jud ’Stow» ¿lag. I TOPIC'S OK’ 1 Vl'KKF.ST. Lat<“i< Tt'h'Krapliic Xew< ri’o iit<‘ P<’(>i)le of Arkitiixas i, r.n-RY thursd.iv. 1 JOU.X I A BOB, Editor. "Ferm*» of jpiion i m:ar....íl one quarter..si Trit??" U <862. i.o I'tow.-t Mnrrhitl Mil!-* i ibiuiighoiH the Ro ikir mini- id rain.-- i1. -).n i> ii-“ is ruth ri >. iron, tlr dioiiglh. And tn1 ITu'-uM Mar-i.u) Im- shut up the whisky i.-ri't'd-.jv. a id ih" chanc'-e ar- t-n to -.- ¡Il be no witter within spat); .im di ■■ lit-1 . err;*) Hi. >i.'K-.ni:.--The rtenmer Muntin i_i h-r- tulor" ciig-ge.l in the blocktiile ; v ivJiiiii his drieal. iii-i the game is i uih. The .g a d'-'niuta •idion I' lnc'i k'nirt ctimu. mid ihe tlniuiei :i í-riiusv, I Ji intuit folimv are H-sulls more ffi,if;.l to . _ | I. tieolmmin limn m> nrmy with bniim-ps, for they I will win our vik'lorlii. will.mil th- d'.-Rtrucimn ofvnhi-I able Southern live.!. We di-like tu Hucritice the iiv-s oí those cliivalric g-nilemen who are calryIng mir I bitnuer ro brm.'ely h-iore the cowardly iio".-ted the *-cietic- -f "gradual tippt'mic.lit-*-." and d 'CUu'vd thnl h. i.'miki Ink- th- Hilei uul r-(-;i ns by dmguiL'ditch- s in horn ul it. nml tlnm uppiiia-hiug Piulo ui.di r cov-1 : mil ihe gallantry ol t'-Gaul idwny- iili!**"il u-p.i-T by the itivenliuu, -.'.xcepl. in taking sucli a rot in-t' nJ. R.-va-ti'pal. The id-a jn-i. “iiin d th-- Yank""*, bowever, and they pdti-rtd it uh tiny did the. Erie " cmilirming fully lb-.- (olid rlcfem of McCh lhm's ar my. t" Whaib-n. nil uf whom nay th-'iT is un di-ubi of il, Mr. (Julian b ft Rii-hmi-uil. Viriziuio on Ihe Bl ir. i. 1- । I.iith- R'l.-k, Aik.. June 2-1. 1.5(12. Í Ti:<- Yaiik-e General, Curtis, in ntf'-mpting to • o.-jb-. Hl-position |i:u¡ begom" nnt'-mole, ’ IL 1-iq.pnlbd tn. the dung, is (hat ; iiiToimd him. In hi-leiiur lo-n sorts lo the draperute exm-dp-m (,f mm mg Iu ihe soutb. along Whit: rives, triraim- for •upplie-- Irutii itu- MisMMdppi J,y boats These sup. pl's - cum i-t -.bernd While tiver W- hav, uln-mh Lb an up mu- .-¡ins ironclad l"-m.-. c.ii on 1,-/1 i »-xt-itf.t. r.'ni.t ii-.i r-KM-uxc-xu '.t.-cm.-v a-tu itrn . (.'ziil.M.i . --fu a spe'.-eh haely dellw red by W.-nd'-l! I'hiUips, b-fore the /v-vz EngInm! Anti dl-.v.wry ,*q. elriy. nt. Bu-imi. li- sp-.ik-- is pr.-ity stron.' i' i-msol ctuid'-mn itiof) of th,- I’iesiileiit aitd hi;- policy mi th'-Hfibj-ct oí vlav-ry. U'-says; ■•?!)■, Ad-mi-'the mid ulonr. doe;' not ircogui'/.. ff„-Ilayli at dial court, 'flic í'iee-d.-ni, lick spilth- ha-t". inns Ih-foi'e h' i- bi' th" Ilimt’-r proc Imi mt ion,” IL- i" 11 niUT MK.IX-J StwcciATfo!.-,-. If :.iiv on- h.u his doubts on th", r-utt of ik- suljuf-m;,;,) rd fbej-mth, l*-t him t-'-iul th- fi'llowntg tu,.. v |«tt,..- found upon th.- L-uilb- il.-ld n-nr Corim'b. v-'mcl, wli left behind hy th- mitbor in his swift fiight r -ñ ill-; M-t-m-eunflicL l-U|.. m, ,1(.. H>| "piril by which th- ng'iirini h-id-s-f tie- N.-tg nn- m-tiii.i- d in count' umu ii g m-,1 m-i tYt'.d't- V , wnr upon us; ' n.xMm r.e,. Trx-;.. April '.’Tib. 1 ■;.? Mi/ Dear Sue: 1 v. rot- ,-n f. d,,--. •-• nt which mm- win r thnl 2.7 (i-'ll rd th' e. uiili JfiJIOO men, tnitiuK pri vmiisly lost in pi ismien 25.UU'.'. tn:iki:i'.{ CO.OÜO in i’ll, um'ong w’t mn were 1-1 E-'iu-rul ofili-w'.- and 67 field ollleer-i. On the lid -lay ol ihe buttle MvCIellan m-lted of I.re. «ti armi.-tk:i- of two days, (a bury the dead. (¡-u.-l.ee replied "the lime for hiicIi thliiyihuf» par"-i d--let lb-- J-ad bury their (b ad." It is I'eporli (1 Ilin* ilnud's brig-.wle wu'i the tir-t. lo bu nk Jiie e'.ii-my' rmiki, They rhargi d with (inli)iid'tCgiiu'i. mid drove tin- eiu tiiy Irmu th-ir en-irrnclini'-ids ivllh Ihe biymu-l. Il iHshiti- i th-if en lln i.-ei-ipt ul thi« (lo hiiiilti])-iialing ui \i s Cho Ku.-ll wli«, wu^ in eniniuiind id i in- kt-It la. mwy lai'Iv. ti* luiinih. umm iTimely basti'ii'-d bii-ri'lr'.-nl Hiló K-iiiu-.l-y. wnRJii. whole - Xp Cl 1" tliul'■ hi|--,v ,j-(| if] n |. ul inv, how u-r. fh-H H tm/h.-. n mi-e-u tied or enable i* (‘i.ir d-' ' >-"ecri'f.m'v 1 -/i n-c < in .ir!, ■ 1 fie w,.m n ;vi.' i i. abinet tren-, u-'T th? ,;tj- omcerc. d-'*’ti-'.y every rar of corn on--m- i t eve on a (iiii'"tinatinii. and ),/ ‘ wb- n W" r..'t our .‘-'oiifhem h-., grad" nL'ive lb" iieyio, ;m¿ -j,, , Ny love to nil Hie tioighLur.-i. for in--, and te|] them p-.t wi' ih[li-htiienls. Hlmoi, hi-i uiutmlcd i-ve y pound of meat nnd finer, v... , .,,, ,,,,,, i um Mack of fodder, oatu end win ul.'' tJmt cm,' fn'ii Hl!) Illi-hands; fell treei', us Hdd.ly uu iu raft - in iillthi' roads h'-roi-u him, butm i-vuy bridi'i- find blok up I In-ford u. Iliiifr upon hl-.' front, fl-mi-ntu rear, uud nmke tin- ring of your rifleu nnd shot-gins Pm- imompiiniim-iii ol muy fi m. ut his n.-ti-ca! 1 .<-1 every mmi !n-| m,d know (hat. Ihm i.ppra! B fultressui to tiim-i'il Specinlly. nnd that It is the flp I pl'll til it bleeding couiitiy to her euus fur d- li- in the (i-.-ld will do iJ; .WIL' ,v. u WiU. should be i „r ■!,,d nllowinv • - V. -wo to Rb hmuud, toemifi-r with the Helu I lender'. Thai Minj.tej- |m¿ no rigbl. for mr; । pitrpu i-, (o coiiíí-r l itb Reh'.ds in tu n , find wlp-i" i i1 th" i-.-iv.-iMip-iit that would alte--., il, ),ui |)d I ^y/il Raid.-'d"--| v-d ileh-nl Ii.r imf imtiii-liati'lv ¡ lian,",mg th: se H> bvi men m.d vaiim-u v,!í-j- iiiiúppód i .‘wveral of ids roldietz visiting tle-ii huu:-.- i'-'-r food. •'¡"I k-!"i th'-m. IiJit'-ad of 1-(lif.K McCleilhfi wear eiluusdny, we .o the mail nt iii'-seiii. fur it is a.1 une-rtaiii a- a ncalhiTCOek, and ••.'ill continue io ue so while the pii sciiL regimu are tiiluW'd to st uid on th- blind side of Mr. Reagan. The d'.piii lim iit at Richmond has been asleep ev- r since its oigiuiiz.iiion. fur the service Ims been de-i"ri'iruin:: -v-r since th- south took hold of the I R-li'i'iJii q-ii-'tly moved Ids camp, and loll them mid I th"ir pnralli'ls ki Caee u a lew Wimileii gm-s, which lit took ih-in three days to capture. Ileauregai d playi d ihe same joke on them al Coriulh. us Tin-d":íu did nt Itlaiid No. 10; mid now, l-> seiwon the farce-with something IrugiL', idler th-y luue woik -I tlieii treiivbcs from Nurlulk to llie-limuiul, Juliii-ton iirot.ibly. than John 11. Rengan, hut whoever the culpable parly is. wv hupi* thin complaint from n« will mulo*him aihaimil to diaw his. .salary fur Rer- Mi i.t r.uiT M.Vitkus.—Cui. Luekclt. iicciinipaiiied Adj Hautr- B;m- and Sivluit, rvluim-il to Fort ."w i y, st-idar. in . vo days (rum R'inggold Barks. 'I'he ('nli ib-L w-arc happy to slate, ¡M en-.» r env-rid from the tudisjiosition which atl'eeL-i.i'ii ai tin* time of hie departure from inis post Ar ir th r-'iuiil that the L'iirrisuti al Ringgold t- :i a I.it- * f hvalih llntl there is nut u biti;;,lv . . i ■ -i Hi? sick list. i ■ ,- r \ ,ig"i left Bimvnsvilk'. rather sudd- nly on • ■ : iy r.orniiig for Rmgguhi tu ail'-ml a General rt V i'tial t-j be held al that putt during the ■i 11 .qi-u'i- wiih the brave ry of the b-uitheni liy : ami if any nation c.ri slimv a rtcui'd -■ ?:•' m-. ii mid women have march- il up to Iheir i- d iiy will) greal- r devotion than lias been ih- .-o.ith, tii-'ii we shall huDur tba. p-mph-- tha;. ".ir o". u. ivv-rywb-. re ihi.i bus b-'-.-u the '••id a- have one more instance to pm vatu the dii-rs mid drive u liii-m out tlieii ludes in fewer hours , ihmi it took Hum days to build their parallels.— : Their novel wa® rni-li n Hiiccessuni ui vieUu'ii ss. luid i the only iii.M.Hice approaching the chnraeler of ihe I campaign was when a few southern troops maretv-d ' triumphantly from Vera Cruz tn the city o! Mexico. The ciiuscquenci'S of these triumphs must be fem liil | t< Liuci'ludom, for. aside from the deslruclioii of physical iott-e.and the di-numstn\tiun of cowmdice, il at. unce paralizo.-» Hie tintinees of unr encinivi*.-Modern wars, a‘id especeiully th-.ise of aggi'ersinu, an.1 fought with tin- pmvt- more tlmn with tiie sword, mid when the mauey fails, down goes the mii.-k' t.— Even Austria sureuiubed ticfore the bankers, mid Vilhifiatica was mure Ihe resnlt of an exhausted ex-dirqutir Ilian of a defeated muiy. 'Hie iiislmice is point blank, fur it is a historical fact that Ihe Hap--- | burgs, b-iviug tail- d tu iiegutiute. n lin.n, Wei e fuic- d . I to iH-giitiate'u [iviire. Fowd'-r, caps, riiieii camion, camp equippnge. horses, and piuvi>ions must be I bought uuw-a-du)r-, and suldiei'H must, be paid, or tin-y mi:*-! Lavr onlid-.-iicc in Ihe .-olvt-ncy ul the gUM r.imcnl. Liiu.-oln cauiiol fnrni.-h ihe gold lo do Ibis, nur i-1 th''.- I'nit' d Flnh deuce, irh-j is 1'mikiiipt I-wui lblcss ad an iavestm-.-ut. nrmy. It is stntid that th'1 2;TA"KlO pi i-oiu-rs wi re cuplur-nd from the i-ii-my In-Inti- Gen. .hibm-ion's aitival. and thnl soon after his nrrhid Mui k-llan was ?mn-polled to suit, nder the balance of bit* army and <>f-(ieeis above sLii'd: b'or the purl burn.- l.y ("leu. Magrud-r and uih- r Coiil-'di'i'nle vunnm.nil-ih in tl is . ik* ol th" nin-l nirmiirabie ami mo*-! ileci-ivr victories r-ctiril. d in li’-lnry, we unrd await lurllicr intelligenc-. PasSi'iigeis infoim us Ilia! (h-n. Halleck had joined McCb llan before bin ciipiinlnt'mti. but «heihei he was among th- piisoneis we cannot b-urii. Il is perhaps remultabl’j to conclude (hat a jmr-limi of MeCh Hun'-army tii'.iy have । lb cb-d tlu-ir escape rm hie transport-, us th- numb: r oi pi-bon* is captured crrUiinly do- s not emprace Ins whole nrmv. despernt■'uu both sides, and u- lo>s> in killed mil Mib ft. It is nndcrsh'iiil that Ilalleek is in Washington, not with McCbllan. as suited by suin'*, and that his ■triny i.- under coininainl of Buell. This army i-mid to be in thru- < . .-isioiis. one nenr or above Memphis, mu1 abuv L'i.ritith mid a third ic-tieutmg ol ids mmv midi r Mra.-.-'s imin-diate r-iiimat'.d i- nty dolíais would cuniniand of the other di» isiuii of- imr army ill V irks, bur.-, said I" number 10.D'JO. . t Pinsnrm; Ji.-t UMi. ox 'tm-: Cami-aigx uitF-mi' Lilin!.|omi., Ihe i’ittsbnrgh Chrimiele coniuimi a Imk ailii-li-' Ciiiliiig loudly for ri'iiifurc m-mis In be seif niimi-dbiiely to McClellmi. We copy th- rtiu tel .-I pm iuns : d;-„'k eolti.'ii T-Ivi-t mid r-d tlaimel t(-■rv in tuli r of Co. A with an uudr-s.- mii-ry -st.ii'thil chante lev. Mrs. Bn-witi, • "is-'ivi-dly tr fur-irib- with the c-iiiipiny. h Mrs. I'dlard. voluuti i'1'.-d to supervise - p i-f th ---e cloth- s, and yesterday we pil. ol 1 'lick paiils ami rid shirts that ~ ifsr-uLJEsrv lo' the soldier.-'. Mrs. ■ .i i, . *"( ^U-trioiisly c;i! out • .-.re noiv thts-h; . n-gagi d nothing oí- iiit-west h-'in war by France ' that he had thus far pun tied. He watiLnl n wniTlul'1 I at the Imid of the m'luii-i I'l'-iirnnt. Hlgfi or Huntef 1 .... ..... I--or Hull»" k. even, if he wcitilfi prove thn wm rior. [ nmuuitita-. i fur I'ri'anirerV ¡ August cb-ctioiL l-’or Sheriff.—-We are authorizi it to aim->mi- >• JOHN C. TA'i I,OR. an ii can-L j-He fur Ein i-iff i,f , Cuiii- i'oti‘'miuly. Election- fiist Mmaiav iu Align t l-’oi'.Smlge <)f tiie **t!pr< mé Court. I \V" are itlllhm iz-'il lllld I'l-ipi" h-d Iu nilh,ii!l|(B- til" Hun. W. A. Re-le-' as a eaiididat" for Jud!;-ol f!,-; foll.i'.sing Supn-un-C"i rt of th-.‘-:Uit‘-. to lili ih ■ uwaney <-• ! cm-imu d by the F'-Mgmitimi of H- n. i). M, i; >bc-itH For Sheriff. । TLa fi'euiD uf W B. TH0M4-JON anuoimee b’.:i> [ m-n candidate fi-r the nfti-'i-uf hlu rill oí Camerún j county at the - UMiing Augii'-t ebetiun. T<> fixe Votei'H of (’¡uileron, । tin* 1 again n emididate for the uifiice of CLi- l -hi-tic-- "f If Mcl'b llun was naked today if bv co.ild defuit | D.ivil ut th" risk of slavery in- Would heuitatc. Whoever wan iheeaus-- of v,ithdraw'ng the Mddii'i'n | ! Irom Gen. Bniik-i' dirlsiou. rhuilld he reinov-dnt aid mu-' il." i une---- tin- snom-r the betb r. In cmiehisimi, h',uaid gmiisl ma.-ler. Niipobun. ciui-lrill hat i;,g tv,o , nui to th" vti"iny':-‘.me. ’ I th" right titii" mid at ; (he ’u-i.-fitv/mini. Tins nfi the i-i-hel G- i:- r>.[:-. il is ; rig ! io ackiu-wb dg". have thus far uud. r-luml ln-l : tei'lhmi our ('Wil. "Twas thus Bull Him uu- »vmi. mit'Hv'it-i Ums Hint the hitter Imtlli - of .-•l.ibih and Fa? < Inks well-ullllu.-l e;iil>"d. Well, llv-re is no; dmht tint!. Ridmiotid is tin.- decisive imint. The I .lAi'Rsi-xm FrcritsT A 1-Mt cn:i>. -'flu ¡Turn 111" l'hlh;d"lphia Bull' tin exliii ils tin- chagr'm felt nt. Ih" North in '-(msi-qn- nc-- jf ihe biilhmit victories ul.'taiued by Jacli-o.i in ihe \ all -y of \ il-gini.i: theiaii rveidiui) uf foreign powi-rs. lay, we would uui be siirpii-eil if the diz-aMroim | di'f-.H of MeCl-Ihiu bi-fui'e Ricfimimd wmild iinl | old/ end iiig' i' his ivhole nriny. hut Wiishinutiui । It-Jf'; fur hy (In- pectlll.ir Hysblll «¿opted by ill" ! i'is-rii-i This i-" d-spri al" g.iiiihliiig. mul hot war. Sec.iiary Ictmiuhiii h».-1 r-j-cl-d th- ■ t:rullin--nt uf any mnnfy, at th : - ueniiig in Virginia: so that w'tlh MvCkTmi, Frenumi. Bank Shields and McDiiwell, we have, no b-ss than six । Cnim rmi Comity, and if re .-h-ct. d, I sb;,11 .--miimu-Miijoi'-Gem-rals in that H gion, each iiab-p- nib.'iil ol . to discliai'g-.' the duties uf (he oill-j" prumplly, l>ja-iill th" utb'-if*. Each sepmat.e curmnniid goes'.il'iHtt■'>t"L-"'i-- ri i.j .. without m-y r- gmil for lip; movene-nth of the mliL-rs, I Fri tnoiit w'-nt as far aft Port P.- public, a while ago. ¡ bul its Iu- could not subsisl bis m twy Hu-re. he bad ; toil'll buck, mid was lately al .Mount Jacksun. ¡ Slrelds went with a httb column of tuo er three ’ ihmistind iii-'ii- most of them slmcless ur.d lagged oMin-il.lv to support 1-I'cuiuKt, hut tie wus whip- | p.-d mid h.t'd to hill back itlse. McDowell's army í has been enjoying ingli-ri'.ius caH-ill I'T'd'-rick-hurg: 1 ils c-mmiaiider. ivhu.se h'-ti'lqnm ter.s s'-'-m to >,u in । ahionally: I ■ilp- Lv it l-klly mid I flicientlv, «a I km f hit-'.erfu - We --honld and tilll.il s- d for il i ir f.,||y, nml ih-u.-H il jm'(ii u-• '. Would he :i viu.ill Cuu-olAiiun, if tbl'mlgl) tliii-i *o mider- s-I101WI of resist.. Tl.-e ('miH'.ict -a lit b ’pmisii-le n!H!J Maj. ( A D.MIMSTRATOK’S i.l. TI'.-' uudi-r.-ign- d having b--t • nemuag- s to "ii ord- r to eu-ur»- ii. nod ii th" a n-iv u! Iheii M-riaiHs me bhl;l|. nil O'." phmi-.u mm' tiik-n or ('.iptured by llie Ibe 1 um-i in- ours, l. -l il- li mpurm'iiy eiirreiuter minor I po: i • that we tniiy fiavv tin- u¡¡-_* decisive siiccess Mere ............ .................. iliin^' wo ih! be tuldi it to us. Ti- ituixtlu- Cunf' d- ¡ ' r.io ■ argue : If w-- d--f<-m McCb llan at Richmond. inai" of ofiicers and til' ll. Ims been sent. dor. i> to rvinfot -.'( McClellan. \s to ih-- mQV'-mer is of Majm G -r.-’i'm.* B.in1;.-' mid >ig"l. »v-lire Ii' t illiutmed, hut '»-■ nb: quit--i sure Ib-it l.--ih of tb- in wmild do sell ii tliir'* wm-, nny plan of emupaigii ul Ila- War Dcp-.nlin-rtit, ' «bei-.ce all ill" m-d'-n i;-MW. A” things 'ire now. ih-- »s:;r iu the Yalhy of Virginia ha-diserac Hilly tuisiiliin mil, and li iyblen<-d si-n.-cs. When L-- got over tfis first lii.rlit Ie-a Lug" force Into the Valley to cut , ll Jii'-it' i uHowi.d tu m H it for tlin-L-years. Even the Mispi-cioii that McCh-llmi bad been cliecki d tumbh-d it down eight, then L u, then f-fle'.ii, then tbiiiy per cent., and Ihe lull report u! hit- disgrace ful defeat will <1- precíale it .-till further, with dreadful prospects ahead. What Yankee will fail tn double, nye, treble unhisguiulH.il. that went? and what con-Ci-"i> can pay leu mfilliuna p-r day? mid what clock pedler will sell Lis wood'-u iiutm-.-gs for Hash us imiL enmple as South S-.-u bonds? The di stinction of McCl-.-llitus army actually prostrates the nurtb, ami althmigh such a spasm its sonietiims en.i hies a didirious man to Ivar his .shirt mid kiioi'k down bi- keeper, may >i> iiate Ymihi-eik.'in. it wi" th'. IL';- ll:l "r - T'x'h to which the Semi) w¿ ■ • rem-,w i-—-- we is d -it vTo-r-f M"(.n'?irü'.T rrmfat-WfOre ERbíñoi. ;ut .iay tluvi p; acu will lullow iiniiu diati i; for the m.i th can can carry on a desullury war l< i a CouEdcrabi- thnv Liliger, and it is ai'.-oluú ly m cesf-ary to tlhe existence uf t.ineojn's govirmn-.-M ' ibal the contest i-Lull go on. We, however, eill ■ have ei.-ropiiralive quiet, forth': Yank es Hill In.Id : the water. ",fe may expect blockades, mid new • and then a land fight ; but tiu- bv.-Tíbotu- of the in-" vasiun lias been eil.eetiiiilly broken, mid | ■ two disjointed sections of I.incoluduin wiildiag tin rnsi-lvi---. out of our way. in the easiest possible manmr : mi-l the Suntlivrn Gonftderacy. relieved of its Ymik--< nightmare, will spring intolu a'.th and wealth, with its boundrrirs iiiuiUd by a ymiki-e famitici.-m on the north east, aiioosii-r sociaii.- in on the north, a mormon hierarchy on the nurtb w-si, aud by 1 mmn fi st destiny” and a French dt-p-ndeuey on Hu- west. The distingiiishing iiistilutiou of sb wry will c-rn; uf our grand icpublic. and while the gbuy of main-taining free in.-tiiuiiuns uuinipair-d w ill alluch I" us, we shall have ihe high and .-ulemii oblignliou imposed upon us of k—jiing pmic *iml urdi r mm-n-j the pule anil haggard principalities Hint, will aliou-ui abmit us as German dutchies do in central Eurup . Andrew Jackson Hamilton, mid seventeen mi guided noo-ili'S, vi ¡ib revolvírs and lurwii- knivis worth mor" than the renegade tribe, made tlu-ir up pciiiauee in Matamarii.'» on tiunday, and were wry promptly disarmed mid put under Huivvi!(ynce Ly lln- auihoritk'F. Hamilton is a big man, physically speaking, and lias a big hi-nd, phrniologicuily tn- a stired, bu! he was miserably spoiled in having Ins sc In n >eimi . fi-i. tly confident tli.il the i-m my would iimv abandon East Tennes.-ji', mid that .'mai: would ' e left in thirty days turner. Perbu; s ihe me-: significant fuel, indicative of Nuilh-rii f" iii'.;. is thnl gold Lad advuncvd Fiidd"ii-lv in New York from loJ tu li.ltl. years old. 'f ha Qiiarterrnasii-i !>\V the delivi IV of said hi>| Browni'Vtll)', Texas. Julv 1-rr- ,lf .iÍ'mco' "The eoótesi "liieh.^ ,,,r , ... the French mid the _ b¿u.al|i!;,. , ü;, „„t been an intermittu b„ ,!uiggl". i>' "hien the bi» ^vvs This tta¡i helping ib" Mi X-..AI);' whip -1(1, could claim tu A w> il -■ mueb :u lung ¡»s Am . ,ju| w!].,h l-.avv i» parly mu-nig l l1-' - ' ; ,,ut ‘-moral .'-upport" u.irt futind thnl h" v-;lr' purtrd ihat lie threw off -.>m the Mextc.iii'-. it (rd,,., mid dctentiined i ie itifiueiice ul 'he Airu| j ([o t|j(, UI ¡tbin-.-liu will) । i go iu l'r-tieli 1.»’ -'-V)), miuid ¡nn-ki ih mid sivuid ■ laVi.', rid d ca wj|| uow bj cunducled with (yuncía. Ihe Rq bi-Kt-rviil up in r,.-guiar frica-ini. ant Mexico i-hnil be a Spanish or a» Austrian Bmn-bun. -We itich'ut- to the former, because the Spaniard, is a quicker intellect, a braver inau, aud a letter t-uiHht riu-r than the Austrian. l-t'mii Moiitvt’i-y we b-arti that the fellow Blood or Pl-juiii ivlin went up tb'Tc tu be (be Yankee Consul, bccatni’ suddenly disgubt"-,! mui leil for Ymikecdou-dk-d-.im in ihe same stage that curried him up. lie - ;ud the ■" iufenril Dutch wi re thicker :-i Mouterev «’van tiddb-rs in h -I! and he had nu t. ucli trash 1’’ l-lvieb mid his assoeiat.-'enejad "xpies-b ....................... • h-'u t.ilkmg nbmit Blenker'H mid LT-'niu t mauds. us-* for any ___ .. ... abolition s will no Jiuibi feel compliment d, but the n is one viAv eurrciit in the norilum army L‘'....L..".................¿ 1".. . is cum Blood or Blount deputised n fellow named tu be Vice Consul m Monterey, bat Gov. - - I Knmii' y was not a r'. sp-.cir.Jile^mn r r' (hf* :;l.ir, m -f be ¡Oil : i'ed gríiurtiiu x-it.d lot s.c sion uu thv't'tui : ntjmiu o- oath of itlh-iaiieo. mid tlu-n .'¡"<1 the -v \ tiLiiirri cerminly priuuiiua-id a -t in i.- ii case. Blood or Blount is now S >d . .'llegad.-< who cannot drink water on 1'1 the Rlu’Gl Ulldc. Ullil who tell iiuill'l'nse 11 ■■ i I'm-m seiitiineiit here, three and yon- II m-i. mid Jack liiinihf.ui will be a nine i■ i.d ’c w it li llu-tn. mlraetur with tin- di-pai'liin-nis al "■itercy i> lilh-d with just such v, r-.vtiti'metí wiiu u>> tin y-- itc c *n 's a (.pint ia iiicnlalii.il that S, i n.i has .in/. d a- Gov,-mor . I T .inlaid: pa--. and I ■! .p" I ¡...ci.t CiT.h'i b.n_L ..3 G-.Ust.il uf nii'ic in di inaiul than they would ev. r t»- in his own . o.intry. Travis c-uinty is Ci ri.iiuly utidi-rgoiug a ino-t u boh ."i-ui" puigation. fur will) N'm ion and . Hamilton out u! the community, tin* lunvi Is of the Mici.d system will renW'fr from their intlumaiionJ i' inured. It is staled ib.it St; ton will uliO re- ri inner, the l':itik'-e G--n. is v polled woiuub-d ealli-d liona-, by Ins gov< nim-nt. on tin- ¡¡loin d lh:>: be did not propel ly represent hu< g Ip nim d in nu :.il the ch from ii bv (ho 'Th- in Mexico. is now in id s l,i;t one. mid i own mm-ng whom itmu-dial- Me' ’flu- new .w.m.- / Juh) Our hit' *-! m-’i-tml'-i fimn Viek-I.iir city did nor •klyn was unwieldy parts put together; for he c- rtaiidy bivk> j ■T||u'k by ,m .. that amount of common semse which ought lo haw moulli of th been dished out to ae much meat and bone ns walk- ' “E'1 crippl—l about under the respectable plagiarism culled attn | the hero ufN'ew Orleans uud the author of Hu- Fid eralisr. Hamilton waa fipoilt in bis i urly yutiih was badly educated at seiiuul, mid finished ul' his tuition will, inlolk.iably bad whisky at. a connlry doggery. He thus eanic into possess t. He next nttempt'-il to blow hoi mid cold I on ihe it-sis fa tic subject, and fm mouihs his posüioii ! more p-si-mbled tin- n- inliaiic pci formalices of Ravi I ¡ (han lb" state.-miuiship of vitln i Jackson or Ilumil I ion. for his ITii-uds mid eiivini- .- alike doubled on I which side of the nip-* be would ome down. Fi>: -• tmiati-ly he fi ll ov< r M iiiral Law,""and, politically bout |-pi-aking, binke his n- ck. He is now huiieil Iruin the sight < I Texas, in Mexico, whei-' vw me willing Yazoo ri v Tlw (huí-hip wa< Anioug ti-- 27 I : '• ,i and wonudid was om- woman. Vid.shurg Ju- 3tl II .ovImiJ ii ’■'nlunluy. Mindav a'd Mo d t. |>nr ni- nt. tin- flan -h p uu- iin-i- d m pa-.*, upon by mu hatii'i'ii-s, and .i'l -riv irds -Inly 3.—Aimlh'-r lari!- v «-1. =uppr>sr-il to b" I*'" n ''onipl-t.-lv ent off by Riednian. who has ZiWinii-mf, July 1 - Gen. Fea j'-relnnr-'*- brig'id" ns in tlitKumegenionl Inst cveiling. Lie received u • trven fast iron Mamun r h-tn England, hove tootY the Ane-ng In-r pas Setiinii-r' and his S.iiiu-r I pi- t-uni" h-’ bna com" hero • -.t tb'-i'r to.orelfehei.-onhiawiiy ate r W--hi ar the r-hel. have 1 wo ItuiUi'l nine- neaily ready fur •■ •'•tb-' gnv-rnm-nt «Otil-1 k-'tip u ■un *J- t ; i' h- a formidable one. ¡I- itii'C th-.- mRciiicf dose by the p-i-dy Iraii.-lation r r-ni in law.- I'll- Yankee bv .slimn -fullv tni-mmraged N"i w. mib II.i- g-ii'.ermiumt is" p.ishivch-. mid fr-.n' mm-y M,iii'ci-s"iis--ur. d Hint th" rebels a‘t Rich-1»"-..’ me decid1 dly otitmimhi-n-d liyitnown troops, i: iv* - I :mt only b-- an acto.1' riih' -i :'ure--s. bul it in-nld in- mi net of lie- must l.'l.i Hl I; . .. ,.,. ;| j j, g ,, Hy in iho-e d:i-u-ling our war movi-iihóils. W. '.MiOAii Vvi.i.ly. —A Ci-rrespHideii(i"iit uf the Nev, York Tim-s, writing from ihe Sh, iniiidi-ili. s-ws: *■ I don't think I fie ponpli-iu Ibis s-.ciinn ie_- ud ns f ivond-ly. Th" SlHsImigliiiiiiH ¡tlnri'd al us from il.riv windows, and seemed to v,mider hi w,- -ui (hi !■'■ again so sm-n line of man'll have limy e .< who now do nothing nmre hiiairia.-s ly of wasl/i.g th- 1 iiin rk lHiii mid efilci- ill r ar guard it e'-iill- nu'u of the North, svt- mu.-t tec They have ri--n hi my-(Minmtiun to-day m,-. 1 i-viT h.-ii,!-,-d-'emi-d pu.-.-ible. They h-ivcictre.-.t'd :(u- i lo or fi om f Th'- battle ,,f Iticlimmid | "’ithotit L aving a thing bi-liind th-u> »o I'.n-a-fh-t> vv-b-nlly to lie, nut only the s-trnggb: which th-.- ' ''¡’'ise to now. uu tlu-ir own ground, mid iu lh< lai-- .'. /.(n c-iunlry tur coimtb-.-'H g- iii-rmionH burgs, hut i is to la- one of the fi w deeisivi- b.ittu-s in whirl ihe wbnb-world is inter, st d. uud by which its wlfui'ei.K alli nteil. Tin-1''- is no reason whatever thnl -liuuld risk anything there, could civi- m tint 'd- ci-tie point, t" '' It ;< li, it. । (o nt-i-r ■nmys mimh.'iH unfi ground, nml in lh< ir own fae-:on th-y propose to give batik-; when we im-til them n.i the " Bucklail-"' did-, po pare tu fight, mid pri.-fei'ing an bonur.ible death to a cowar I'.i life, i um nclimlly uieklng up my mind that irn email portion of our m< ti intend to be soldiers without actually exposing their live» to the pret-tniu-.m vhmices of war. f.d IV tie T ¡ l-'miM S-x Axro.vo.—We extrae tin-fu!lowing it-ms from th" Herald of ihe 12th of-July: G'-ti, .Sü'b-y. ivilh the main part uf his commmuL ; is on his wny to this city. ('apt. I’ii'mis company mid Capl Say-'i's' battery have already uiiived. Col. Steel's comnniiid uf fiv!- cumpmiir-. Maj. H--r bi-rt’s liattidiun ol fmn i -uiipanii-K aud Capl. Teel's b ilt'-ry t'eiumn tu Arizona to hold posn on '■vi-ry sheet, cnngrahilaling each othr, and th— nmiiifestaliona of rejoicing were continued through th- night. Lees in biiul-.-s. Tu- Dttbtiqui' ll-ratd t-p- -aks very ' fit-i piainly tpon this i-y-tem of fraud pra, lived upon । . the people, and t aya : The most difficult thing in Ih- th-; easuidtieft of the war is tu asen tain -oui -osh." tn I baule. It sumi-bow happens that the loss of th-on -my is known by ni-mis of contrabunds tn th- man kilb-d, wound'd or nii‘.sing. but mir l.iftsisnevi r I detluitely given, if it be ever nscertained. Could I not (be si r\ici- uf n T *.v cuiitraiuinds he broiigki iolo requiiátiun t-> a certain and give inforLiat'on of "um hws. ini'iead of having i'ii-ry one in mixF-ty and Hp|x-. h'-a.ion of it. । xtent ’ Á we-k ago hi dtiy. tor example, a battle iva.t fought mar Rit h mom), in which a victory ia chiitn-d over th- I ti-d- 1'Hti-n, and In which the it- Id of butt'- i.i have f.ill. d ia'o the hand.-uf th- F-d-r.il army Why. then, ia not the numb-r uf kijkdnnd tvoutidid aoc-rhiir.ed nr. 1 mad-"-kni.-wn !-- th" pttb'ic l-loi'i now? W'bat goc.l tv¡ll it d;> to crnceul the trutu,. g at H-ivauii. Th’" schooner Constitution L'Tlb ult.. fi mo ibiii". Pa date- ti th" 7l!i. Mil" Jirrivals of reb-l s'l-ani-i's Cecil on Ih" -.th, and Kate on lb- filh fr- m Chari--ton with dnt-ti from r- b Lb-m <>f th" 'Jd in-si Th" Bahama Ib-rahl -a\-M ; At last it apn-mrs' tu said । sin! .00(1 of H:(l ni-;d" and MeDmv nlm ) T- rm. lSti'2. Admii.-istrator ; tn o twelve pound ti'-bl |>I-t! • ,-ix pound gun.-, mid utli" L?.-live pound houib r. al) in lim-,-mi-lition. It wa- at th : t.ikinv! ol ihi- ImII.iTV ilml th" brave and iam'-mi.d .- eanu? in charge uf Cap', youth iiiid-r twenty mu -!li-il llims-lf ill th iiaLlh every light ui which ir ■ -Jane MuCr-ibb, ;i I:d look th- piiz" til th- Gulf Qua •liillfuH feats npi.t: 0 0(1 Co 11» >N FACTOR. R \I. COMML- Con (lint th" Soiilli'-in Star is in ih" a-i',-nd"nt. and their noble I’OUniL'P 1® !1V etinL' N.-rn- rew.nd." I- th-'ti gives th,- ¡-'-bel ue minis iif J irk son'» mi l ¡nYu'c'Inin. The ‘b-nm'-i' Ni-lii-- at I-inpiinc tn imi !'l" Mm-k-ld-* on ih" ??ih w;i« run m-hor- nfi. r lie- cd na I.nng hlnnd iliihdv d imi - d but th- vrs ftr-l pr- tty badly nvd up The st-i'n-r Tithnl Cain T.ir, rpr.-it. ennsien-'d in r bn) nr- nt*1 Addl. rv Co. Th< inlird 'tants of Long loland were busily ir-a-gcj equal nanhigi- of having had full - mpl-ill f,(.',;■ 3 r.r all • .o,- vi 'iTb-ieni. It is hard to impeach iiti-i-i i-iytiUy of any propl--, b-it, j-nlgi pr- unly th-- i>,m it nmv not L-- , xirii' '.iipp'i-i L-i if lili-- war h.id li.'-.l th- - if'-e "'u;i' f.uiot i--"-and stopping till th-’ o thii'.xl'.ii ) SOVTHEK.X LH EKY rs FABLE!.-