r. lllivtrrt Me >** .'.V, u i\-,i ¿r' (r*t, i , (. u,^’ I r I 1 m ♦ ».io«>t!> F 0.» to- i v lh'_> R -pi'.i.can 1 p»«:y in Xtw M. a..-* w.i; iu-*rl i-Mie* to •».».« a.caw-tiiatc X-r delegate to tterf.tly nr.^yd veng'tae ; A* )«( w«- bite even no «alto -• tor i viiMy mwa m.^4«'Ri te erhcl the delegate» 10 th»» couvct lmn ex-ipt in the «-uu-Hy of Cob fax, nor ere we awtrp that ar-y »t*f»'arr b- ing . -táñeme. v,rg*ni<.- .tbe |*arty . in ini- ”=toi r . vrt- «-.. tin- ,.hh-, rr» ILntlI ;> la-h-fl. MUIHÜ.UL., j 1*1 «etI'etteMy—«star*Jwdtnw nipt ’ Dt-jtreiUiiMw*. *lo#bf *iolr*-<*tu-:•»!..» ..-iiti, . U*taj;Mi*t. •--, ■•.«.«a-'.' - |S<1 :' l-T^-r N. M , Mir-ia^. i., l<7t/ !i* l-u.«,,fi¿ M« *-l«. 4--«h? o; kee. m« .id- • Avy «ni ymioudy ihfTiHHRT Mr Uy- »ie »t * . in , ••• •by*» UutiilArre taken by Indian, i« d.e •i-.m iiHiuHx a» m ail «nútra that w-mld wuli-iut of tlie t.uh iwt. Th» Indian, pukycded Leeitatk* »u.k ibe ci'untry to grato'y tlifir par- tM>L-tb-t ekn t-f mitpiiiy near tbe ( advH'iate apf rvciatitw jaf wJUat'we hive at «4#ué t*aü*!a Alafcoae, ( itieewt rvrt-gmrcd t^e f m'ehi» eiwhiontbe people wilf ne* etoww aU per-5*, borwrt of Mr. I*einahy wuhr the India** wbw * eonal. vt-ei.lw etiope avd noivu-ete en »kct rhe **ro*e »h ‘be etoc-k from tbe town of up; cr *iw- me* wk^-in tb. ir j^Ageirnt wdi ti st |»rv* their •**«•-' -T ; u jteUtml prombte the welfare ofyhe txnintff (to the.1 Nib mat (y***ley) Inditn* ihet “ * XX y «rged ap ir, the k.-pubheahs of yhe Terri- C’bah. i»uu • miner who wae engaged near torr "th».r>recmty of f*t| (rev dirceenum of tbie Mu^oUm prve|i,iting, Mr. Uwti i, now matter a* I prompt and w«w .a.-|ówi: J&i.ily. 111 bo*prtal at th;» pl*xr; the Íto.|vr eaye he “Vcy^y. *r «»ii.r«» owl prtwv^** are evety thing cannot live. , Tbe Indiana alm on th, #h<- .1 < ■ ? H-he>¿ •h-g: i-* lit** .'to...........:h- («rpntr». i!y g.a» !i. art p,...|l• r. to ; j;.,. ... ,,, „ and « un.plriiiHi elf tbe < rntrel and Lm.-n |*a-ufiF; advantage» gemrd . mmrra.e developed m tub, pad Xvvada.-thd ali tbe great and pro. grnaiee eortiu tinco-tint Mn.frM blue* adwned i our cbeek».* Tbe "Xlawtag futuro awaiting tbe .ympletio* of tbe Tna. |*.. ,6e, tK,m, n>tb ^Vd?, an-artivtie pi.:t»ro-*f ,eba -Bow o( pron.lee- ! ifr., • s . ng* tla * ai-it • fit. iH..ke t»,r naeti^i) and * ." . pieSrlil ch II war.- ■ ” ii-PKiieea r, end. tv* delUr» fot -r«tM forty mdri tir»»rt, d fry- (hr or«hnaVv route dnlHbu’ete if mntu.g Fruvi rd. Th |l¡< go. . I bird, ly K. W. l'eú. ,s(rpei e(,d r„-ipy!, <„,< retn-mi-g fr„m th* piaiVvf .. eonu«-ti and llw *peak« r vf tbr ham* of teprr. • WWin».r« »hh!l »».l ibui tie a-i.liti-mal I _i.n;?»r« tfeevh bt.n-h rf eee-l jegiela'iio ... •mid h»e «hall enn.tot "wf one ^bief . fork, who. , »l>aj| ee.eive a roeipenaalion ff ten deflar» per , - da» .and of one a»»i»ta|it .-Irik. qi>, enrolling • yletx, one encrmiing cletk. Mie. ebrgé»M*et-,•*•*». one । hepta in, <-b» iloi.rhee’per, nn* n-e»-te*g»*. end nn* wu^men. who. «ball ee«b receive • ertnpenistton ef five dolían per *« during tbe erwunn. •• - • New ipri^e Wvmmi,."' ¡ • — — ’ - - -----—— ..... Notice. boy who reported the «lia.-overy bet nu l.miv ; have p,„„|. >|,y Ww eU !jn_ i ^6‘Ur S'n,'7 i<’ee<,e‘ "*kiw* lk,lr •«••* .. ' .ouM be fvend Tbe whole re.mrt ia u»4oeb<'-! and t# iw b. X . * ^■Pm*e Wt,ef Mu-;eBee,‘‘'*r ’ •ii.blUfrl.mW.ilfuri.toh «•Pk-. .*errh.nd..e »UHed t, |U V».n They Johll W»bn| Fl.br,h a.n,iH.-rtll J„ C»p. J S. Crem h Th, “ ’U,‘ - Text. Fa.dk- R.ilrtu.lJm.vfl^r iZ ¿ i 7•”’* M .b..n.<„in,lt.vS th, Atlant.,Íil^.T- .1 * 7 “ r*U,,’ l»nd that unite, o» „wr fw'.x . X'm tú. S<ÍMth. ¡ 4 *** ,ni*H,ete --- -----xi " Fait. Heat.- Rr»p m an e„y flow ,f flirtork- r. fined to fU ** ------- “------- fv. iú*, vrviw-í OÍ ! •J’d M-*« T*recent c,r,m,, progr,., of g,ff,r.ht jn M,lr",r,x,i*<*n‘*f**fprv<- *■ ................. ItoiJrwM <«-1^r»tie* « «N^m. ent ...d lk. UillI> lbp,u4- • ll,k-ki-*rL Ih-1 •" I ‘ 77 ? 'brr"4 lk •w,(t*r# fur-tb..... r,™ ............। eT* : ' Mr uwunw T*-’’ •« «-W- i «*U-..........................a ! and abining i* .w.ahh m the'b7amin¡:‘ j' *• Ibb beba vf Jup- I p-i-pari' fur the .-i.ni’n,$ rar.vaaa. We think the i time |,a« । x .iiv"f te a L w"plain word» of. c.ricim-I * arid w»tnie g Vo our f'ú n J» of tbe Hepitbln an R. iief-.Fnnd held th party rea*4t tbe imp-nay.-e- t-f thia ruRm/. . linn. C. P. Ówéi Arw they ctma.r ua how far bthmd ail tbe other notti-i- i‘ ‘ " cvediege were he-I: Mr. Uluinner.bring io 'the .iiair ceiled the poeitum at Wi"*'«gi<*y Poy.ia know that toe jovt cT»ie«e cf ell other etatrl arid ternt.irtv.vf -r ♦ervivea irn-iervd m tlir *pte»Mon of lúe rv* .. bellion h«t< been p*i; wfide viira remain unpaid tn conarquer-.e of lb* i-Ugal end freunl iie. t wettlrawnt made under tbe a-iwnt.tretion wf |itae gia## ue tbe mo»t iLlivrmg a#tirante. I Ita ipeedy completion whn b ie no longer a doubt deepen up ibo rktert mineral, ogri- i m«. . .- - « ________________________________________________________. _ r»r, 1 Lvlraian *Spiegi-Uivrg, K»<|, acknowUdped te-: ***w- ■» w * . - ■ ■ H1* * merfng u£ th* »t.K-kb»idere ef tbe : > On iinRion of Mr. SttHtdierger it w«a agreed - Firet National Hahk of Senté F* will I* br!d in Krferward thr whole aum to ílw cbneul g.nrjél , fun.t*' carter* «change without premium r ■ a h‘r the »ii* in bta p3B»eiah>n, whub w«ilhank\ lW fiROpl^tu tHtfr upon RnJ dni!hvfc(y ottr fullv ♦rrt^-te,L ' , eMccwpied Unda will, tbe anuramv ihat they 1 Mr. A.ft>l,.L Guttman *«. I-J-» *brb«Uw, , f,f,b |„ hf j h .. ^«t.^t^kpUw, and^.led*Md^ \ ? «• »»r.k cf nv.lwatkm. after t TI„ U-U. ....J theenroed; aXL«.¡^d¡ Ue« been weekewrd and dvf-.ated in mvefaF .- 1 • ■ Ahm.r Gvtimxx « : wb,,,6 ■ I’fef and enthwoatie emting wee iknghrwea. but rnviMtr a» .** i. 7 .* •lM*brtb.rto^p*Uft.». J,y tUeteii.met.tiau,: -- - Scetarr. i ‘J'f irAUi'f* '“•« fvr <>* RWftertokbrating pr-pertey ofthepv. pl, <,f AÍn»| mwrUd Raiwge of th. Mil. • u Uy. T.ulSvUw.r.V Wv*.^ (•. ■ d *”** 7 *•* ,,rrlrrd «»«< referwl tn a apwlH J"',rh7,7 h *. ,, --------- ’■^■b*6-,t^m^nC-wa. dfrd to erd^by K. W. b,Pl^a„d o-Hnrti ^.íon 7X2 'n’i ,k" ^MnwkLmnyed -----.... . 4».,..,.,--------- t. “ „cre AV*.!«e" Id frX.l. »n ,ürrvWL'rd i k,ril^’*'•«‘I1» H.e Kmptr,. t^t ,r »>.»**- «-id *•> *Ut t. mW,-Grant wai e.Ucd to theeb.w; A, iU.ie G X. I Unr to tí.'' ü7 ,*,'h,Í*d Savag.-. t Biker Bmhtum. endJUM. Meteihthj i,k", l>na h»«t ton fa!| ( , Uit ‘ ** -ír* ; cete‘^rnt Iwartía France; ha BsM ft *■“?•*! ft.-e»V»M »• r^-ic, , ». re ck-tvd Mid. M., „4 Ur. J¿b»T 2,7.1 ¿.I **- ¿ “* * ‘^* • **** ?I V’^"’y *W •«!»« *----—! ------------------------—T— U.=«rw> caXd. ■ ' *•**'! f.b» a.rn...g. Ar a kk- h?-4r wctlxm,( Cq„ • wouMtekr* wb^h W - ~ •«,-•■ 1 * * 1 a committee crae arT»intrd"ti> i t. — ’ ■ ' Vi,»** nééo* ■ ‘ *“i« nhiat te-the «nW -i.- |To»rv»*-iti *t Tbe r|m JU.rtrtoaH !• tbe < *|M .Mt ef lU- M X7 Í' ^«th * ■ / nf- - . ■ - • i-t«»tte):. ekteepou tlm fvliurirg w„ tobmh-‘ L. k pcwtortT- g«M t^p the J*’*. F^W'^a Centf»!, Rai:rWt (om. te l y.4 adopted. •"" ’/v . f •' ' : __L yitK 7 Oil 't* eT,,'f-MhK *“*»•• •^•raa. andM^ng ewigrewj.. .’interT?^ , _ , a.Mde .. f* L , K- P‘”°Srr *rd bu.(nr„ „ ba, given 1» the nation anotlwr bigLw.y ! TTiomaa C. de D.ra we. Ir.rn tUt |ii***,/7 ‘ ‘lo «d>*wn. eed-t at ptM.t 5,* ■; , 177" -1 Thc w7!"7°7irr Li i ,Ue A**' ">d Iba H CM with i-md, of Lr»«d <»> Nnenjnei bate mtenQy «M¿itM “** ^**^ 9 WÍl- ** r**°**t' to-«°rrowT < ¿ I'itonratid b»ve de.ignatéd'tlie rwM» wbii-hwill.'^**er*1 depredation, m Sa*te Am‘retiMtr:'-’ '■ ' ' " 1 ff; U3.4ÍJO over T1*:?/. Ttfe ,grba/: tWtGlii-f’y bring ,tba wpr»cwdi*ted w-inaral j *" '* " luR I1Í1#* orwebal*»! Lk e1.¿« .. m# t> e.«._ • _ *2- . _r „.w w, ww»w w, *«w w uw rvpreeentaiiva . i ----। ei •lOtmted to uea.lv mtffroni «y, town m dim.1 ccmeunietiftx with ibe eafeid, k w tamN* t.y eoftegmg fl,, gnyind 1 K.-.l^l. TVI.W .l»l, 4 *,>^,«1 'U "•w*r '""i* >v™:í7"v , «tale m lúe linion ^lú» grant vt iahde. in aid • t the citali-i-lnn-iil of punlic »< l;«m|«, te.r*- . - courage the ronattmtni* of railroad» dirougb our v'Rr.tty end the proper lim-Jatio* of tUir Franrel • pH’Wrre. »o that they may not opprvja the pewj k lien of the lam! grant» in tbe Territory end n>-¿ ilM»Xt **i< lll-aVS ÍÍ»|IV.'»inw, i, liwine ti-tie that iliextatá tf il.ug»jn*ltee ; l-y y i-»trid»y V ' the i-rfy of the RepnUiia... nf New Menirw un. B*nhf‘r w *et.t0wn puMi-b'.-.l l’-'d. ami en tuition of ¡L (>. R tgere AV*. • lyMij.K K S¿.ñgmty i.t K’irsbed.town, Cel- *‘----------------------------------------------------------------- " ‘ .....................' fax couM*." Th* .1 ryiA ¡1 a twénty^í¿!,t enfumn week?) - - ..... and thia nluiibt-r ie reatír .ptinte.! and fjll nfjn- fauHtml rlinecn eecrrtajry, trrriiirg jfiiattyr. We welcome the .1.#w to < .................... tl«e f< !.| .-jf X*w.Mexio^*t.pM>rnali*fn. . With -In* iidT- rene, «0 the intelhg-nc» ,«4’ tri»* d*m rf rhe pvtv tn pmut Out whiteerfm» tn *4* Itt’Li'g fi-atyrca , and »rrpirme in the frith éapr w.4 wd! efti,* pirty wUthry ilac--c«-/J* r.t 11 o*i* pi-’»■?•»*! vli-wa <,r r-: V( e t*. t:< then that it i« c.t j ti; •mo ii portiin.. tút th.- !{- pul . varían» -ojmí.» w.wMtuee U «Ripery region of *U* Íia‘» t-pla^nd t};e- emitir,-. ^*r* •►«•»».«»* «*<«« ««r. aml r*«m.te>, of ,b, 3iM peeaiM «.£(,. éi^nmy^.^^wí^ .byre^noth^'^; yf <** V^WTf'r in.li.nnKa fa¡ ' ' ’ v >*tT.*??h*f.M-i:'i«i*yioi^»;fli»( -wja ’■ . Í-?whf;' <¿-;XÚÍji .cotiMrV • W :«w>iti».tie.:t.>.1-í*iw"^íh'rb..'-íb1 .daiw*,;6ÍPjÍRy^¿^ SS$tS;l$S£Slto#eW Í9É^^-A¡MiáSwé¡$K?8 - '<*»» Facile,Raú^Md.Lili..-. TMt all bowar' »'£» io tbatdw-if -S" ‘!7 7* ‘ktocw'ef tu CmteFsiiii Íby'*¿í« kAttarlróeut ie.aaiua.pc Xotlcr H Icff.bjF RI«th t* (be t?t-f. n.:*#t 3» !: *. .*‘**\ ,tMH *t*e .Wd*Ui:»tiir 6,.;.», Ilruibnrr. han c«m:n.ei:w|-run ag-.siiri Le Mlw hmtrt. t <'nnrt fr,r the, • uuntt or *^u 1 - . ; •! »rrrit.>ry *f* w Mcx>.o. f.v *UM«knr#t rr «.. r ú wi v-' will i* Bern lh«( a Lnndojn diapahb.- dwtnd' dri.»e»> by pUitintf to .trfr-ndant of arm _ «--»•. w.» rocíe,.! h,,,/by th, !^'-**^l»*»Uwir,a|, F»,lt Wu^hVx.- ■ Moxie»», ftuid'wllackwwiil h r» t#roa**it ♦•> -' Court. t-V _ *..“ --•>- -<‘Múeinbar-l-ret? ‘t* lfcw4 Mowluy »rjuh. 1. I» !»• anti that bl- property ba. Ih-,b »ue«|ir.t, ,-that utile»» he appear at the «aid next t lake hie place." x" ' "' * ty Un*. Jor* |L «*'*t> **lrr b r ca.f. m t-.-' Mwren tu k.*,a ,,r utAirJoib .......... ! Mt* ,M$ dr*,^ .¿L,»?L‘±r-k '■■" <* *'2 • W m tWK.a* iTa»^ L . «_ 1 i ... - . . • fit’.-», nt i.r.t li- Berlin. April 2- ■ri kriilieii -e«. |- »< 1rn.\ ,> "»• -< . . -.--‘Vi twrhr aT-ei i;" J? *!*: '; r«'*u*H nti.l nf*cre* f. . “ •' Vtoaaaáine «>i#n ni,ow te- the »«UJ i. jTo-ee»at ■ .**• **”’ - ' Seidm.jt,4»e tuarurtrn *|». with.the «,4»-. , . .. . . ■’.hu),■«,• • amir i.tjbrnr j» # great dlterwltr of 2r'LT’e Trretvty, i«. --------- Tba rrvrpi tall of eh»w barbeó* ¿¿mot* * 1w*ta ^P»^» * ctrilUtoe at tío tirttígú '• Í^^&V*** *' '•« F»ftotoP«*tbe>t:d> rprrpirat*ri tn pinging, a** «»* j X**‘)*t*ii - ? »t_ *. -.« — - .» ?: ■-?*•} i‘»rU fr*rtng a* •itaefc. . There weft tie» Ihot-' «T'***?. .-. •' 'RT MíeW »Him A- MyuwtarH tt.d |SKm“*--------------------- ‘ ‘ e> ■•*■•**• -- -'■ . TboMmw atelwt that -•*»1 ^l wtH5 ee*»*?* »*^Ned welt* Tenftari- -ie . .. ^*-pi^r ie Trunk ®4^V^ v. to - i ^; «uK**r^wio - j^r* -JWMdbT cti&eia < w^iepdby^-pntfoíqf-tii .gratiindn tw wsamteaeMtegttft, p*l» 0VV* SgSL Í*-lW.Wi!Wf tí te ?. te gmatewterpeiee. 'j V-. Hcrwun l-frijki jeer* ** Ne^y*e:i*«k,fopt>e ..‘SS.V.VW'^ iN|i?/*i.iL*'."íiii’jiiij.ia "'''iÍ! ií'.i HipJ,'i!i» '. ' Jvl. J- !^^V'®ÍT,b'‘I^T'"í ■ ■ .; : - <*" A Hr. C^eÑi frpt* lácete,; to**teri& w*114 fc^^*.'»**f*,«illy-1*i>ed.-erf *' 1* plw;- Tbe jtó? r^' *-«.** * ■',e* •** * re epwe; e eir- .¿^14^.: l.u- ..ik.