id at THE MTXEl । ir Ft: vuK* «enEfit n>n. ii.l»li.*n "I I i. ('hi,.! RA I ROADS, I,.bn Will* <« whotn wa« inriii-il II —AND— lit' 1**1 lh.Hi.wtl,* u, ,.* I t> h. xt ttn.t.*»f sflci fbril .tw.W> lak/" tint mi •unihi'r Inn1 Mid xIiaII it* HlWHIttKT okp iau »i!M u» I'tmilk. wind *n.l «lin.-iiou iil iid.iii.*CT , vrk* ..tml .Ur .t.'ri'>»K sod briuhttsw. The heavens etoop down «bieh beiul' above the eastern bilk 8a».Us* tree v x. w. a rjuTeerr ^’’x'iupinj itiiAg.-*, h lo.-r. den <** a> »•*!*is*a« 1M3 V. I » Wtiti 73® 3 Z3 CT ftTi o r? H 1 itKKKI'KX Herv | Uvv *Mik. that have (he limpid hrtw4> ghdiiiK into the r»nne—..„ ty Mar- , election be d*l k’l ; tu'l nn.l Si- Mi uudersuud Mr-ThouiM B. Catron made a bet vf five hundred dollars with ‘Ttoaqnumo Lum dut Chiquito would be eioti is this (. canty, \\ cdon t ha« hhi.' Slid illUe sgsm re|x>rtrd to llio Post OftiY i;il a flfin* ii]> th.' lie i,eai tlii'»min)iii ilu ii i ir>wg>- l.fvkr \\ hat wa* tal»> in- ? Mire was tiHi gr**»t t«i iillnw < I «hH.Iii nid to «nd onn of tliu «want’ on <•«> "1 30th. 1S7H ..KW J..SMK. «iluta IMITAt t-rtroitutt or TOK MAitA sxWta re rt*v ■«te» watta--» ato- MAIL—taw* Auw -tom Pure N.itivi- Win.' ami Oder by th- gallon »r lx >it I- el Mol thy A Heli wart I IM.i!i, aneXBSSerTXlSC^ Repubhcaus now eav he was Longwcll * pet candidate, and would not have been butnmated, had « not been that Long- well {«e-iuvciy imaste-d on his tKrtuinitiou, to the heavens before the Itepublicwn committee that mule the nouiinations. ixsagwell s svcomuieixlation is enough to deteat any man, and the Democratic party may congratulate itself they had uu such mau to make recommendation. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMA- TIOX. Andrews’ Rook Htnft* Kw In in **u. I i'I TtVSOllM .**' In aix-oMnmv with a tieiuiul Onler who fell fighting the iutitili-nm* I’heycn-nw, a short linieunre. ». r, tx«*uR ■ ewlFváütetaitatJtat, oareeUd of ray of |Wh'ii* >t know, that tunlt inti from i ho fsMuhoes uniré *’ lh*n U» everything Rut t he is; and ll has onn li*’ won axnxKSos, Gm'I s«™t, rmStaUita. rtntaji amamlli *xh faxk vtxw nut. ~ l"*-. raiiwu*. MWiree ow *er»r*v »> «hurt notiw. tr resigna- t the office them suffi- ona were «a Weetar* w w*-w’ M*aSiSte «Ju mail-f*re-o * <«**. kw™ u liritihl .—.UH*’* WILLI A hS * Pir in nitikv him tin-preudi'si.biu'pi.-t fill- er In all livrmuhl bv gelling uiin ln« sngi'h «nd peniiittnig him tu *lm«* th* -■ flic whole peril w«re aeuinihii- । itl.-t ifilh si-iibi mnb n rtis’im! call Mi ’ n-rev it h) .li't Di Lmgwdl want t„ llft lMI iho cahtv R. imtdu-an ticket of Santa Fe I mititx it Mr. Kin-liner, his iiomi- Hiv tor Mivnfl He must have known rf.v light CT him ! an such things k-’ im-i niid tn lb-ore thi* swelling sufwiY Brectoin of th* eolith ihfcl nd N*N IhWH n*<* -*4'. A Mra-4^. lUky -s*; VaMI’U» '*>" AkMlVA WTA W SAX'S A VK to-. , > TrtsMM .Msivl, «tal» ewaMK—w. X i wm«*M n M.1.Í.JIÓ4J ix***, camo riding; nw llernig phu'e hi ell (iffiitaui rv.xsivnxi or Xiw Mkxhv W.I-KV.X- -te« W’lfMI A,,- appointed bis deputies al ras particular to give in. ewit power. Their real UJBa'ÍbÍ Tliew-4 i t Üttiw Ib'pAttiwnt j-a-Md thtwigh in#* L\>«n » t.i*u i-m -*i th. li.omi i *.f ,««ii mg ftu- huhI* in iA¡. i-*. ' *.iu . MM <#»<*. uwk. IMrtteWtta*. WUwUMteiAtateOfre* **a»M» w W* .hVIrtlilli,™» M W* , ».rn tap st W. M wise not quite n> wise as before «he ftuca* ing the ringleaders, when everything 4tutted down again. Ilri All V ....../ . Filiiiianrhv ► for Auhew*cr wvi-,-- ernt per gl«" v *ni t a Alkinwn m * ititvd the Dental K«x-.m«. i\f Dr. K ubh* bv die All "th. i A > large lot I of fam** braml* «•!" Item er flour and No. Rix-civiri at bill Itf. L corn meal. Guyer A ('«>. have received « choica sworttnent of canmri Roods, canvassed 13tf taina and cheese .to ^to’1 ! sHttU-lSM.*- rttonwTKll, hurt ta etah sueh prctlncttf lh‘ Bcrtiad poitel Democratic majtwiue* the poll- books have liren deeiroved. Thia if trae an but react u»«m the author* of lhe i-niue a* it uill must assundlv cwuw» the vole of that whole eonntv to be thrown uui when the ranvas* is tnaoe, and ms Rernahllo has Ixm recanuri the strong- hvld of ucpubhcimiMn in Xw tho wit hura.Kid of the Otvro vote treeiv. ed lucre will imquesluunblT mure to the benefit of Benito Baca. In San Miguel where the Ileimhliran it>nCucnth expected, and counted on a majonty for Otero, Benito Bara has * handwuue maiontv while their maioritv dtad Tin- <»rwttot .. jiutw ever two linndhtl *lihexkdied-the («artr. low A S««.l< r.H>tt l«titll M b . A. Flak taiu ebue** of patients from iheir u«c is entineiv ibmtol. The Tkvlnr abo show- t*i u» »}*xioii'ii« of w.*rk done by him in ion. will compare well with anv done l>v pravUCThwivrs of cxiCTisivc n-putatum. parttcutartv work «fimo hi relhdmd as a tuise pule for arti&eial Ucth. The mtni- dttotion of thL* m^tenu inu» thtsepnetice is but of comiiarattvelv rvtx'Ul dak it nas been fimnd suiicnt'r to vulcanized rubber, and is supplanting that article us«xL t»tli on account of Its cbent.ness and nwJuiu from shrinkage. The office «>f l*r. Andrews is fitted in thi' Wm- Dc>.a.,- । -. Aiinx. IVi I benefil Moiitbh : Stafi-.n oArt'Miotor .«i । batotueter : rw tCTflporatUk' xdAte h range of h-i»p. h«« i» ot'l man *s In Trmblsd * • buet, at am rate th waiting fi*r " gnib Tots! nitilril « tailored b\ tin* ho.ol of th*- Ih-gsHttmtii At rt ash) it n lie alto «tat.-s that it u ii ji ti again uji-n the in rikv and will lito hi lh«t Cth-I is toltai th,- uuiMuiv a«il n«w i’\l«l«. al-Akri We would like to know What mid. Mho Min the l\et Offi K* n.'ksl" tVh»t is the sense in his i*S*turdav multi, «nd lm«mess br.athn tree again lloUH-ward, ho the «><«'1 riows Ix'hhid him. the world i* all shut1 unit cl th" * tracing rouo» on foreste of ^hut in. rathe riuit out ? ire hi* ireiiMiret. after all. a»«i riot in lb eonl in the old totuily Ihbh the hiuk. MavIh' aim Ar. Thou, poor f.-iiou ••!V and fi'ttV. IthUv night l-AUOthttlg t«> volt, jll't . Thrae are msich- couragv. nhv» '. N M . DORY «ivtaM iv.iuib'ie* «.tone rog»bl -t :t« paraenger Irafie, Iw t,' Mta-itU, m*i.*!.ifth.'>*ti!1 l inm ilootul vault» «‘.'tucuitli !S ‘««lili Elkins l.-fi "iHml.iy iwlh-ng ni iiwnxtl' ' -vdi-MAh'! noth and \'e Irani th»t Mi*-MeV '» ffaúil..-ftM...t« 1, i-r'lie Kam lhe IUl, ImI ' Mkl in wstit uf lisrilwan', Hluves ULnk.mith ri*l« *111 i»*k- limb, y by -wiing urilvta in itu*, Rhwk Urge Frill* low, anil freight io Santa P«l re*«*>ii»bie. An*M», Alwmtew Cnltliwdif Ibmuilr" V*1' "h1"'1 •'*” 1,1 il, i,|i..u t;«,-« «ufoiu* fit the iiunretl a. «« d.'iib iitllrau. h*.« IiaiiiI- utovii h. h-1.> .■il «re f.ii i.ii1ilH«ii*.ti ib<" folli'Wiiin grare- lul «••kib.wIcki-liH'iil ni the umif* Iruiu ,1 It Smith. Tr.-Munr llnwsnl A»- h . ulbm, MriiiplH*. Ictitl mu A ITON, HlWX lll A MtMPtlta.Ovt bl, IXIH. T-. .b-iii w «tía. s*nta r. IV- i mu «-.'i our hi'Mt- . f ll ll<«»k« t--t y»<>< «vnqeirhi in thi# out I tUAt T, . »» a matter to I he atlCTitfof, «,f t|„, >ra ;.ct ..uti,,,™,.., i„ th-:.b.-p.. O1W t)|„ 1),«uiati-ii C* Preferred JLocals. i .............________ «< 'i.''■»«.; ATCH I'SONi TOPE KA ,he eari'liigi' h*>r«i*’ < Mountain for muiihet «aiiium- iioitlil iii»in<' > : ,t -¡ip fcv* relume w.Nw-1 M Mte »«**!. .M, st„_, ii C.iiivAhl «\m.-Ihw ft.-ni I" ill.' l ily rilloivUl pill htlvWMUh ll'iiillfiif «Ib'jiab'lllllM hi- 1»' 'a }>Ca»*ll! tulAvsl ill'll Illg .th iu-liirli ¿rthvfv tVNhSM 4HH.J range i>^i«wron»vi a k*nii»iry which, in uuropin- most imjw'Visl style, and {-ersous m tuxri of the services uf a skilled practict tener in deatbtry of long ex|wricnce will do well to avail thi-tnselves of ihe op|M>rtun-ity «.ffetcd bi him to have their dcritisiry done at home. Tuesday peaecd off wry quietly, everything considered,.wily a fe* small rowe —non'’ of which" amounted to much, however, occurring. We hare every reason, for oongratulation, conridering the fact that tim exciten:' ot at times reached alnim a fever heat. Mxjors Willard And Tower have been ordered by «pccial naden. No. 99, from Headquarter», iMstriet uf New Mtatieo, ; Ixtisi Santa Fe, N^v. 1, l.' pay the h»qxs sutiiined in the IHurict to Veto* er 3let. 18w required. The must attravti-.e feature of the evenings ctiteruiimtu'iil. in our opinion. w»s the pian-, duitt. by the Misses, (intn’fcld, whose rendering of Wagner's-Grand March from Tam,bau»cr was loudly encored. The audience trasquile disappointed in the ixiniet m.|.> being «limited fr<#m the oru'grauim**; l>»«t »«-, «Ji ll*i*l* wU*».*».,*,,,, **»>.) I»,, fl.l yWodele» •nUtiluUsl tliwror. ‘Mr. & I Mrs. tiny er, h, their vm-a) <|uett •' Ur-i l*Mrd \\ ateh. " were cnthiwa-iieally eu-! ->nsi hi ibis eouneeti-'T, we beg I.-av.. I to say I hat while th., selevtb.i,. (.f music We £,r,. pleAwHi to atm,.linee dut 0 mail lino West via i Wingat*. Nl M-. to Pre ............. inereasod t-> daily in»*•»<. IW 3» a d.malum ., .-. TRA N! rim»* In: ti ll» «• see eh». CTtfdcn» «if Ihn l.-Mil, tl.r-uutaiuro k#WU** ! besutiiiil, fi.r whirly tfa> ojravh of The port «aid that I when lie fit'! behriil (h(gprairie* hie de-lieht«i| siglil 'Inwlv retui>rvh*nd.-e' roiinM billow» fit.M »txl moitonww*. The ledgi-t elws with *i ll.'iid* *w«* p our them with their ahad- hi the M'XTlSth “intilittle bit" of credit towahls ansaiunlisn; that great the fret that our nemo 4 iYauduIcntb taken front the tvebtraji list* after il every one who hud anythij; to tte with Fnwb Ham h Imiii r, hIwnm cti band it Hol S|>i«'gl^•ber)^‘f, Hiorv. Huu Frauf ti-1 [Huts iuat ruiClv. Sill it til Rtf Ringlewpics uf the IUh’KY MvVNTaim !*k*tTl*iKi. can alway* bv found al Dr F ’* Rifle Ti-am t'ig*r*” the b-.ii in th- twurkrt-—at W. M. Smith'» i bang, click gw.< the key in th»' l*.s*k It [ <>f th«> Iniundles* plain ilnrtualw and dark tn to glide akmc and chase ihn that has liceu lyar nil the w.s-k gi ntiy j *tn«'ng the palta* of Mexico and the tnanxgvux-at of the |ketions held here on the Sth iuunt. y^ a few officer* at least acted fiurtr. and relt to both careful to appoint an oqu rach of the twn political nu«N*.to.«$ •hate with foil power 16 etc. at the poll». Whm 1 knowj^y^dy outsido the Democratic party to V6om we would ¡«ooucr have Been the money go than to Mr. Luna, for he certainly deserves some rccumpcnac for the shabby maauer in which he wa* treated by his party in the matter of nomination for delegate. vault, and nut in the l«x>k—sale the tv- ■ lieiuus wind* that tora the flame like ; flowers «-ti the plain» atxiul Austin have Frveh O)i>ttT», *-fll*t •><" It»' nifi'iiti, -' for rale by the <* fervrnl tu order, it ¡ the New Kra Restaurant. IT -I I 24 Hours! W. M. Smith fix** thing* to eiut tli- i tensón, and will funiUh hut drinks «m Hiidtk will mix 'em Paddy Miles " lia» not r-'tireii fr«>m । the Fruit ami Firn-Dnirx-ry busimw—। but n'tuoved to San Francwoi St. bitf. ! ttife, ¡ blue-eyed or black eyed ; hut, above all. ■ tie part in this gforiutis work ; the ham!* inte-cyed Get a little home—-mi matt.r ; that shajietl the firmament plantctl there how tittle—-» Mifa, just to hold two or two1 with Wand groves and hedged there Mid a half, and then get the two or two | aramid with forests, «nd • hid fin it, nf a Sal unlay night, ami | k-sc jirairio* that ronatitute a fitting floor lb tin read this paragraph by lhe light «*f I fi*r the luagnifirent temple of the »ky. your wife's eyes, and thank God »ud take ihe flower* itu aisles in counties» anmb- are nuiluug to anylnsly. M*y oi* the springs near that < during I •umiBCT moethe. The g«ri effect of the ! water is often nentraliaed by the injurióte effects of tip; eliuiate. Here it is all tbst coukl bo deem-.!, through every icosun. m regento health au<| comfort. The water propcrti<*, «nd the climate is infinitely It will be alike available as * •uminer and winter resort, and yellow fever will never reach this attitude, to rtrtke tho*e .who may take refago here. The ecencry ie all tliat mighty mountain ranges, vast plain», deep cation, peaks can give. These springs the fiiture important town of New* Met- t'i: Winer- ««&»? , _.w*k ’^* "A airaaiK, _t _ , - Heed, v- dfeto^wUU. •LKICUXD MVSLtX.- TKKuah, tí,»!¿7 to. ta.¿, ... „”^*9**-*l* 6. ‘I’jl >M*r. -Uf. C. IS, •tartua, irlj. »*»«, |»r tax 5"L Stenkt-rt-lOli. S-ü-.lo» Ij. *.h>O»c*. Juan MINES! Eastern Ci DKNVBR & RHHaUNM ico, either an the present site of Lai Vegas, or within t|¿ distance of a mile from the p!*x*. They will be fully equal as a source of business, to the epring* of Arkansas, and without other advantage*!, when the railroad reaches this far, would maintain a town of twice the aire oft!» upper and lower plains combined. But .opposition will give us the trido of tho Tcmtoty, whether the railroad goes thro' to tho south or noli, and Lti Vegaa wQL átenme, within a few yearn, the position' of the greatest htsdlh resort of the southwest, as likcwtoo the commctvial metropolis of New Mexico. WNCMOMIE ItO* AND HEAVY HAIOWAIL H«w Me*. >»t k«e. ■ti» reww pw Meg. tone Ito» ítil. IW toi JrtLJM*»».!*»’» OM1 DftiKcr !?»rTX FMOM ’l«á u w «i New Mexico * Jtacrt TI» Were al si LmU Liw. ata WOOL AND HIDE MANKET. W«rt wArt w*»i M4e ™a« tne. CoewWeol, rttiw, parywad. IwfrirtiA Wwgwtat» “ .Si! te$i HE LOST Hl RIP. DOUBTFUL DOINGS. .4 PLEA FOR ORDER. While peraonally we do object to the niixiernto use of intoxicating liquors, even as a beverage, and are not sticklers for total afatincnw, yet we do not agree that street drutikchcsis is excusable, whether nn election days or at any other time. Tbi-i sort of tiling wa* very notirable here un the atli iu*tant, and, we are infimued, most of It is attributable tu the fact that certain euudidabi- for office on that day chartered anil kept open several saloon.-* that they might issue whisky without stint tu ¡arsons from whom they expected votes. We do not pro]iosc at thia time to dL*:u*« the qnf-tiioa wii.41i»r «--r “s* vliia w «he meen* to ewcute an utoo-flun ta lhe proper nMÜwd.So be punnied, but our object to «» urge khe propriety of having every man found drunk on the streets promptly arrested. M. n who are «Iruhk do not knew, nine time* out often ; what they say or «¡o', and they are as apt to insult paxrer» as anything dec. They will do this, nn«i ehvn trdd of it after they have .-.--ber.-d .iff will express profano dest regret that such * thing ehMi" have Imponed. Will it not be doing them a kfodni-A. u. lock them up for a ..............* • ' -ro]tibe fa meet . - . It has ta-. il ritarpsi that the pdii» of thia city was reniÍM «>n the day of election in not awsting drunken men uf their own party, but that they winketl at breachea of law =m«l oni.-r ta-eauso the persons guilty tedonged u> the Rcpuliticnn ¡Mrty. We trust thi- ii. an unjust churgc, for wc think no *uih c-Misidcratiomi should lutsra weight with an officer r-worn to prewrve the peace. If it is true, "however, the j-dieemen who i„.y }„. known to have ; bren deriiiet io hi, j.tty fa* aevert*. ! h for they7 aK na by en>. ; ’Im* >.*»«, of ,wrt „ ,.,r bu, ,hM ( ¿b r l7v.', l ' eufome die ru r tew iuipsrtihlk- iwen touch mure agrreabie tu the aitdi-enrv in general. while at the same ijUl<. M.,r.h... (>r. )„Mra Overt.,r.- t„ ■/. .mpa,-?/„„?,//Or,4,^,^ night ratlier thun tb« guilty (>F act* which thej heartily, dc-T,recale whei Mf '/•"-"■ ■‘y. _ S. Wedel*, hopran., . Kathle-n M*-.i>unmen) ,. ., Mrs. W. («over (anuha Orvil,;tni u 'itiai-... . (r,,h, Afiivaini-!, Mfyntwer. Orehemra 'iauo Duett, . iron. Tann. D k a great pit, ■"tapltii a« th. There is considerable complaint among the Democratic voter* in the city of Santa Fe, of the manner fa which the tegtotra-tion list* were prejw'w), it being claimed that as many as fifty names were omitted from lhe lista. We know this was done in the case of Mr. A. M. Willian» of ihi* office. His name was regularly registered in the third precinct and was on the list when posted for revkfon prior to tho day of election, but when he offered to vote he was informed hu name was not on the list How this could hare happened, unless by intern liona! «imfaeion, wa ceeuot way, a» We kw>w of no te*® 1° Saute Fe County wsewi WDMaw* except our Mr. A, M. William*. How many similar cast’s there were we do not know, but we takeit, this one case will be su^eieut to throw out ihe vote in Precinct No 3, in case it shall bo found necewat)- to contest the election, m the facta fa the matter showing that the name was registered can be established by two wifaesws. w.vA remarkable feature in this omiseion of Mr. M illiams’ name from the regietra-tion lists is that when he applied to »ee the original l»t of reghtered voter» that was posted in front of Seligman 4 Bfo'e itero, on tho plan*, it couM not (t). be found, and all the ratifeaction he could gel from those in charge,of the polls in tho' Third Precinct wei that hi* name waa not on tho iiM then in the room. If hi* name vm not on the original list what objoc-twn «mid there have been lo hi»'examining it? Would the fact of tie name not being títere have afflicted hiadiaqoal-ifiraifon to voto? No! it wai nothing of mown lo partial new if fa ae Republican» generally art very bitter in their Dr. LoagweU. They the Doctor’s *y»tem of m affair* in Colfax Count have been itilrodnocd in ty, and that he did so is of their defeat. We ayuipathue with intention» were good foiiiajparty, and evidently ho was willing, whatever work of a questionable ceeitiw of hi» party re faifcq Í». acrompiishtfl^ not for leek e# dovotiixi/ffe' wa»" oxp-tremdy deeirow of retab hi» position a» mad'ori adviaer for thtrincipal feed-em of the Republican ty nt the public expe no question of hi»' support hi» defeated defeat a», very poor itiatn *> diigturting^ Thi* tijay be a'j and hereafter it swj attention to hi» legiti to matter» for wMeh| hae no eort of aqucity. to the Doctor, e will give more liuiiiicw than COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER, this County neiation. of think that g political ht not to Fe Coun-ime cause Aa4«n.jg4al> » h** the He’d if he i in this Coun-there am be fiuth; still we w regard their for the faver-hihited in hii Captain H. R. BÁerlioS'. 15th Infantry reached thia di during ihv part week pith hí» fcinilyi Captain Brinker-huff goce to HI Paso ¡beta hie tompany is stotioBed, and hiiárife and daughter will rpmaia here io o^er that Mite Carrie way Itare (be advan|gé of attending tha Santa Fa Academy. - PRINTER HEROES. tbie kind, but we beltnve i bo on (ho uriginai Hatead (f who refused to prndutn t they did n> they would be art of fraud, ft « not ton the wen wh., were the acton ia thia ter to be odtod h) atvount, and it dial ihi* litite item of sharp practice gitc the y. Mamba) * trip to I faraón City Miawuri. fate , Daring the |**t »e«k we hive bed the plciwore of meeting'" Li*tenant S! R. Stafford, B.'yimcnlájQeartenmMter, I Sth U. S, Infiurtry, whq pwwed through the <4y caronto 8$» (be niíbxwd to Fort Wfagaie, aroompa^ed by M« HKHbcr [_eud iil> eounin,.fax#'we undewtend, flram ant may be ocngrateilMied on hfy ■ retro» the bon*m ofJtecpiBg a laebu rateMkhecetit * a tro«6flt port. "Hie quiet hen«*m ahown by the tor» and other* «mneeted with the newspapers in the south during the rovage» of the yellow fever should not escape notice. Like the physician», the clergy, men ami the tiiatera of Charity, the edi--tor», reporters and printera seem to ml-Ei titoy had a public duty to dis- , and «hoy remained to do it al-i way of them perished at their porta Facia tike th*, «how that the »b»IIów view taken by pewmirt* of the decay of nobility in human nature i» false; the »pirit of self-sacrifice and of o^edlonce to duty i» m strong and general a* it ever was. The office of the Memphis Appeal itp* first attacked in that city; ono by one it* force was stricken down until Col. J. Keating, the edi-tor, found hhnself dúchargÍDg the duties of editor, reported, foreman .and compositor; at ono time out of the twenty printer», only one reuudned,. The city .«liter, Mr, Brennan, wm' attacked,- hut ti» life waa saved. Mr. W. 'S. Brook», the telegraph editor, was taken with the fever; hewnrvivedf.buthis mother, wife and** all dhri,-and ho i* a broken-, hearted man. The oommercial editor, Mr. Moore, wo. taken, bnt recortred. Eight of the eosipiieitor* idled, and the editor and another were the only , two of tito thirty atianhe, of the office' who did not have the fever..The AtilAacko had fifty-four rae# fa afi ite «kpmtweto.wJy twowmfa, Xr. ^idte^^'titeTpiiStoni editor, end the hootlwipet. • Twetr» died, among them Mr..Lmdnuu.aad Mr. Thooiproti, of. tfai wilt Uriel' dapstiweni, Three comporitora of «he Eveaing Lej^ tr reenfaed thrpugh the .whole, and got the paper oat;"tuck w*'token «¡uk io edi- tare, halal! mxireted. Thu Evsnfag fl&mlef tatependod tó W, all 4 tiw awn bring prow rated. The 1'nnidcut has isiued the following proclamation; The recurrence of that season of which it ie the habit ofoor people to make devout and public «mfeerion of their constant dependence upon Divine fovor for all the good gift» of life and happtaow, and of public peace and prosperity, exhibited in the «cord of the yearTibundaut roaaoñs for our gratitude "and thafik^Mng. Exuberant harvetii, productive mines, ample crop# of the acapice of irada and roanu&cUu^ l»te w-rished the cquatry." The teieouxeap, thin fhrnished to our reviving Induatry end expanding oommercc are hiatwaiMg the day when discord and tfourewra through the length and broadlh of our land wpl, under the eontitmed forot of Providence, have given way to «mfidoáqe and endrgy tod aseured prosperity. Peace with all nation» iuut remained unbroken, douwtie tranquility has prevailed,, and the iortitu-tions of liberty and jiutiae which! lhewi* dotu and virtue of ear fothera eeCah&iM remain the glory end defcnee of their children. The geaeral prevalence of tbfbleeww^ of>4A ra»l»'.:jv>re. «wpgeúM*’."M'Néebiip: and ocwwii'wli&K:®^^:*^-:»»1: tiie peMileeqchw.«M wpói »’ et ,6tir pcopte,kr