«i **** mu ou i!, je u*gN *mw*ww**w i— WJAW ww*gi *v »v jti.lXPKRFlKLP 4 TUCliEU» e*^ut SM, Wew Welle». orne® is joaneoica blo'«* ear* Wi**». eee# »«hew|W«et taerttiea i*# I ATA *l •*« ta ws wl t® itoapM* «wnewNi* I» l# । en,nl ü»m t.t Uk.« type. Ai) *«f»m>wreiMi..u «harpta 6» *• *!•** «Meee t ««Merwiw amwgee. . | pweatew atowiDWg tal» |*M b# * *H IMawre. C l> l^rwte «.Vv*. 1*1-*»* V •r*e*'N** *• ***?,!• ■ » w ********* tin RANTA FE. NEW MEXICO. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1871. &t, «r tortee.#*# u ►reme*» envete Weimar. wílbe *H****wte e •**"*<* ¿Lf*m*1*4 18 ‘iwwwh ww»rwiM n«M te rOcl *»y «art *nxM er edverWMWiei VOL ». rnecw tvwarb-av^i T**tt v. nr*» te 1 —Th» enrtitie «*)» of tanHbtid gi»ti* **d j »M.»toe^c. i-v.u.«4ieh.* •' ■ Tlite tflngrepli ftNUiowniM's |1>« ilftithrfi ibl*h j * , ft. ___ I ¡gi-m'e ti I he tragic d.etl. *1 ||<«, t'Miurnl L pjr flew K, Lewfo. lb* lw«***ly *p-_ । \ allattdigtam of (>hi«. Mr X »1l«nd yh»»’ !>•» , peiMed judge ti «*» Third Jvd>-«al Uertrlrt, i* leag b«**-n pr<*»inenl in A-ni ncee |wliu>i .hd- we ItarOb. a citiirc vi XX aahingl^ri couni^ low*, ring ita war b« rrndnrvii h ».».U peii». ntadr wta«* be mt end« «w'j high tawh ■» a rit»*n **d' . ft lawyer. Ai toe •aeenHM-i-g ti GW (iiaet'a *d-•*d I n^,lwt*w$l(>* ta w»a etroaglp eigwd ^ar xbief! ; jaaiitw of ton aad wtae Jndg* Fa- | , ta* w*« t»ol pcwl»»*, J edge I»wia j i •«* ay.pr.tt, |ed aane*iat« juwin'» ti *b* *eprvm® ; । vuutl «I l4 part>ro ler-ly lta>»r of tkr t|tird di»-trwt ar* to H cwogretelatfd wpot» Lis eppcmt-¡ »wt the! tlirr- n but cree cbiirg to fear iw । nnritk-n wiih tta «nelier, edd «bit » (bal ta m» i net mi ato w»d> t’« «r taTraw a fximanent | te»iitect ti Iría dialm i. ■ con»pr.v«ue by hit rjwft b>vhlry lo tta t’«M>n T. F- CUXWAY, i attorney AT LAW.! i s»»c, »n<1 tai» txil-l del'.tt.' <»!'• n ib» |'*rlv wbi.'h pr®wret«>.| >1 e«tl>ot «t thr feeiww rtte’im-hi *.)< pud by t|i* lie waa ti smv RAJCT1 FE. SEW MEXICO. **» teelatwa te *• ,,w bl* proft'** ' 0 rf ^¿<¿.1 toll- toll rvocirv pnwnpt *«8 tiñe, nttop live -roltotogt «»t e-pe* laRr # > 1 y KIKHY BENLWT, (LataVliNf ****♦.) Attorney sná OeonsBlIdi* st Law, SANTA F*, NEW MILICO. X- [t }rl..rtn lie li»« rv.Mit h br*n pv licnlerly i-nn»pfrti* anlli»r «>t tl>« t'rw morrtnonl )»*» perly, tmio-.t llm •*N«w u.rr6i J *. ihr euihor t« epemw* i>T ihr epn>»wh*l rvm*> 1 ei-!v reeohrtioha e.lnplitHl el ü»<- < *t i ■ •*• n <• i.-lif .-i.m rntivQ XTHI **rtW I» *” «"«■ fW»<* <*r ’*• Tvtfttocr. *A< «Ltttonaaml tw.it vp*.»i d*!*,*. •»< ‘W’“ ' Mundi»»» ycvn-M^r.»! berin** eeueawd w bi. rare. _ * »* _ ~ THOMAS B. CATRON, Attorney at Iaiw, SANTA FR. KEW MKXKXl. tbr rí"'i»iH>r,“ etid «n.l.ynng all rrrvM imfi tmenta To tin- n el ton»? ion, til alio# •»arl#_ eed ri>«-n n# «mito wi.L ibo fü.*».)* OÍ ibv •)»»4 m ti w»j ad.» »»>4 i»t.l.l<»it w.ib ti» íatH.ly L X'»llxm$ij¡"haro wat * i*f*n NO. 82 **A* wvemge of <0 etAolere » Mpwrted by the advantnsneri t.f th» at-beti tuerud atiirag •*. a® taerbrri ®t lW etbed, •# bab-g th» »e»bor ¡» f that rt trill twoome » hnght t»gh!.. eod eaaiM'.pl» ' *NedWrt*. taing wade <*p ef ititetiaa fro* thia j of eeeetetieie. to every cewWwiiEy lbrr»ejb«»l la Br. ijyvMbewe»*» * Mw***et • There to *" «ml! jee*»era »< ln»M le Ubeae • $,a.rp ewwte-nww tie Itvatjf hrirreitwBJrg. Va. । torr},. at <1, inreWn Dr. Lteteiire*** wenw to bare Um k»»i <$«Mit)Uw» til • tfurtoer. Beyond a d»!I an-) i>wr*i*« Ciwtltode •*< e eei'tale ►iTvagtb o< perri»UM»ry. tbere le eoeht»|t U> reive «>tw above^i»w, r**»moe torn. H» , «w< frew. e*,r ®w| t,tx "wag. .. . k . _ etui t ■» fcwowirdge ewi the •»»■ M* h« peewrWM* Done He ■ t.rh ea you Fred 1 rr gillint eotga that trit of geJteM «Mw4». Lit to^btoaw Wle ywe i»f foto f.rri» ami eighteweet*. Jfleegie barb, ete.w w le f-ri*#. atem ph raw hew he eteod Dbcw te f*-« with Mt|g« irtbee bent oe bU*e-lr»<.U...e, a«M.1 tenw he w be begged eee rteeliij «*W le ... ■> Jtie. ilrreni ptefan» t|* raete** Wtaw fv: twü.rre Mm, end bte cew*g* tatee *1* Litingstoee rwtelM bow a u»w i T ra t r -,-n d l¿Co*ef fbet», wteefgt eaWeieroe r litaran ten. tarto* watieea we^wrl I» {th* it re'^ioe,, lAvlegatee» twaiMW 1ÍW Mito®* । «.» br ivurd’ Mm, bfr teggta|f'id* w*y ! Where wv eJjJto min Lea clef wlebedI»go. the Terriuey * airort (mh-mm) will «lap»» be-tw»,**»»! vil! «tte*; ewi ft * »» V» hmpeil i> et tec-. »«aed.in, an it 4rri»<- » tarafit fram Ibe ribati. ; wewM tab* ■ Lttte more Intoraat la the mellar, «Bet w* caehi" »«nn l*e¡ld- wp • erhool tare that I weeM te tta pndr of ite woigbtavrlte>d, ehd I baraaae • wholaanme HteoliiBt te like enter • prteüt of the Lir-l fbi-oagbowt {¡ta Territory ; *11 1 it eepalr*» I» m«iuu«a, ronrart of aed 1 a bill* perm- • * wi ll •» eappert. ‘•The teibito* f.v rae^iinig tta eilianl, »re ae good »• enol-! Iv had etiywlure in the Territory. Tin- vtaml beJdmg being immediately oa tbc State» reed tro* Careo# 16 Sent» Fe, I and hi tbn ene»*t friend» ¡ eí tibe rpe¡ CWt*Il Tint Lbwixb Ksteoaie» ■ Svntti there *■» *tt»iiiied • number, wbw-L rebutir g iLeir board lead iwtioa, el the regular rai. », tCH ual to the" *«m of «sty (Cti) dotiera per ihsr.to, Mur* wtawl» of ihi* aww* «act. ere needed s« orrr the .cobtiij, *ad it ite people .looitoJ te their eWDAraw tutareal, e^try raae-Bioehy w.'okt «Batv en cC»rt, to cstablrah avkeola . in their iKidat, lor th# aaft* and eeewity of’pr»-peity, in eay coeatry. flepaaift ia a great tunta ute cjxws the i**ella, Í» WiB tta* bit Ettedfd»lta t-gtail degtve tiatwlel ceiyoytaeat, both io t*$a world, aad o- tta wo«id to owe®, **d ttarefere, in M» fer B6 we n-faae to' teed ear *14^. to the c$qw of 6*iw«d ussvecrioa, W e*oureelr* it> apposition te it. wo do ewy t**Rg ft oer peWer to fl*-te» tta eftmwter of oer Mi#w teas,' .. to prevent item te* nitog ietta acete ti iwtri-ligienl*, *h) to scerpOM a Bertier te their pre*-e*.*pd future *?ppi*T«*. ft tie whole ear* of .eeciaty w*> ttateagMjF «B^jfttewM» «»S •** fted, awry wte » bow* woeM'ta Mi •** raHte, a»4 we eeoN l»y dew* to ft* i* fl* evtafag, ¡a pStftdt iwewrity ínw» d*ie>cr»dMurji. ti» pBMher •wi tta teidni^M depcnteior. By. tta •*•>-■ luhwtetefe.boda, MtlbyaKtartl •fltaaarooa, or «rtie¿fttite<«SWyaftAR-' §y. toft *«««" etartetiB, Bf wcosMigtag ,'t¿a dapnetaf# asi iurttaiftg *• ^ftw* **1-' taetwti-ci^’yK^rt.' By gramil wetrectiW W* teefcw ftrar pwibte, te pwify *■**• ÚW fttaMhte* ttao tta te***i aslieel tew wlarc* throegftat ita cup-half of7lí* .Üaited Stti*) •wlifto-day ft wrtbftwi'.ft.pwy ftrrit*y M ti* lítiteí' *ti M U* «ftUi **M it twaidtaateeg ft*, fted***. #** Ileerd ef Treetee. w^» belli., th» !*4i**mg b.mt - I Rj, e raH Iré* ib» R».. The* Heratto* « . wm<í*h| »f the TretewM vw» Iwd et ttw ««Imm* | beétew», e» ü* üwl 4ey <4 J**», m j ; be*g (ti* Muetel erwiee e*wt**g. tbe ei-l«*4 ''11. V*»* * vr • * .1 »**r« J T*»r I .bool ars nl«t*,wrn,i,... Liti.agatoee n*rtee bow a U ! ti » ¡I Write, th* Ue*. I.ITfreA«*rrtl ed 8a»- - ab *ol bim bel,pira» a» a cal atete* a *owe. ! ca F* ww aemwM-ed u Sti lb* pl** , ih* ewtáea Í was weeadeil by Mr Ct>$$wr, •»< wca cerrtad ead Ur liewnetl’s oewe Wei mroeaporainj «A ttar i. .luc cJ toe Swd »f Trustee» » ptaee of ! er*or F»te. [ Meiiee wm madr by Mr. Ctilirr ttet • rtrwng ', | appeal be mad» te Ite eeaaat toedwr*»» at t>«b-A*. t* Ml. aad M r*. Ii«rwood-' iwCMeod m leeetere * the wtteati a»d ar* eaaaiiewwaly adapta*, ,Oa*ati*t of 8.11* WelM 0» ewetieg a* jowraed. to r* |Jra»e*J i» *o»v th» O|p0tntcMKtl by «bo S«-rrrt»ry ef Wer, »f «ar p*p«Ur yo*"g fnend J. Iloede-'K» CL.vve, l.»g 1»«« •• • geeti *p-pelelowiEit, Mr. ib ¿he K^gluth and fb» ol ¡ertdkvttia! pc«»r. a»d enter ehraek freea bj>»nLh ia*¿u.agva, j !«-a»:n; a Linea» e*d good buMhraa kt»c.wl< dgt »•>«! batel a. The oppaiet-meal we*. w* te are, «wirole-iled a*d nnottpecled- i 4 for <4 iKiexieumetuled by a-. I while L« t*a^, ragar-ltd i Cti. Ciitvre iU» Ít-¡»u. .ic. 1 XVo eeretvte condemn Mr. V'e eowrta duriita the war—iba pf>Bci¡ '.v, be adltowted Wet* odi-oue to ei. be *•• »-»r political eermt, but death en lv»U »-i> i'<-» M«t h»-**et in peace en emwel vi Un e,>.«¡i»o«. Ilu» »ut»p#ken *ii- eily te- the "1 ’«.?*• ceueo ocfeOi'iiicj! t>i»»-»rrwi. ti til and b-Mi.ehm-.-n; l»»y<>nJ »L# .Uni Une wf ti» ¡«rofcation that ntay JÓAB ROUGHTOX, ATTORHEV AT LAW, new «Kxire. YtwM etitstfce w®. 1* dven 11 *U ba*.:ut«» in th# Uw ef ti» pn*rií«ie- EwivcW attention ton»; tii«aa»4a* a»i eciwe hieul «?Uta>* iwtb* ”™'* '"*■" 1 mrrw Oceetai m4 Ht^lttoe «4 itr? V. S. L*nd 004*. I »tf "• —_____S----72.— --------—■ S. Re ELKINS, ATTORKEY AT LAW, •*«?* «w,»«w »«««*- Wyljrwsk* le *U &e Ceert» of U"w •*< Rqui «y tatttelteeteKy. 1-'tk«te l‘itd*>y b»t. atti aoe>-inated- ddegatf* ^l» ÜM .terrier—J cwnveetiee wbu.h aerie" in ib*a r»ty yet Saterd-y, Jun«^é®6»on the ^oarcatioa, *• wo ene iufutianj, tree vwy wjeager. Cteloed FtSanriiro CVnrn pwrélriS arar the tuertftxg. OF Oú Friday lart the Itepe heiahnl th* tedlrtT-fifth year of ta« reign. The rwt war c-rlrbralt*) io Albo^wtxfitc T>t imposing réligteli» te rem eties, » grand prt«*e»i»n, etc. HF Tteo Aritoi n* lx-tnraa*d Or.- 8tra*.hej> at* detagetr* írt'Bi H •miGRa^roMnly to. the Ihcnecartiic Territorial C\»?¥eeiM>a. G XV. Grow, Set y el tta iftard ti Trwtei». te. iba nr Lehman S;n g* Uxiy. E*q¡«« in ctinphny with oer Mr. M*i>^>«l:*‘ld, relumed teat eto-nrag from a »b-vl «mil t>> J t'-ieiic«i*ate et.t oi.e 'Tltoy , «Lo rail, y ti ita Uto titaadii IwAing fttutte. and ita people erjoyu ¡( ell tta iwXurte» 6Í |ta e-r^x-taiA- »i t»y. Tiur weg^ifw waa very warn, but Ai-> •«»« to» taepiiable rveeptim ttar rxperi.need »t tbc tanda of our frirnt'üef lhe Rio A‘ -j '. Their e. LncwT 1^-rtoct.li art rrfe. LI’y dee to Poe A ton:» Lfiaia of Alauroda. M*lrj¿:«r IVemer. E <) . 11't.M Sptirg'T. E»<;...and L3. Branaf.w.l, Ijkj , cf Al'-u ;•»« r.pir, «k> «¡rated no «Corito meta tito A tail ol itair geeete a t-ooiL'rtaMc pci! ptearant *• rrifl» otinr» । b.atio» report the crop* i* I O*- Thf^grepo crep <4 ¿be ílio A Unjo w¡lv ¡ imecfwiec t bit yrar. ^>14 ck >ará.« tb»re ¡.«y t h' eeeer before .¿»w tbe x-ieiee eutedwi.-Rkb frtiit- in tbé teme range of a.cnht*i*e, Sirtya 'Ma4n-in CtUnteWij Dursego. sud Srodoa, Republic Mexk*. / „ • DP TYevetec» eouih »í»btRg w g*»4 •hould «top aldhe Railroad itou*» in AUgv*. d^*M.! iln tsilb, th» taedlorj. htteW» be* ti pkeee th* wwy weytan-r,- e*4 art» '* go*4*. table e r *s WtHwf i» New Mexico. "l >IH*M WK1*XK»*T’» tmJIT. JVXK See* «d* plata, V 8AHTA *tfc*e awl **w-g«we* <>eiMer*Ut< opporitioa at icili.awifcN ,M vf W ’><* ■ oeighWiL' w. : aar*toe*eá*»*A W '•*** «¡ba oetaMjIa jper* :. ***** il**g; Iwt I bedtaw# Nb^l |he ¡' ti*****^e . be QF Tta wwriee eritaiel ei La Je* te b te t DwnmJtowg eewtutee. es epprert by tta ettcMl report ef ir» ew»ditk>e ptahehrd i» be praBoueecd quicker bj eddlag twe ewce tetter» to lit Quk*. —*4ohn, did jew e atoepúou: "-Waatcd,. ty a .mp, í »$•-Batíoa tB'ñt éáttag' tawae. . H# b 'eped- to 'tbt-bteti***" ' .'' Atiple* . Xtw Twrfc ■> laA#} le' loaded-flew* writh ti*, w» < -«|T**hlpgte*-í»"e»er-,|^-.1¡riiÍtelHteC*í*lKe*art g^*#*Ab*wui adti-TdteMl*-’ ^-.. ■" -. wtaeL :-.We;bgy#«M:e*iflU* «wwlraoi. -bót tatUaw^^tiñ'Bater*.to;**—becauweBe refiewl NMe'Áb tetaítaNb' "v''. ' :.*tÁa Ad*w\*r l»é MertWteti (Cxeada) eaa*WteM:^*;»*y-"eopBlár «ata M tb* |¿fg» -eaMtM¿Á**-*w*.*P*B**e**Í ,**tWÁr* íMietto* ■**■ dw:Ne*N. ptece «T.W pk«* h* hwn, Mflég'M* N-jtawVjr- —The meeting of -the- ■****»■ <*•'■#*► ' .paper-presa I* Alxttee}*, to ftm a ww^ee*». ■ oegaahnttar. xstek*. ft wta r***ted to-'*** M ■ -M tartgtt*>c»y 8SMtey, he* taw pwqweft *NI| -, Pctotac». . _•« 1 -' . Ufly who .w*t taailwNir aejftasdcd the maa who too* U*" tteh**' ft ■ 6*e-tooch etemV-Htetrad of tec tt**» diftco#-". -eredtec wrtek* whew ti* fcail*p*r XiiM.». tec ata tewW »* c»*b ft. • V ■,-toftjr a ttaMfcr, tta fteople ef W*«e¿**r¿ ■ Moas.» Nw^taca. «hkwi. I» ite **'**«*• । ••■ ■. rcuara-btr theft Boa*»-'WN*:>•*** actocrai». Thy. Spy M ttalhtag* - taCCGCXyv.oro*M»tewtetetei - . / . ^Tte#*par*tki*„*r'.tiie'- »e»**ete;tetLM:i aew dtak' at. 8ayni*k •*#•**' • •; eaaflti '" acfcooccr imbedded, ft- the aelM —nflh.*♦**>*■ iw Net tráte* 'low -water- *«it:'• «*•.:«jta*' Beto* the.wtirftee*.-- ftte tea Km I*:!** hteatiheto" ' ' 7'^tetofl utaft''",CteBB.'« 'tbe itte# gte*ow .*M .M4> -.ftteaetii* tar ‘ 'giveatesar, tta..vwater. ft.-Wl* terft ktaM testera hi ■ tte .-*• :*•*#. -wy"' •.?--H-■ --• ^-7-íí Will, ate wa¿$ÁMeft. '«*ftft*e@8to' 'tew*w.. taeg^; r Troy, atiwwpted to «•*taft;'B*8ií.W'UI| :^l*Ha^:«i*^Uh í • —í«ge***#:-"toei^-;(wtííta •ta«^ ta*»**fly «teta :*„ WW W ’th* • eenll *#Udiw'¡*ÉeBM' ■ ■ b* tl* Mtil-' ja!* L?S?nSSSrif W:WW*»*b ^■/;tii3SewtSiií^ WWM*’’ 1. W;’.- A>;ÁsW-p¡t* ................. ^ftenwe -Air * M'itiÚémeBdMiMN*: g-ii- r=f«H!o-.i=»:«»ir.wtoto;-11..- Si3 ¿vmií^'BmíííBSé ■*Nft^jk*ta*^**|* y®