- z Limir ON # "'^ IK NEW MEXICAN 'rrni.tsMt b EVhiiY Tt i:>j»A* anr .“• ■ _ -, Íaxükrfí*:li> 4 tí;:c6«ht ; / 8itata Fir New Mexico. - > OFFICE IN. J9HNSONS’ BMN’K. _/ " J WEEKLYM MEXICAN. :l filo .8^ Jre»w* .-«■ie Year.»* "Wx Alonllt*.. -t-WreS- M'»i”h............ , dytirib" in advance will be n-;i mw*1.». (’ •I1 vnin»»t.il V> !.!•• •^^asS*t!v *ti® coiis^Ux* ®»M, . FNNM. «Mae. A»**, '*■!«**" Bnehe|*t. Bell—■ ees Tble*. Tbe-elewh— ¿«sS í’L-'r ti* eé* Mratiwye*-weee íttóewM e*ell1iij*íei TU Hw r—tiftiir *itiJ**ti*g..tiÍfcB.| ' #*, to repwi e biB & sai-a te * - • f** (arh xpnire.'Srrtlw**rtioa •' • ¡-. . r«r each »gtwe, eate eat-aeieeat iesm—-CTÁ Stew féwiael to the T •otid Ibits tm rht, type. ' • -' »il advertlwmesea charge* by *« eweitHi ™ , «rihenrjieerraugvd. __ 3^. - Traaiátaí adwti.i*» tnhe peht fa» la #* . A«fvevtfcma*r>re or marked «ai be sw»y»a - , 6t**-er«>ffa)i*rttof1x,*oi i*Mt**i*dAwer® iPebhikera aatihx4nM*tt. «M ritar^H famwim Ntefa . - ATI eriese-iinicMlfoee dwy cfai—I «# «I* --------------x l«*.*tote*l*dtojxrAyoreprivrie teen—».* w-wi. a- r^^^^r^^iwtow.sBd'iwj'tortrfrtort NO. 3 • -• 34*«te K perarasn k» rUraífc». weN*n * FT-eha ir. r* '.raxa . — -r* _-.£■■ ■' =-i---------— I I r:.ie: •' BordetWiWfe*, - Ctimacni toft for fcrte t*M MgM. / . . UNtoM*C/ji\ 1 The Ti*e»v Berlin afetNP«•>* that pmNe» '' to lb* caphwiation «r i-an*i ttagtiwl ■Nwi*" edto the ¡power* toe .expedi—y nt — |. ectiew i# ti» interest of peaeo, Tt ra**n #iBig4 , leatowt tema to fartifiwte- the f*p*M»ergto-" itietio—aád^epenmaaabwiioi—6—ttibetr " ! tee—»awes at the L*a*w ewafcawen. Telegra—' tom l*ari* eC.lha Maiwe thr _ Foor ghveraw:* »tor* ; «30^**»—l «r-Tha. ar*i»tirw •»>■ Une—Wi# tw*- «mmI *lwe*—■» - ■*- *-—A*_,e - mm. _ ‘ <7 _ h^biWI*ti^ . , t reycieded lx cáese oeáeaWÜial«—• ■— I li«*at*etotw titthelrut- , •■ . .. . Paa»»a. Feb. 2« I The Herald'* i',.dde f!('«imtch from ; • 'The freálmt tlwstrh* of danusry uid consktor • Jun. 1?, says a r- lyhüínn Ims been started by ■ able damas* tfLj.li*. railroad ami pota atop tó i -: Iloyaea who *?d Or. An.ir, *, president. We wi*h nur ' |Jw ht three. ,b j tome particulars pf th*>n>g»i»e of ^pr.ip!c froui Lorraine end th.. tooU^eud .he drtlUng 1 • Md*ra agí, fofeKirg..whh hi* 1 " ' " ' th* brdrark. for ebouf oh-. J»„n.lr*AV4t PAtí T, VhtifÁRV.Tr The t*regrca» ol ihe Wril^ From. líoj*. Antonio-O, b* y Salseará'i V tilted die eriesia» Well fert wrt. wire .eiícwintcrei!. In tl.n fnrmatioR-'tfn*# "twetiiy to fWcnty.fire irét p< r ! -. 1L;. low tbi* eery b*«4 Ww* g**oite tywdi w4* pit) tee of iron wai fatir.dl. la thle formation not more *«R 16 eígSl-4*td,-t»o; V* per «lay. lmmeli«t»1j ab^ve tbit hard granito Lrmation about »t**n feet ««f pea nuta which be -bolds for sale cuple.d. Louts An,u »r. red martial ¡ IrarcI for dire* Tcrnm*»t ovee* at He^fort are cngn^.f d.-^ amt toght tu hekteg MScalto fur Tari*, «ítraryitirs^of ptwiaOoce* »r» lM-ir»g***Ht fojgyant. T ships on? inadbht to-day, awd eixteee «feel» * pvevaíteiL " Ttw-décie» « art tvady t'i tomL.. . . t‘ " The scbSme for the ofibe-Era I tifieatee 'tofee terbwh^iL pipe devvlupe* gwatt attvngtb i#■'■•expelled ' ’ / . — *"- -e j,*e Tiígji qttirtere. . I ( ’ ■cheap. ‘ rr We arc tfi lubtét! t > . P < 1 m tteJi* r, as | rrprwtitative of the Arcade SJojti. for a bottle of mwl-excellent jiatixcjxhur..- - "- - ' — --rw'bto «►— - ' " or O,ir .
nJ and former townsman. I lie metric Perea, Esq., of Lta ia in fine cily in attendance on lhe District Coutt. . tagfa- --•— tip* Cspt. John Ayres, ivii on toe btickboari • this morning for Fort De-ilntw, where hw i»»ti I engsgci] in trailing with tin* NíYwj. fo? th* - N*v ej -«ei. fir. J- S. Ilutelrason and Capt. Brautlingyr Utt thia toornitig for the Fl^ctv uiine»» \ by Telegraph New York, Fcto.fi. A ctíMe be Qww belitg leeollrd and S*«ita Cru<. Fifty ineurgenta wcie killed it*! many piivuters were tidien. JcMie DeicSaih* Faryetia chief of the Ciuco Villas «urn tidered. , • " -—- "♦ a* *•-------r— Washington, Feb. 6. Sfxsti..—Upon the expiration of U* morning hour the postal code hill came up a* unSae -Tkiie*! Uuthiesán biu waa passed peer on motion of ("bandit r, yea» 3U nay* 20 lo procede Willi b(.áiuv»s Irointhe cow mil Ux- on vommcfce. | II-oosi- ( f-.r the protectl»u of food hihes ' mribe í.oa*« oí Uie United. Slate» Was' token . up. • : „ The bill providing, for. the adnünlatratio# of trnibs ¡uni mil rural fons t>y collector* of rnsiuAa and 6tir**V'»ra ?icl Ing aa cutlet tors of cnstoms. wn< so su.ended as tn apply only to rewirae matter*, pm-urd. - 1 - s Tin; H ■-.;** Jofiit rvkohnlpct '-anft^rtzlng. M Amert-•an register for the British ship Robert L. Lane, pissed. -- «♦X*~l*»'l " --- Wasbinglon, Feb. 6, Reprrxs nt alive McCarthy tracing.rclurardíiT i. Washing!-m, the comiuUtec on w»ya and means have de< i<’a d to trike • voté to-morfí* niorulng ou lite bii- tn abolmh Uic Income let. • ' \ Si-crvtory Btitttwcil had addreased a letter to tiic w*>» *-#d means .committee agalusl "the "repeal of the Irtfrome tax. •- -- Feb. 6. A decree si^ecd by 'all the mi»Utera here hns lH.t-11 proruwlgtlrd ;i-mjullipg Gambctt*-i ; «kcn-«* oa electoral" ilhrabilUi«!»; it maiolaiw lhe>upr^c!f aotborify ot the l*aris govern-mytil, and «iecterw'lhal election* *ball be «a-restrict c:';.- ,. It is ls-:i' veddlhal neither ibe govennacot o! national dt-k-hce, iGc1 tvd-topnbllran* iw;r th* im|N-rl41l*i* haw# *#y ehaBce wif carrying the election*. The people* far or the" iwxkrate parly atid condew# the weakness of lire gor-ennuiwi, and #etnp!a|o that they wens not consulted o.i cspimiatloe and arntotic*. ----—----í ■>•*•. ------- - - " Xew York, Feb. J. ■ The trial of S icob HUI * Weait&y publica» of. Camden, Ñ. J . f »r the inorder of Uhr wifa i# OdtolNrr last, c.-n:nepecd yt»l«rd*y.; Tlw-.' «-liytncroM West her co»tinw», '*eA tik'iye.i# . the «Ml rtycr lias ahntwt »topF#d *e fbrrire. The extontive nommUtoe ef-the Gera*#.Mil •ochfty I#-tbtk cilty yeetenfay Jpaditiahed w appeal to the Genu»* tibr—gtMHrt tibe coeatry toienew and /¿-d<»ui»te tiwlrtiitou la rafalag fund* for the «uaérerate• ft—paiy* Thw-, ijir »a<*,»t».»|?b#re fe-enouflected't» tirageaeral. committee and it ixcsUtaau-A^lliai *tN». wie* - atiKittiit will n-.-ti !> ^tSQWk . ¡«Z tmnftmti'.i to keep the popetoce berk tri»» the line of the prornú-loe. The (¿eenwV . unpopularity be* never rewteed seek wejMre*. iog point w* al prevent. .■ Advices iron» all poltita of France te jinete ilrat the mwrobly wtil coetatae ■teettty ef loiperialivt» ami Mow'arrfaUtaL Theaetiweiüe» j«.t Versalita* allow w> letter* Uñara Hétia le .be' forwarded. togtra.ate Une "lífriill fe r * ‘"" láve rt*>M» tkefrfaieM gone lLrotij^htJi good rt.iim of water w:II be found. ‘ . nr w* are rcquct-'l by Cep». Adorn on . to ten 1’. r !..* ,siwc«»'re ther.k* .¡to tin-if. rwlior-hi.i'v .-fficr-ra en-1" Sdrgvon- Wi-gii•'. f-«r th»ir hwy »■■?• ot1 - ¡tig the illticM »n«i at : aon. Ti ii i# a sad piejeiberg. anil tlx -frirwde anifer 'lie ctr-«ill l.e lot-g iherfelwd.ee at an <^f hi, yr- .tiorrow. Wee (fertile irrk* la all d»« **unrt^ of!Aw *n.| Kqeity ' -i. itorv. • 'I :iM<-titI..«i ff.un to the nt t ialm* tud irmittatHv» pruvaptly waJcl. _ j, _ _____ _,____________x— 1 dióu^h'í(1 altci ruto»tin„M i'!vvi«ti<>n (’•plain our ; ruLun-t M«rp$tbjr,, '•■ The forre» of L-rad .Tbotef teíve OVM*A the c ity of Muscat. . , - KewifoA,,F*je. - The paraen^er trata laavlag -Few Ye* M . $ o'clock brat met he oil-Mate'— 36— TLobbcHg drawbridge-; ti* oil track and breke.la two *» oil ter wri**Ue—4 4*c r Mi ibe pxsaeager trade —d wt |b —/• '" If thte prepfliildk* fe taw-pled br#N • *cpL U to beHeved- iL* StetaMdk wtttliemiete' W 'tsbhigtoo. Feb. 7. . Ctf-ssni madd a 'pernorial explanation ri-tot ire to Lis connreilO»-«ith. tie t'harpgxnUng « ax; hr br-Hcv^d aiii* Mtill Ix-heVes there is jitill oioiie.t due C'hajrpfWdhrJ’, but etui not know the rl-tim wit* so iMigt* a* a!Iow*>d by "the Póstala» ti-r G« tit-fal i be liad, oo «loubt irrPYftvr but that the -Fo8tiu3»,cT General bclk-ved llie nn.uinit awarded to l»e honestly and Justly due. Mr. Cvweo* epnkt; nt considerable length lu Ju:(it!cation ot hl* coarse, after which th*.- regular bunluta*. of liih house rias prwweded w ith". Colburn frua" the cotnn-liue on public ex-I ndiluns reported a bill providing, -Ural co * •prf~gi«n4-rtri*Sh. r ! ■i"c|O'»-t °t fco’Unts which U.-tVe ooee been *d-e.|*-rtlwbouwr- Wt ’ by »nJ accounting oilicer of ike goVein- ! -Tili-ui shall be reopened without any authority I •i ccUliy ghvn by law, aixi fortdddiagmxouulr j tug ofikrn* to art upon any account or claim whiribfatal! not bars t*ece .prevented withlu six years from the «l ite at wbleh it originato«l un'ea* the petwon having tl* claim wae eu iu-fo«t, téteiúe covert «ir liin-tt|g2 The -d section . fortildy any pérerin wh ■ is or lias beeriaaoiD- •ri«b discoveries Inte ieidy bee» wid* o* tbv. r]crfc OT employe in public eertice to art east ei-le e-f the toou .teint. I* «*** pise* a man Í ww ul y, attorney la ti* prosecution of »tiy twk out f >uifwti duttsr« in • few Jipn-s. ^SlriMiht j rti.im before the departmenl or any bramdi, the ertr.ian "Well br a mic-p*. the Ffec^rs will j iben-<>f in which he had aervrd. or to give in-give profits ble employment to ibvuia^iJ» if ¡ formation cr ' miner,. - ” i“ »hc ti:»- < í di 1Í?; T HKNRY HILGKRT, I %" . ; ' ~ "- • >rAttomoy and Counsellor "at Law * :r‘ urn re. x. *. * -djltrirt and prm;< nrtmlfoti wnf>* riven to aU ■¡¡feiuic*» t«l «Uí b»«c of in» p«vlo-'"«* lh<\iu*»y I* Strii«t«*d to him." 6 ty ■;.* 'K. IL TOMPKINS, \ ÍA tto r a (y at L aw, 't x$ANTA §E/ NB^ MEXICO. .sn'-l prompt lltontaKi will be ^ive* to :fcp fietrurtud to him. - JOAB HOUGHTON, • < ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■v.$ eiiri re. itwjtKiMe, rr o.ir liiwnimrn. A. Steeb of jtlx firm rf Z. S:aal- A- t»r<*.. »’•■! .*^mr#I« Jchrievicof the Grin of J .hna >n & K ?.h, left (Lie imrop " fer the Sis'ee." T«iv»e ¡jr* th-tiin» go rjyt_—fet th- pnrp i*v vi p-ir -he >t<*t k rd g -nd* (ut <• iwlet Ma>»«! tbit M'. S*iib w«U widt £urdpe (>c ! furr !*•■ rrtutm I» N»w Mteiee. ‘ Wr wi* tfcA Uuth a ptrarant trip ánd en -\ — ----?• IV A'g-rtlem»ri who arrived in t«-Wn hei ■B ¡ntsiavra i» thrhne oí ¡si» profesjoou that ®**7 1 weumg from ti* "lleeri;, i.ifciMi. u» «ii<Í. «hw S-a ntMRrfl'f*-wKI tw-ftoen t-i ad '‘t,’4nc*\2£-, 1 aka*ii»z .4" prr-^iaiitiin.il.um^tetd. *>-WM t priv I’efeihl hl tilt ^.Hct uf the « Oeaeral od ftofW« v< it-r L. S. -fc*»d <■ Mf LES mt; K*. ixmzrt 8. B. ELKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Wy\j*we»ee la sil «be Coarta ef WríM toe T*rtwy. «epocíal «wattoa ef daMo* «ad «—Waacea-F—H’F.■»•“•*• oMt* aad rttídeMa la tto Ot4 Y*k*»4Á. HarexCTUS«»-ie.C*m»nell* X. Ber«a#d,h^1¿5y.*^Ftkru»'4.'A*« Me.; A. F. WarteUU wattpert, W». cmb CanMr-NW: Be *6*' ti*krteT an6 Ml ehik ,d a? Coding *n*^^<*5**M «ni ***** em ü'.nj* • *u» timer ti* test be-ewhf/M -W*it2-' Iba MvM*^Ifc*er*ÍI c**N .*** r**Wlia*Liii| Nwd- F«*wl •<* <¿ w**teWF"*W. mmjjtolji:jjsarat.itiiwi *» NwidM'eiweer'-ib^ato-1 ■•NNN*w Jh—•'**••- -•fi t V1»*7! aFe*rW!****«*t*teM.; ' x<¡ ,Z;i •v.'.s':’.. «»£' Ésa WSÜ8 •few <* ttapan oCth* Vetoed State*»' -. The Cenadla» satiioritksi ere e****‘ta.tfaUr defat* lh»t ti* Atowea ctatam etwdd W-tarpti wnlir^tajwiiil^^ tbé dwtóNM'le the tageitatlM*, 'afad; «M, U**wlti*l** »*T be rattled heft**It* tiiNrty ipiratirabetafceefup; " ./"••'■ ■■.:. ' The debate te ra»eetiw.M*afoe of tbeSee-,«te,. Satitatay, «ra-ti* eprelaaitee eir'tL J-CramerP:tei^U«*tolk»nta*, J».A*fa. faf-the nrartbuM-rwarecwd., T ' 4 TbWr wb* eppe*ed ti* ¿inlnfafaíta'" **l*-:" 'iedfeySfatMer. ' - " -j!' Crate*. to » tawftte ta4air*rw iiiiret Cto,^ wra erlgleúti -rat .tofeto** 'Mfab***: ",.-¡;á¿¿ '!*■■**.,N- -Efateltigi.. to**"tohWbvritfato-he ' -wra api*taiM; ete*tt* lieipeto- .1» :lhw*N. ■* ** ^MtapMBrW'Ú* rarart iteúrArW■ fiN** ' । hho olfitbüy.lti n^d <#f any ehim agdust the l'eIted States.1" - „- After considerable xlbrtiasitm (he biíl was «mended to M to pjtwid - ÍMt.lt «bal! not npply to any claim of to* - Hteu arising lu «lie •totes formally , fn ■' - -umtttop whk-b by . 9p<-ration of law toe..i not be,,finally settled ami ailjusUut. aad gil. oyber cierro» aba.ll be pn*ctiud «HUÍ# *ii year* Iron» tlie pusaiige ofllic^ac-t. The acxxwd iwcodmewt appllea Uh* act.only, to cn)¡>toyos of th* gpverniúent 'trithllLAUree yva!nrrríthe. bill thua atuemlod '•as'paaaed. - ■ \rato< wri*xF-*w*v*s nir. v. «T-iuitfiiiy *. ______________’ , Í ” 1 -l*re*prciiiig lor t eal. - -Abc-ui ' tri "*#. I «efeU etaee cwaL’*_ “So > «ie th, Ú*' ■*•!** ja*',.NM ' aNk.” falw* ibfwwiliee teepgl* •U*|j«ta*’vf hie aedittwy. w e; daebto. f#,»» ■11 ■ „ _.- -'”.-W«eble|iitoe,(Feb. 1; . •T|w''6>llowing- b tiie vatie oC*e ceMtoittett oe—ya aud mcana to report a IHU «fetihtg the iecotiw tin ;;i«iB-New>re UoopefeBniokih. McCarthy. Krlby and Orth, eMy#:M**nk.lU(jr-eitiL AIÍInní; Marebeii iwl BbiZ. Tbcre -wm /MM—Í dJecheaM oe tbe-wublcct. wnd il W|H •*-■eha WMK* debato la too ilowie;;" ■ •,^TW..-iiati<*iiI^ e«rt»tlto '«•—aUtee < U* ■ ¿«to# LaaW-* vrgwd l¿. tW^eelfe ttayeraM ¿MUta, l*Rdíi^*?6éleh<éJti*^.:tíi«<Í'|wl..... íííi^il 'NmN-'WNN. l/ -• '-. i’S-c-r.;-. '■' *• " Í '■ í•' ’ * W: 5Í3§r® ^?"iF >tx. !6- •Fii-ii... «., 1 '-y¿'-ir.;A ...; Ht-rv.: |b . •** [te; &ew*,w w £!?'WMtó8W5) pl SAWjfoaWNaiEa®^i&® dtatwiwtaf raifatti:ÍBHÍá v". ?Lr-ir W,vj®W-‘",®V.T^e*5 [ SANTA MEXICO. í=uq¿6íT"' kSy^S£S^85=§*':3 WW' Wa'.; ;-,:&" . ■ e. ¡Jéa^wdíí&KKSSi aepv—to or |U4^.fMalHugYrx—N** N e—*klea ha> »!*» ■•** N WV<6**Ne N*.-«n'e* ■Mt-N*-1* ' ■I*. *e ecyetivn of éA$| leui'teeiiwÉí . ... ..- ■ Tlif'ieXp.txv. h:vliitó.;^k^^r»|**e: ^uwitiXiir.hé' -iNN» WN*$6*Ní: ri.-s»;yj; ..■tyiRi.7^1-'......'lr-"-4r.i|?- '"i!.-'' - ifeJ; y tit&dplikSEiityf'e. ; r^rir tf&r :1- ¡k'íHÍtai «(¡‘-"«iehSiil' 'ílWl!i^.:•-8l:li;Blit5slfi^i•;l|S■'': , j-. iy.M.