EL UVALDE TIMES SEPTEMBER 17.1978 PAGE 6 Un Mensaje a la Conciencia por el Hermano Pablo INCENDIO, LOCURA Y MUERTE Se Piden Opiniones Sobre Programas De Salud Era el Pabellón de los Crónicos, y alojaba 1271 internados. Era el Hospital Psiquiátrico de Manila, el mayor de las Islas Filipinas. Era 14 de diciembre de 1977, o más bien, la noche de ese día. En esa ocasión y en esas circunstancias, se desarrolló' una de las mas penosas tragedias. Un corto circuito dioí origen a dn fuego en el Pabellón de los Crónicos. Todos los alojados allí, eran locos violentos, incurables, peligrosos. Pronto las llamas envolvieron todo el pabellón, y comenzaron, valga la expresión, escenas de locura. Los carros de bomberos, con sus sirenas aullantes y sus luces de alarma, acudieron por docenas; los oficiales daban órdenes a gritos; los chorros de agua cayendo sobre el infierno levantaban nubes de vapor y de humo; muchos de los pacientes reian a carcajadas; otros gritaban con alaridos lacerantes. Los residentes del Condado de Uvalde se invitan a un Taller de Envoltura de la Comunidad que tendrá lugar el Jueves, 21 de Septiembre en el Centro Cívico, 300 E.Main a las 7 p.m. El propósito del taller, patrocinado por el Camino Real Health Systems Agency, es de recaudar opiniones del público para determinar cuáles son las necesidades de más importancia que se deben incluir en el Plan de Sistemas de Salud 1979, de en el sistema de distribución de atención medica . También documentará la distribu-cumentar la deficicien-sia y la ineficiencia las necesidades de esta area. Entre los conciernos que ya han sido identificados por talleres similares durante los años anteriores son el cáncer, salud dental, nuticion, salud mental, servicios ambulatorios, servicio medico de emergencia y costo. Nuevo otros temas de salud completan la lista, anoto Hubbard. :"',N . ' X * - *^5*? READY TO FLY- Lined up on the runway across from the Southwest Texas Junior College campus in Uvalde, college owned aircraft wait to be flown by students completing an associate degree while simultaneously earning a private pilot's license and instrument/commercial license. (SWTJC News Photo) Pero 32 locos quedaron quietos, impasibles ante el avance de las llamas. “Parecían tener miedo del mundo exterior-dijo Jaime Castaneda jefe de bomberos de Manila-se negaron a salir, y rechazaron toda ayuda”. Estos treinta y dos pacientes, murieron abrazados, siendo las únicas víctimas del siniestro. acuerdo con la Sra. Michal Hubbard, la Gerente del Desarrollo del Plan de Salud. Amigo, cuanto hay para reflexionar aquí? Una de las cosas mas pavorosas que pueden ocurrir, es precisamente un incendio. Una de las dolencias mas terribles que aquejan al ser humano, es la locura. Y una de las emociones mas violentas que pueden ocurrir, es precisamente un incendio. Una de las dolencias mas terribles que aquejan al ser humano, es la locura. Y una de las emociones mas violentas que pueden suceder, es el pánico general incontrolado. Todo eso se junto', en una hora de espanto dantesco, en el Hospital de Manila. Camino Real es una agencia independiente, privada para planear programas de salud que fue creada por ley del Congreso en 1976 (P.O. 93-641) y designada par servir una a'rea de Texas conocida como Health Service Area No. 9 (HSA 9), una región de 21 condado extendiendo de San Antonio a Del Rio Ya que sean identificados estos temas, un Plan Anual de Imple-mentación es desaro-llado. Este plan entonces iden tifie a objetivos específicos serán tomados para dirigirse a estos conciernos de salud año,” Hubbard. que cada continuó Aero Dynamics of SWTJC Y yo me pregunto amigo, esta tragedia no es ' una representación del mismo estado general en que se encuentran el mundo y la humanidad? Locura, miedo, espanto, : incendio y muerte. Asi han de ver los angeles del juicio, que ya están listos, a esta pobre tierra y a esta pobre raza envueltos en una ¿/vorágine de pecado. Pero hay esperanza! Hay un Juicio por delante, es cierto! Pero hay esperanza. Cristo es la Esperanza. Cristo ya vertió' su Sangre redentora. Cristo pago el precio en el Calvario. Cristo ya mando predicar la buena áoticia a todo el mundo. Y Cristo ascendió | los cielos y desde allí intercede por todos flps pecadores arrepentidos. Hay una vía de ¿scape para el incendio de este mundo, éste es JESUCRISTO, el que con todo derecho dijo: “Yo soy el camino, la Verdad X la Vida”. • Ah “Aunque el Plan de Salud (HSP) es un documente de cinco años, revisiones anuales tienen que ser im-plementadas para asegurar que el plan continue cumpliendo con los conciemos de los residentes de la area, dijo Hubbard. El documento que sea revisado durante 1979 y por lo cual se llevarán acabo los talleres de discusión, se espera que proporcione a los residentes de el HSA 9 con la base para promoverá7 un ambiente saludable, revisando los cambios propuestos Los participantes en el taller serán invitados a participar en el proceso de revision, listando por importancia determinada en el taller 35 áreas de necesidades especificamente las necesidades de salud. Además los asistentes al taller serán introducidos a la Agencia Camino Real y se les dará una sobrevista de el trabajo que ha llevado acabo y sus esperanzas; 'A dijo Hubbard. Estos talleres se llevarán acabo en cada uño de los 20 condados que sirve Camino Real y los resultados se usarán para determinar las necesidades que deben tomar primer lugar en el año entrante, dijo Hubbard UVALDE DAYTON TIRE & FURNITURE s s X A * A A A PRESENTS THE 53650 ■ Aggressive, wide 6 - rib tread design. ■ Wide grooves with connecting channels for rapid water dispersement. 6 RADIAL. |lY (=► DUNLOP í The alternative you've I been looking for if you I want Radial Tires » at popular prices $ á: AS Plus $1.95 Federal LOW Tax BR 78-13 AS Whitewall ■ Smooth riding, polyester radial cord body construction. ■ Two full - width fiberglass belts. ■ Handsome white sidewall styling. Uvalde Dayton Tire & Furniture Ray Romo, owner 213 W. Main St. 278-66774 Cruising at an altitude of 7,500 feet, the passengers of the single" engine Mooney Ranger were asleep as the 20 year old pilot suddenly threw the nose of the plane into a downward dip. Horecka, a recent junior college graduate from Hondo, was en route to Fort Worth from Uvalde as part of his cross-country flight training in the college avaiation program. vate pilot’s license the summer after he graduated school. from high SWTJC of as a simul- At that moment another airplane out of its flight pattern sailed overhead. He had just recently returned from flying 840 nautical miles to Ruston, La., where he was one of the winning SWTJC flight Obviously unnerved by team members com-the near collision, Southwest Texas Junior College aviation student Forrest Horecka experienced what he could never learn in the classroom. peting in a National In tercollegia te Fligh t Association contest. Classrom lectures can’t simulate the fear of collision or adequately stress flight patterns and staying alert. The soft clouds and the feeling of being suspended in space and time give the student pilot a false sense of security, but the experience gained in 190 hours of required flight time are designed to “bring him back to earth”. Surrounded by two a frightened passengers, \ 20 round dials with pointers, 30 push or pull buttons, 34 switches and a constantly flickering amber light, Horecka completing his last cross-country before gradf ating from the aviafi an technology program, which is one of only 10 such programs in the state. Using means taneously obtaining a commercial license and associate college degree, Horecka hoped to eventually work in air traffic control or possible in the United States Customs Department. Most of the aviation program students complete requirements for the private pilot’s license during their freshman year of studies and then study as sophomores for their insturment commercial license. the trainer can be used to simulate bad weather conditions and to teach students to rely on instrument readings rather than what they can see by looking at the ground. The link trainer is also used to practice procedures for cross-country flights and approaches to actual airports. The machine is electronically attached to a stylus that traces the path of of the plane on charted maps. If a student in the simulator makes a mistake # would take an acutal plane off course, it shows up on the map. was flight Unlike most of the inexperienced students who enter the program each year, Horecka had received his pri- With more than 30 students in the program the department uses two trainers and two fully equipped instrument aircraft now owned by the college. In addition to the airplanes, the department uses a link trainer to simulate flight for the student pilots, its windows With covered, Aviation technology students do more than learn how to fly airplanes and simulators. They must also study a heavy load of academic courses to learn why an airplane is able to fly. The State of specifies such as aerophysics, Cont’d on pg 7 Texas classes aero- Work Seminar Set For Uvalde Merchants A program of Work Seminar has been scheduled by the Board of Directors of the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce for Sept. 26, at 10:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. in the Cactus Jack Room of the Uvalde Civic Center Complex. Don Weber, executive vice president of the Uvalde Chamber explained to the board members, during the September board meeting held Wednesday the 13 th, that it was necessary to have one work seminar in the morning and one in the evening in order to draw the maximum number of Uvalde Chamber of Commerce members to the seminars. Weber said, ‘It is very important that all chamber members attend one of the two meetings since the direction the Chamber will take in the coming years will be decided upon at these two work Seminars.’ Seven new businesses have joined the Chamber this past month according to Bob Aiderman, chairman of the Roadrunners Committee of the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce. New members arc Haby and Haby Real Estate, Honey Bowl Drive-In, Huddleston Real Estate, Mo-Jay’s Picture Framing, Sosa’s Auto Repair El Sol de Texas Newspaper, and Boren Real Estate in Leakey. Other business at the meeting included the presentation of a ‘Rough Stock Bucking Event’ which will be co-sponsored by the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce and the Uvalde Fair Assn. The event has been scheduled for Nov. 3 and 4. The pro- ducer of the event will be John Stockton of Uvalde, who also produced the 1978 World’s Greatest Bull Riding event in Del Rio. David Low and Terry Carson, both chamber board members were appointed to serve with Rusty Jones and Dr. Milton Koehl of Cont’d on Pg 7 Commissioners... in economics from the University of California and that Angermiller had not interviewed. He also stated that if Angermiller would super-vize her office better and spend less time drinking coffee at the Kincaid along with Mr. Stewart and other people from her office she would not need additional help. At that charge Mr. Stewart came forth and said“‘Listen, here, Gilbert, let me tell you something....” Torres then banged with his fist on the table and stood up and answered: “You don’t tell me nothing!”. As the rest of the Commissioners and Judge Darley voted for the employment of Jones, Commissioner Torres began walking out of the room saying he voted against it. 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