■ "Pcbliiteri VuL. *«<■ Tm'a'v f. BARTA IE, MEW MEH 00. ! formation el-out m-v*- I " , 3 L. !h.i*. i am ui wit. r w !l L<- ifce* prevent tie* MH fire* t»*tagw ÍV* W BY TELEGRAPH mA* wn-gmr.d inn .pglfcy., St*»l> of 1L» ff nr <»• UEIiTAS! >ELL * Ct)., \v< •u itigLCS . Ft»*. g:v<* prvhlalde ♦!*>,,'nj-fiicei ty |l>U>»i«d* <( OTALES S. IL ELKINS :á Jacob Krammeck stales Itawe ew-tm f**> W*n,e.*^e*rwtm. liarte.!.» «1*-! n xdviblw. j;»i - Tt 11 : l»i*rg, «i. I e»frt» ,f an apprr-priati,>n < f $7 '. -l! VrrsniJkt* allow no letter» town to be f«>t warded. IfoMbtiOb F¡.ré*4>o chief of tbc Cinco Villa» turn ink-red. •**,* * •wflerge !n‘»U the r.-ar!««r the Tma.vry, an 1 ri.-TO'i » 1 ‘li mt JcinT, HT..J f«l,!i-'! *0'1 Inj-miM putt usted It, < 48 Partir, reb. 5. «bal »iwce T. F. COX WAY Wvtoiri; Cr-csná uind#1 a pt-t' -n.it cttti'a t-> Lin < •>nn ■' ti-'-H with t';r Cha hctH’kied ant* Mill btliCVts Ir tb.npstrli from Bogota, of : n •• »'•-:• ¡•tt) ban tu eti Marled by r. n-v, Who th.. tu.irtial J. 1*. cui.HTiir UltAClDN < _ Bombay tVb,< The force* of Lrod TboórlMí bare esptem^ the city of Muscat. ÍW. tt. Bernard, iUwwartíuyJWo^ J. Ikrua-d, Weet-mort, Mo.; A. r. Warflcld, Wc«t|*irt, Mu. t -r the inonh r of bi* wife ip The ex- |Utl 1HV «. rr nhut« ►fl 11>! / Sabia F¿',.N< w Mexico. OFFICE IN JOHNSut f .uii'-^n !..!i»re »i if, « Slisuij hílrttW» y ■•tetrtrii r= 1» C. 1'1. M-1_It- — » t>O_. ,.r K LJ . 4 IRA M. BOM)* Turritoriad Ubrariei-'# ATTORXET AT LAW 8A8 FA IB, IEW KEXIGv. I r > •- •■• 1 > il| llv eourt» In lb* Tcrrll-rj , tV* The apprnpr.atirn. t|.ue f^r msde by A A v «i,li tla.1L liuiJi • jilf-eiant 6 14 ly 3 i by Cept. jiolomt'fi !h«-k* t.i t'. j ;lí and eia»li pivtx* of j XV Ct|><. John A i j.-t and.giro iL11 t’icir stfitUftllold al Ja—13&, LttlAxi^ttQ-T'uvjUi Fr’1;» iji; anti Sa.¡ta Cruz. Fifty tosurgeui* were killed Crin < f J Air.i o t„r t|, r*”?' '•’• vl i"r *>«• »!.* k <>í&» ,. mil 6 w.-;ihhy ¡«i'iliean of — rfmt*-i4i b lx i.hy 11 i.-j,tt 1 ^IXDKilb'IKlj) 4 Tí i J\EÍ?. ■jfl’TORNEY AT I. A AY, - Kortlvaut. F<-'1. 6. ¡ Pa’ltitin. ("¡an. - r-V«gw«, Emnnui 1 mid Arago ‘ arrived thh i; ,->. .n. The ptrf^-t <.f Lrems -r*-«-f ix,-d Jo -"-. from L'>rr-..,c :;nd Al-iii-e re-tii 11,(_. )>nre*iat,* Laie uc- to BISS 'íkMWíi-Si:.» I ; z A£i:S fWl W¡j» Í6L- A. •site *- 1 rtddvl I"*r .SV- T S -w Vb! j W4ñmÜ'»jl i^S r: . 1j st rt-7-Z^ • Vr- i" ■ iM- ■ZrSSZS'HBE ss :-2s^ ■W 11 - -. M LXJtiAN1 idksdki. , Í limit no te Year................... t V.,nth«............................ r*c . M'inthe-....................... d wtl ie rrimrt'd ol N.I fi:>»cripiioti» taken Cir < eerm tn .nth». Ui. L te i .•)! i >• fltl.Tl d< ,1* tt.lk t ' ►. ) rh Mter li*». ‘'Vaii'x ur is. Mt Y CIA LXIMUX7IE, HJ08AÍX». EUMENOS V MEJltXJ. toocuxns y Menor dt UDES. WEEKLYNEW MEXICO .... S'! 00 ' . .... . MAHMfcniLD & TD0KER1 ••»• 2.Üf F|ir $■->-• li !»wr^rv. firvt tmmt'-S * . y* - rrerwí i-qrMie.earh iamtíue ■ ICO «srteTirkiYS-»«i—«**-•,» TraneSemi adwrtbi*r tnLe p*¡4 fc, «tfiewe '*2n*M'* »>*» marked <* ike rt»e e*|| tbe ° ernter nf hwerrtonii. « ,•■ ■ ." 1 ar-.ibítikrvi oe-, *M ,; All r ‘totnnnitiatluna <1 • lT" íy_*utlMide«l tu Mr,»,, "* '.tlEvi as »j , rrT<-rtref .--dvaroee. If p,n**8l i ' r'Jtt C" n 'e, t *S:F ea‘ fc •f**Ñ ** mltwÍMfiw»¿" _ ' XV A fvw of 'mir y’>i:n; ppop!«- aereml-L.-d to- ' . gr’/i9f • i'-«r ivmingt ago and .<1 » I tei ho try keen- Ution, thr Ar>dr-w#-pr1.»1.|,nt \A •• woh m. al 1 oitng frivti.|« eimtidetd snr«-e«« •» iittTSr'v 31 , a temrnyhti. W«- urn|-< firg- i» : .V«y-.ro «i-- l*-dro di-.ianre of Iwet.fy »ix f.-rt. n 1 ordinary etanft i« ■ ut.k ui wlurh a corxdtfri -r n>ad<$ of itii h and 1 J (r«li pint: limbt-r ti ect. Ti • • nii-ia- tor g'ntalive gnM>- «ye.».! wtil»3 Ale of rouit cKj-vllenl native wirier. pity tea of iron wat fayr.J. In (hi» fom-ition | —— , 7~*,^** ** ' not more timt lo fockriin be ' . , , ',.... ; rl,J ,M aft'-n-lsnce on the Ihstt'ct < outt. gy—tc.u of ■ । 6-!0-ly f................. .... 1 KI It UY BUNK DICT, ,|Lttomoy and Counsellor at Law, yAXTA FK. NEW MF.XICO. 2 lli;XKY HILGERT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law •"T R. 11. TOMPKINS. frrahti* wii ¡¿ir.ctainu •tone fiotu thia tirata L »i« io am Ji (itiuida by it hit b«-*n tinci'Jrd to • x»« the well one IrmcLed •nd fiftf f in .making th>• easing an I wdl lake it out to die we!i t»-morr..w. 1 hr Inilert ire of opinion ¡ Wwsbington, Feb. fi. firs m .—Upon the o-Tpiratiou of the mnni-1 ing hour Uie posfai code bill came Dp as unSu-j ikbv-i t-u-iacks, but Ba» passed mer ou motion ’ of Utomih r. yeas 3o uay* Ito io pri>eede with , b'.biut»" 4r, tn the commr.Ue oa estmiuercc. ! Ib’ii»' I • the prulection of fomi fishfcR ! ou the -ou-is of the I uii«i Ciales #y token 1 >'P I Fhc bill providing for. I be admit) ist ration of I an.; :: Hi rmat intis by rid lector, uft-Uslo^M ami mu ' or, ret I ng aa Ci»lk-4U>n of cnsiorn*. nan so u uded is H» apply only to nr.vuu»-matt-T-, ¡ Tin: It .-«• joint TfWnhnifin authorizing m ■ Xini tl :.n r. gistef lor the tititiab ship Botorrt Pane-.» s. Fri>. j. ¡ w , i:™ —- •** trar.:! A,r Uir.-V ,Hv<. p¡,e tn-abie het«*,u ■ . I****. Feta € R HnLduras at# I M-.u Saiv*,:.,r ha» tweii wy»t*»e*j '■ Tte T*r*. Berlin «jwefaí »ay* that himv^en ' . aiuirobl^ Httaty ritiliw io Cu**pkc nt coiúi.hra'dt- k-r.gth it, cation t.i-i‘dcd h í;Ij. t ••ll'urn froto Hie Cutn;« i::< «• oa pt.'du <•» l n-jitiiris n pnrted a bi.l pr -x rlij.g, U,at u<» n<< too tits xtbixii ü.iv-e once been ad- A ttora f y at Law, ¡ -,i 5VNTA p:. NI3V MEXICO. ¡ *Rlwt v> I prom»! at U"H Aon will be grr*a to* flDl.uimr. in thelinj- oí hit praivt'ionlUat auyr ||P ••:«!* .. F.-," " ■•"••it.- • ■ 1 j If J-: mi->f flat> ♦ * un I i-r •' ■'" l.t»-) r-C.iu* it. fl >ic uf Ge acral and llr - - — -■ - - - '--------------------------------------.-■ - h.iHM-rii-ad, ntrl*et post* t Lit lbe k-y to ¿ive tLst resplendent ert * i«. k »|u-»d t-vrr th • * 1 • vi u ■ «>• * •*' *m urr iu * ••IbtwesI blue to it» first q*«<1*v in»t«nt, two ! g'l.tlfuie*. Lvtli px»t tlw wt-Otiliile cl life, the j one-tall end ike ctIwr ei«iJhi>g. I, du»* you. ■ •hopped iilto lb* Murta» of owr citx-re- Lse-; l?rut«-» frión A, end after paeeing tlnf eompliment» 1 of th* d»y. lighting th#» ehero«»t*|i which weee j ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 niTk re.itw«mc*. . [ , ?-'i W}|i pneetiee I» ell ttee Cvaru of Lew ewd B..bLUata;'Wu^,'t -«-Pon** foam tM I't.Japr^ I.t.hd. W 8oellt,«i*B |4eeei •" SANTA FÉ, NEW MEXICO. Wrre ol Lome tw*Bt*fi<1*rc, aaUi-li¡%!iry e&j'.yed fr>r a eotn-wfaat greater Imgih ul tijme lliah bib-li»*y **pe w* **-' *VM* aawWewe*» <** wrow*. . 5 JACOB eSVXMÍCií. Na e**iw,«4 -italive McCarthy hai.rég returned hf '■-11, till- Curtin, jiu-c oa way» and mean» <• 1 d to take a vole to-ntorrob morning ou the in; tnabo’wh lac taronje tat. • S-rwirury Botirwcll had addrmsetl a*leuer to | the w»x> ¡.nd means eoinra'tteo agah,*l tin ; npealo.' 1L# IrtCotoe tax. ¡NtU, Feb. G. : A y taw. ai.d L>r'-k:-.lutg accouutr j U.o olfki-re io n t upon any account ur claim 1 wbH-h aban not horre oren preatslvd wiihiu . -•¡X year» from llw diU- al whkh it on^iiiatotl un c-a. tbe p.-mm. to, nU.m uo. aó I»- ¡ lm,^r¡4!l.t. lisvw an, rhl¿r a'.tiM.tey I:, toe pro-cot Ion of 10y , wniui^ „ , t.sfri(ülad(W a!ld 4rmilUcc. < I. mi ix-fore tw departuicnl or any branch! -___________ ____ ______ then of tn wlrh-b I,* h»«t rerved. or to #itc hi- j lon;.a-.l1;n ofi’.t I .¡:> in ntd of o.ti> tULu ay du.-l Vhv 1 Cunidrtl, X. .1 • October fast. < ■ .mrm.vrt jesterday. ■ trvttic cold wr"!‘,.-i routlaw», s.Bd tta> foe in too cut liver abnemt Hopped tM forr*. Th» cxrenth .■«-«, nmlttee of IM Gemma »UI •ociety In thl* rey ytwtenlny pwtdtahN an appeal to the G-i -.-•au» timmgtawt toe couatry toteww ain! ix.|.>u;,fo ttasir Ntarta la ratalng furnia for the »«.b r«-ra in tieruwoy, Tliue far ,819 01 in. 1 t «fu cnflacied trj the genera} cxMuwlltec and >i «**ir*titQ#te*-tiwit tbe whole aiuuuut will n.;i |. 50.00(1. Aftit <»,twin which by -,>;•« ruticu <>f law tot. < not be finally settled ait.i a.Uusttd. *i,d *M other chdiim ihall be pri H'Uli d within six year* from the pua»sgp vf Hie act. Ill* accoed aRteodmetit eppii$« llie art v»)y to i-inployea et tiic jEovenncH-'tii, frithto A!*]* * regent to * fleélíty tkty ewtifl teU fMf, barring el* Ce**l fl Mack |hok'mg aeb ■ta-#ot> tro* Iw tebk, wki4>, after living ¿rititk ally exverinri a»4 dely nraed bjr^e'aflrpljl 'ifl, elNmleat eflttiwe, 'ww'dimked into iM’fcw,' act so e»m*.fcr4foe perjwee ef **-ipg it burofla to determane tie eetar ..flf |* taM-i . N »to*v like li* «NT *f NfoU*. ¡¡lie -UwN’.be*. . . ____,'TM": -:lton ing I* the vote of the co-utuiilee: o» wiye nut1 tutietM to rijuirtebiU repealing the Incnuw tai t,y<*M Mcwm* Hooptfi-dBrook*, McCantiy, Kelíry *nd pnb,°e,«» tor the ex-petite* «eotintdófl tlw reveepe from euaioi#*i OS the epgrexate ■*» thrr» p.,»» toe>e*tlbe iiivrv.wrd;*fl^WM at ibe l*wrb Neattoe, c»two appropriate *«,- ooo for Umi ou n»top at ti* fl»v*flraa ****** flíjí fltaúta» w*flt l1'^ fliflew) for i¡kM howf^-WfS'oMr iwr peblie pri*l*e*od I,» FgBrdflmxft. •***<'. - ■ h. ;. - . - /-• -. •.„. r •' . ' ■'. ■ Í-- ■ • ?: ■ ■ .-.Hew Twit, Feb..?. .- .-Tlw ,>WI*I ifl Co** *1: Urttyxd 'Coiwei •* "'^iíioewi*/ wc*í*rd t* l^lrdMl*d-**ri*-floofvi jMumW* “ T? ' Wfr* 1' W*.K**_<*kr. ;i4ar;. »*■■**'■ flwf; 4**8* : flM#J*nwimk^|M’. Ml** ;N*-**flhd, •w^iWfllf--i •• ■ • •»- iíÁ . 'Wwlil*g.ioe,-reik«.-tt There fa xi-w h^^t'tea-éie^tíl^ha: <*» be arriad atby"t^ IwiéeiB* «axeoeTetiabcie»; Attempt* wiíi t,c mide ,ÍM.'<|'Stoe Hn0« fredwjr to •••peil.'t tl>e ruirs **4fweiy»d Uie^twsolBtliNl by Wt. ■ ■ , The h*t* le1«r**4lg*ihig tibr l-atMeed ÍMíJ¡4¡3¿SSr Mgréyd *11 p» M** w •üee.mUt*■ -.Hportla ■'8a. Meek, N*;w>id bN*N- 'liiwe' Lave yet been given. Sew Tort, FcKC A special correiyMicih-et telegrajik» tkai h le nni'crstood at Wawktegticit, a* ataNvt ce *x-¡•lanitory <^mlni*i«sr;Sd^tiek-,drtey te |*v. Ing for Engtand, ttiat a Btttfcfc «pleeMJe agt-pi h oa hi* way tn> Weeflifljgtae, witM *• thontv to crttN ,U pointe ii dkp*ht*e ; Kiigi ted and America, tn re*tnn wot *|y * the Aiaixuna cLiiiae bet a* * 3* flnbecjr question. If thl, propotlllon b accepted by *i gnevenr* Biept, H b beilcvM tibflt 8d**rik wtitwe** at Weeirtegtoii and eondect j* iwgiWferine* on the pan nt the Culled State*. The CwnsMltaa »otji«*ritics are iaC'fri'^*r »*frie tiiát tbe Ata*** cialns «feoeM beMpt *11; ciy separate from tine quest tow nflectieg the doml^km In the wntwíetilaw, *¿ 1AM-tbem- diilaiv way tie wtiued before IM flthtfy' (pKMiiou In- token up. - -i The debate ta «xeestire atwi«0 of li* Senate, Ssturelay, on the Domtaali* of IL 3. Cranp-n? mtoi*tet to Iheumartt, N one at-tire moat biueir on record.. d Tbwe who opposed the walfwaMtieta, were^».... • - . - - . ... led by Sumner. „ iw " .¡i '°* *■ W Bcw , , t CtaWM, who h • brotoeriwiaw ofF^Meut í OraM, wea «xrigiiiMty * hwttart Matbwtat | .w^ M P<*cMr I* ILcetadtj, frn* wLkb -Mate be I' ' , ¿ -Wm appntataM caeetl teLripeic. by FmaMem '■ th*"!*7 Job***- «ÑM.IM tiflw tin* became Sctns ? fl* «flto* *wc*d ta* ■****'*► ®*> andel «M laitera****1, a* ti*{**i*iew;-'it-g•>-irffl) n'*|iiiliw 114J ;Mgtailq*t6t ti* pewitinewta*' jiw Cope»- ¡ ** -INb eatikwtetag ti»;>MtaMiiiwr’'"" " ' Mgta mUaton bring vnq*, 1M FWMeM f#*-NI** tM cMlm oTWaaqit CflWW* a*t 1» Craexr’afleaae taUbrdlkt, -lita*!*» Vrttt* W* ta*n before tfee- c^oh** * 1**1 wtati** i ** ****** *W.**M- '.' . ' *iUÍMt Tti*<»day,wtaaU.waw****f ' ■ ""'J.- "T*11** *>? ,* ' m-f; fleeitaj Ttiedz-lMte tc<*»»le*«**riy ewreowd.L' . • - Kw Te*ile*-<- tar*, ttawé oj-powed *» * kd [v" **Mr Me NNWlln*,.**• ■ bj Semntr, SetairtaN#tatt*w,'etxatafc tta* [ **< W»B tiwa wmiliifl." Orawr **» not NtM eta*ef m*e,wta> etawto | .?• ’XW wfl fl* ta*e*N Ifl X*'V« fwpreneni «* C*ÜN..-flW* M' ’«***• **r*i.|¿ toflrto. ■ ■■?-•..• ' -xTfeti liifli wwwmNfl lataJtlmJj . for. ti* M*l*flr;*^'ttWM|N"****N**l freretaa, ............ ...... wte.W-a^ietw**-: veidt*- w*M ***** W.**-W**t ****'' eremita foíSSS . Tm wan *fl*etefo tar .CtauweWri Carp** ejNei**^*, xM-**terwp»ttod $.: -,w nem*. to •.*' rwet*. :j**i?F.ltaNW-.afl^fl*'. >;.«* naNn*t|,.n M-tiw Atihaie MM 'ii' ttlB C6MMÍ1ÍM i I** *****:■.-** ■'Ce**,, waa-rewermiii,1 tally twn.op.lflrep;*' ' " r--llUkNgithe - „ ewneeRwe* JFWm-le". Tbe aleepteg c*r Wfth C**ie1¿V*te^^w • bMr eM»M*efÍb»fl¿*5 Sivr*. Iheed ,«* 'Mé, Tbk Ibt • **** w-¡«SSS:/ Ckw fle-eri» iw ¿2 ■ trefcet,. awd *1 tt» ctilm hw»TCl*e Mfc**'*’l!Í*»**T*6í ” te «w »*rfiK» they -S* yM*»< MHI wbHT* *m b h*t e**b*V "35*. ‘. aa to thaw the ciotMmg lm WNfrfr 4***t*tib Ñay be Btadr far aeytMa* **i¡i ■í*tis**e ' ti* MeitM-atA* ef t*be*M " íSSC**’ " fceud wúba t*»yflréér«|*iL *B 2* a< - ' tbe raro flwtrt»* w*w Wsflflst .**Yl|w ' *teto«»eet web*U8*i t*» *¡fl„ 'IW** ?^NcwetA- *V***;ití3Ze cxw*