THE MEXICAN VOICE PaSd-A9. NOSOTROS (Continued fvom page 18) from Whittier High year. Oddly wo met Isaac in an orango orchard whoro wo woro picking oranges to nako school expenses. He was taking a short cut to«a swiruning holo. Ho soosiG'l very surprised that we shoul'1 pick oranges, because ho know wo attended Jaysoo. "vVhy going to Junior College must cost you plenty. How can you do it with your orango picking oarnings?M "Isaac, you may not boliovo it, but our fees this year are $10. 25., books will bo approximately $8., wo will pay again $5.25 and use the same texts. To keep in ^school there is NYA, whoro you can earn up to $20 a month." "Is that all?" "Yeah, and for. some courses loss. Junior Gollo'^o is one of the cheapest ways to spend two years of collogo wo over know. Xie. don’t see why you Don’t continue. You say you aro not working and that you miss not going back. Man it’s a cinch." Wo think in 1940 Fullerton J.C. may find a follow by that name enrolling there. SCENES - Hero, in closing, aro two actual scones. Two not. so- common, but scenes wo should sos moro" of. Tho first is in Belvodors; Anrd imposing sheafs of signatures, in front of a market, sits a fat Rogisbrar'of Voters. Under tho weighty sheafs of signatures and the greasy elbows of the Registrar is a -ii lap ido. tod old card table debating whether to fold over or not. Across this much gougod, old table sit a young)married couple. Newly married, yiand-somo and of Mexican descent. Just behind them is another follow of Mexican doscont loa.'.ad down with books and wit’’ a yellow pencil stuck jauntily behind his oar. Behind them in lino and lounging Sept-Oct. 1939 around ^iro Russians, Jews, Italians and more of Mexican doscont ---all Americans. Scone No. 2 is in Pomona. Mixing in a gay crowd, doing their duty, acting according to their creed and to do what they pledge themselves to, are a group of alert Boy Scouts. "Nothing unusual" you say. But before us passes a dark, straight haired follow wearing many Merit Badges. "Hoy, Manuel, wait up" yells someone deep in tho crowd. This '"lark follow turns in time to so a rod-headed freckled -faced kid stumbling, up to him with two ice cream.conos. Taking his Manuel and Rod walk off to-gother talking gaily about something and possibly going there to soo it togothor._ ---Mo.nuol do la Raza. GLANCING THROUGH THE EXCHANGES--- From tho Timos: Bond ta Higl boasts of a great all-around athlete who is a throo-yoar vot in football, is a star guard in basketball, sprints on tho track team, and has boon a regular on tho. baseball toon for throe years HLs name-'—Dr vo Alcala. Rocontl; after loading his toan to a 32-0 trulmph over Corona, Dave Alcala in practice broke his collarbone. Chancos for championship aro vory, slight, indeed with th^jr star player out. Our follows arc putting up good show is at Los Angelos" City Collogo. On tho staff of tho Collegian, Al Diaz is Feature Editor. Nino boys and girls of Mexican doscont from their res-poctivo high schools recently enrolled were honor students. The Cross-country toon has Gabo Cazares, Joe Badillo, Frank Milan, Al Ornelas, '.rd Al Curiel.