police for the maintninance of public order and tranquility, embracing tin; due observance of Sundaes, the regulation or suppression of fandangoes anil oth, ■ public dances of immoral tendencies; t» p. rniit theatres shows and other public amusem- i;: , under such orders, regulations and restrictions - they may direct; to establish one or inore market places, anil to regulate the same ; to take charge and suuerii)-teudeiice oi all streets, roads, alleys and ways: to arfr point the necessary overseers for thc same, aud to enforce tabor thereupon ia the same tnamiej’y.iaod. with the same effect, as such authority in nów aú-h thorized by.the county court';, to etiabt.'all.ordrnan-l^i m^t’S O» k*fi suoMidcr. A i .itonxble reward wil. r* nal 1 his delivery to y */, r^.ttpa,4*- apfcrHI(i ieXt ': " ' : m wo CtiJIlE NO PAYl/$i Dr. Charles- do ( vf>« i»< 1lTived 1 j '^la Dr. Charles de L. vtro, ln< ", offers kisser, -H u tb ^blic ndMdt* Brownsville au. 'itatnoi and Adoucheur, -itges rheumatism unde. tbuv. Office hours from ‘ a lot; I residence I-ltli t l. .in • St recta. Brownsville April 2fi 18t.C a 1 h y4c.‘-l' If w .cu?, litlor. ■? io .< Cohl and Warm"latí. I AM DOW prepared to a«!wnitoodau.-S?ihmienin the Im style with Cold and. Warm J W/R’ir-butfi-rooms, on 12th street, one" > door w. h. ■ 1. Lawlor & Co’s-^orft.' - .f" ... Everything íieorówaty. for Ijalhing fttiiilX-.A. hand, and at any hour of the flay or iiígGltattÉA rooms will bü open for the Meoinroudáf ;ni of pjlbhc, ’ Mttitam¿7¿,s fíoíeii. I'V .. THE undertiigued would cull tiró J^Ü¡U .tention »f his hi#- .is-and the r V iíodiíáf^totel, "No. 4 César street, .near MatanfoiGK. - I -' ,v’ Connected :witb the house is it TrestauraL BaÁ and BílHá^.Table, . , .. a ' r • Genílítarón Junifslwd with single roorai .The., stage for Monterey .leaves the Ito " itin«e-y ¿lately after the arrival of every ,«téái" Zi-ADA:M;"III apr:2vIo,"kSiroto-the disease 31,509, while m tin same year there died from cónsunmtion toss than 33,516. To show bow much more th"» men women were from their habits and mod<-of dress, hable to tins disease, he asserted that hi ta same year (1849) 5,640 men died of consump-mi WO C.d) ,TS 10'10‘? ff:malti8 w<:re it8vi=- 'i- Womeu who havc dit!d in the c °ur cPuntry> *«we than one SJfií T.ptlM’ and these between the-ages oi tit teen and twenty years. ■X M , .v.,. aW80" ar least, seven times as" taíge^n'fc^ha fof6e-quired six or reren hou?8 for Mai have ruíicli¿í hip Dr Liv/i ytKtliniin to as that would have been b'ut 1° for the prenri' tvof fhnKi .^he ... _____________________________________ and the manner of its execution. 130 ’Váché^***And^of ■' jbrjiwi.-ettft-’iOt'fi'lA a “ War í rí-'N i car agí "" ‘1 reading the work I fiiul met Wm. Walker uh the street, and of Capt. C. I. F aysnux and Capt. denounced the book as ("nr as ¡L r being totally false in ahiuist every informed him that I would hold him responsible therefor at any early Walker answered, *■ When you pleasi My subsequent course may bo perusal of the following letter addi my friend. Col. It. 11. Purdom. Ai that my future action in this matSill be governed by circumstances. IIoivevcifBliall, in a short time, publish to the world trovcrtible evidence, such as official documentsBl’ts, letters, Ac., from officers and men who under my command in Nicaragua, which, will “ " Walker has falsified history and mt course and conduct as an officer and; cuminand of forces in Nicu ragua. Respectf . ■; .>$. 8. A ;¿uTDaE.-"'-‘i' P. 8,—I now invite attention from Col. Purdom to me, and with tbopireuss/the matter for the present: t St. CharIjEh Hotel, Nk^eans -x April 12th, f Col. S. j4. Lockrigge.—Dear Sir— unaware, I delivered a uoteVJrom'you to Ge alker, which by advice of "myself and ottienda you withdrew, and the following note '’gllvercd in ite stead by myself to Capt. Fay sous friend in the affair), to wit: [Copy] 8t. Charles Hotel, New April 11th. 1 Gen. Wiliiitm Walter.—Sir—By fricnils 1 withdraw the note -handed' ing by my friend, Col. II. II. Pm'don|.will propound to you the tollowing euqiiir you, in your history of “ tho War iu NicaS1 which I have seen but yesterday, in criticify conduct and course during that struggle, i charge me with actiug o*’ierwise tliuu of honor and courage ? This will be Imnded your mei by my friend, Col. Purdom, who reply. " Your ob’t (Signed,) . S» In thd course of tiio evoking. 1 from uen. Walker, of which thi copy: \ \ [COPY.] Oil, .plrdoni—S?r—Capt. U- I. FasgAs.just delivered] me a note signed S. A. Lqch; and item tijistoote, as well as from CapteJL p verbal statement, I gather that you ^satisfied as to certain portions of a liook on tiie war in Nicaragua) ., M For your satisfaction I’freely work alluded to I did not intendi honor or qouvngo of 8, A. LockridgBfl to make "charges against’the characfy l, # , let me áéSúre you it shall bn in if ^liusily inisunderstood. I have the honor ti®- I Your obedient servMt^ysg • (Signed,) , I then addressed General. ’"Wu| p (of which I neglected to retnin a oopyl W'b,m ludtkinly and inyiiexpectedfy ' 11....... --1 e presi-aee H. Scott, I 4_to me, as iciilar, and ¡«L Walker. ■ To this uiR o by tho to me by i l will eny Howeverlsliall, in a Walker's S, 8 of my bis morn- ysoux, your that -the answer td' the ' question a TC-r-to wit; whether or not, hifliiB tabki hpy eb im-. pagir youv bo,nor or cPnrugo—was ¿¡¿<«-| for you'.will see ttat.ho Wi5dy tata&iP U not I furt!ierra«ked his rj/yon, w . adds1* pply to:mp rath.er\han Waived a wibal replyStal^i-ai W&r tl> the eftect that ijtttatikJv '.^tisioteta he bad given roe—iz^.e io fl^^-a.tisnxctV17 Ántiti,e8íá'pou^" & toí?r -,v hot; «ay^hich 1 ac- ■a,; Pobiím. dS^ Lhte Vávi^’ froioM^tpiilpr, ¿tato ü Gen. Carvajal Is íá^aeaíeéás'^itá.JBftoen- hand] men. It la supposed .tita ..forcesM State he will continue his march *» Thd Mokocco War.-Ouv latest advices from Madnd arc to the 28th ult. -The preliminaries of and fl.pMnn °'1 th® 2?tb by Mitrs!laI O’Donnell HnnJmi1 T# C™1VOys; but thc m‘iitary prepara-tioiis against. J angler were still going on.3 The con-b? albita te/91,C1UKiT °f.peaCC ure 8UIWed to ,°Uows/ »n indemnity of 400,000,000 of nnf-ii’t! 1C rcteuilon of Tetuau by the Spaniards :Until the payment of the indemnity : the territorial E rnítSr01 ?\relI-lla ’ commercial advantages; !o At2 r“z?-fcaMillie f Dr. Hayes' Expedition -The special committee ot the American Geographical and Statistical Society, appointed for the purpose, appeal to the public ia aid of Dr. Hayes’ Polrr Expedition, onlhe following grounds : “1st, it will solve, if successful, the great geographical problem, in reference to the e-xistence. or non-existence, of an open Polar sea; nr’¿nW' hr°W W “Poo «le sciencé of tellurian magnetism and meteorology, and unou the Aurora Borealis and marine geography : /3d it Í* «iriíe tbe.Sol$date und f‘«t decaying Eskimos of hMith bound to escape1 to the less severe regions of Southern Greenland. The committee state (bat ' science and experience have mostly overcome the perils and hardships once incident to Arctic navigation ; that scorbutic diseases no longer prevttil,-and the loss of life ip the Northern seas has. been reduced to even less than the ordinary per centage. The Journal of Commerce says that, rao’rc than 315,000 has been already subscribed, and the committee will at once negotiate for the purchase of a vessel. Another Oberlin Sensation--^ Kegro is StripA, Cowlwled, and. Driven. jrWit “the ■■■ TVtofil^Oniri^onmy last,-", til-' negro ^rived i' Oberlin, and begged refuge and protection, claiming that- he was a fugitive slave from Kentucky. As some suspicion existed as to his being a genuine fugitivo, he was taken before the Mayor for examination. The Mayor, after á close examination, could not decide wnethcr the negro was a figitive. or not, and declined having anything further to do with the case. The negro left the Mayor’s office,- but" no sooner reached the street than he:-was seized by a gang of negroes, who stripped him, and cowhided him until the blood spirted from his fac^,. back and breast in torrents. He ww then released, and told to leave town tit once. He started, but the black brutes, not satisfied with whipping him to death’s door, pursued him for two miles, .with clubs and stones and hidebus /yells. The ringleaderdn this brutal affair wasi, one Evans, a negro, and one the 'bands Of tbe.nfcgroes, and thei^ rule, like that of Hayti and other places whore:,blacks. aria in "power, is p.onipons, ' despotic and brutal.--Cieceíand.^ (Qhid) Pluindcrtler, 4/4. „ o A$n Ordinance 1'or the due observance uf Sundays in the city of Brownsville, Apail 21st; I860. „ , Approved June 23. 1859. Be it f-damed by the City Council of the Uilv of Browi.sodle .That from and after the passage of this Ordinance It shall not be ¡awful for any person within the city of Brownsville- to keep open for business purposes on Sundays between nine o'clock’ of the morning and sunset, any store, grocery or work-shop or other place of business except the public Markets, Restaurants, Livery Stables, Drug and Apothecary stores and public Hótcls, tiíúd any persons offending against the provisiqwtafrthis'Or-dumrice, shall rm complaint mid conviction-More " the Mayor of said city;'be fined in any sum lint'k-hs thm; ten nor more than fifty dollui- for each and every offence, to be recovered in the >tme of the city, brovided that any person so complu.-i-tl of as herein provided may '-be tried by a jury if he so elect, mid provided further that nothing herein con- ■ tained shall be be construed to permit the playing of billiards wittiin the bouses above stated, but the same is hereby prohibited under the penalty above provided. AN ORDINANCE, Regulating water carriers in the City of Brownsuilie. *'• Sect. 1st. Be it Ordained, By the City Council of the City of Brownsville,, that from, and after *!k passage of this Ordinance, it shall not.be lowju, for any person to serve water in the eaid City without a license therefor, from the Mayor, for which he shall charge the siuii of twelve y,nd a half cents and. pay the-same in the City treasury. ’ Sect. 2m). - Beit further Ordained", That no person serving water in said City shall receive more t ian six and » quarter cts. per Biu-rel, for delivering tae same,, in Any portion of the platted part of said «na M^°yí^íiüx”^aro inS°od aild Vr condition, tn» l“a\ ??,ro?e í,üch ratti lllfty he received when rno Btreeto iire in bad condición--to be judged of bv in» ^ayor’~R.nti a,jy Pei’aon transcending or violating the provisions of these ordinance, stall, on oon- AN ORDINANCE. Requiring tMButcherv tn the Public Market to stll.-meat hy weight. Sect. 1st. Be it Ordained, By the City Council of the City of Brownsville, that from and after the first day of May next, it shall not be lawful for anv butcher, in the public market, or enclosure ia said City, to sell any beef, mutton, pork, or, veal ox-ceptmg by tile pound ; provided that sausages of any luud shall be excepted heref*om. ' Seck2nd. Beit further Ordained, That each and every.butcher, selling any of (.he above descriptions oi meat, at their stalls, in the public market, shall have posted up cdnspju.obsly, the prices at which 18 S^' Aad.:Wy Potion offending Sgauitit the, provitiious ot l¿s ordiufllbce, shall on conviction thereof before the Mayor, he fined iu any sum tat les» than five nor more than ten dollars per each and every offence. ORDINANCE, To further the public tr«n-Tnltly of .the City iif. Brownsville. ofU ^r'í,.t}ÍlctkBy tbe City Council or the City of;-Brow.nB«lle,ythat any person or per-sons, who shall within the- peopled portions of skid nBT,a: ,i" u loud mantar, so Jfce ^cace of the nelffhl>orhoo4 when the■ same ma^'bap^en, and every ¡person who 'ijiall cal!-j»»y vulgar words, oi laugimge^u^ihc pi-esencefor lining of ladies in • thejyul City, shall oií 'eánviction thereof" before the ^‘-'e ,^w»KS *144111 iiVU llflP 1 ‘S A?. -en d3llnir8’ fofeach ■■ cvery o|r«tae. And that this oithnisnce take, effect, and be in forci* ftom.and after ils.pissagQ. - . ,r,'A; : "• .V- F.F.FEEN. - ' • A ; "CRy ^oretary.--•T^h1' EsSn> Nolds my power of taoeSL TiCyi “°a 8 ^«Wzed to" transact »I1 tiusl- e utsq for me during my abserice from the State. , Ai* A6,il Passmver. ¿tí4. ^L'.i í¿ - -jfi tbe;j ................. ' -1-y"" : b.nra*'K<>, ¿■Ekto.-'imil of Mexico, fa iiw^.u-il^Iattdcil''aL Iftgi), apiá¿6herapkjy inei casing trad imlb-Htn-j tti'.'.i- l ilVirty million of ilol'fa^ f p'S^ ally-sold, and wlik '• iieccwmrilv eii'ere ',vith iu offer to'itatifail htagreater imlucemmi.t k:w«tmont limn can 1« found m any.city in th., Süuú- Th« hml.irrigneri bi mg Hie,limit and sole owirnra of . >llZoM City ^aru terms1’0' l° 6UiI W ltU5<1 lviH “IJI)U UtiC<>m‘,1(Htating JOHN vr. SINGER. ) a.' GHABLtiti W. RAINEY, f Brazos^it^, Apr,: i8G0.-ap7-6m ' F. <4. FA I 0. son., ••x1 - । ■ < Milliitery and Faib'y ^toire9 AT XKW YORK PRICK», i -Chartres Street, turner of Hospital, NH^G-IÉbAnR upr7-Iy •< i:. VERANDA HOTEL, Comer of (damp street and Lafayette'Ajuare Nh’W ORLEANS, ' ■ §. J. STINSON, Proprietor. THL pleRRahtiy-fiituated Hotel having been Gently purchased by the Proprietor, has ! entirely re-painted, tiewly furnished and tjiom& renovated throughdiif,' and is now ope>w6 tot <_ reception of guest»; ? Travelers will taut tt ’oue the most desirable iooatione to atop at ui the citv aprlyl JOHN I). BEiN & MX, (Late Priestly 8f Beln,V ; ’ IMPOItTERS o » Tin PLA'l IRON, & c., 4genls for Manufacturer» qfc Shfret ana iioit Cop^k, TENNESSEE IRON AND CAST IRpN. PÍP18»' B-10 Grande and Northern Mt xi4o merobaot# are specially invited to examine their uuinplebi «üirt varied-assortment, at 1/ Nos. 89 an» ®i Carrp ! ‘ NEW ORLEANS. apr7«iy THIS.Iustitatiou-'ta.^STc^Sl^áró» ter county, Pa-,.ontofiCetre%l Railroad ubyu, toirty-ctalittoileB frO!D:.PimtKltipNaT