TILE NiiW MEXIGAK 1>VBUSWK» WVttRV TVUSItAY-lir NUNDElU'IKCü A TlX'KEZt;', _ • Santa Fé,-Ni«w. Mexico. OFÍlCji IN JWIN8OX S BLOCS; One Year*...........-'.. At ............."..... «6 W .. • .Si* "Months---............................. 3 60 -— E»rw Uortthe •-•♦•- ■-• ...........ZOO '|"jpi).,ib'in ;ulvancc wiUln- required vlnH.XH 'iTN'* subscript ióW token for e term lei-*.then " i hreg mouths- a *•“.-• ewBwesaweroiawpwweawtii lAWYKUS* CAKDS. HE.XHY HlLUKKlV Attorney and Counsellor %t Law ■ o»m r«. x. m. 3 WEEKLY NEW MEXICAN s*##**» RATES OF ADVEBTISIKG. ? •oh.f >n XASDStHELD 4 TÜCKEB J We held there Troth to be aclf evidentr that ill Men are crested Equal.' fPxtMithete ; VOL.». j SA-NTA Fl-:. NKW Mi;.Xl< (>, TUKSDAY. NoVllMlil.lt I I. 1871. fflawmvaeBaflWieaawaieztia®5838eEi3saBEssiBiHi ♦’irtrei MokiHT's nut y. x«reimufk <;.. Cm< uio SrtK.ii Ai s oii-.iraugU- at . lire vadu aaioiin. ~7 * .'..^. Ar- ".< NO* 42 For rn< b •«■¡ttan», fiy.t tmcrTtolt ' V -1Í4Í ■ “.w-h nui.sequent hrerrtion -it* iual to the spate net ut-K ó :=y 1» - «brrn.«• «>« •'I"”” ■••m Trah.hS.1 t,. paid fc,r |1B jdvimca . oñí^LT'r*'K**»? ”* f f"it'k'"11 ,,Ti tbe c,d*y *«*» «•* nnm »r->t ••.« .. r».unl.liiMeAa»Ai* «’■ni.iiyn entti<>iiki;c.i i.qi, .«. j «iurk-rd All c..m.inht,h >n..r« .l.o. -.f .,fti-rwrór MJ ü#wibA Se.uOnw'Mtrii t...l.r«.m..re reiiiiyinrrt«U^wffle «"•tr#l*‘d •■«d»« r'to rr.< >.?*, f,,»! i^ymctil niftitrS fB > ' i*!"*’-** *t b* :*■■'.-I ;ti 'h»rat1(L wrr-fyi rWlbe nsfttt n> n-„w t any .urh *vt>, i» ,.T MivcftiMewt. V,L d Strict **d prompt wttcirtimi will ter piren tn qli Sbu-.iifc»*'i« the UM Vf His py-lv-yu-u «hot tmy l«é-! enenk-t'ed u»*in,.**‘"f-htnielto t»- Uin>;: vi-H—lilh \. - «wlireltoi» »f <-ld> o large awwi-mettt of gopd» t¿ Fort Wmgaii* this mor'niifg. ' _----------. _. \ - nr-M»j4 j. i>: ih#....» lefFll.hi nwrnmg.’on ... > Ab‘- ebuthrrn t'oa- h fv r i,, * t t g im>- nt. jn !*<:A#«. M'v.hrh«*»» bs remote »i Browt.«vi|li?; "• ;. ‘r Iré Ml lurg, Hl. 1.1 I , ®-»i*i:MH.iai.ijiili ■ li u**i|*_r . nfe rtomte ttf he u-t. t* I* e^iimVed tlmt líw • , 2‘inkC a ,b’1’'*- ft‘ hf* úid" rust over • j tTfM>Y F-.n-ínnr.. u h, .n^t tin herí wf ii..!v rn«e .# mw. .,i "jlvtgvenl I* dent u*?r<»pi i:.t n.i-j.a.M ywiul • WwníiHttf-, ■ Hr. M.-rePL a h-utb-r. ,-m>.1,i„, rd ->rf ■- • -ibe.pu>.;¡ ■•*.., k* 4t l( »m^ knii-g m..anted a ’ high *e*ft..bi.t-i. g.'.t h>io i h,r».u« With Id* w.»tkn>. ft th»* n4l«si j..r» ,tml?.6..|..r»y b-tt Ouv n ight r-elel.tat«< ib» >•-of t to* N k > i.v i > j ‘ oIm to- ICr'i-t-tí V i i ¿ i»/' •*I kuiiny i,oihhgf«r VMtr XIu.•or.a« ik' eiith.iwutv-'i.aéh dtiignor M--nin/hi a rl-sr f. ■tet then lit* h»iit »lipp» d «ful do*tt Im?, went, '"' att.'l.'huL éo fur ny ihi-, world" Ist'cmccrBA-d, naw *an"e-w.>. • *. v tertcnee Ágrtfctiliwrv» ’ t will tber, f»Tr uidy g.ve you thi> u->omnny oí; '"afi *y* w«■«•.*•. i-í f'by alta-irt-f Well iit'ii'lersanj '. Th-; • " j on Btmsw V... h »i.drd w the d«ath of, túJ Íton/Mo'r^ •■- i,tweuufe; »< t.«T.«•-f »t.vr‘ tofuXc~'ilie "curono^ixen,i, , .,.„ '. wi'g r«i.i< ti-T ■. I h,t "‘tliti' i .toajr»,-U’'••l’ »»i>n a-:d htih'ti»- were in ttoj-| to »uit ü.e L****0"*1 .'--’•./«'t-r wbrh ¡ . -.|,.,,d; '■vallmi *»r ti.- .|u. 1. t.-r H«u.«t.-r». n m,>1 lunre»-lf; . ■ ■ , . ■ --- »• -sft.f fo ton u. 1. r. tuord y lupphii-g ; «o ' dtink o. ." Ütmwoa •-> i-, j the 6*>or -«-rbreaum»-! i < to.u. tire h re-un iba d'.'r 1^ aAud "h<> . tbb । ^ThFg re it ptiint to be imprrwd 'upon" tbn'i jury gawt il- ! il ''" J"'Rticuhuriil 11«tumunity is '-. - 1 nature of the sod nm»t be j nature t«f the pr*nl whnb is. io t>c. r*i»#d uh«th . It. and tln.T-tiiiyii ft»" io be <1 ' ‘ *' eitbei bt nican* xif otl«/r u . and tnrwra! iirerutv*, tibie* eub*lMiee» wl«nb ' fotn* tire firtri ¿f tbit. perti. utar plant.? *!>«(• feyent plants require «ItHXcrjit entolancra *e food. It.ffvrvht animal»"require ning ur - »n the IrjiliieUlic h*l' »l«itret vi, fl ! r..•;- /t.-iér ty^-e« «.ml piul^ to" rtre tr.nre - tífica*:: ii.pttiVMt eto to Muh-.a. i he «tiprec-n j Of Um- ''-im- ||« jbei# pliMinci-* H.iK-ttm-¿rp'dt-'i.i .-;:i J’- ?••(.« y, lift ¿lit?epyhlnlc in Kuiot* , j ptid It . I.'.t Im;'-^-jbi^ih tito*..#» tire history tit . tbe.rl>i-:« i«.':- >•«« sjrt'n?»* nnite l ivarty t>tKter*lxl*U«« d.ffu*l<.u to";I-h.dee-8 in ^«.rtlrern Ku«H* .' rdn^dy asrt ndcd . Mnutit "lK»*é” «ñlií BU»c ari-i to-ivr tomparnUwly ■ le**cr" htightej amf v ............1Jt ..._______ _w,r., , nf,.rr dving ' these litUo pe'Bfc*, *b* "Atit'jtetttth' ' h Egypt. «virttocrMíMirwgoV tn «he -$ . x«# think she" .ItiehiT done ptrrn'WlkTng ‘ h. i7totr»..fu M,„. .«» gwrt, r Moshe •‘wvfctand .did*.* ".■.'' ‘ . — Wto n King Amatleua Wen|aN)Ég|g¡!te,i* the ex limpres* Kugtrid^ wklñg ' whM / . *hc nshtd to bat e Tetodt-test her tin ItetTliill-l* - * j Spain, rile ryteHyd lhet sheykwln-d tolta*rllte : 7 f ii'i fvof » tewe w. ; lK,? '>U:.-rsr*prtvary. |ivr ttiteMie*; rfw" ji^nd. StTti ««■ u i id» rat ami-that t-f'^skltiniMe enh- -I nil-Ire I. had nmdw her " ipdr tkretit to pofap aid'. .i- ty h. mabji.M.-i by bré titu>m9t8 ssifeiwllW.l.h-hun..^, "She returned tiTSpdBÑa».**» - "' n- vlvxt-to >h«-pr.fVtaldc UiLruduciterti of-nArofetB " r ,'" «-" » - --rmtotgih.. pnuv^r . - . ; "" , f”^«’•«'* Wnman. • aBtioti* to M* tMMteMMW . . Ahou|.tlre fin-r.1.Rppap;Rtiy, when tbloeX- ‘«pk®* blrlj, where >he h«i ii!>«bly r .luán i» burn hi^fSi.t#.- 1 be»no_ii«*toinly.-pn-iat«©x_la «es"«■pktoeiuhr Tyitw '" •f‘< tto ñ "tx_ . "" . __ 1 ■ tío qip.niton .rtiti1 «n ti» tire extcaaito «f 1. tlÍB.rphlrií.ic h'-iv. iií pr#igt(>«> ,tp áfili'l-M ; , i.xxetreíi'H tUik.ii »«r¡r‘6»ij¡f ttoratetis Kgypt, í I ainl tinou«4i K$v;>t. itoutlrerWHiiitoiyiV lo ¿Me ! । ■li'jU.n.ét ai-d h< t7,é tracto Me-t ttavirwi*íqr fot- ■ ■ ixeiiNv hi • ?» .-iriing ;íp«eet • MeÁlAnt He*- i , in, itt. tire píretoriik :c-f íbig.iwl, si fv w'wóéks : , *2*»,. Ute-yiiitie«.le fiSre #.pn «<í i«» 8tii)Bll, lo tintó i -h inri Stourmuuv #u»l tú- t>r¿ to Khnst**, 6 Xrtl- । xgo *>¿ly t Itry^ tin i < j > > u ni,» fi«nij SÍ9»S6«sa, and _».* > ■ uat tx I i,i i si i 11 u ¡ •< 111 a m,. t v’t« (••,' to that low». ■1 lie.timé of i-dgnnunre tor yds re-er ill chute at /illtsA AlTfi Lt a- ii it. F •• ».. i ,r 1» ,a ...A'Z- i. i an-| -|mV' b • «i- »i< I»- tu it; -Sj «•-'*. >ii il,< IÁnil tpl-1 |L utlrrii-n tint il b- *«i.t ' bw wiHil'i h»V« l-i l-t< h it-. I>>«>,<.‘f."' »*• -k< i not fttmidi it Ar . ym'« । rvpetty ;" .... «ni*-, ati'i tvl-i by» he. w«« a- tii-g .*••»> wrvr.gX Wif i •n-l tli-t be W*« al-iren C «’* $?l h«elj,-»l friend* ; ll-r- t-rii-n Frplre.l that MYn.«>n Wel liu ftivñ-l •»t l«f«-í, •ee-ng tb»t llrr-'lrrion wa* -t-etjt opon ' Oil*- hf« f' Si'-a'ré-lii—l to "get tom to^i*-alr, útil wee uf'--re«*i»fut; Siiue'-n- tiren'. *p- ti, tip "ait'l ■.f-Md -“"Well lít-rid» »•<•««. | W‘*h I»'» (m«d-l?- "Fif li I W»nt luu tu t<-ar<- nil $/«-* I 11ren I-1 g > pf II- »»'!►» M-n, "WL-.> w.i!k«‘-l np to «•'ti «n-l e«t-l Ire w .ínLt it-it leave'ih.r hr'jree^ ¡* wh«« |«c ( íí-tt- ■ui' i »»h1, U> 4"taire toe - hif-g".'' ard thr- w ; 1iwt»d a* ¡f i» «i.iiw a" |,i-i«.|, «| wa« *I>" tnu-' waP tot-g H*n»Írrer.n< ,, ( k»i»'W lt\ ’hira-t.-r;- a»d crrtitt hr i iy.^'trd. b* 1 tbmit S'-'herB,. A* llrtotofeón tKrtW hi»lc_,.b-ii |W lii, " w-*e;K-#f' »»':fl.tiir>ug1ll|.. --Simeón A»ot Hendcr.fió, wb» M. ito*«. , „rl^v ,,,,.», w,,.«1 «.«« rx-h----------- ■ Tto- trOiaeooy e-f Febcr kr .••t*i t hat lie ■ woui 4 । “cook Stiaaowy gcoac.’* The "(aj4 that líen- ¡ déríombad kiUrd »cyvr*l o*r»iiM pheiiou»Iy,' 'ST"'1* v* *•> *•■^>«•••’■«5» Mwaiui ; — ariid Annual Xfa^lfna. ' Hi* : .' •■-•-'-• . . i , * , • •; X«1HÍ Kberscn—ftll pi»ris aficrtrel In the ¡tWtó«8ó«»' A w« ice evfctMTatei that be wye a w*«l» of the brat dem, a«>4 I v-ar* and earltor iu-tbe pre*«ns y.^.. ! Swedish hl*toriah, and psetor* tiled oe thcltoili that tre had ow trevtyel jJecaijone ttoeatemtd ttoj^K.^iti fftet. apréad hfall the ptiticipaÍd¡t'S1Múflt6 vf.Srpieii.ber* I» thti rcetwFa life if MiMBB, fully jtoM'.Wi- (be a-iton of til* ‘ ■“? ttT*U.^ •• '- 1 r .- ■-’ - , „ , • | f t -.'t. ' .. . . -totitbptvd •>verlh€; whple are* of tire-.Mlle latter it. tlkwg the dito vf th* »»» who ha*..|;orl¿e ; o! ibe ltQX,1Dh Empire, tbréatrnr--!. bi* Uto *n4 properly, and who was [ greater • • _ . -i . XivriausB fi*»vmce»ior the Baltic, ftvm Kf&ata»- county lit w COW put to rot,-and cannot >n.i,i lN.r, w ^,iw.topml¥. " S more i:-t-mutate and ,atiu»«r" our jp-o|d», an«i ! At the pwivtil tijnre epi'Ir.mlc rholemlil ¿site» compel'!>--««• to sulm-rt to all .bit -u’-iwet d»*- xa*c«tt ts ihe pashyhlt orBagdatl. Iri the.refftirtS . •^»d XofthwecTcrn pruiihevs. oFlVratn. ia be»*'. »-rUl of the HiiHian ports, of thy BtovS »ra «fftd • Mer is ón* of tbe few that kmrtrr.» hvtr to , úie-discaverÍM stid anskgré» of •cienrr. - j “kevp hotel.*' • ■ ",. , j have Obljr. Io leetn" th«."rl-ntekle of the, v.rgut- 1 -2— <\ - «- ~i T^T"*' ,.' r^T - <* l ** wish to pH^’.w-e'to a>ctsrtam ihc pro- i Hr l opr, r r^tik 1, Brtmrtf. of lire" 9tk^»v-, - . ' * -riL -a «— . i- " . ~ .Í ■* »• porittmo m em.h t... v t ouil.(».«-, luiiuir* into eteywlio for a L)»>g time wt* ag«»nt for eh<-. Xe-- ,. . . J - _ •{•••.. 1 n .. Oi»r supplies aml.a.li’.hat t l-mrirt which le de-: i3^j«c* at port 1». hitici* is now »taUtin»'d •t-horl .■ ", .", - "r. , » 1 - "... ii • ■•v . . ? t •" "\ . bvic-nt. it may * - tint tin compoijihd that is , ’"'”>• c"1 « I Uatis. texa*.. Itf-savs-m a tott-rr to furn-b.i , ' .- , . . ,. >» '•.. : *bs«-6C IS Onolbat! : Ki, a wrrV small iir« B-ittioii - , . • - l-ng be as Very conifortably . ,, '< . „■ . ", ■ ' ,*■. ,, btu.«-te en-i «yr labor *t»d lro«Me¿'¿ ? .- . e ." . -, - " . | .»to n < vidi i.dy to rhe " Iriivl’a.» if tn"‘iÍ»á' v9«-er.lft*S of*xi«»«: -•?*; •-* ** —- '* - •* *ti*i*k,-,i a ram h irear .Sin Simon, "Ar*>na. 1 light uitem this Vu’-i.-'t •i;h...i .......:< j-...._ . » * , J" ' ' or plants oavv, e>-f"v of ■; pounif"parte; Iml < fi < n ] appe rvntfy eoest tn > 1 ¡ k -•. । ele-my Ms Ohly couihttini ) that.tb*.asm* soil ix to n- r «dsj>tes| to "woene yrgytablro than ctto-r» ; <ú«l - hence also the |ihilt$#rphy of a aeec.< semiTóf t-rops.. But time* prnportiotn' and '(-(indication» cheitiiwtry • cth alone dr toil, and the presence or- absence of the parts to he .combiire.t ico," whi.-b ifrgeii-Tptirtto éase Wijlí those; wlro have rfeidt'd'njjh ns for any .length of time. Í"1*" We niak.sih- í.dk'wmg «xirart from a pm ate b lti-r, date .1 Mrifilli, tktottef 31 «t :» •'A letter tí-. ».t.;«i iwrc iay* sbumi.J«di»ha re 1 -.■ .... " w-_- w:—____ ~'i tilled tm> mm *■»•-£ dty.v». t ff »r>m« etock t>e|>t._ U«i»s Itjrent" *tt-r the ItolnAi# but no cWnglit in j bait p>a•>»«. here wat1 th<",;firwt nun» kilb-il. ,*noth< r etixñ hy the natw « f O’Neil »ti«l e aoLfier ervrr «Iso 4iilM..BnJ aft,«,r at'i|era.l KlftBY BKNUpiCT, (Laie Chief Justice,!. Attorney, ini Gaunsellor^atLaw, 'r *"■ SAXTA FE/XEW MKXICO. -- ..-. -. - •_ . __J. ■ •■"->- w Wiil pbirttee-fn.ajj the c1 w-lll _ , '* - "tÍÍOMAÍ JL CATRofc "" Attorney at Law, “ ^iá'A FE/ XEwlMEXlCO.- iLet we iim»,t,loék f«^ H.ÍT-rrirt vegetibln tl.ijtii, *1 fferent vám* tmi.e thosc 'tb«t\ere b.iV'í «xivtiy the Warne diff.-rrtitJy; hepce it is ÍI ■>w * w B '■ÍW-M manda. With Tn lor »n«T .‘iC'oal oil Jimmy end ■ fyw citan disposed vf, We will bavI ri a i-pea red ftte’evsetol cnt ”. •®mt“‘r of bo few*- tti JtelUlriy-.'mv katued jp*B*|«^mpB*Mf;4h*tii/W*e í¿X«§n¡H '(■S'.xtia'Ssi ‘profttiCtxjü-íidhi^ epidetuie «t cholera wl«k* hits eBrettRI '«■ í*txn*ut Ib the. we»ten»¿o»t ttórt* ol Earope, aiid >l¡* . InctvaslBflt .tWüeVth»-dángt-rof the rpMcalr invadiag. Great BrtlalB <3W baldly,be iHdtfjto I»e iretuote. v... ,- " iuiii'i'- ,,•8X1""- ^tóinN'íedv. tóvihír: «B[xS¡git||toweI.-t^ "i^ktofalitig:'tO-:-:»t"-y::''tt«re..'Ut>ttLj^ww -Wi--s s8art,tol: at<"d‘''hurriS;.Ui.d./<|»*n -to ri-rf, Taj lite atswdtog bv -the fin-.;.;:thto^a» -'*" "*.??.«:<» .-S'* , »-»,-v- v" S.- "".'. >j.':■ - • «■. ■*»*•** *awd*wT*mw*y. BOBS. Mi* purity;-WSs*» • i17v?,4 3: ' .' ,--.1 -»¿? - r^-iíkí v. ,u '-F'5' /<•-■ í * RxciSii^Si^i * 'tefavcii tteildreái -».«'""tit ;wfcp*''etie. (iyti*i.**■ E2*56£ WlS •’'HtWWA Sm Sfeo Sí: /l:- ■AíAv^íS^'XÍ 4"8 «tfcSSí SK8^@*Swiw8®|:SK EríSKLv^*fe:i'^i *¿ t$¿$t£HS£ tM te w !»j«i Amnia }-te*d h> Ibt'stii, '-hi T *es«ns y»»óe.. 'Ffefertto- Swe.iteh ^|*tor*h, and pstoon died otó thcltoili B BBtrlkl ¡."tn* fLf*at»nte,i fL* . v'n.W<*>ili ill nil hirí >.<4to»í i^»*"'6xsx> 4*i ri.*i - •- _ ar • • • - - - -,* • ,p- - t—- • »- --- ■•-•»— jp-« •psmuw »■■ »jrwvu*wiR*e . * » j' , w*w •*•»*# • v. *.« v* ■ i< - mw#- ■* li“n?Ee' aK > . . - wi.iü-'ibf6iW5*cvwan''- ".--. ■ ;:.'-^/" . -< WX»|Pte8i¡g' —J«>hn thé t»iné oftíw tfctifeM.tl!#; , f j Engineer. Ml*-wife’» '* i ebiidren are ail Ditto. '• "When he '. ! n&Ete c.mie'r thiit t ee^sw aohte"cvnfostón'-wt lime*. ' : . .. ■ "- 8 .............r................ ™A létte^ received "lit tite¿WNIe.."||áwBl" . sréa'tif ignr- tbioushout Hui»:* hi Kyrripe,-®iS, Octobtr 2#, ■ ftom 'ex4*ómu>lx»lti6et, ' -tolhe pebvlnres’inftiermsny on. the Baltic»WsS ; dated'at'Y*tedtii,‘.aB»will*«i-tlÍesafe WfiTBljii \ S..dd^ ré1 ^h. r . , :.. . J< ttod fhtm Uw*!£: ,i thetrlwogimtton -*» toKctoteBBdrr-flte.a^ ;.- • ■«an!pro.tInces<»fGermany tothece»trxlpt¿v«« j Gwemueot. Tlrey", were teiw^ttilr ihr presence ot *. wl>1lh'. '.< .the "tóStewy ‘tsul their" poritfu*';'''Wtetet''''fiW ' ; ^Ttte'esetodfan-knifcUit.^ 6»M«to:St8ikii has uudertakeu the edttdtetet|f ' ■ e* e new magaxltie wbtcli will so'M teeXtiigteii""' la'.tiie Doentbioe*.' .‘:y A- .■ >." «. ■s~.AvTL.Xé«tetoo»í, Á«Minf"9ttpcrlnt*l*lÉ*<. y: ■/--■ -«the Slallwsy. Mftfl .«i-rvke.llwAbe/'lFteégfl^^".'''■■' District, bvBiBigtts.rier* al tain »!>«.'Wí?' spptdnted kff/b*'': 'tiieewtti Itesmictotai Lange of pMto.tofk* ImH*?7-.'" whkti Mogtif dl-dutohdly turned tires' .5*Í6Í"'TÍñm tee t;».r^"i^pw7¿u■; -9»*to^-to íi.tú'BeéX: **rfM. •' TÉr llighwuyteire Kiir»ü* >v " 6-' . ■ ■- vtMiKJiox.-NewM«xkx».:-F .. . .. • .NoWtober á i, 1871. 3 ‘ Kditcnl <-f the ‘X?to Mt sitian • . . This' community t;ow tireatbes. free. Tbr notorious ,Li;;Lw»i hu n wbo for the past-inijbntii have. kepi.c^r people in eowMani applréto-ro-ton. Wt-re this manuitr*» the safé. a."M¿¿»:“two -meft'-fróm" Cíe'Crrekt^J «*teerA»!$> M«e d¡sr«g»rd óf all rulé a¿4 all SÚmoo U.’)*,i “°** **“ rertonred upon selá|rt attention ..Bill he give* tv all hurincss in the but j»f 6í» profésvioií ínat tiíáy :bf entrusted to.hi*.. " - ___ (j i H Ox ATTORNEY AT L^W ^M»'®telte MexA* ■ •- Burni Ladjiwly m#e íi-irre bi-l.w-en..ibv.wi,|«w,l ISútapt wtteati*» will be Jdi*» til al! y.-u^UC** po-T oiie, thfl pa ' ' - — '■•■* v ■ ■ *■— Ure li*c <# hh pridcaetou. Eeperixl a',tcfttiAiua»' b«>feresiv«i:l, 'Í«iir¡*■ : •x'|«*-¿Y;y/y^ü¿tetitig:'-tOy»r-y-lSeré iutititj^ww; " úté-;.<;¿.¡Riig)¿ <¿; "wilie.^ ib?.-- í»nvw>j^-_-.¿n-'Coui*’vy Ca^ííMey i# Mé ^«WS^-'Hi*iC**iex*<£<-■ •'•■■ -. i > - - =•;■->; ylBr «M |y ¡rg 4>n ’toa b»c-k, pe ed aitid «iwred, Wj* M» ¿úy.etl-'.U«Ml:"liipcd|,ÍÍiid.: LiedonbkhoiteMwlKXganbyLhaidf.ííeat- b|M)o» M-'6w* .S*;*B"dbr w ■ *<*»S*1 •lleWh»' )*< •• «Iwy. MI» St'cBBfX ,*:y ::*eiw' NN«nd. ..‘ *", W _w«***ky*ai *** ^*e fió* ti* temblé red-el :«**.<..Iwe.:-*eh,‘and W; JlUN^iKiHW^w^Md-í^Bérw»* '^eat- j . • • ‘ . . . • 1 H r* 4m \ —swww *-« esiaw, a- TsiwieBMwraiato.h.»e, been. studroueiy ml*, j ?****?« *toi • alw»yi bora tlie-. re|i»».txtii>n of a ¡•ÚJactoaca tv-llicDo*phom* Vt-i'vkte.d'ib the end Ire» bceq neglected. B«it our ' pvsireiMe awl l/w tabittog ciliayn, -iihil b«> tto; {, 'HM,rd nm.i hires oflterman j people are BO* b; gum r g..t» w.thé op -f«yni the ! súppotX ah J sy mpitb) of iL'e cntir¿ tviti in unify : ,. ¡ Ion» aleepkpf'ind.tfi.rence, and tlrey are now]'-''". "* 1 hirly ton the trqítfc t-f agñ-tojjural im¡topvpw6nt. 1 " gy F^oai wto.1 ! luqnt.iMi is. "given .frowi á; "tLouvotad . sources, and ! • "- ' I if are only place tcieint*. to-' menage th* -ton *¡jné, j ; though «orne portions ¿f.-tlw^ w '■y'"¿re >tiÜ |.k.í ] and imditeitm red, wk need not fcai running off■' iltetra-.lt wry fiK J " j. ¡There-is antilfcer thó^hí-Le ' ór«ed;¿» an.in-luveméBit t.i .ftini/r* ■t^.i-uprtove’ .ihuifisgri- ulluxe. /"It'is, •*ti£d a'ftrb a««d L ittle ■ farm".at*y-,% -one ecnw* rob. a poor nnejifa'i'" , teijqiiie.it;'**— tlret the poor-..own ' majr'-'b-fconve V ' jiOttteti- ami ihe li-Tr ri bar.'" "We.'-chbose- to | ’ -yXprés» l6« ito>«.*Sfrqr-g’y..a».,.Mi irguoeeht ¿Inch strike ?*he..'_tAÍ*üiKiW ■' ...itüin". wbo>. . „iho;»gbtiee»ly .<*r>nróin? tg: ibe .old wtene!d‘tu ito-'liov^a ¿f'" tilt, <4teu ito.in tlry'di-v*'" <¿f jitoeph"ttwi.I^uráfih; wliito' llü iteigltbor, on " tly* 0tLvr.-.W^'.<4;.llftoi f,':pré«;i6r-;íáw*|»tei,' -.1* étfc'-i -ri- hto^,. bto • ■<¿.d/;'.-f¿r«>.i¿g"' "witK-jwiproyi-d-- ¿agricultural. i»iplvtoófiótl*rtoi ^ÁtiVof^ag.7CüItoi^Í^nípi¿i®^ut? atkd '.¿tie'' whivfc W? ¿é produ(:tí<é of mmmw real advantegñ than any ottor ihi.1 ciar people could, adopt, il ,-ia •a wwrÉraiíy to ,wÍk-M yrtonjj _ l*d»' *»ghk tie Xaugbl those -crencee ftwne. t»d W*h llw agí f rikure, am-b'a* báuny, entomelogr, pliystol-' e^r,wturstpbiloaopLy,agricuitwraj cto?a»i«t ry, -ítegl*lp Xducetton. Bm4 being laagitt t<^ apjdy i*peacti*al huebamdry wpde A* faret p'mcipks •*:.3,1»#' ..—j¡Si^ 'J!" -*'r^a*^Y*' <" ,11!’[ '' 1 Cr'Tiatlwi, l«ld *, Ke-j ,*<■**» vky free ’ R» AirtiÜu^ . ’":: • "Z'’”1-í’v-ÍTTv1?^?;? ""‘"-v?-- •i.'.'. ’ 'PF Mt. F*ber of 8-waerw te i* i*e aiiy ©Sjr^wluiiiiigjF^^ .:a¿£-w^í;A --to- •?' y v-s ; . _ t we cin Itero., the enm ffO|>' ' is ánwail'j m» «il in all ponione .ciCtt» T«rrir tutyi^'In lb* <<'ut>li;Mi <"«#'. lixo, > Arrft>"», "J"aai,. Cutiax, Myrt »:: w'lr-at- jh^-tli" •roM:|i*y’1.i» gtuwii, the yield tjbi« v ar Itae ni.t t^*n á» bou<>i:flil aa-■WW|l,..l>Be’''¿¡ii'‘'«¡'i.tii'y U »>ijK:tH>r; m an »»»•; deniee wT tbr gtsm tri it- in we wo&J alai* iSatlieZÍ!(ii^r. th- wjcfi kapwt." dour .Btar.ufic^i tprer, ■.bM-...already.i*' Uia.I.yxtrftr'iwa rpWeriea.tK' ctii:'r«titr¿á/»m«;en<;ve^»lervni:'.IÍKÍea' ’ «e4;.í¿M".btiiii-$r«'d í»nrg is uf wheat* bandee Urge awMHinte.of .lorn and'oAi^ - .•' ..’ . ,1Mb» Wr*i. Wity t» ;tiii>»r JK**i|y.. ?: :'""A «ew¿r til:»-bc'.ihh- to; write Uy-a dogxcdf t raantwr, wUii'a dcw-riHhust réaíilettíiti to grttid •PWk>jpWirny.tsk. xt áU itseárd*., jío-a pet&e-. way,pel-"whip'il:ilv|."'i,ur I*»tHy.im-r worked -iMr •dx*g¿*d- Hlv i w>y;fa ,iH-rt.>Y'Í'íi-}kéfar$‘ lábur.? "-.-íf ■WBe-tabst>:v iyiHi: j>i'»\n|rt?ady^Ili?|^#«l. 'ájüfw>oo >M*<Í>dheaúB;;'tívÁ i'!iit¡idé\-.ld«ii'’úÚctHfrtaíyíi'tr.w^'¿ 'j^iUe#..5oi.fc'. hV>U! i’*-1 Véry>¡itdv,writ^:.*M <‘rhN, iéfTl''4-i.ré"and tilterí^'itcate'iliy.vbchktS ■ til- •ti«.i¿a«",tié r satjnfae^dil^ ex*, prettaed.,. :'T'íiu<. xottw' ■i*w*i^iíwt®5‘.';í1 ;el«irílid- ,\i>f "tliúí|y te&vS'Z"h <r'.ini>.ui\-'"M*‘*.Ktid;tyy":to¿r&‘V'Mf>aü ■ Weé 'WHbHy ,v<>-*fc r.for 'threw, ypari.' >Thrti •*iít,r *B-.itiri.epé. bohr. ifropahiy "■Meaor.twenty Wntnwuw t»y ihc; clock; áfier^M1? 1*^1^ rv*pHÍ$S^xwt^hgiC;iiei%nyS:‘>i*,retii^¡ii;Z‘'.................. " '"' ' "*'' rigid aattiwltfyr :«y5r.seM: íioi»v«.at|réí^ i" ■"'** *egrf. riei*eete" \ /••;,. Frwn ibe y«r* IlatoQ (C<) Register. OBrli ti'* mrí»aái;ri« exhibited .Ib- Meriden, ye»tr«\i,H, ^ctitftihtg i» ■•»tI.víbftfc*¿i«®at,;BVthe w*al r6‘«nd*. «éfgutiWBtswet, JJsi .After tire rim*e oi the ulttriHMMi pcrfiirfliaDee. ilic..gfr*l •Npiiant,. Mogul* IM It 1ulo hi* brad «¿.chart, ,B irajpxiy.ji.fl. c*B Ueíntillla, ¿o*, walduif Pdyv -t-kdny .>ui lif. tlw,!..fnrlfcirf "fop-lili- ■ keeper hi a: "..¿T- fago,. Tlie kerpeT wc»úg¿( [ wMcU diiKli^Ártly tarwd vrei tn a.L aiid walked ..«Nruogb Ute-¿<:áNtBii" iwíóf.' .£ZZ‘,. TZ... -. ';..1 Y—r ¿. wad, if mi trnrvkiBg witowt'-"iw / They’.have fats^.a N* ;lo;#pl to. ^rrtoit-"' . -. ..’"..f. ... 'V.;^;;' ZWS, Mséting 1 pite- vl lumber tw SB >VMti«g uni, ■ .. . v ‘ ■ "■ ^»iuk-^yxl.b-údijm..to*e*?jr.iaM,»iia[*: " ^riütúk ‘T&¿mpó¿Bt ’ N*iM*dkM¿xíiíWÍi tii# fw^kN/.ixiiiiidyteiv'vtbiviq^lt»- budy*-L.k» .beek„ ^RwiBtrd .igtiBiigt#-¿fXNtfi'í lírWibV griHitúL;" lsbrVÍp?-.<#mhrr* irwiiv-w¿kh’"be;NsM*r«yy-:. " -^3"'^'^:.. ..y ". ? e^évd: w«.t tr. b|* itwwk.■1 *pdé.-raWag I$i• tnói«bHl- í•> T^XbiKÍÁ.wHá.' yofi.6tge*t:; dañgbt^_¿¿ft: !Ít¿pi^.>'T^NíWíiiw«t^ íí&i¿Íití,-¿hG¡fr Sg¿«trra|':-G¡áeyte;-wxÜ¡- ,|Áw;:^toitvn4iN^54^*t<>,--->•< Aw fcmrtei-* nr rixtefw fa*«* v. ¿'te Util t» kW ta* *6u*M ta aea* taws* .w.ork.-wHJieet-ev*hi<4*e.";:wexv.eUW'wed-'.'. v.-.-*—.'CSTCré -1 '-eeitiwi wií^í *y®V*®*^ It®. ^.*^■**1* Yrt.iliBiiUw WW.-MIW