EL TIEMPO. ECO DEL SIGLO. Seneca Ames is putting io new doors, windows and floors in his house. Hon. J. R. Waddill contemplates removing his office to the Canlffe block, main street. El Paso, Texas, contemplates lightning up their city by electricity. Won’t she shine? Mrs. Doper has renovated her sleeping rooms and is now ready to accommodate about 25 persons more. A new restaurant, named Palace, has been opened on the north side of the Montezuma block. Tramps are getting thick again. Run them out of town or put them to work on the streets. Col. W. L. Rynerson has got a prarrie plow is turning the country over. We hope not to the republicans. L. B. Harwood has accepted a position in the clerk’s office ef the court of appeals in Kansas City, mo. Wm. R. McCormick, from Clifton, Arizona, was visiting his many friends in Cruces last Co). P. H. Mothersill ■ progresivo go baheadtive citizen of Engle was in the city during the first part of the week. A pleasant little party took place at C. Metcalfe’s residence Mesilla Paik, last Tuesday The Las Cruces Nine will play a game with the Fort Selden nine to-morrow Webel on our Cruces boys. Mirzo.......8 9de 1888. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. Some one should attend to the plaza, Sheriff Ascarate is a busy man now days. To be or not to be. A state, that is the question. The work on the main ditch was completed last Shturday. Two pugilistic performances livened np the town this week. Doña Reducinda Peres, died of pneumonia last Sunday. Both the U. 8. and territorial district courts meet next Mon- There are in Jail three candidates for the rope now awaiting C. Howlett, of Silver City, spent a few days in Cruces this The Rosado Opera Company will play in Las Cruces next The Amador Transfer Co. is doing a land office business, so is the Las Cruces. Advertise in the El Tiempo it has the largest circulation of any paper in Doña Ana county. ---T. D..Curtía-from Mesquite Station was in Cruces on basin ess last week. * ,■ Mr. A. Welch has finished his work in the indexing of the county records. A, C. Coe & Geo, Mayhill of Lincoln Co., were here on land office business during the w'eek. Del Butterworth, one of the ^squarest men in El Paso, Texas, was here last Tuesday on business. Priciliano is luting like a good fellow you cau hear his horn all over town. Dr. Young a brother of lawyer Young is a late arrival, the Dr. will local with us. Mis. Numa Reymond returned from a visit to freinds in Paraje, last Tuesday. J. H. Thompson Esq. a young Philadelphia lawyer has located in Las Cruces. We wish Mr. Thompson good luck and prosperity. Hon. W. F. Henderson spent few days in the Organ Mountains, looking after his mining interests there. The Judge has a fine prospect which promises to pan out well. Died.—The on y eon of our esteemed friend, August Roul-lierer of Paraje, died last Sat-■rday. We extend to the father and mother our heart felt sympathies. Charley Coleman, proprietor of the 8an Diego cattle ranch put in his appearance last week, and had a lively time with his old friends. Gideon Bantz, the popular Silver City lawyer favored us with a visit this week and started for home yesterday. Mr. Bantz will be here during the April term of Court. We heartily recommend him as a first class lawyer. The grounds around the catholic church can be made beaatifull by planting shade trees and taking proper care of them, besides being an ornament to the city it will be an everlasting monument to the enterprising and progressive individual who may take bold of the matter. Jerry T. Sullivan, the popular Democrat of Rincon, was here during last week on Land office business. Jerry is buildit g himself a fine house of stone. Jerry was educated for a priest and it is no more than natural for him to build his house of J. H. Riley’s little boy is suffering from a severe attack of fever. We hope little Johnny will pull out all right. Lew. Bennett, one of the bright lights of Organ, was in Cruces last Tuesday. We are always glad to se Lew. J. Lindauer, reureeenting the firm of Lindauer. Wormser & Go., of Deming, was here last Wednesday in the interest of his firm. James P. Ascarate our Sheriff was the recipient, of a pair of clasps, which are of incalculable use in hie business. Jimmy appreciates the gift. Judge Jos. Boone’s reputation is like his business, growing daily. The better you get ¡acquainted with him the more I you appreciate him. Friday, the 23d, was the happy 60th birth day of Doña Do-lures Duper. She was the recipient of many fine presents and numerous calls from her many friends. Doña Dolores was prepared for the occasion and all who visited her were received in first class style and will all be on hand, if nothing happens to take part in the celebration, of Doña Dolores 61st. anniversary. So mote .A fracas took place among some of Maj. Van Patten’s men last Sunday night about a mile from town. It appears that one of the workmen lost his mare, and made up his mind that two of the men who had left for Cruces a short time before had taken her. At about lo’clock the men returned and were met by this fellow and accused of having stolen his mare. They denied having taken her and proceeded to unsaddle their horses when he stabbed one of them in the left shoulder severing an artery. The man bled to death in.a few minutes. He started after the other with his knlfe.bnt as he had armed him self with a club he knocked him down and disarmed him. While taking the murdered man in th--, house the murderer tied, ¿herifi’ Ascarate and Justice Manuel López were informed <>f ih« <•'■-currence and started immediately after the murderer aim after about a two hours chase arrested and landed him in jail. The dead man was buried Mon day and the murderer wa" bound over to await the action of the Grand Jury. Notice for Publication. Territory of New Mexico Third Judicial District Court. County of Dona Ana. Territory of New Mexico, VnciKo Pacheco, The raid defendant Vacilio Piu-beeo hereby notified tl »t a tuit lor debt Lar born commenced agaimt him in the «aid Dietnrt Court, within, and for the County of Dora Ana, Territory af.waid, oy «aid Territory of New Mexico, plaintiff on oftaxce due for the year 1886 on a pirco of land in raid county rituate to the east of the town ot I a Union, bounded eaet and eoutb by public road», weet by ibe acequi:i, north by the That unlee* you cn-er your appearance io «aid «uit, (■n"or before the tint day of the next April term of «aid <‘ourt, commencing on the 2th. day of April A. D. 1888. lodgment by default therein will ba renderci against you. 8- .If. Aahenfelter. W. J. Jollin Dietrict Attorney. (Jerk- LONE STAR Brewing CO. John R, P. Foster, Agent EL PASO, TEXAS. OFFICE: Oor. St. Louis and Varian Sts., tklu-boxk NO. 129. Opp. Q. II. & S. A. Freight Depot.. I SEED ANNUAL ^^tnv^toebíe'to^'.L 3arden,Fieww Flower ¡EEDSt^A-Si ^ííñíi> JOHN F. STRATTON’S CetKBRATED Patent [June 17, 1887.] moiie, Duet, Sliver, Reed.