PAGE 4 El UVALDE TIMES MAY 31, 1979 7th Annual Sacred, Heart Festival 'Nfc. Everyone helped... In So Many Ways v *y% •* ft' ) ♦ V j A. : • 1 n! L 3L1 4rr “Aqui tenemos ya el numero ganador del carro Ford 1979.... y es Greg Souquett!” Conchita Vasquez estuvo tan animadora como siempre y su entusiasmo fue indispensable al grandioso triunfo del Séptimo Festival Anual de la Iglesia Sagrado Corazon. Las orquestas que participaron también merecen nuestro mas sincero aplauso por colaborar en tan importante obra. Una iglesia fuerte y unida es muy importante para una sociedad saludable. Gracias! Just me. Mom. and Dad and this delicious corn-on-the cob.... That’s all that seemed to matter to little Arthur Ybarra IV at the Sacred Heart Festival last Sunday. Mmmmm.... good! í .. - x X % Lorissa Baca deleito al publico con el Baile de La Bótela como parte del programa presentado por la Sra. Teresa Maldonado durante los números musicales. La coperacion de muchos artistas locales y de otras ciudades hizo posible tan estupendo programa. •I * fe ? ■SB f ■ I “Y los Crusillistas también saben cocinar...” En el centro aparecen las Señoras Linda Salazar y Estela Nevarez atendiendo a la Sra. Mary Garda. El Sr. Cruz Moreno se ve a la izquierda. ************ For A Bilingual Community A Bilingual Newspaper El Uvalde Times Making the best of our bicultural destiny and serving the needs of our community Subscri be Today—On ly $ 12.00 A Year Home Delivery or Moiled Name ____________________ Address__________________ ¡1 ¡1 Ü Hasta payasos hubo en el Festival! Kike Uriegas se divirtió igual que todos los demás al presentarse como un risueño payaso. MAIL TQ EL UVALDE TIMES P.O. Box 1671 Uvalde, Texas 78801 i Reduzca el uso de la energía en el hogar. Use aparatos portátiles en la cocina cuando sea posible en vez de usar la estufa para cocinar o preparar la comida, sugiere Bonnie Piernot, especialista en manejo de recursos familiares con el Servicio de Extension Agrícola de Texas, Del Sistema de la Universidad de Texa Texas A&M> Cancer Research The American Cancer Society has a special Research Development Fund in addition to its regular research support. This fund can quickly supply needed money for promising high priority investigations. It is but one more example of the many ways that the ACS attacks the cancer problem. You can help by giving generously to the 1979 ACS fund raising Cancer Crusade. A/ tacos de la Sra Genoveva Morales se el puesto de En frijoles, barbacoa, carne guisada, papas con huevo, y los de nopalito fueron los mas populares. Aquí aparecen muy ocupadas la Sra. Genoveva Morales y la Sra.- Anita Cano. Cactus Jack Festival Has Something For Everyone A four day and three night vacation in Las Vegas, Eight horsepower John Deere riding tractor mower. 25 inch Zenith System 3 color console television, four hour RCA video recorder, and a Polaroid Polavision Movie Camera and Player are all prizes that will be drawn for during the Cactus Jack World Championship Festival this weekend at the City of Uvalde Fairgrounds. sion iMovie Camera and Player features; zoom lens , electric eye for proper exposure, two and one half minutes of picture taking time per cassette and the film self-develops automatically for instant viewing. The player has controls for framing and focusing. during the Uvalde Lion’s Club Auction at the City of Uvalde Fairgrounds. Lots To Eat! PASAPORTES, ETC. Jubilado de Inmigración, Con 38 Anos de Experiencia En Leyes De Inmigración. NOTARIO PUBLICO Para una cita llame a los lele fonos: Oficina: 775-7887 Residencia: 775-3714 WALTER 0. TREES 306 Washington De) Rio. Texas 78840 ************************* vendieron tacos de LA GITANA TOTILLERIA Menudo y Barbacoa S abado y Domingo Tortillas de Maíz y Harina * ★ Chicharrones ★ Masa Para Tamales 278-9061 FRED LOZANO Propietario 107 Goldbeck sjc sic sic sk sfc sk sk ?k sk 9k sic ?4c sk sic sic 9ic sk 5k 5k 5jc sk 5|c sk * The camera and player were purchased from Speir Brothers pharmacy in Uvalde and has a suggested retail price of S675. * 4 RICARDO P. PEREZ & RENE GALLARDO - Owners "AS LONG AS THEKfb A STEER IN TEXAS YOU'LL FIND THE BEST PART HERE" The RCA Video Recorder includes such features as a remote pause control, built in 24 hour clock, plays pre-recorded tapes, records television shows while watching a different channel and can be programmed to turn on automatically. Home movies can also be made using the recorder and an optional camera which is not included. The recorder was purchased from Tom Winkle TV of Uvalde and has a suggested retail price of $995. The 25 inch Zenith Television was purchased from Feeley’s T.V. and Appliance Center in Uvalde and has a suggested retail price of $790. The television has 100% modular design, in-line gun picture tube, color sentry with automatic light sensor, electronic video guard tunning and a power sentry voltage system. The Polaroid Polavi- The John Deere riding mower includes such features as Briggs and Stratton eight horsepower engine, electric starter, five forward speeds and one reverse, 30 inch single mower blade, grass bag attachment safety swithch for PTO and triple safety start. The mower was purchased from Uvalde Equipment Company and retails for $1,478; The tion elude round trip airfare form San Antonio to Las Vegas, baggage and transportation from Las Vegas airport to the Flamingo Hilton on the strip in Las Vegas. The vacation will also include room accomadations at the Flamingo Hilton for three nights, and tickets to a spectators sport at the MGM Hotel and Casino. Las Vegas vaca-for two will in- Drawing for the prizes will be held Sunday June 3, at 5 p.m. Ü ¡1 Ü 278-3624 CHOICE MEATS DRUG & SUNDRY ITEMS FRESH PRODUCE FRESHLY BAKED PASTRIES PIES, CAKES SNACK BAR FISH - POULTRY OPEN DAILY 8:00 - 10 OPEN SUNDAY 9 AM - 8 PM KUIK-CHEK SUPERMARKET 536 W MAIN (HWY 90) xxxxxxxxx A Friendly Word In Mexican Foods Tortillas—Taco Shells Salsas—Beans Frank Caballero Distributor AMIGOS FOOD COMPANY, INC. 4535 W. Commerce San Antonio, Texas 512-434-7201 Ü íüj Ü