I College Statidn, Dec. 14.—Behind the oven door lies the secret If successful baking. When cakes tall, roasts shrivel or biscuits Icorch, the oven can be blamed In most instances. For this rea-lon, Nora Ellen Elliott, specialist in food preparation for the h. and M. College Extension Ser-lice, advises homemakes to check [heir ovens and thermostats to Insure success in roasting or fcaking. “It shouldn’t be neces-lary to keep peeping into the even to check the progress of Ihe food being cooked,” she says. I'or stoves not equipped with thermostats, inexpensive thermometers can be used with good results. ---------;0;--------- Rex Pries To Play For Dance I Students of A. & M. College kill entertain with a dance on Ihe Hamilton Hotel roof, Wednesday, Dec. 27th. Rex Pries and his K. T. S. A. radio orchestra of San Antonio kill furnish the music for the lance. ---------:0:--------- MRS. GREER TO VISIT HERE Mrs. Arthur Claude Hamilton will leave Monday for San Antonio where she will meet her mother, Mrs. Hal W. Greer of Beaumont who will return with her daughter to spend the winter In Laredo. It is always a pleasure to Laredoans to welcome Mrs. Greer back to the city and to know «he will be with us for the next several months. ---------:0:-------- DANCE ON 27TH The Mothers’ Club of St. Peter’s parochial school will entertain with a dance at the Christen school auditorium, Wednesday Dec. 27th. from 9:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m. Ramon Aguilar and his orchestra will play for the dance. ---------:0:--------- Mrs. John G. Morris and son, John, spent the week-end in the 2ity returning to their home in San Antonio Tuesday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. L. E. Bruni who returned to Laredo Thursday. O’HERN: Complimenting Miss Alice Perkins and her fiance, Rev. William X. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O’Hern entertained with an informal supper at their residence on Musser St. Sunday evening. The Yuletide motif was effectively carried out in all decorations of red rosebuds, poinsettias, holly and pine cones. In the dining room where refreshments were served buffet style, the board was centered with a six branch Dresden candelabra, holding burning white tapers, flanked on each side by miniature Christmas trees. Mrs. Cora Smith served the salad and Mrs. Lyle Perkins, the turkey. On the south porch, Mrs. Hal Brennan poured coffee for the guests who ate their supper al fresco in the surrounding, enclosed gardens of the home. Twenty friends of the couple attended the supper party. D. A. R.: Saturday, Lucy Meriwether chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution met at the home of Mrs. C. S. McKinney on 'Mier St. at 3:00 p. m. Mcsdamcs W. T.-Killam, Ed Roberson, J. E. Willis and Misses Minnie Burr and Marjorie Lang were hostesses. Mrs. A. E. McCulloch as regent presided and during the business hour, a freewill offering for the work the D. A. R. is doing at Ellis Island was given. Mrs. R. S. Conly, as chairman of the program. “Around the World with Christmas Songs” was greatly complimented on the arrangement. Mrs. A. C. Hamilton announced the compositions and authors. Piano accompanists on the program were Mrs. Travis Bruce Bunn, R. S. Conly and J. J. Richter. Others taking part were Mesdames H. E. Watson, Max Wormuth, Sam Sullivan, Walter Fuermann, Alden Muller and Miss Jim Fay Ashmore. At the conclusion of the program refreshments were served buffet style from a table set with brass coffee service and candelholders, burning red tapers. Mrs. J. C. Netzer served cakes and Mrs. A. E. Gates poured coffee, for the seventy members and guests present. MOSER: Miss Charlotte Moser (Continued to Page 8) EXTRA SPECIAL! A Limited Quantity! 1 G. E. Cleaner. . . .$59.50 Set Attachments . . . . 7.95 83 Pc. Set China and Silverware . . . 19.75 Reg Price .$87.20 While Quantity Lasts! $59.50 GIVE Here Are Ju Coffee TJ Beautiful I coffee tai Student’s T| In Be I.l smJ Lane Cedar' Lane ceda selection i OTI You Save $27.70 Hurry and Get Yours Today AND M