iwWk. ¿8W fe,. J^ouneU to tekt torMUIto.* to rtá'B.f* anigñt • toeht nt the power» .to define the UgM:»t¿ ”g Upob ¿. ftí * M hÜNM o* WV^r ?##ees#*g^Si^v **a á*. !***•*•* •*,»*!*• 1 NSi*W I1' ‘4Í ^•7) ;■;.../ !«'■1'/".. •^'6;" 1S B-« É& steéíi? ' Tin: xfav -Mi:\ir.\N. . m AkHl>wt<< bi *v 11'1 «í I»; k< .KArt -im »»vl-" k»m»i»vstos»i>. " skXi vFt ivitsniTi n ev 'toM ■ ¿ r»»" w a'á* i. * a Á h *»• v#\t i' '.< .x. ■ >» tíw-*»te*u?wi ••*. W*r <•*..»'*’’“ftixt’riw Asir * tena. »•'.»* fl» • J** «o-_•-'í * - ',»1 3*. ♦ .x¿.-y» • bp»,■ *e»L »» fkr- -ir*r «",/ ;.i- r-.-> »>,XA.-itof •*.f*r rV-rf A-ry. - * ■ **.<•»>. w a r*ri» r** t«r**> »-«•• *'» • • ud. v< (» ir ir mf«T»<»»«*n.’te»rt®»» te «lie M *"t« •'» >*i* -—■ niíct xy XiirttoXTlox - f'.»r fNs*. F K .K N V I S CO V ií k V K/ .1'ttVVl ’TH.W*V*X > V Ml X . -V i X r1. . WF J. ÍS." Artto»tix»u<¡x"'"K» m»- • t ■ CTF XV» tow r> .e ix v«| «ii- ñr\t n vw.fiirt <■)’ 1L» ‘ Lie X'ega*' Afv»«\ p-i’b-tted *»> i vdibil’Xx Mv»st* l p*x *i xV Rv’.'it'^i'r. It ® a iwents-feíir eelmen p»(*x'T, w«ll filie I with **ád".n* tturtvr. fSe py'.ti.-l ti lite 3?4i< Wcl 11* xto kólet.vl- ('lixxvSv ti* . Ji?-|'ul>Iia»«l óh>. ;i>n 'tmy éihtir day e-vfngla t**hi-$*l*«|bv that fer í".!v|tpl Lwlhvwlvs^ that ^ngi'v^'ww, that !>-' ylmd t»l ,1-xtmtt 4viral» a s-ote, met «due omrtifUi of tl v hiewilTti tan dvfvvl th* pusvagv o( yri Un ! gvtni iwainrva if »b» y *r* 'wb iKlrrbnho.1 IWmg Ur* Winter tbrtw wav . an vtgMiHi»il opitwiloin 1» ail tbia rléa» vf1*«. y gixlafiii» l*y th* 'Itmcfi-r»' y , tiny kept tire'*, y.'uw honi tvkvng up dl *t regular vtjer th* ■ buMiw-va on th* spu-ekii'* table, and in r|iai way dikateJ the px»ai|pe of th* llitib 11,11, at it waa. neve* rv*xhv.f in tegular ordvtx and-»hen a nmtioh Waa mail» to take it up from the taUe, objeitiii» wwma-’e by a yleerhetat-wml the mvavune faded. I' »V »» insult, to lire hwmlh of land grfcMs and ‘public i*pto»ve»eMe to pi»» ew.li re»<>lr«.;ij.'y the 4t-«hocray, an jit ie only . ■• nttenxLd at a vLeat and * f«wd. * " * ' "^" ItweviMb xx. t'.i Lax* en ÍMVYpihtvV «l|'<*n th*Á*S<>^‘«d Alte 1 ,. • hoto** t« hi-*r a* ■ I *)'í*k fot .ti* wa1** xwtld1 not „ : •'bmovlf «i tirrtend whrt wnw said. not »p-ak •« •_, "*"* thxt »>-\ on* i-ls* roubi i¡t«d» rst m l him iKt *,V:...........'"' . " ’",......."." b« «W nól"wp|*»rto>« vifinighto bate ..-H^Wmcitrng t^r tti. Ki-publ«wox"i>f r*-'\ t¡;¿ )M,ir granted him.' . ... ,v„Ftx wMMÍÍAtb* ph«a of n^ lvtju^o o# U» l»ib metanl, fot tho | »(|S>m»'ví e-piti-itmg tv|tuba\»n r>»ttx •’» th*t voiit.ix t<>r the vamptiign. 1 tm wnmíwg x»n» |vte»i kxi over ,by— Hen.xlnifla Antonio. lUraí anti the Mlowwg" g'-ntleiww wete,.app''u.ttii to e-t $,ra ox-Vitrel .otnwfttex’. .Kan l.ilro VaMek .low "Matix MeMiwe t IVxho San. Ii< r, -It./ote a<|j«oita-wg A wa» *gr»'F'i opón 1» e al) th* iimvi-iilit'O I for nowiñtatvgl; o iVu’.tx on th* i‘G;h met. The n puWó áh* oí Tu'» aró wi-le avík*. and , *ii) gix» VotMwl t'h*ve> iLr n»ty. "■ . -X . '*,*.♦< - . ,rr.ix> •pn'.h.Vji' Rs» Aruba b* I>l t% ir eonwi ifi.n en- SwiJay l»«t W MH < nl’Xl ** -MU X 3i i \ ;•.• "Writing 't¡ tin1 - Rvptildix'anx .. . iboxt.rrnbxx s twit v, ivtv 81. « . tV I ton I'vl.pe VL» xva ia-in lie <;tx. Its*®' Valvmia eouiiiyx •s ..-..«».««►♦* ...... - v- .. -.-... . ., tV* tivv...!'. I*. MTlroy will )er1i»e in Won. Frwn jx.o S»l , ........... Spar i'li Atwxlay rax-ning in th* ferwaW chamber. : lf>l)»wing < ill--**» . iJrvsidert, M ¿ten ( bacpn T«iv ptibSh-are tnvilexl to aílótid, ■ Vice Ihrrsnii nt».- Ai<>tii,b tiAxl We toaru him that th* ¿ -. ." % "^ \ . r *>■. xr.->._ 7_» e . . w*» tben : .' • y »• - . F->r Ihroliati1 Jo-!¿x*—"R'Hfuan Arsgoa, . |. For hreibiito derlt —3*#uáMaria Salatar. i- oith roncr*’* t.ui, but d «n nxveel.gatmn * ma-prny oí tho eomnull** o» fth-ctíoiiá rvport^-l m laxo* ot <>b m bt'hyg VW1heiV "IW lh* pattijl» to iLiv xxr.-Ír-Vl i>0. allowed-lo appf»t bJv-ty tíia bonst -eiihi run |w-íé» adir*»» ib* L'i.er lot tiivm P lw ■w*" *U i’xg lo ml.iw *n it ter; retí r riu Ípha. of Mieveim aal'L "tile tos fluí•»'>< i* intel! !e-.l for the benefit of th* Vitin p ofe.tiLei who , iti.n.t apieh our languxg'S *hi¡» tin-,- -mte'l.ttft -r-»n speak it " ‘^Strplteni t.( tviiovgia,-Vvxi tos .ptostHHi t,f gitixih-ge.awJ vai'l. "At a ewmhtr of th* t-omrmtSro ott-rh-. tons I *i>h.,io r< )i«iTt ■ wtbally to the Hon»*. Hr*' *iui?>g «Irlégatv , hae plaimd in wy band» » papvt whnL.Le vata ."■"■■'■*. • • ' XvM1 VothV July-Si.. . T-.,r .,.„, I .dwand Sniltii ét ttühl.m'btv;: late á yoldkr 11» *'. Th* ■elioJerL 'b» tvpñttvd t<$* .lo*' tty; x.Mopabv i>‘‘ Stxxia'4 Aitiihn. h.t* lnm« tu y r- íilvi * S.u-r.tmt fii.v " apjtr a *ucn w»h>l x^Ti-yv a* áToirodtttov. man. "f •; iw^ñy ,91 Mr. i'rAfkrr »t the th tdval < í’a.jlk' ILiíhvat. — Vl-nivt* StiuhUi.Oh. Mid MlitF'XX*Mt 111 oiorland . l*.vcb>r rif*Uirou6li th. train on aevtnivt or (hjyi’lj; dliRculUv*, UiEvc’Wvka ag»h dk'd yevlerdav " . h. n.lfork: July ¿l." A ti .ear Ib* ¡’m k<* wab yesterday ftll aVLrvd*; . it!or¡',uí>$-t.„ri w n-ptvsvn'itú; lilmwlt nettuut..t,a¡ _• T.hc br-'llicf di" Un. ( ¿»r (» exjn. u-t L««htton • Tiiy CvUlc»! iU Un- l'mta mutti. 1¡.t t» wvvcre. TUw Muud* Jv.maud» ti.^ pu^ supports .ih* ¡IVf-o.4 The l‘rto*íato have been ordered t<> *va(tole Aink-ii*. S.'tnmve.*iij th<*-li id* with t ¡ w rvrt¿4 UoVi lh*''Tinge abd the Hibernian lodge* «i tins xin hái* grx-stiv toervaved iw mwipix t-■ship xiwv^lh* hi. >l Xvfotv the hoard otpnltoe totbttotohMIim on a ih-sf-ge of lUsnbortiinahi»» tú rvfti»ln¿ to Fino k 1\. - iioh r* ou thy lilli instant, aod Waa : ^:,,n t)j ij,,, lww S(kiutsh‘cnbluet. .io-w-M 4 th»- f- r*v. - - F.uix di IvgAlxn vrxhllótsul temper-'-.- , Vvnailk>n/J,,h an ex.- ot'..». hpnxentuig «. 1< »skl A<\«W hub* A^emh^ In llfcy ilnifivt nioxtl| »' xóhr». Lt hl A wtliug toxt vv/Ling to Ink* ac- . toUO» that til* wal* tort. »W'*p.to1. liñudo luflnt-nve Ute x'snámiyxiow*» to retain fiy-l tbnv be c>**klvted-Ato Lax'v tvslgin-t . l .-v¿ mi «>» the Ioh't, *' ' I* ailhed alth -di'k».iti».priiu*. ' Moy stvLkal.dvipottotration» to lheproxun:*» , areVvpi-ctrd during the nee*» of ilie atM &Vx meet riot * Vi trotinan Loga» usa.. llraiftti Xs». I, Father Matthew• Society, the. ),tr¿<‘»l- lo Uue eltx,'Laa tote-d to withdraw . tto tr ik-h padon fYxitn th* HV.i rni.tn ItaUxon- i tixnenil L Ailmlrmiilpruhi'iUvtketw.. Xx-uil >n ow aecoUBl x>t Ita a>Uou lu ihfriévwl 'Inga tu IAhI». - «n - ”" rtóL ' • 16 .. S ■ X * - *'«■=**. ek»-, - . - C I til1 »;uAt Lii case to the llouav; hx*. wi>h*a rwe to - . - - Sim Fr.imiwó, Jwlx 81. !pwrt it; be-eaxa m hwp||w»r ib*thex*r Stalw tucomweuxiellntvdu 1 th* Vstnpmwonal he ltM* /* ........ f f aw arnuung «lóesmwsnt";■ dwelling long on. the : I» bfhiQf «tMr» Fair, dreltoea In we the phy--*'............,_____ ................... S»hw, , . - - apart that bad bean mid* x>f btw in .lb* Iwu»* *< dans wit by the cbiet oTpwltewiw wwxtutu ^iiligaW^.ol nmtral» tn. be btodbig úpób 7 - I*» Repmseev.tivet-íloyó !?.«« not »pr»k KngluL, «ddeclats tto ib»r»eier and extent of her tojuriea; sfe* l Í’ ..- - J -. J and Ahavtaxto Trxijilto, ¡ ittg th,t in ,U< as well aa -in all tUyg. *b* b* W? x,iC U’ ^wtvv4 thnwlvolng htteys yet.1 p ...'>** ' "rk- —*-<•«*►»«"— ■■.- -: - j pg* The disabüilv <4 A. H "■ V*a l.wltwi’t*, wet tin* ttu* exponent*t»f bi* TeHitory. On lb* 1>) Orvgpu dvuvUvx*. hi. .(hkt I» .»*ll*tivx>,| -- T74 and byk tñ sj thia I ’- ; -:------------'* • ... ...I Yoytilcmocreta read* amisUk* m hominat*' week. -»Tbe IVobatv Ju.lgi i* doing a good work , jRg'<^¿^0» (q* Ibis Congi^s. Tlti C^gneaa j Tlse Taelfle 1*1 meet's lottery I» now drawing, j m caoaxog tU old well m the pU«< to to put to , H fclniadl. e|^ed, and is latgelv Rvpuliltoae. ' ' * ~ * «V *kV uS Tto lionet ei^a^to *hx¿ e we*,itiT,T‘ *9 nOt *» *to' Janato», to : n,.yxetl»ittly.'d¿- wot wndentati'd His. Tb.;* . T >. OueltongwenoUc* I-» Wotol giveaAto most encouraging ae-_ $e wlh) **«* • to ÍS7*to ekrt i Ámbito Presa lent ' and «kwjdeasutv m anneonctog the fart,,that xT Í ** WU,b*.7 V^01* «> be to a W- Wtea and wtowd : in^Ú<ó 5 íenktrdti.aHt Ü*x »l»o vxp^t ¡ | ditton, and a Urge» delay miglt Lav- teauM j * majonly ¿ vetoes of -ttotown pel-. in a »pee«ty collupw, v, _ >« . --[■ittoi, T» $»<■&. »n .adntoiisttotton and »urb a‘ : nr We am totormel b» rittoeoe of ttalutoe ' ^g^ ^xlírgii» would be « toiúble tvpmaeE* J CTF. iLsn. Oi go Am Luki», fi t-M Rio: Atrd»a county ¡» fix tx'WjW t" ' 1-e.^s» to't'lia eouMles tbe.oti L <▼“ Amengxt the late an.ivx's «i oweity i* .-•■ flowing wULto to be rtpkeed by an-n two J^^bant IRiffner» .Vbwf vf.Erginters fcr the : - iá’ek pUak ng« wab X wl»4 and yutotai.tiat teib Ibparthiwt «of the Mirttorf. who cato* out to j wig on emb w,le. It k expect tlut.tU bridge w*»6* the alhin efth* -kte Lt. J. h. Mavhxlil Wdl be ia vcmpbte order nvxt wvefc. *"~ "'""- .' ,-_-.®F R**: V j».,M»Klr^tod f*mdy arrive.I J*boHt tea oXfmk, . Among*» th* 'pyssvegry* i-on Tóeadxy*» eaxtern «-oatbAnd will temam.iti wcreAM.Jw, I* B«anett, Uto. B«»*»< ,*teftoavd.w.irpte,Ub!x^m Santale. ; w ertiv?a • • • ty* Sa>* **»"•«"•«. »* •”«■ • arrivalbem.irf the aunvywg expeditiea oUfce UwhAWwpmg wajwity in, IbeAouthttti ewm* OT W-e am infrimtS by .«tioeto of Gaiutee ^$to»iiRxU^i>swou,.l be^a •«rta^o W1 «(1nwe. ,»,«• _____ -.—- ---t A.&T. R..Y IVmpany. The oiS.wraoi thi»_ <>«. *» esed, and U« democratic Umlmg will' that tm^es them is plenty of mm eoo* ibabfcy te<7*' /*l ltee? ?'k*iy/t« Vk-a ( e t.n(Wl u tieorg$a’feal Ulnd? of vwyahy-acd aft tilery ■ Vquiyikrm».' ;s eiptditwa am-Us.ly arranging the pntlemtib" M to rely upon other, pwtio*» of.* Terri-' c*cp will b*' an entire Mum in that éTrinir);, । •»«* a pre»id«mt and congress m 1^,2 than they jn TOUat^)vt)tv ^r, ti.!» tettdtng too wl^the ntoCví r x».a 'J " eñe» of.,«aolk*r »uwy ev fx^. .u c tlaU> » Fort Uaavo* toti^eRioVolw»d W(n; tjK; «bcÉnaUecatito otth* road. The expedittoa Iwau torM.wha may atteaipt to set bimteU ep , Inte, Wh t-.y the gowroñmnt and vitiaeps *»',** 'l*1'? *'*.*'_ csie nM.tw case. It is torthvr eUittUUmt wi.l be divide^'«i.to three pan^st ¿ne under", «.» mi indeittilrM target to be fifed at from all. hronghCftoni wPhund Galisteo, ^hc,f3Íf|iTv,th¿re Mr. Mot'abe ukes. that part of the route be* Our frivn-le berraml[«eh'cwbelc th.ty rest ' will be arriousty tween'ÁlLu-F«e»'l«ie and. f\»t W.irgatv^ the. ««'urcil thrt the repaUicani ofXéW Mtxi o arc ' " * other, unltr M..«j >r Hjjg*» the" pint Jj-c» 1 ««* au4 that- no ideiirocratty ’ «r»t,fc„ *!.'««« will ««»p; Ur..«¡» eon- " •* "•»*1 ■' shCT«“"10 «• u under th* supers iskn of Mrv RvLrvr who Lm • pet* Lt two yvara or mor* yet to eooie. established L« bea-lqaarters at Álbu-iaériue?’-'. 1 A? *"',-rr . -.----¿.-•* * IWtoltHT-ltotHWRMfcce-- - : " ■ VetliiesMHi .t>rtirt*!*ewré. '' -V'eedx* i-ki. Fvróixt, Mixto*. Utoreter. ' Wa¡UUM<:«,iX\ July T, l$~Tr ■ Socorro Co>>;"'X- M.» July lOth l«ri ■ l. litem of the X\w M«a.foap« 'Mewei. Manilt rtMd & Tuv^cr^ _.' The democracy el yxrer Territory gW-Ato- i If d'idbc* wot iNtteJc upow IÍ< «pato «i your ’- -r* ; '■ *r?y "«-I» the. resolution" buMness «t;Rue¡rc¿n*. 1-alt.ablc psprr, I will be eI»l to give ye» aewc"! t<»d*y attemptid a grat-d ¿an *w VcntiaW. '*'* '■ ' ■"" ' ■' "■ / "* ""'■ • • ■ •! *■■ ■•— - • • - * aawst'kave little conhlrris* ia the intelligence' of ■ i»'rítete mine». the pteiple if they expect. to gull them by each ._ .N I - . "R< r..ti. J(,;t";Xt ! Il Is oS’.clxUy re'porlcsl ih«t 4üti,fiueÁ» i thxh-inntty Wó» rveetxmt" irom Franc* «m <[., '- Ulh Pistan’. M wlik h T8.iO Mun s I ,\c arrfiV . < . * ' llTtny. July K' X Liwpdoe teller, of„the. eUf Í'Ue;IVw ¡ Weed was not a» Well when hv-lcYl Nv»- y,it, amittmt be wonldleavelot hwuc in« Lw.^ The whely ¿mitotea portion pf Uto city ot U #wl botlct. ■ _ ' Liin-iou^ . Th* Londop Commoe Coutivd lias ujceoit tnotiott log}»'* • bajwjuel nt Imperial a¿d M^al vUltor» muy lu F-tigUiid. ~ » - t «. - Treekv<\ Volttoroto. I» ti» Ventral 1'avtib ooorl martial wnlvrl Nn. M diteJ Jely^i.Withvtandmglbeytntyit vfferta m»l* th Li» favor |^i$wwy. tbe gnat lumber dvpot ñr the Sierra y*vadx w hx ikstroyvd by On ye*t*rd»y. The *. ios* i* imnwBM'. ' ' . . • ' ":Stó-ke are hmaking trlgSlMly; Nowfxraw fciNjf.Wte.ie.1*-»-1 "'al b e-ab vav.^1 Wm ilh. 1 „ <■•. ,.. Weslihhigtoii. Ji>l> C2 . . • |, Al thrx* xsX’kKli l}ilv pivt‘ulng an <->¡.¿^6'."' j wcurred I» a. email niagaelnv -al -the ÍSt»; '• y»*h) tor Alling tw*ketiiLNgiiU uh.ri.l*2i$ U j the álgnál toryál 'The mapWkiw w¿x aiái»; ím*t.tdlalply foilowd by alarm of th «< !•>?• .i" c»e»o.il a eertous ■ ‘ conflugratloh : (ñ voh h.¿. tf t ............................. 3 doiUrs. .ThejfUnwa ntHamenicated iR^trtii.v build big by, aad thyne* lx> « fc.it is Uv*u as vlorehotis* Xa. SR to whkb Wyiv-vivreC'S7 . •". Washington, MydSk ¡ ilcpabik'sn member» of the vwiicroitolo»*! Ku-klux toveallgaung rotytnilpne deny that the -s ■ .• - .....— aetgemrt-aUnnabaa conáterntotokxl the mib.* psvnsa I sen oil for .certain .ettltenw, M the re-rjuist democratic mcmtor» ot ihe «imtoíi-tee Who-slated llp-y Weed hot «fpeaf. »r'*^ » .ü h jrn. - ' - w». • ». u am**»n*m e^-lw* -lux .sV 1:., *■**-*mp ífi ! V : New M>xi «se? ntxts 10 » drtAticMic v*^gTTisS tiV - • . — .* *. . Tingre wonfil,-bis r-fn dvpnsrtit,t.t>, .,*r._4-.'teo.' X. to. T >L shadwick. and'lm|H-^rwCÜov'! destroy!. Not mtKlf poxxdi f ..i¿^,' j,doa,Uth> y.teáh.u,l three several unes tor delay, ‘tbl* w*geeii;e, fia »p 'p.vtoloc.bi^i M-e..u? ,. vHoro wouU bti s.' Tecíimi»cr,d,tten. to »u h a bin Luxl’y came to Washington aud reported i ,h*’* *»«xpl toríll» s'gMal ton's. ' U. 1 . . - _ '.éorigrtmVbJt IwSAon’iii-n xr.éuld te. an «.»uh"t¿ .’ la the wr¿ianl-at arma STdai pn vJnue to Uluc w1s?t <**>* ki the «eagaalue Li>t-í.'.Jíl . ] tr*e^ fyr e*ptari*XP * govermmM tram and kill- th*: pmunt eJeihdí-ltali«>n and pretent congms Tor vxa»ílr.ati<«m He h ft. t he ciiy *i;tt»ul ■ *beii be kíi *11 »cemcA lo be, ín p.••>■:«.; ‘" “j ing-tbu teamster*, have arrived- iLi-m and been Iktier a thousand time» have no delegate thin «eaxeór notice, nml x\a» again »tnuwix>i3vd,.hul! **'* *l l*.a*Pt**>*d Un?exptosióu \x^s.li.c,‘r..' • [ eutoedarteria the ciad euthomito» Tb*3rl^l': »utA* one.»» KveryHmg'« egamat . asked tor ftntltet i lint ejyhig tic na» akk; hej «f »Pd«t*«weii8 «X'mbuiibiti,. -' ", , will take plajee at J*.k»¿^r^, ■ • . '\-i'lymhwat tíis-time. ,!<* n.*.ie ,»*ia failirte há» not appoarxst befotv ihc eonimhtee yvr f' ^s*v eniyrh#i:lcatr-d tn tincHb^ .. -"■'. ""■‘■I . ¡aVw-^mwthirt bv httonwn »bcw.»g ir 1V« "L.. ¡Meto Is .r^tlivl to ""be lite $,tate’|. bnUdtii iy«O:nt ín blM we6? Mü1v.¡ mkv . ; n^VtoMuts.ixttv-JilvSK -•:- _1i.Í8eira:drfrnrt! a» on fileinibetitob, he^ chíefor Km Wax. ^lr. Avery, nf S^htir..- ¡"^ abl'^equi pment^. A T1*ehtemite4d«*»1*icy»f thbc^yuas: bniy Wted «wt V->D$e a tai ^...Ahai t»na\ura< «eróe.ri ,et work here, taking. ent ore froaa the ; portion *í. our ertimns who. had «membled-.^j. .wtrve yowrpeople; he La», .ri^-W .single «piali-*;1- _—■-i-.-'.. ..." J» : r .■ ; . - - to lh<*i. i» th.'ir wty .«><>^«¡>«.11^/tirioií^ilifer lode*. The' ^Sbpbia..'1*4*?') .Loar U* iteuU wmwrt.by the biliiaty.bwid^ . ticuiiyw.to.wjikti Aw- ¿ -prtsehví " """'"' ;a;-piirta'.wa» t»¿<» po»se*i>txm. «oí by a. /polnat»!)' eengt*«. ..'Tn.eiecit^Liw w.to' defeat the rt »toJ the course., o^hí» adÁtv-«i befóte" ¿be"Xa* • * “t^ví1ic»maiai^,^i^,fc;s.xi,.'j ” vupplhti *e xLipiT and énim'tiiMto .^.'■'Wat • to . »bi^Hh-»i»Thteto.*a^"i'"l<::í?1“i*!*i*ÍÍe;.9it?y,l*'.i4»'theÍhihusilx:i;fiiycr '. i!v»troy."«’nr.e**sy which w^pleád to '" -v -' ;n" :" " . v,—«.a »^,a;v »« K..,..te., In place of hart Ude.': owa^ by Mt. W*. Kroeoítgand 1 miáy’if tbeta rvphÚiea»*, wdm:'wm tiatata ' Teíritorv eafc atorii t* ow*. toténrl"^^^ «T.T'tonte w«s:|*ácé «miiborgan* I - WEdweñlThoWotn Wictialbavt- 4rtb*r¿ Ü eigiit hetwidé * a de|4hof aixi*e» • tollrt wú*¿ " T>¿ mating'waa-caUedte wdw-1 wm. t'he'tíeopiw «of 'tlm" **«•'^w--afford' be;i*kta ■/ ‘* * * ' ‘"11 •* --—•••■........- 7te^.^M.Sen»,ylU«;-wfo mñvml'«é*^'X ■ ' •* • ■ ■ "■ r*- ■ ■ -'■ •- -- • 4 Y^eFtirtichlw>p**aregvipg to psy cfftllt dilrt* '«titejf An pyekbavh» »tirt SÍ¿-y" - Láve, 'di^Fhyeil,'l¿e ''Mining He mating wM called u w4et- ' •*. tU^y *í' xU et^vaw «fford 4. ..11 *W ;**■>* •:. ;•-•■"■ ■•-■-.■<•• —T--.~v w-••* t «y vw^.ijgCTiu^M. Seaa'.y ■ Báeai'w^» xeiveJ ' gárN*'";V.»,• *v7 ° ¡-Í*y^hate territory any-.mv¿nu*Jx>'i*y the itiep-it <>n thv ,hdws^hree gtiod oré at tcti Icvt; The. the «^ÜtMeat W a eomwfttée to'W¿t.'ép«il¿< J-««vOpltSlthc :-.I^t-,}outdem»é«at»To mrtj'feet and very, ,rh-h ore? / TÍ¿7‘<'ode^ j by Vápt.^e lO "D^V . the itrtVfVit' XJt1: tllV mKiMW. tL*i*aa #■** «sí v»w¿r*x) *»•*». nl l««K 1 " »• TTl-im '. MklDoWkll ivtn'Kíáe^^tiwned 'Ly^h* I8*njyi.j d¿¿)Mc^lqges,.,ibe dew¿éu^';^«|i^to:for¿. ■' Joi;c/6.'-Swii,'^..:to*^de*. vtifin.aid'pil'd the estiuhil debt •;»«*«<*§> !fot^- fksdVwidyi"..,-ffhe;?*^bl*y'vl«^e7. .«ni..p„jrvfwiblicé*(*) camlidatv. and in»itelh*w to ad- '• fop^^L v .' • v./i. ,.:■ . I'gmAWny an<::dri^.tte:wM^.*'Ttó':*etieB'wáe'' 7lé¿d the ¿edth-w* earned towidt**wV'<•*' - .- ,*e* f?t|u*^-»mproyy*«f^,*nd ;to»ólyti>VX*wi^i ' ti#c ',“*'^'j^^'51^<*dr^^péiw'*';#b_A*íw«rt^".ld^«^^Í^,/^wj*w'<>;tirreiid*rt’wdh ewjea .r '*y*«p»ttiof-. -haa-prdyed fomsvU *? ';wot.¿ba»mg.)|*^*v.Wwpe¿c¿. "f^ h roayxmed Mir¡g m.w< -; ; .cauíéotlufailiiig iojgét the* -i^A.-york.i'wilh'.Miid •• Aügg .f>e».fo’ild*til..by "Rewí" ¡p ae edírterof aeetjly') tM:i»oeá¿í ;T.»»xtee^*. whichmimklibly afced™ ~ .-' **7.’^'* ®"v l^i?e»ie¿¡ide^:yép¡Adk«%i'-".dwi- ■te'.-lh» ■' -■ wiibiti of. lí|^'NMJ¿e»'¿¡r i^5*te:hé|if&-ia:Áe-: ■- *"-; 7i b**tti(Sedmdhi*Ute poder pt.^'***^Í*é*H ahmt-br. i*a M k* awtewceihhm :_; tend-e«** Wti"made *' s ■•- 'v-sti' ■ pw* sxf^ttbAh* ^y’htto.ltaei&c X)) ?:: a railroad: that was to;largely,'.^, '■ yesterday, díd ' w* :■ arrív* )«ítil'-i'''iih*r1y';.ten:: "w^i)ha^. iH Tof wih^NW **.6*6The**v tic* <>r 4ec*ittiAMid>otdb»ye rvágited/7'.y." ’• ¿lábíH», wt ' . ... '"^‘; ■_. wh*í*..ie,;ti¿ ’.IMb.'" : wy.tiM* >*««»,. ' ¿¿úrtíj; •,tteiñ;iheieUÍK» .-^?: 7■ 7?)'y. ,niriiwiiig¡ iw*^ b**.eo*i***j^ 1 '7 7- r*3*' .*eiii6iMa"*• ■ w-**L* «■-' y-•**'!-' v,,7* x?/"1 ....... give*।:ef th* ewato' <ítU." trwübí»*'.ú: b'?te \ A* *toto¿ W wSfiñíSSríii t***,«*«.*. WM» *'*re.rrj*n*w**ww* mSSJSSSSSSEESE'í .W-CT.-7Q - wi! •*•*•***.-'j. ; . _•- ....< y*7 ■mmíív: »*jí >>? ■: • r': . BY TELBGBAPH. 5•■ 'ií*i*w^*a'' rcatoit eelely lite? . allowed ,i m pan.- The . y eiurooo* (to *wH>cr*w had * *F* d» <«* ball* ly Col; ttawa,-.Brtií4 -¿•iflihit the dxfeal of.aü §»ew Mexican'íhrfafci r™*** . ... ■ • . \,.,,-Alir-Lü¿Lí.'^'.e?-2‘¿'i2L h,»"»..■ .ijlilíi».T.ÍiJ:Xt***0**-**^ PKtr-Had totb»;j*¡aMm»J-dí>n;- r1 SikSs'.esjZS.K.R !<*■ W8 $ r •. It.w*.:*toto4*- ttllh* éfthe ttF.-asta^ wwa i»* ver with esisrys'JFUs: . ,■ 7.,.: ;.,7 Jt-=x^«.e.-x= asseetisssS *Mto4*M»hW ** *rWw¿toií ■.* wieiwi 3ñ£ñÍ! i®» gages ■atera^. # •W“? a ilKÍ-sj VI .-¿ M