A ir 1 y i/ - < * I > * F Í .j. .. *m*y •w**^-*» **- *W**‘**'**<*- TQM AY ______________________ **3» ■ Vc *<*•«*» i a rt. in a THEATRE - w. .। *e*ii । eee *i 11 *« „ lwew. ________ *c*_ ■. b s $ Mi?7 *•*> :' _^\A ‘ *3 TODAY • •Nt W"1*l IQ II II — —\ ■ <***• The third part of the Emotional drama based on real facts, I < "■ ,. Warsaw 5 * far worse condition c^i I retort; C- T? •T* -COOnl Nov .Ti. : A 5*-. < §t I 6j. H a 64 Zv^2 ■ niovi w • uange •y, ^ys. ry Gilchrist, erican Polish eh has been iK•* <. e"| : Polish government more ycaer in an effort to wrip §a8™eteB"; * Í 1 •- J o. 1 I 'aland la i,n 1 typhus fe-in hqr his- ’olonel Har- sA 1 ■ t Of the Am- kpe.utioa •? with tl than out the -S\! ■ l ess out at once, .- ■ Douglas McDeah *• wee 1.1 Neti: Tuesday Wed ani ____ IN ____ .K* 4 - ■ t *í At- -•. ’^4-, =J» • A. • Doris May >1. HI r# ¿e ’* ■ W 2 X •J! i <1 ____ nrsday; ANITA STEWART “Huinan Desire” ■w. ______________________________________ *•'• *w*»w*. , - -*—*■*■ -**.^-**1 *r*b».«WWW *. «662'C.' 5 $ ■IHIWII ........._________________________ ^W'M. . i"Ww w. cr in ww t ?. aBSSSSKSESR¿.T ■ i M Mr ¥• IP Tí V7. T, a -1 1 =* V a* _____________________ DAY ________________ ye******** __________ »«*e*eiie ■« « ■w-w. ixeewe-.-» . - is RjJ #5 F- -w I w - -xTX ■ r> Qt W. v.t D„ xr xz |>A 4 ► .* *"**" ’—*SF**'•***-*•— —— -’■'**• *****•.• «.eMi--»ew » a# -e. ., -rr.^wr,^- •*.m b, i*,i e^ee., ..„• ____________ w , ■*irWhw, The Seasons Most Sensr.ticnal Scandal Stery. Thril ling U7ith néw and Novel Mj K.athercue MacDonald - c- 65Th e Noto rions stery. Mis r.’» .«# ti'J © Cc^iiMiU te?L HI i; B» An Absorbing Drama of Titled Ei;; li London’s Sensational Divorce Ci Drama that gives one so inethiny Also Jealousy Comedy Wit:i Admissi. n Qt •■• V\ c *» \ ¿r ■ ., >1 **. ,rr. (V? , a V X"j¿ / o *T k ___________ LjXfi,_____________ ______________________ ________________________ ♦ k- h O ÍÍ €? ?r- ••*si ■*pS7^ - > * * f • t'rs /r* /< » * VOL AT PRE-WAR PRICES LADIES HERE ARE THE PRICES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR ■ 1 1 * £*- 9 tr «... o gray high shoes 13.50 50 and 15.00 values, Now, .<1 / ■ D »**«- N o w, ¿5 X •? x~*.) i *v 3» SA1 - ■ ■ ,;:2 -S- . ó;> -■ 1 4 a ; E' t ♦IO *»* - / •X. N .# F IS «M I M*l - ..... ■ *i I I,* I», 1 ■ --------------- — - - fortlic^min suffer the » 0‘ ‘ 6 Q, rr 8> D- i. - X *•-* — ,_.x V proach ag w£ntx\ an ch all Europe will eb threatened with fever epidemic.” Increased dangeis' from the spread * 1 ■i terrible typhus ,1 V CiÑY- -7> - W" '¿tv - . ■ of typhus fever h i r e: is i,een brought a- » • vi . rXi L - ¿* ♦! *• •-'* Ly the Eolí$M Rucian tout Which has- destro.w-J all against the infected a t * £ensese L -R <188941 0 cd each other bt the disputed district Regarding as th C ; ’z war eastern de-regions push-- T T T - t A »T , XI cl V < .JfV'4 © .r :orth across the bolshevik activities in August which threatened War V saw fur Gays and tór effect upon the G dchrist Summarizinj tributad the renevvojj following ‘Complétet abandoi jáent of all ty- ' ' r enSíi * *" lypLus fever ituation. Col ; his report, at tT* 1 < * li * •dangers to the causes: the Doj.sh-. e worst typ?-cap-aii east- the barrí, rs ci ta -i^ed under gre at: di i ficul tíes ; capt ure a ud dert ruet Qi 1<>n much . rapherna and materials which had been distri •' ■ ; and i.: i\)i;7liont tlio districts i' - bohhvvik troops .......... many towns -shi01!t vie ('■ ns t reduction by a* Dew source • p’oces fixe from the t W.Tr ci c^tiihiitiaLÍuu to disease, infect- • ♦♦♦ / x ♦> 1 ♦I» ": X V *y' - :.xh t, ❖ <♦ < T X ' a!#*; h * (xiey-Bisck and Patent leather high shoes values. Now $.50, to. 9.0< iPacL and Brown high shoes, 6.50, 7.00 nd, 8.00 value, Now Black Eeor ze and white high shoes 10.00 to 1'000 values ihg f'etin homes Soldiers.” Poland realizos th Of the- armies *>£| Í-K&iid ;»nd in- V V : LX cr of recently the Tíoul occuí: Í* . f - rOtuTnAg I by bolsh ... •> i II i;io us lies s of 11 JK fl D fl JS rlninne h a war v ' fi z " I1'• ■ ino-ilit to : - - tu v\ says the report, b '^nd x\ i th, GO but little. Iu closing- Coloaol “ v, uile there are ■• to O’.int of dam-u’e \x " v k armies in i h i'r recent advail t ‘ cr of new over all Puiand thousands and the to the deist ruction and otb into mHL'.vnri I? A on work can C- V-l."/‘ T ___ ____ > Y T M w .w-- ^*:»*>*>*>*>*:^ and liiiiited the." go.veriin: 9 9 Vx k- ■M| and Great fc aTcvf. I $ h e ^6*' ¿CCR i -w T w> t 4 “ TXT1 A M. OI V.-t -»* 7 tun ITT •6 VX 1 FT' f ro EUY'SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR THAT WILL SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS G;ih*hrist. if figures enumerate the actual b • - • d 7 ¿V *• \ says a vail- am A yRer I txerty r.e v.- (c tliirfc 30 IB 5* a c.f #2 ■ 1 /X rnues Diward Poland ht, most conserv-id •K* 15 PERCENT OFF ON WOMEN SPATS Friday: Chapter eleven ot Vanishit :r attraction “Through Eyes Of Me ______________________ 7T Wtturday: .Houd ■ the nia-ler criir.i . Sunday and Monday: J? • ________ _____ i < Pagfí r € irn Ct i d st. I ■ A'-7 <. > < rials, run Crop.- ■■-*■■■■ —■ -nee*. _____________________ _________________ ¿A) k< L v'hn an M I 1 « • ■ * 1 1 _________ h- ■ ■nwnn.— . COMING BRIDE THIRTEEN ^W* * *z «T5 r r F- • > / —•— . -y w*V*r ■*. ■f* i-íü -C-, X / L 8? ■» 4 * *>3,.2/ K- •.v.»-» ■-a < Xa ' V^¿»* x-_? zt1. $ ^dy’-hr 7i^ A) .-1 ;7i ' *7/^' ’• . • I predicted by typhus ¡carriers scattered di rea eh many iMBrw^twy eem X < i. I •T2 'IJXTr-IITT.V.'a-'- A# iigust > «M I i © tucnter Cd X T T Y Y Y t Y Y Y »V 72 '-3P17 : >***C3e?: i I I FT •• •-** ¿y r, ! -7 — — ^-— .X.¿ / Sí j V ' ■. p L2. > r> 1 i V: V 1W ■■ ir. R’ - WHY YOUR TROUSERS should be made l.y us to measure: the entire effect of a suit no matter vest there’s icier. lOG/Ji CEOti Ward draping give you appearance. d ti-oiisers and see the vast tailoring makes. TEAM CLEANERS, 1120 FARRAGUT 4 ’ ’ 11-fitting trousers spoil flTX Oi whether the coat and all right. your comfort to con- Walst too tight ?>< seat the i, ungraceful logs, fit Besides, 'h'Ae I f ¿1 it' MM - 2 & 6"4“6 same. Try or too pinching a av li- ft sorry us on your r : I i W' ■l,-* Mg *' • A X Sr < 5?5S t k <-v >■ V r ..» ‘ ■ V ■ i k * ■y re •¿-i • t ^kuxiis s? rcsn*« *»w CKW-WB. ‘*2:t •X.T OFUflr*re jj. z 2 f I i Reflects the Heat Dowk Where the Cdk! Is Tnwa?'d - , NSTEA0 of shooting the heat to the ceding, the Reznor Reflector Gas Heater reflects the beat I'* vat 2C evenly as the her hiaa^hg h A LL things I .OXered, the. 0]$<¡móLile Eight” affords i # motor c. e. - consiy." I ! 53 A car o f u 1 c t a .) c a T- «■* distinguished *j «« ... K-*ig«^-chíic:nf ■ economical—that .n brief describes the deperxTT ’-roomy 7-passeng->i 01 * y a masterpiece cf ' cngincc iny oper$yon 3 nd . >.3v^ere I» • , 9 t i me V. > . Í 8 — F< tri h t ! M H (1 r'l S T 3 1 ,1 1 I We have e an expert in char- N. :JL i ge of our battery depart- mobile Thorobred. ^Othf-r models are Pace ni a k e r 7-passenger Sedan. ' ) warming the room scientifically and due to is off kitchen 1 íü< OldsmroPe I 1 •A '¿«I ; I ?t is a cheerful hX-nt 2 ht tne service insures the ^p'^senijer and the ‘SeeinD. tin," the ill” range. A niiliion Reztvw f or youu S.CJc. •ji. - /**« L*« X *4. k Í 4 oressoi hicli t Lo burn is too Jow to 111 D Satisfactory / e< X. ■ill' W :• i • - ■ 1 •LX »> J cccry serv- ■ii * - BORDER GA'- ■Laredo, •4Air-/^ ** a” £ h ? '•*'< rSrw 3^* ‘.’4¿ z 3 ri k 1 V, L I g 2 \ I ? » COMPANY ISO ii ¡uro ¡ * bib ! R> ment. We also do ignition Work 1 e a:; 7^ .<» w 3 O IS I Distributors, 1 d o, ■ E:v71c:!i^ * Texas *T* * - *MV guaranteed V o?) s. - ■ s 1 i 1 '«*** ~ XX *. -•«» M..V I 'T*' I -T V*** c" < -»e xs I 4» ■ 8 yf.s 4 ejc, -v<-l**** .-.'.KS -'I i! 8 hr I Irt x •/ * -* it»., f^aCT^tjx^vTecr!^^ Bi • w **^*s?'. 'A v". _._™waw e ,k > ‘ •"’ " V' i •'; Representing jS pañíes in America i.r !LÍ3*< 5SS 113 [" »; Will be • ? s pleased to serve you < < ! BtrbTgeüt l ii-T. arid Tire Com- .* • s^Nrií w • 1 F. M. HA^ e< . • Éx: pí»-t //-I k" *, j' A Y Phone 82 IROAT. I Insurant? Agent ORE Tí wM 6d V-vi - -» ^T.t»Z<-CaBBX,^=Me.-1eew_oe:y "tá I -1. * X,' . . ¿p¿8 If k j ?< Hip -■ ^,'^M -Z to; L •- w J 11 VlT* m ****** t. "^2^3 I ft ! _tev *.X-\7 *-if < I M ; leEy C*4K * r'Di >>>'* .** »* 5,¿r* -• »- ** •ee>Nig;v?gS|C;-r t- - ,*sea> ’Sy**' '^*xp V-