A letter like the foregoing leaves us speechless. Itfs got something we’ve been trying to get across to you the last three months. Yet ir all these month» we never have found the right words to say it. That "something" is an understanding almost all educated people have. A "something" that breaks down social and racial barriers. When a Mexican i <• ■up there" on the same level with others, he is take^ for what he is worth — his ability — not for hi»* rL tionality. Another good point in Duane’s letter is cur too marked distinction between us and other Americans Ard it is true. We discriminate and segregate ourselves in many ways. We shouldn’t. We may be darker (yet many of us are very fair), and may hhve a different background. But we are Americans! This is out country. Very few of us pin cur future in Mexico. Our future is here. Isn’t it logical then that we should stand for Americanism? Being an American citizen is not denouncing you are a Mexican. A South African is not necessarily one of negroid blood nor an Australian a bushman. Let us then become educat— cd, for education is free here. But, lest of all'let us te Americans of Mexican descent I 1AMP FILMS camp. roa much credit cannot be give r.ene7^arshall, of the Los Angeles YMCA, ''he filming in cooperati on with, other Yl.iCAr s. films.-will be made available for shewing on s occasions through the Pacific Southwest Area f tue YMCA, 715 2onbh Hone Street. Les An/el A great demand id anticipated for showings of the camp film taken during the Jenks Lake Camp period of august 22—^9, as word has been received that these films, all in color, turned out successfully. Those present at a preview were much gratified at the lifeline quality, as well as at the clever protrayal cf a n to - ' T.v hr di d h5 sc p e ci a 1 C*ounci 1 e s , C a 1 i f • and will have titles in both English and Spanish.