TttE w M4MH «it-’li.M» A 7V < ht .1? erth..; IX Ji»u\ WEEKLY NEW MEXICAN. “Í;;* :::::::::: * )u.iM —..............-rTV.Ír " "■* : ATTORNEY at law. •TA FE, MEW MEXICO- «Uri. VOL.». s*y*ss**é SANTA FK, frKW MKXICO, TÜESD AY, MARCH U toll BATES OF ADVE1TOING. X T* • y* ri rd tw 11 Pibtieben no. 7 : 1 Ttee foreign ra>* bill wwlfefcd a pertevrn tb* tetnia nfibe prrsi.te*t b,r twe twaewn | k^awTefBe;"i*Uw'ewwS^t I vw,w tvesmvfe.nui v. waww (.. ¡ inwe tr<;vNkwp*v> tuntn #. Ifeepfeme itet they w»nr net whipped feme tier ' w-u-.Ltii.'b,. «.m -.,*«*-** • etetM yeatrHey ,r ; (lavetww Amy. of New Memo, tew far- i tr- We é*den **u*4 *We. t$w**e whl* f91 »< eaatera r»e«*ee will agam *«• <*•»'• >Vt ’U ,u fmmwteh ’ ee j app*ara 'te total Mater el wild Indiaoe m , , s- --------- . _ Xew Mexico it ae fallow*-. Warrior*. 4.-7R; FT* Tte C .teredo papers »uie th*l ill work w«mcw. 5 ; jti:«Mldtcw. <.?«.*»: total, «ni he *to wfe-h it | eeeri rtiwe a di»pe*»trow tw extend k*4 titiaecr.-wte have properly to ibe valaeot a*4 in tte way of bow*. , „ tñX.’*Nl, end item* pfprtOM have .diecotetvd ! - -.7" i ' « ______'' vartoat leads of eelJ, auver, ।' f-iwr and uiln t i QF <■ e , 1 Tbaiedey wat. Jndga pekband We« Bteedaw ”• *" ___ . Km|„ leete «n ta-anwttiw'e ••*•!. aleo At!o«*r , SAETA TE, 5EW MEXICO. Vmetal ( a:r.Hi at>4 ll«*. S ll. K¡kw. rs11»w id 1 Ú:»- ew*-ef*ilf.6-1*1? • . F:m. the-bi :r threw opea «tor dwwa Willmer Vnier^ewtert. tetwea** and webe ie wri ; rvijwirirg any mipnwitr gaatawleei* tnm *** * tbreVn gowtrMnrr.n. It ele^prwKrlted a tai.t am eareedidg. tee duller» 1a gold ter tea *,» 1 wwüi,?te^R the tompaniee m liberty la' • r - . w. . _ ’'*’**«* "fta**fc;M they pseeed ter all www for a flea. -.urn,neat-a,. wdl th tt e^^.. ^he twmnrr la wLk b the bi' ppnbi'lly te ** •- ,K- *•:- =- --- 1 t*i ..«inidt-red in ’ It spf-tare lire .1 n*n «X > .: t < i o a \lnwrw" te order io get ti-tof tte *tM*,. *..n.vNt bill wM* b w.U tmlwe Xew Unpferat ^ pnweti’kni In jU*e fl«Ni*e. and the dem«..-r»tk aiwo ferwiirg it o» the gra- . eral *>mnrrati«- prit«< iptee of efewt aeratoe*, na* itere tv a wt.«b."icew waj-wity of wre*trfw mcn.ter- in l«e ll«ii*e who naat the apportions »: tuapae**-.! tel.w wijrierawtrt *• aa .. ---------- _..„,jxai wtrrngta in tte BY TELEGRAPH. A Washing'• •iuHfiut:on win. Ktw-Vnrtt, March < ii Iniimetee"" that ihe teip ft. IM* W *• N-tv to te beefed tel «roete te IU.t»*«w».wrT7 ctepeL fehefv ent! n—. ..... 7 . *e »na and *iw e*»t b««a g«** «wt ew« ate . . P wa*Bn**‘**}l*i ytcwiiar. Overa ewtt thweeUM tee emrew «w Netted. poea w lilww te rtar*ad * fr**ed. « Wew JAWiinri| tanwgli ttee Hew* owe eb tt*tr aeteee aai way ite ..tetan»* Mi «het aa wwyditerw. \w •teeee a pn.po.htew ae tecali ttee mtóa*w íí N^ír _____________________ __ fer the apwiMiwrtet or • jotwt ceamitteo ea V.!; U tbe Sewate. awd twte aawwdwewta wete a,Med; wee ^roteAitiagtotewdldaUve awd titee Otbt r ealwg tibe tari* above noted. Oa TrMey i-hcrwwte lv«kw>eap la the itewsc awl Qtw. Itaak* qwleily aieved cwwcteftetete la the Safe • ate a-pn**wate,.jwi they wen 'agmd be wiltewíX debelé. their tewe. Bert t at Ww OwUWlwf PeneirFiateny. «**•<»• wmteee*«e Mw ewi FeMy ae4 p« $«<•„ e.v ,5^, wmrt¡, AWteHbay. wight teevegM hM pítfc «Oh» feVWfe, Up; betaahe fefeeaw IH laeeW*'ba Mp wife wbedtei a wee* afeea teteu mineral tvgtew.*— >iet«uw«l (WwAmgton) Ke- ' u.iuee yn »<>eU.ww wtrtgee to make tteir ew peW»r.?a. * ; pon mi a* to prrtli l »on«e oirx-eiwe telare ad- I ■ • "te •--- * 1.intn BWhni'WLiet. wi:i puh ;«h it?e Ke KNi aad ¡ u v ■ i CleTwIatiw® Library. - rr»iwt h'« and pn>pe¡-ty. Ii it staled by wwae ____________ ! «3r M« J T. W^ktruw. Meaagvr MaxweU ’ O****F***F Hr T. Ashrw te» who Ute arce», to tte nideecc alreuly^ CMMtes we In* UrdeTAdwl^iiy, UtaPeBetó I UwdCraM end Rtiww t im-eeny tee beta . **1*^ • <-*etóalwg library at M* Beok andI . uk, u by ite ewutait’.cv Unt the tM'iwowy eaereeda ttewtee ae'.heoidete nt IfeerUw rt*4i#,iiég w tvww VW e Ww 4»j». <.";^rt,é^te«Mirw*d tn ,w Vwaerew m to wonow . c w KURIIY HKNKÜ1CT,. (UteCbteT Je»i*e.) A*raey aid Ootwellor al Law, , SANTA'FE.XEWMKXKXL, « . ¡vWHtem. Mycte 1. j' The Tlews BBeneoceeUwnG. .i!cc in nil lb* f'Aor:» oft. Betivr. Ibee > bed a M U« «.Il tell IV ted i. al atore, end ia ready te u.cwwodate ,»*«>«* * Tri^LUwl rotnliti-* of albini at tteé Board, B**te* awewd* StaaeieNI aw ewe at 1 u* rewteg pwblic with ;ta*•»■, w*n.TVtTi'.ortheSv*l*. the etui awtfewttNa5 '------------- - :-------- ' weektee aw* wor.tM.ri * awt erce iba I , • '• ■****; March C d#miH-ra t t.a»e te-cow-e élármrd. ?»t the tww*-1 ’ - ♦**•«■< *• «he AwewMy, I** Bte*. -----.. A Mint ilwitw awl Golem dewewled IM drNe------.......... ^Wwi<<*w^t^:**,***,1,*<f iá:wge,«mWhwuwand tterowetedew of tte ! ■***•“ ** "*”* ,e Fart* bwt ,tt •***•*<* : j-iat high comwHten to a-^ M ter «Mkwptee t' ’W ,nwrt «* T^en tte Awewbly l*We-( n >11.Tte eewcrai Imptw** In that *±*,y **•*>»•* «* »*• leeelte*. ♦iteote 17m tll.J. r < cwieanJ -x4 < "n t. Jr. Maní 6' 3*lt. : cT !*>«• ; nt t.’gli < owal* **b»_jp* " • , \*1y t *t ite* fir.* oa Satur. . day *t U.é re»i4rnc dlr<*vv<3 trow bl« Wile, pte efefe he-lee .bhwed by Ms ftfetee. w*e **** ! n-rift I*#».- *. Hi.ltr**'"* fir • •' v/-«yW!r' . -i -,Z ■

^dkt UM CeteSteW teil a* . *e i**ifaptii. _• ; • ,.A ?.r -. $te w-rri*rv etcetepeeyhen Sir Jetee Á-. >1 ItewpM. Tit:T.*etmtegie •we* o’clw t al tU State hew >P«n wnr a, H* tbew wl* beiu*l*i^er | *wte*. ae« iü*w -wr* ee d* pen at' tte- «*1 U*i*a: yy, ** ■ *2*w’ • A K iN*a« ' WaaM^ea^ W¿w i-vtÁti-.- i».., ___wpewwee caeca», w* a*M We e-dlte doubt etten dfed fute wi-úwde. ttV <*'« r.n.onr,*ir. *