SEPTEMBER 10.1978 Cartas... Opiniones EL UVALDE TIMES Commen tartos. ..Que.jas Quiere Mantener “El Parque Mexicano” Sept. 3, 1978 El Uvalde Times: Un saludo muy mexicano a todos los lectores y amigos del area del Wintergarden con motivo de las “Fiestas Patrias”. A la vez, apoyo a quienes han elegido el nombre del parque por el ya tradicional “Parque Mexicano”. Yo no creo que sea adecuado mi nombre, aunque agradesco el carino del votante. Viva Hidalgo! Viva Mexico! Viva Uvalde! Viva Santa Maria de Guadalupe! Jorge Baistra Let’s Name it “Veteran’s Memorial Park” .... El Parque Mexicano Es Nombre Popular.. Septiembre 3, 1978 El Uvalde Times Uvalde, Texas 78801 Apreciables señores: Me uno al entusiasmo por dar nombre a un Parque, que todo Uvalde ya llama, desde hace muchos anos, el Parque Mexicano. En muchas ciudades de diferentes países he notado que nombran sus parques o plazas con nombres genéricos nacionales, por ejemplo Plaza España en muchas ciudades espa- fíolas en Gudalajara existe Plaza Mexico y asi le pudiera dar inu-merables casos. Por lo. qüe apoyo la candidatura de que nuestro Parque siga ostentando el bello nombre que la totalidad de la población Uvaldense. y que atraves de los anos le han nombrado de “Parque Mexicano” Atentamente, David G. Zumaya, Sacerdote Gilbert Torres Should Be Honored September 7, 1978 Dear Editor (Olga) In regards to the naming of the Mexican Park. Well, we have all seen a lot of changes in the city of Uvalde ever since Mr. Torres was elected Commissioner, and even before then he was always trying to help the Mexican people. “barrios” and last but not least, from what I have seen and heard I would think he had a lot to do in getting our first Mexican-American County Attorney. I am very happy for Mr. Munoz. Considering all this I would have to vote for naming the park for Mr. Torres. My regards to everyone in Uvalde. For example the Elderly Program, the change in the way the streets were in our L a caridad #,e los ricos no es más que la forma del remordimiento.- lontaneile H dar de mala gana es grosería. Nada cuesta añadir una sonrisa.- La Bruyere Mike Martinez, 1314 W. Washington Milawaukee, Wise. No hay testigo tan terrible ni acusados tan potente como la coencia que mora en el seno de cada hombre.- Polibio Building Materials Cost more today, so repairs and construction after a tornado cost more. Be sure your coverages are up to date. Fire, Homeowners Farm and Ranch Owners insurance are just a few of the Farm Bureau Members' insurance needs served at low net cost. For this valuable protection or service call your agent. CEÍÍIIPrtC Para su CASA, CULTIVO, RANCHO, XUUK yvida Manténgase Informado Subscríbase Hoy Mismo a El Uvalde Times $12 por un ano NOMBRE _______________________ DIRECCION . CIUDAD ______________________ Envicio a : EL UVALDE TIMES: 556 W. Main St. Uvalde, Tex 78801 September 5, 1978 Dear Editor: In response to a chicano citizen’s responsibility, I feel it is my duty to share my idea of the renaming of the West End Park. The names submitted and printed in the September 3, 1978 issue of “El Uvalde Times” are worthwhile of their intended cause and 1 have nothing against them. However I would like the community to consider the name of Veteran’s Memorial Park. I believe this name would include all the veterans and would be agreeable to everyone. Also in doing so, I think it will be an honor to have within our daily lives and mexican cultural activities a place of which chicanos can be proud. It would recognize and honor the men who defended their country, their fellowmen, their homes, and family. Memorial Day Ceremonies may include the planting of trees within the park. These trees could bare the plaques with the names of these brave men. Thank you, George S. Rodriguez Fiestas San Antonio encabezaran el paseo en el cual también participaran las bandas de Uvalde High School y Uvalde Junior High. La Reina del 16 del 1977 Diana Vasquez lucirá1’ en el paseo asi como las candidatas al trono de 1978: Cindy Ballesteros, patrocinada pro la tienda Village Casuals, Norma Martinez , representando a la tienda Rowlands, Nora Moreno, Shepperds, Teresa Morales, Bill’s Shoe Tree, Azanette Reyes, Casa Martinez, y Diane Uriegas, patrocinada por Flores Participaran en el desfile varias señoritas representando a los pueblos vecinos de Sabinal, Knippa, Brackettville, La Pryor, Crystal City y Batesville. Corrects Name ... Remembers Arnold Cardenas ... Sept. 2, 1978 Mrs. Olga Rodriguez, Editor El Uvalde Times 556 W. Main St. Uvalde, Texas 78801 Mi muy estimada amiga Olga, In reference to your newspaper dated August 27, 1978 in the front page, bottom right hand comer, article “Parque Mexicano”, you printed “Arnulfo Cardenas Park.” May I please correct you on the name — he was one of my dearest friends and he shall always hold a special place in my heart. His name was Arnoldo and not Arnulfo. At the time of his death I was taking my final exams for national registry placement as a Registered Medical Technologist in St. Louis, Missouri and my parents kept his death a secret from me until they were sure I had passed all the exams. When they did notify me that he had been killed in action in Viet Nam it was too late for me to fly home to Uvalde to attend the funeral, but I did place flowers at his grave when I returned home and when I visit my town I always make it a point to go by the cemetary and visit his gravesite. Arnoldo was a very respectable young man and a hard worker. I remember all the dances we use to go to and the “Conjunto Cardenas” was playing. You might recall, they lived close to Santiago Cruz’ house and if you ever drove by in the evening they would be practicing in their instruments under the carport. I want you to submit my letter to the LULAC Council and American Legion Post 479 so they can tally my vote for “Arnoldo Cardenas”. Sinceramente, Tu Amiga, Teresa Cruz Kipuros, 409 Ford St. Eagle Pass, Texas Al terminarse el desfile la banda de Uvalde High School tocara el himno nacional Mexicano y el Americano en el West End Park y actuaran los Indios Sahawees dirigidos por el Sr. Bill Dillahaunty. Enseguida habra discursos por oficiales de nuestra ciudad, incluyendo al Juez Bobby Tafolla, Juez Alejo Sanchez, Abogado del Condado Rogelio Munoz, Comisionado Gilberto Torres, los miembros del Concilio de la ciudad, el Mayor Charles Cain, Jack Caffall, Albert Mirele Lecho Quiroga y Rudy Gonzales. PAGE 7 This I Have To Say .. - • to hear the people, the parents of the children they are supposedly interested in educating! Life would so much more pleasant for all of us if those in public office would see their responsibility to the entire community, not just for some of the citizenry. It wfcs evident to me last Tuesday that the cold, and sinister disregard for human dignity practiced by the school board of 1970 toward Mexican-American parents is still very much practiced today. Not too long ago I found myself praising Billy Bailey for the speedy and precise manner she began conducting school board meetings upon being elected president. Another reporter friend of time agreed it was going to be great if all the meetings went as business like and smoothly as that first one directed by Mrs. Bailey. But watching her behaviorr Tuesday, the way she rudely interrupted Commissioner Gilbert Torres as he began his address to the school board and ordered him to talk about the specific requests in his letter made me realize she was being just as, or worse of a descriminator than the other school board members I have encountered. What makes her think she can limit a parent, a citizen, a respected government official of this community from addressing the people that hold our children’s education in their hands? Commissioner Torres had not even finished his first statement to the board and she interrrupted him. Rude, is the only word that I can use in this newspaper but she inspires worse criticism. Especially since it is every persons right to appear at a public meeting to voice a complaint. God knows the teachers cannot come before the board and grieve, that would be professional suicide. If it weren’t for Mr. Torres, the subject of unequal hiring practices, promotion and education in total would not be openly discussed at the board meetings. When the lawsuits are filed again, let no one blame those that file them, but the board members who chose to remain silent and DO NOTHING to improve the situation. We need a new high school quite badly, but more than a new high school we need more qualified school board members. Some that will take the time to know what the national and state laws arc and abide by them, some that will be prepared to act responsibly, intelligently and fairly in public, instead of showing how unprepared they are to do their jobs. Swimming Pool: Crystal City Fr. Sherrill Smith fire or their sweat a sign of faith in a god whose benediction burns their bronze skin black watching waiting Mexicano lifeguards seated on pyramid chairs like Aztec priests presiding over pagan rituals COLO* BY MOVItLAB IUINTS BY DetUXt TONIGHT ALSO l.-HlAHIMS Im ‘ M Hl IV .1 'H t X Cf- CO \ 7:30 9:45 A Wern*r CommunKltfOns Comping ; 19’8 WARNER BAOS INC FRIDAY “STINGRAY The greatest aliDe! CABALLO PRIETO AFAMADO is IRAN EORT y ROUHOO BARRAL 6 )H Vi IN 2 78 PG ONLY No Passes TEXAS FARM BUREAU Llame A ED KAUFMAN 278-9181 Compañía De Seguros Jill Clayburgh unmarried Starts WEDNESDAY staatman. BURT REYNOLDS Tickets Good for one performance Adults $2.50-Child $1.25 STARDUST Hwy 83 NO el hijo de Aiyela.Akaria i . tuft iieHi efvtw* SIDEWINDER ONE]: A las 8 p.m. aproximadamente tendrá lugar la Coronación de la Reina del Diez y Seis 1978. Acompañaran a la corte de honor la Reina de la Miel de Uvalde, la Srita. Laverne Rodriguez y la Reina de Valentine de el PTO de la Ilgesia Sagrado Corazon y las señoritas que representaran a las ciudades vecinas. El Sr. Oscar Zamora y Don Chema serán huespedes especiales y acompañaran a los demas artistas como Minnie Nevarez, cantante ranchera de Campwood y al Trio Azteca de esta ciudad. Terminara la celebración el baile gratis con la música de la Tradición Mexicana de Mario Rodriguez. Parque .. Mencionamos enseguida todos los nombres sugeridos para su consideración: General Ignacio Zaragosa Cinco de Mayo Memorial Park Cinco de Mayo City Park Raza de Bronze City Park Parque del Sol Gilberto Z. Torres City Park Parque de Los Heroes de la Patria Westside City Park Amoldo Cardenas Park Jorge Baistra Park General Ugalde City Park Antonio Garcia City Park Ignacio Ortiz Park Parque Recreacional Para Familias Happy City Park (En honor de Happy Gomez) Veteran’s Memorial Park Jardin De Los Heroes y finalmente, el misi nombre popular: Parque Mexicano I attended the school board meeting primarily as a reporter, but being a parent of a child in the Uvalde School District, and a citizen concerned in my fellow Mexican-American friends who — deserve employment here and are denied jobs because of their race, I could not keep quiet seeing the unjustice the board is committing. Everyone in this community has a right to speak before the school board. They are public servants and it is their duty to hear us. We should not be limited in this right and privilege. It is ironic that as soon as Mr. Torres left the board members wasted time discussing the band and drill squad budget, making unnecessary comments and smart reriiarks. Mrs. Bailey was sweet and patient then, and allowed them to waste our time there! When the lawsuits are filed again, let no one blame those that file them, but the board members who chose to remain silent and DO NOTHING. Unfair hiring and promoting of teachers and administrations, forcing damaging education such as the FOLLOW THROUGH PROGRAM on Mexican-American children cannot be ignored any longer. The board now has a choice, to act responsibly and save the taxpayer’s money, or launch into another court battle. 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