page 6 Junta de padres en El Comite de Padres Consejeros de Robb para los programas Titulo 1/ Titulo I Migrantes tendrá su segunda junta del ano escolar 1979-80 el jueves, 10 de enero, a las 7:00 p.m. en la cafeteria de la escuela Robb. La junta sera conducida por la Presidenta, Sra. Janice Estrada. Un programa con estudiantes de las clases de las maestras Nanette Morgan, Libby Hope, y Janice Estrada sera pre- EL UVALDE TIMES Robb sentado. Después, información tocante a Titulo I/Titulo I Migrantes sera dado. Esto incluye a los programas de lenguage oral y lectura. Se daran folletos a los padres en Ingles y Español toacante a “Como Yo Puedo Ayudar a Mis Ninos Para Que Hagan Mejor En La Escuela/’ Habra servicios para cuidar sus ñiños. Todos los padres interesados están invitados a atender. Parents meeting at Robb The Robb Title I/Title I Migrant Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) will have its second meeting of the 1979-80 school year on Thursday, January 10, at 7:oo p.m., in the Robb School Cafeteria. The meeting will be conducted by PAC President, Mrs. Janice Estrada. A program by students in Ms. Nanette Morgan’s, Ms. Libby Hope's, and Ms. Janice Estrada’s classes will be presented. Afterwards, Title I/Title I Migrant information including the oral language and reading programs will be discussed. Handouts in English and Spanish will be given for parents on “How I Can Help My Children Do Better in School.” Babysitting services will be available. All interested parents are invited to attend. Servicio de Maquinas ¡ de Lavar • Compongo y vendo maquinas de lavar de "roles" y compongo y ’ vendo maquinas de cortar sacate... 278-2172 ! ATTENTION HUNTERS & TRAPPERS Fur buyer will be in LA PRYOR at THE ICE BOX each Saturday from 7:30 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. beginning December 1st. ALSO Fur buyer will be in BATESVILLE at LUNAS SHAMROCK each Saturday from 8:15 p.m * U 9:00 p.m. beginning December ALSO Fur buyer will be in UVALDE at MINIT MART #6 Hwy. 90 W. (Main & Grove Int.] each Sunday from 10:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. beginning December 2nd. We buy green and dry furs of all kinds. Skin case all fur [like opossums], not open up the middle. We also buy deer hides and I rattlesnake skins. Well handled furs bring TOP PRICES! D & W FUR COMPANY INC. Phone 512/ 798-5057 1400 North Texana _______Hallettsville, TX 77964 Hearing______ or initiation must appear before the Board of Directors and justify their applications. Camino Real has the final approval-disapproval authority over the PUFF applications. The rules that govern the method by which these reviews will be conducted are the subject of the January 8 public hearing. Persons or groups who have a desire to see the proposed manual or who would like more information should contact George Caras at (512)225-4426. Information can also be obtained by writing to Camino Real at Heritage Plaza. Suite 212, 410 South Main Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78204. Junta de padres en Junior High El comite de Padres Consejeros de Junior High para los programas Titulo I/Titulo I Migrantes tendrá su segunda junta del ano escolar 1979-80 el miércoles, 9 de enero, a las 7:00 p.m. en el cuarto R 2 (nuevo edificio portátil) de la escuela Junior High. La junta sera conducida por el Presidente, Sr. Joe Ríos. Información tocante a Titulo I/Titulo I Migrantes sera dado. Esto incluye a los programas de lenguage oral y lectura. Después de la junta de negocios, una película tocante a “Artes de Méjico” se ensenara. Se daran folletos en Ingles y Español tocante a “Como Yo Puedo Ayudar a Mis Ninos Para Que Hagan Mejor En La Escuela.” Todos los padres interesados están invitados a atender. 278-3616 Uvalde Pest Control Bug & Termite Control Tree Service 278-3464 If no answer dial 278-3619 QOOOOO* KIDS*K0RHÍR by rHE ANSWERS--rtl-THE. "DEFINITIONS ARH. ALL. NICKNAMED OF BOYS-. rtt>UL> MANY "PO YOU KNOVV^ ____________ O/¿- PAINTING- __ INVOICE __ KJ ND OF5J-Eb__ 5. BKIF/SH SOLDIER. ______ fo. 1DETEC77VE CMMG-) ______ 2- 3. ■xd/ol • *=> ls eos -* -r-7/s t./yy F xp/N' ~r ^IRCJ-E THE NAME^ OF THESE OCEANS ^$EAS you FIMD THEM IN THE LETTER BLOCK BELOW. TH ey NVHY READ ACROSS, UP, TDvklN^ACHDNALLY, OR."EVEN BACKWARDS. BUT ---- ALWAYS- IN A STRAI644T UNE. cn X D z o s o X ARC.TIG ATLANTIC 86RJN6-BLACK» CASPIAN /NI>/AN PACIFIC * P A C A F G B 0 P C 0 N C L N A R C T K N A L A B B C P S A C E K B N R R N ______ D N C C N A I Septic Tank Cleaning • Installation. J All plumbing Work. EAReANCrE THE LETTERS IN . .EHR. NAMES TO FIND OUT WHAT THE/ GROW (N THEIR. CSAKDENS. 1. 5. PEO-LANGT ________ ROCCO Bl J ________ CY LEER. ____ PA PRIISS ____ FLO LECAWURI ________ Wedding cakes Cakes for all occasions Pan Dulce Mexicano 1flm /7.¿Hrbbíck. “It’s not bad but you’re no Humphrey Bogart. You’re more of a Columbo.” FURNITURE Fine Furniture 128 W. Main 278-6632 Gutierrez Plumbing Plumbing Repair and New Construction 278-2968 505 Bohme St. 'SALE trenchcoat/)