May 22, 1980 EL UVALDE TIMES Pages A Salute To Uvalde High School’s Outstanding Mexican-American Graduates Un Saludo a los graduantes sobresalientes honrados por LULAC Merry Jane Chavez Gudalupe Muyela Castanon Emma Costilla Susan Canales De La Garza Merry Jane Chavez, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geronimo ‘‘Jerry’’ Chavez, 104 Williams St., distinguished herself throughout her school years in Uvalde and was ranked third in the graduation class. Her earnest dedication to her studies were rewarded recently when she was offered four year full academic scholarships to Harvard and Radcliff University in Massachusetts; Yale University, Connecticut; Rice University in Houston; and Standford University in Palo Alto, California. After careful consideration, Merry chose Harvard where she will begin her studies in the fall. The scholarship will be renewed annually during her four years of undergraduate study and totals approximately $7,300. Merry plans to study the biological sciences with a mathematics minor. Merry was a member of the English Honor Society, Latin Honor Society, National Honor Society, Junior Classical League, Drama Club, Student Council, and ■ received the Century III Leadership School Award. She was Texas State JCL Parliamentarian, JCL Sweetheard, JCL freshman representative, recording secretary and first vice-president. Other activities and honors include First Flutist in the Symphonic Band; Honor Bandsman during marching season and received numerous medals in solo and Guadalupe Mayela Castanon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Castanon of 500 Perez St. Mayela is an honor graduate and a member of the National Honor Society (11, 12), English Honor Society(ll, 12), J.C.L. Honor Society(9), J.C.L. Club and Spanish Club (10,11). She was also a member of Office Educational Association (12), Catholic Youth Organization (11) and Law Enforcement (9). ‘‘My future plans are to attend SWTJC”, she says, ‘‘and then transfer to St. Mary’s University and major in Accounting. Now that I am given the opportunity to express myself publicly, I would like to give my gratitude to Mrs. Anita Smith and Mrs. Mamie Reyes, whose teachings were the foundation of the commencement of my education in Uvalde. Emma Costilla is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ismael Costilla, 728 S. Park. During high school, Emma was a member of Tthe National Honor Society, English Honor Society and the Annual Staff. She was a member of the UHS band and Flag Corp, and an office of the Spanish Club. Emma was President of TAM and a member of the CYO of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. After graduation Emma will attend St. Mary’s University and hopes to become a dentist. Griselda Gonzales Susan Canales DeLa Garza is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo De La Garza. She was a member of the National Honor Society in the 11 and 12 grade; English Honor Society (11, 12); a member of the Student Council (10, 11, 12) and a member of the Spanish Club (9 and 12). Susan was a Junior Varsity Cheerleader in the 10th grade, Prom Server also in the 10th grade, and a member of the Drama Club in the 9th grade. She is a member of the CYO of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Susan plans to attend Southwest Texas Junior College in the fall and later transfer to a university. Francisco Hidalgo, Jr. ensemble competitions at regional and state levels. Merry received the National Science Foundation Scholarship in 1978 to study at Mississippi College in Clinton Mississippi . and an Academic Scholarship to Andover Summer Session of 1979 at Phillips-Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. Maria Guadalupe Flores Maria Guadalupe Flores is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel and Felipa Flores, 218 Nicholas. She is an Honor Graduate, a member of the National Honor Society her junior and senior year and a member of the English Honor Society also in the 11 and 12th grades. Other honors Maria received include a First Place in Latin, <9, 10,); Certificates at the State Latin Convention (9, 10); Certificate in Chemistry (11); competed in UIL Spelling and Math Contests all four years. She was also a member of the JCL Honor Soéiety, Drama Club and Junior Historians. “I plan to enroll at Southwest Texas Junior College this fall,” she says. ‘‘I feel extremely happy about graduation, which will mark my greatest fulfillment in life. My graduation became a reality through the efforts of my parents who enabled me to finish my high school education.” Azannette Reyes Azannette Reyes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lupe T. Reyes of 236 E. Calera. The highlight of Azannette’s senior year has been her reign as Uvalde County Honey Queen. Azannette is an Honor Graduate, member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Who’s Who at Uvalde High School, and Who’s Who Among American High School Students. During her senior, and junior year, she was a Varsity Cheerleader, and during her sophomore year was a Jr. Varsity Cheerleader. She was the Vice-President of the Outstanding Mexican American; Spanish Club (9, 10); Drill Squad (9-12). Azannette plans to further her education and will enroll at Southwest Texas Junior College and later tranfer to a University. Maria Dolores Espadas Maria Dolores Espadas is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Espadas who reside at 652 S. Camp St. Maria was a member of the National Honor Society, JCL Honor Society (9), JCL Club (9), Law Enforcement club (9), All District Band (10 & 11), All Region Band (10& 11), she received first ratings in Solo & Ensemble during her four years at high school. She was also a member of D . E . Distributive Education. Maria also participated in various church organizations she was a member of the Spirit Singers, C.Y.O. Secretary and treasurer of the T.A.M. Club. Maria plans to attend S.W.T.J.C. and take her basics. She is still undecided but hopes to make the right decision ¡with careful consideration. Frank Hidalgo, Jr. is the sone of Mr. and Mrs. Francisco and Norma Hidalgo, Sr., 120 West Doughty. Frank is an Honor Graduate; a member of the National Honor Society and the English Honor Society. He was named to the All District Band and the All Region Band all four years. He was also named to the All Area Band in grades 9, 10, and 12. He is an Emergency Medical Technician with the Uvalde County EMS Unit 21 and is a Radiological Monitor with the Uvalde Civil Defense. He has worked as a Police Dispatcher with the Uvalde Police Department. Frank plans to attend Sam Houston State University as a Criminal Justice Major. ‘‘My goal,” he says, ‘‘is to combat political, cultural, egotistical and violent action directed at our Criselda Gonzales is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vicente Gonzales, Jr., 420 Claudia St. She is an Honor Graduate, a member of the National Honor Society (11, 12) and a member of the English Honor Society (11, 12). Criselda participated in various area and state contests of the JCL and was a member of the Howl Staff. She was a member of the Spanish Club and participated in a Chemistry Tournament at Texas A&I. She was also a member of the Vocational Office Education Association and has attended South- west Texas Junior College as a part time student under the early admissions program. Criselda plans to attend San Angelo State University in the fall and will major in accounting. Gricelda Guerrero Cricelda Guerrero is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francisco and Pura Guerrero, Reagan Wells, Rt. During high school, Cricelda was named to the National Honor Society and was a member of the Future Homemakers of America. She was also a member of ICT and 4-H. Cricelda plans to attend Southwest Texas Junior College and major in secretarial training. Maria de Lourdes Sanios criminal justice system so that it may take its natural course of justice without undeserved criticism from the public in general. Law Enforcement officers are physically attacked and publicly condemned for trying to do their jobs. I hope to try to remedy the situation as much as possible.” Blanca Estela Rivas Sandra Luz Mendoza Sandra Luz Mendoza is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Teodora Mendoza of 710 Reyes Alley. Sandra is a member of the National Honor Society (12); Spanish Club (9 and 10). She was a member of HECE work program, where she worked at West Garden School as an aide for deaf children. During her senior year, she was also a member of the FHA Club. Sandra is still undecided about her future plans but might attend SWTJC and would like to later work with the deaf as a result of her recent working experience. Blanca Estela Rivas is the daughter of Mr. Leovigildo Rivas of 659 S. Camp. She participated in the University In ter scholastic League and received a 3rd place medal at District during her 10th grade and ranked 6th at District while in the 9th grade both in Spelling. As a member of the Junior Classical League, she was involved in Vocabulary and Grammar and received 2nd place ribbon at Area and a certificate for an outstanding performance at State Level. She was also active in mathematics competition (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Advance Math); and was also awarded a certificate in Chemistry tournament. Blanca is a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Latin Honor Society, Catholic Youth Society, Catholic Youth Organization and the Drama Club. Upon graduation Blanca plans to attend Southwest Texas Junior College for at least one year and then transfer to a university where she will be majoring in Law. Sergio Guerrero Johnny Trevino Johnny Trevino is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Henderson and Juan Trevino, Sr. His residence is 203 N. Front St. Johnny devoted his high school years to academics and athletic activities, receiving several honors. As a freshman he participated in football, basketball, track and baseball. As a sophomore he played football and baseball. He was named ‘‘Most Valuable Player” in baseball and received Honorable Mention in District in baseball while a junior. IT As a Senior Johnny also received Honorable Mention in baseball. Johnny plans to attend college this fall but is still undecided. 278-7006 Maria De Lourdes Santos is the daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Vicente R. Santos of 405 Doolie St. Maria is a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Future Homemakers of America, CCD and Catholic Youth Organization. Maria plans to continue her education by attending Southwest Texas Junior College. Sylvia Rodriguez Sylvia Rodriquez’ pretty smile was always a welcome sight at the many performances of Uvalde High School’s Drill Squad where she was a member for four years. She was selected as Colonel during her senior year and as Captain during her junior year in the Drill Squad. Sylvia is also an Honor Graduate and was chosen as a member National Honor her junior and years. She was member of the English Honor Society (11, & 12) Sophomore Class Favorite and Sophomore Class Secretary. She was a member of the Student of the Society senior also a Sergio Guerrero is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Justo Guerrero, 609 Daniel St. In his high school career, Sergio has won numerous athletic victories, especially in track events. He was a member of the Letterman’s Club all four years. He played football his freshman and senior years. Sergio plans to attend Texas A&I University and major in Physical Education. He enjoys oceanography and hopes also to study in that field. Council her senior year and a member of the Spanish Club in the 10th grade. After attending Southwest Texas Junior College Sylvia plans to transfer to San Angelo State University or Texas Women’s University. She plans to major in educatinn sinAQc 278-3533 Dick Senter Insurance Hooray, graduates! 127 N. High Congratulations Graduates and Good Luck from Arroyos Grocery and Amistad Apartments 601 S. Evans 278-6036 uaters and