PAGE 4 EL UVALDE TIMES 17.1978 Clases Para Adultos Empiezan Sept. 18 Open Forum -- Tribuna Libre Registracion para la> Clases de Education para Adultos Basica 1978-79 y las clases para el GED (diploma de high school) en Uvalde tendrán lugar el lunes, Septiembre 18 en la Escuela Elementaria Benson de las 7 a las 9 p.m. Las siguientes clases estarán disponibles: Nivel I para esos alumnos que deseen aprender lo básico de leer y escribir en inglés; Nivel II para estudiantes en los grados intermediantes y que ya tienen alguna practica en el idioma ingles; Nivel III para esos alumnos que deseen registrarse para clases de nivel de junior high; y Nivel IV para esos alumnos que deseen prepararse para el test del GED. Las clases del GED han provado ser muy populares y cualquier persona interesada ’ en obtener su equivalente a la diploma de high school debe registrarse en la clase de GED tan pronto les sea posible. y materiales necesarios están disponibles a ningún costo a cuales-quier persona que tenga diez y seis (16) años de edad o mas, al asistir la clase, y que no este registrada en alguna escuela publica. Las clases se reunen cada semana en los lunes y martes, de las 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. en la Escuela Benson. English Todas las clases, libros, Toda persona interesada debe registrarse el lunes, Septiembre 18o tan pronto les sea posible después de esa fecha. Adult Basic Education Begins Sept 18 Bilingual Education vs Follow Through Lets get the facts straight Registration for the 1978-79 Adult Basic Education and GED classes in Uvalde will be held Monday, September 18 at Elementary from 7 until Benson School 9 p.m. English langauage; Level III for students wanting to enroll in the junior high level courses; and Level IV for those students wishing to prepare for the GED test. GED proven to be quite popular and anyone interested in obtaining a high school equivalency diploma should be enrolled in the GED class as soon as poss-sible. person, if sixteen (16) years of age and older while in attendance. Bilingual Education came about as a result of a state law that was enacted after legislators were convinced that the high drop-out rate among Mexican-American student was related to the child’s inablity to cope with the irrevelant, anglo oriented teaching methods. Educators concluded that culture and educational environment relate to the the ability of a child to develop securely and happily. sors, Testers, Video Tape Technicians, etc. It brought equipment and materials that eventually other classrooms benefited from. It provided travel expenses to and from Oregon and Washington for administrators teachers and parents. It was and is an expensive program. In the beginning it purchased clothing and shoes and dental care for the children who needed help. The following will be classes available: Level I for those stu-dents wanting to grade levels and already have some command of the English language; Level >- II for students at the ^ intermediate grade levels and already have some command of the Camino Real The classes have and who is not presently enrolled in any public school. Class meetings will be held weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays, from 7;00 until 9:00 p.m. at Benson Elementary School. All classes, books and materials are at no cost available to any Anyone any of should Monday immediately after. interested in these classes register on or enroll there- ment by reviewing proposed changes in the helth care deliver system. It will also document deficient -and ineftiecient health •care delivery and promote programs designed to meet the identified health care needs of the area. of the list, noted. Hubbard “Once these topics are identified, an Annual Implementation Plan is developed. This plan then outlines specific objectives to be taken to address these health concerns on a yearly basis,” Hubbard continued. conceriis already in the HSP and identified through similar workshops during previous years dental health, nutiri-tion. are cancer, mental health, ambulatory emergency service and cost. Nine other health concerns make up the remainder services, medical In Uvalde local school officials, including school Superintendent R. E. Byrom and board members Emmett Harris were in Austin when the Bilingual Education bill was before the Texas Legislature hoping to put an ammendment on the law so that Uvalde could be excluded from having to implement bilingual education. The Uvalde school officials saw bilingual education then solely as a “politically -related” demand since it had been one of the issues of the school walkout here in 1970. With this as a beginning it is easily believalble that in Uvalde Bilingual Education is not a favorite subject of local educators and our Mexican-American children are being affected by it. After the federal funds weree reduced due to non-compliance with federal guidelines, the school district lost a lot of the funding and the program is now greatly reduced. La Educación Bilingüe llego a nacer en Texas como resultado de una ley estatal que fue enactada cuando los legisladores fueron convencidos que el gran numero de alumnos Mexico-America-nos que se salen de la escuela antes de graduar de high shool esta directamente relacionado con su inabi-lidad de funcionar en el systema educativo que es orientado solamente a los anglos. Los educadores con-clueron que la cultura y el ambiente educacional afectan la abi-lidad del nino de desarrollarse seguro de si mismo y felizmente. Español insisten que es mas beneficioso que la educación bilingüe. Empezó en 1968 y trajo al distrito escolar cerca de $600,00 en dinero federal. Pagaba salarios altos a la Directora, Supervisores Examinadores, Técnicos de Cinta Video, ets. Trajo equipo y material que eventualmente se usa en otras clases que no pertenecen al programa. Proporciona dinero para viajes a los estados de Oregon y Washington (y ottos estados) para los administradores y maestros y padres. Es un programa costoso. En el principio pagaba atención medica (dental) y les compraba sapatos y ropa a ñiños necesitados. Cuando el gobierno federal recorto los fondos al distrito por no cumplir con los reglamentos descriminacion) distrito muchos fondos programa esta muy reducido. Desde 1968 a todos los ñiños que asistian a las escuelas Robb y Anthon por fuerza estaban en el programa Follow-Through. Los padres no podian escojer como se educaran los (por el perdió y el hoy 1976 Cont’d on Pg. 8 1968 to 1976 the elementary were desegre-all Mexican- THE HARTFORD CALL JOHN MEYER OR BILL RYAN 133N. HIGH UVALDE, TEXAS 78801 Among the health A YOU ifisunxxe BILL RYAN INSURANCE AGENCY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE OPEN SAT. 9-1:00 Participants in the workshops will be asked to take part in the revision process by ranking approximately 35 areas of need, specifically health concerns. (512)278-2522 HOME 278-4263 Vela Texaco In addition to the ranking, participants will be introduced to Camino Real and be afforded an overview of some of the Agency’s accomplishments and goals, ” Hubbard said. On the ohter hand, Follow Through has been constantly applauded by school officials, it is than tion. It began in 1968 and $600,000 in federal money into the district in the beginning. It paid high salaries to the Director, Supervi- They insist more rewarding bilingual educa- brought some From (when grades gated) American children in grades one to third HAD TO BE in Follow Through. Parents had no choice. Those living in the Dalton and Benson sones received traditional teaching. After 1976 parents have been given four choices to place their children in the elementary grades: traditional, tradicional bilingual Follow Through, and Follow Through Bilingual. From grades one to three, then, the children in Uvalde develop in four different pattern and very surely, four different levels. The teaching techniques of bothe the Follow Through and the Bilingual Program in Uvalde will be discussed in our next issue. To provide more accurate information, professional educators will be interviewed. We welcome comments. Emmett en ley direct-Harris Austin de la Bilingüe pasarse en En Uvalde oficiales de las escuelas oficiales incluyendo al Sr. R. E. Byrom y el miembro entonces de la tiva estuvieron cuand la Educación estaba por la legislatura estatal, con la esperanza de que se le agregara enmienda para Uvalde no tuviera implementar prograriía aqui. oficiales de en ese tiempo veian en la educación bilingüe solamente una “demanda relacionada con la política”, ya que habia sido una de las demandas de los padres que participaron en la huelga de las escuelas aqui en 1970. Con este principio es fácil creer que la educación bilingüe en Uvalde no es un tema favorito entre los educadores locales y nuestros ñiños mexico-americanos son afectados por esto. una que que el Los Uvalde parte, el Follow Por otra programa Through ha sido constantemente por los oficiales . Ellos alabado Experienced Mechanic Friendly, courteous ^gXACO service Workshops will be held in each of the other 20 counties served by Camino Real, and the results used to determine what health care need shall take priority for the coming year, Hubbard added. DO YOU LIKE OUR STYLE? 278-9059 ■ í 520 S. GETTY UVALDE, TEXAS X RICARDO P. PEREZ & RENE GALLARDO - Owners "AS LONG AS THERt'S A g- STEER IN TEXAS YOU'LL FIND THE BEST PART HERE" CHOICE MEATS DRUG & SUNDRY ITEMS FRESH PRODUCE FRESHLY BAKED PASTRIES PIES, CAKES SNACK BAR FISH - POULTRY 278-3624 OPEN DAILY 8:00 - 10 OPEN SUNDAY 9 AM - 8 PM KUIK-CHEK SUPERMARKET 536 W MAIN (HWY 90) Subscribe Today And Help Us Grow! El Uvalde Times 278-3616 C & D Sales & Service Venta y Servicio De Toda Marca De Aspiradoras. Partes Para Todas Marcas Vendas, Bolsas, Cordones, Etc. Transparentes De Ventanas Hechas Al Gusto. Visítenos Queremos Que Conosea Nuestro Servicio r, VACUUM CLEANER SALES & SERVICE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AND OTHERS. IVe Make Custom Window Shades. 400 W. Nopal 278-4270 Se Escribirá Un Libro Como resultado de la popularidad de renombrar el parque, el comité organizador se ha dado cuenta que mucha de nuestra gente desea honrar a nuestros antepasados que tanto ayudaron a nuestra muchas maneras, razon, ciudad en diferentes Por piensas esta que seria muy propio formular un libro, en el cual podríamos escribir las bibliografías de estas personas. Se invita a toda persona que desee trabajar en este libro, que se comunique con Olga Rodriguez en la oficina de El o con Garcia. Uvalde Times, el Sr. Hector A/ MEMBER PIA PROTECTING YOUR FUTURE HOMEOWNERS 10% DEVIATION WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION-Dividend LONG HAUL TRUCK SPECIALIST Filing made in all States OILFIELD INSURANCE LOW VALUE DWELLING INSURANCE BID- PERFORMANCE-PAYMENT BONDS BAIL BONDS TO $225,000 AUTO INSURANCE (None declined) LIFE- HEALTH -CROUP INSURANCE MEXICO TOURIST INSURANCE (Auto — Baggage — Accident) FRED E. EVERETT