—-^^íí ^Keralbü (íristiatto^^^ “EL HERALDO CRISTIANO/’ Official organ of the Methodiet Church, Spanieh Work tn the Sootbweat. Editor, A. NAMa. (Contributing Editor»: E^equtel Alvirex, Raúl Salasar, R. M. Dial, Bead P. Mu Am. Rev. Frank Ramoe. Publiehtd Monthly. Annual Subeeription, IM Publication Office, P< O. Box 4073, San Antonio, Texas. Entered *» *econd claae matter March 25. 1939, at the poet office at El Paeo, Texas, under the Act of March 1, 1871. lei pn están ciales NUMERO 266 SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. JUNIO DE 1942 EPOCA H -------HI. IJ II ■ —.............. II II.■■■■■■■■*********W¡*|^^^^Wglge!**l*W-**l*l**We^tob*hi™**W**l***********WW**W***l***W****-* - e