ic. -• __ta a, - . it*. -i «. * i . ........ - w —i-i । - The Daily Ranchero AND RE^OBLICAN 3. S. MANSPK & *CO Publisher and Froprietoe. WiwusvillK April íl» ISN- ÍILMt-emwel «Iim I. Il 'J -t I,r. ri-.-iSti r Iit,w^i^'iyi: wIua^mu.-a:Ti1i™i=íh=Mleft.y:l*f||U0i;M-attK1|'>|.»il:- awfl^luri|.*i*iwe*uli-.tiu«iil****Wi:4.---i.-i..:LiM. or I ver» "t/.. referral to, have estimtifed. the aver»1 j The mva irom have been facilitnG agh toas .of caule bn the Lower Rto ed by tho groai.. rinxiosky of thn Rio G^a»de>vafriee iho ¡citato of the' civil f raude, thi dwe chspiml on tito • w^r, at WO fad- |^r toónth;: I riverbank» tiro ;wst^xtotilvpf:Tlro number crossed in Cum^ron Conhty. ; quatri milk iry torce» pnrtkutoriy-of i M low than -.exoesstve. Btto inhabitants . of the: It my bo askchi,, h there no remu» his side of the river have ■ dyi to apply to these evilsT' ; • to-resist: the inymto, . The Grand Jurors have carefully -counit -of, the groat dU- considered this poink . An' adequate 1 separato the mbro im*' ca-jvalry • -force, improperly dros; second,.bn account -_hf,ánd which the robbers have ¡ wouúl'flo much in stopping the rob-¡inspired b|; thrir rdcnlless.' nets» berfa Tiro stress laid upon the ¡when rerisknro was attempted or wxiirds commanded, equipped, stiv Itheir move netuls reported. ■ turned andemptoyvd, is induced by Am¡iüro| iuq-yorkint encourage- ; tiro inefficient nmirnei* in which the nront, of tip depredations, has been ' feiw cavalry eoiiii^ninn found in jho .a-#ristance which Mex* i lean uuito|rktos have, on nuiuy no- . ! carious, given to the thieves, in ' vrmring thp stolen callie into Mexi* to and xlis^using- of the ranro ia their ! i cirie.-*., Re|'lnmuihi.ns uf stock by! ■ Texas' cilijams have been, geiierally.-! '■in vain. ts ¡ 1 and .’.Vj duties whii h th<*y, j 1 however, took rare to charge mi the ‘ ■ rame, havq absorbed, almost totally, ! ' the lull va||lne of the breves taken in j j charge by |hem. Stolen cat-lie and | I hides eonriinue find a ready mark- ■ ! vt in Me|ican cites, a nil many ! of the bi^tru't -CiTUTl lift hr 1 .Mh.lt udb cinl bi SUM: TheGraud Jui*w's <>f the County ' of Cameron, having bren specially charged by your Honorable Uwurt to ilivcstigaie the repuiU-d cat-tie de-prvtTalions in this county by armed baud# from Mexico, and also into the alleged cr.)#»i.ng of stuh-n hows into this county, ft peel fully r<-p r<—*t til'. rv< The Grand Jurm> fore Utont the report of the Pelt-rid ■ Grand Jury, mió nd tied io rhe ol the l\ x< Jh'.i Eash*tn la>t term of said Coin I. held OilV of Brownsvi 11<*. hi**I had ib'C for the I i'vxa-i, at in the: ' th,- : mutuh. | Thw have :vbo co arid vied prwiwus lepra tf* xtf Grand J uri'/# ol tin* arid neighIhiring counti<>, bordering on the Rio Grande, rtdnling to eailie depredations. The iv^iimouy c! •the rebellion in 18b \ rinvc which year they have steadflv "cuhtinui-d. They increased in boi. veiled w i i h a n i iy pufi ant c >m m a in 1. . The depreda ritma Lave been dinui-ed ágainst i(ic cattle raid horse | Block, coustiluting- the .wealth of | Western Texas. The bauds of iuv i- ; dets., who depredate between the ; Rio Granand the Nueces, are cum-posed of Mexican citizens. In the ' last two years, udicers and men of the Mexican army'hav-e ahu.partid-paled in lhed’orays. Those bands, numbering from ten to one.hundred ntori, cross into Texas at numerous points om the Rio Grande. Of late the bands have - been very large. At a convenient distance from the Hver they divide anto smaller parties and proceed to gather cattle. In this pursuit, théy freely replace their ,wyrmput horses spared. B syond the Nueces, cattle by stealing fresh ones, taking care are worth from $15 to $20 and to drive ^ck their jadefl animals -more. He e the value is one-half with the stolen^ herds of cattle,, when sufficient number has been collect-; ed. Thesquiids then unitf i and re-. cross, ihrivRio Grande/. into JMiexico ih a body* be invadera #e always (. ■" ;;well;;arxDed•■■■wit'll lepeitipg tifie, car^ eeiw—n ....... .........«I I,.,.. 1,..» -.•■«Wgegyi,, . ... tier; ns long as stolen beove< horses, ]JÍ)rake amendment which jho tijj and hides find a ready market in promo Court decided uneonstiiutiS^ tito cities andHindiosof.MVx.i(!o;as .*'• Th» cases ilwMeil were chiefly--t ■ ■'•js* ;-'b ' »■'■■■ ' fromJSavanah, and ' includes TvL..<; -tong M the oxtradtiro» trenly. be- mo, Cther Í* will-foUw. tween the Um fed: Hiatos- and Drake’s amendment which hhs been/ remains a dead tottei-, iiiid is con- decided unconstitutional - nmjinvixi i*\, BUxnlly violated: ant dried meat and a cracker or lot lilla, as tiro ex tout of their commissary. The sbitiuns of the cavelrv should be in the livid; al some distance fro a the river. The troops placed at. each station should lie sufficiently numerous to eTutln.ú il-ie commander to detach Seouliiu rviam a reserve to act upon an emergency. The scouting parties should not only connect the stations, but should be frequently dispatched further into the interior, and also toward (he river. Good guides would be an indispensable necessity. To protect the country north the Arroyo Colorad o, stations the passes on this creek would required. This would prevent the er crossing of cattle in u southern di* ructimi in this county. A systein of stotkms in Hidalgo and Starr Cotí lilies would, of course, be necessary to form a continuous chain ánd- to render protection elective. With troops stationed as suggested, the i iris men ailid an itsuh to the Ameri can government. Nor have all proiesinlifm^fofib pvllvd. vial and -otherwise, Mass Meeting. Jackson., Mms, April 22;—Thu li hural republican mass meeting, and convention h< ld at Vickriiurg, have appointed did «gates to the Ciuciq-^nati Convention. ' ■< \\ ashing von, 1Y. "C>;7 April. 22*.?1* • ! «A large, ¡mmbyr .yn'-dulls-were introduced; The uow;. revenue. 1 bill *as read. " Tl.u>v; 'pruvuvdrngS' erpwded out. --the ...psind . till i buster overihv. Civil rights bill,' , j ••'A. repon from lire conference, coin | nm toe regarding ^triiw bids ..was' adopted ** A bill was in(reduced repeali®j the law requiring cigar makers fol ■ give’ baud. ; ■ C\.iumor siateuiuiil; rvgardirig A"I.a¿\ báuiíi claims have been rucei ved: fT<>tri the President. It is very lengthy, polite, but firm hi;iho support ef thc cousc-queiiiiaiaiupuigo; clause. Tlpr titriig-' gio uetween' free ten and cbtloo,: ' ttutl the N or th Carol i n u h>enu to ri al cou i x- st was fpsumvd Íu fav.of..<>i" th.é cbm ■ iCbi Uy a. vote of .'i>A tú-, :.22<- ,.?\q.ae*. tiou. ■ ' ' ■ ■■■/ , ; ’■'■•■■••‘■•'V TI m *5e n a t e i s sit ti i i.g to - b ig li -t. o h . postal -atiairs. ‘ ‘' "• . MoNtgomkky, April ''22.—ATteif as could bo afrceruiined, residents of ueiG of the. United..Suited .•.Circuit'. trxv; ..i-i i r ) - . Court at Mobile, by.¿AV..F. Drake Mexico, and h. has boon found im- , .... and tdhers, tu set aside the decree-ot possible to eonuect. n single, nnieri- JlKIguHuslileil. declaring the Alaba-can uiih the transactions.. In many uia and ChatUuioogii railroad, bank-; rupt, it wus^ decided by Judge; W ?ods, last SniurdayVthnt LÍw bank* rupt proceedings, \ycre ..iito '"■•regMlar". form, and he declined tó iutiérí^re>" The siJile of the rpud . eaine yff at litis -place tu-day' in putsuauce of the .advertisément by the assigneea in bunkiUptey;.Governor Lindsay bought thé rpád iof life Statef ahd it.givesmuch satisfaction to the peo-: ply, as i t is v- thought, that i t - xyi 11 sliould not grumble to Ibto wdl he prevented, by speedy ac- j sharp ride uf bun on the part, of the government, sixty'miles per «lay, with a both in stopping Inn dt-prcilalions and in obtaining reparation fur the damages indicted. . nniNiUNG srot.KN nonsics into T11 !•: era' x r v f ho m m t;x i < *o. This subjEot has been inyosUgnt-ed by i h e (r ra nd J u r y, ns- «li rec ted by the Honorable Court, After diligent xnvjUirv. it. appears that enquiry parlies, and to stolen horses have been brought into Camvimh County ••t¥nm. Mexico, occasionally only -and in small numbers,. Thu thieves-h:ix*e, bowwefSr-invariably been Mexjeans, and as far at long tatigptioiibefore Judgb; of al be can with tho trans&.ctiqns.. pa ses th ese s tu l en h o rses ‘ h a v o been eppuireu and restored.-th - their own- ÍIknky Haui^t; Foreman A. Wfiuhskje. h^igeflwAKz. ; ' :-:-.FílANCts TaYLOR. /: Frei>i?;újck An'diiéws, ■ o A. CVÍIoweij^, .. Vict<> ri ano F knN 1» Kz «av« thé S ta 1 e .from any 16ss '"'.yif ¡to-MaXUKL A.1.05’/.()., F. SiiKRWoob. J.Oliyi'1*. PbTTE(tNAT. - ' B. KowMsk l S. AsiniKiMi J.-w: Hoyt.. gesrioiK, tor tear that they .might be Brownsville, .Texas, April 22, considered unwarranted, and, per- 7 ----- haps, imperii lieu t, by military com mtinders on the frontier. Yet they reflect the honest npinion uf the Grand Jury, and as such will, it is hoped, be kintliy received and noticed. AI a ny rale, *d ti t y com pel s 111 ei r utterance. A recent general order of the commanding officer of the Department Of Ta xas, would seem to indicate, besides, that defects in the management of cavalry have been generally noticed. , been heede miitíé' - .;Supreinu. ; Cutirg- _ tú day.. Nuf'■ 11 ?.■: Win to vs. Hart -'et/'al-, hr error" to..-' the Supreihe (Juurt of Georgia; jt; V’í1 lí A H1T1T1 was au aetiuu?.1¡i5n a. droto giyeb for JA.-A.XJT.lv» . the 'price .' of a; slave... The'■deie.ucó: pleaded, by trie new • constkylion» JBiS- ' ()f State"’ the .couct, ;Av:as. prolúbited; ’ r; riroui taking any jurisdiction pf ease invyjvuig .the question of the validity of7 such a a Contract, judgmetit, ofThe court xvks Tor tile detondantj and iinhouncetl the; tolf ■>. lowing propusttiuM First» that . when the couslitutioiA of 1.&68 was adopted;,‘-.Georgia, was not a'.‘State in the Union, that she had r^aflered -hér cDnnécdou as such, and was' á conquered territorjGxvhoily at the mercy of :the conqueror and; thaC 'hence' theyialiabiCation of thé States, by the .constitution: of the United *SLates,-to. pass any law impairing the;; obligation of contracts,.ribad no a.p* pticatiori to her, Secuifd, that her constitution does not affect the coir-.tract and denies, jurisdiction to her cou rts- to enlorce. Th i rd, that her constitution xras- adopted under the dictation- and ceercioq of Gotigressr hud is ■ thé Act pf Co'pgress rather;r than tot the State, and that thou¿h -a btale catínot. pass a law impairing The /the validity ot contracts, * congress . cap, and that for this reason also, The mhlbiflon in .the fíedefaíconstitution Iras no.Teffect in the. case. • -. ;* This court reverses this judgment