PAGE 4 EL UVALDE TIMES Diciembre 17,1978 .< «• é e ERA Amendments in Pennsylvania the right to cut men’s hair and work as newspaper carriers. Girls in several states can participate in a broader range of public school althletics now. In Texas, female uni-veristy students gained the right to live in off-campus housing, and conversely, on campus facilities were made available to students. male Marcos Fuentes, Men’s Department Manager & Buyer for Shepperd’s checks over the men’s jewelry section. For the convenience our hometown shoppers, Marcos has made certain the store has an ample variety of special gifts for Christmas. Harrell Secundaria de Uvalde. Elios son miembros de la Primera Iglesia Unida Metodista donde el sirve en la Mesa Administrativa. Al anunciar su candidatura Harrell dijo “Si soy elegido, dare7 completa consideración a todos los asuntos (de pg. 1) que lleguen ante cl Concilio y mis decisiones estarán basadas en lo justo y en lo que yo piense sera en el mejor interes'para todos los ciudadanos de Uvalde. “Les pido su apoyo y consideración al buscar una posición Concilio de la Ciudad. en el ÍttzQIVIo-Jays L—3; For Al I You r A-, Framing Needs TALLER DE MARCOS 510 E. Main 278-6328 women prisoners with programs comparable to those offered men prisoners. No ERA state has legalized prostitution, the report pointed out All bu Alaska operate under sex-neutral statutes: prostitutes and patrons risk the same criminal penalties Most ERA states have neutralized their rape laws to protect both men and women against sexual assaults. In Massachussetts, a special trust to provide financial aid to male law students now also considers female candidates. Since ERA, the Texas Court of Civil Appeals has ruled consistently that while both parents are eqally obligated to support dependent children, they should do so in accordance with their ability to provide money or services. Similarly, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that not only should the earning capabilities of each spouse be considered, but so should the economic value of the services being provided by the homemaker spouse. and X wmojifauia , the courts abolished the common law presumption that all household goods (including jewlery) belonged to the husband, based on his financial contribution alone. In Maryland Pennsylvania In past years, a Massachusetts woman-even if she provided sole support tor her dependent husband and children-didn’t have “homestead" protection rights enjoyed by men. Now she does. * Also, shown, left: The NEW Genuine jade Bead « 14Kt. Solid Gold Bead Earrings Available sentimental. . . who... is fashion conscious. . . loves oeauty. . . is appreciates quality. . . is aware of the value of solid gold. She is any girl of any age. On 14Kt. Solid Gold Chains now you con build o necklace of everlasting beauty and increasing value— inexpensively—one gold bead at atimel Start yours now. . . add any number, anytime. Wear several strands at a time. Give one or several for any gift occasion. Add-A-Gold Beads. .. The Gift of Love. .. available at Milton’s House of Diamonds Open Weekdays 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 106 N. Getty 278-8595 The Gift of Love® that ¡¿rows with the years what kind of girl wears 14kt. solid Idda-Gold Bead she’s the “La Fiesta Del Diez y Seis de 1930” En Hondo, Texas” el episodio se encontraba In New married couldn’t legally sign up for a stock-option plan at work or even advertise the family husband's consent. Now she can. Mexico, a woman The Illinois, Texas and New Mexico juvenile justice systems have been “de-sexed" Pennsylvania has amended its sex-based sentencing laws, bringing into conformity the penalties for identical crimes, whether committed by men or women. It, along with Massachusetss and New Mexico, is taking steps to provide The Commission report also commented that a areeent national poll showed that 58 per cent American support ratification of ERA nationally, while only 31 percent oppose it. (En anterior Don Alfredo en las oficinas del Consul Mexicano, invitando a que asistiera el o su reoresentante a la fiesta. Don Alfredo le decía al Consul que el tema que el deseaba del cual se hablara en el discurso . Les recomendaba el tema “Los Adelantos modernos de México") of the public ‘"Que tal lo ve Usted," le dije al Consul. Como quiera el Sr. Cambel quedo en el programa. The 35 states which presently have ratified the federal amend; ment represent 72 percent of the nation’s population, it added. Sr. Don Perales. (Continuación) Por Alfredo M. ■ - The Commission called present constitutional guarantees inadequate", saying amendment “will give women a clear route to seek redress against sex bias; provide impetus for the enforcement of existing anti-discrimination laws and the completion of legislative reform; and give the courts a basis for dealing with sex-based discrimniation." De alli nos fuimos a la oficina del Licenciado Alonzo S. Cuando entramos a la sala de espera lo vi hablando por telefono y con un lápiz en la mano. Nos sentamos, cuando acabó de hablar levanto7 la vista y nos vio y nos dijo: ¿Pasen," Al entrar a su despacho con todo respeto me presente a el. The Commission Civil Rights is independent, bipartisan, fact-finding agency concerned with discrimination or denial of equal protection of becase of religion, handicap, orgin. on an the laws race color, sex age, or national It is chaired by Arthur S. Flemming. Other commissioners are Vice-Chairman Stephen Horn, president of California State University, Long Beach; Frankie M. Freeman, an attorney specializing in estate and corportation law, St. Lousi; Manuel Ruiz, Jr., and attorney specializing in international law, Angeles; and Saltzman, Baltimore Congregation, Baltimore. Los Murray Rabbi, Hebrew is acting Louis Nunez staff director of the Commission. SWTJC Announces Christmas Saint Nicholas will visit Southwest Texas Junior College this holiday season to deliver the best present of all: Christmas Vacation e । Offices at the college closed Friday and will not open again until Jan. 2 Students will not return to the campus until spring semester registration Jan. 8-10 with “Alfredo M. Ibarra, ciudadano mexicano y a la vez presidente de las próximas fiestas patrias, y quisiera tener el honor de que Usted nos acompañara el 13 y 14 dando una conferencia, no discurso, sobre un tema de mucha actualidad. " Se qudo viendome y me dijo: “Si, Señor, de mucha actualidad." Vacation Volivio a pensativo y “Usted trae quedar me dijo: el tema?" “Si, Señor, yo lo traigo Eero quisiera que fsted to tuviera." Volvio a quedar pensativo y me dijo: “Mire, Usted, dígame dormin tories o pening Jan. 8. Classes will resume Jan. 11. Registration for spring semester night classes will be held at 6 p.m. Jan. 8 in the college library. Classes will continue until final examination May 7-10 with only one midsemester holiday March 10-18. LA GITANA TORTILLERIA Ahora estaremos Abiertos Todos LOS LUNES Tortillas de Maíz y de Harina *Chicharones ★ Masa Para Tamales Menudo y Barbacoa Sabado y Domingo Fred Lozano Proprietaro 107 Goldbeck el tema que Usted trae y si no me gusta le digo el mió— El tema que yo traigo es — dLa Segregación de los Ninos Mexicanos de las escuelas Americanas" Se fue levantando poco a poco y como asombrado me dijo: “Nunca me imaginaba que un hombre tan humilde y tan joven como Usted trajera ese tema tan necesario y tan noble." muy lejos de Rio Grande a Hondo y que le era imposible y porque yo no queria que se fuera a matar en el camino para que nos siguiera el deiendien-donos. Entonces el me pregunto: “Como piensa Usted?" Niños* Mexicanos de Las Escuelas Americanas." Extendió su brazo y me dijo: “Permítame felicitarlo." Estrecho mi mano y me dijo, miedo raza!" “Nunca tenga defender su Despues empezó papeles citas que tenia y me dijo: “El 13 y el 14 tengo una causa criminal que defender en Rio Grande." de sentarse, a ver sus y fechas de Yo le dije entonces, “No puede ir a Hondo? “Si voy,” dijo el. “Yo quiero dar esa conferencia." Le volvi a decir que era o “Póngalo, pongalo, me dijo. uYo voy a escribir al Sr. Jesus Salvatierra!. a Del Rio. Pues el es el Jefe de la campaña y que venga el o mando otro. Asi es bueno para Usted.” “Es mejor que mande Usted de su que valor claro nuestros niños de edad escolar y lo que quiero de Usted es que me permita poner su nombre en el programa. Que el programa diga “Conferencia del Sr. Lie. Alonzo S. Perales Sobre Se^regarcion de Los ***************** í City Appliance ♦ 'k Reparación de toda marca £ de aparatos electrónicos Abierto 8 a.m. — 6 p.m. * Lunes a Sabado * 409 S. Evans 278-7027 ***************** alguna persona confianza pero tenga civil para defender bastante y hable La You are cordially invited to attend our o. Odstmasg ^pen o L 0 ol “Si, Señor, asi lo hacemos y mucho gusto de haberlo conocido. Con permiso de Usted, me retiro. Pues tengo que mandar hacer los programas." Al despedirme de el me pidió que cuando volviera a San Cont’d on Pg 5 Tuesday and Wednesday December 19 G 20 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Refreshments 1 Exhibit from Austin s Country Store Gallery FIRST STATE BANK OF UVALDE MEMBER F D I C 200 E Nopal / Uvalde. Texas 78801 (512) 278-6231 í