■¿ ■ '• X \ : j¡ .”^•1 • $ Wto. •it A h' ? - < ' <¥ í 1 .<»5. ?X^ :.-C. 4 ¿ i¿ '"-i. t . t. <;• -í" &: ■■ £♦ íj-'i KW ■’?;í ^d-^v TK IR SI iá DIE NEW MEXICAN RAXfA Ff. TVKStHt".MlV f<¡nj* •di»i i if ••l>»nlit>g inttuuii.-h in : New Meen-c. «« take pteeter* in egein i-ellb-g fl1*!» । aittnit(>n |t1 t|,e fo.t thM » Nat“*n»l Henk U»« *» , (l»tt t**«i jprtmenenlh Idi-elr^l in eur «it*, with ". s ■ • peí J up i*epy « eb.tl.deM that । nt uni ii^jir of w«r an. fwh furnwhed lliu In-dune ni Ceniw Apailir, and that thuee lidien» regar J* thrmlelvre at pen* with the cd.rrne nd aiclt I ***»f »onnnati*vl>««t. MiAfar* de .tauM that our peapie wdl evail 6tom»»ltr» of ibeprivilege» t.f'hdrtn, Mnv 1*. | XVflahlnglnh, May. I*. , A .V-P'1*'1' fl'"**' It Wilt -last Vieiting |teye, ¡ Siaait;-Wilson replug t**behdlvr. and vlitii »us a si-irmy i!.«, un-i.-n in u.r benu.iti said; Hi kt lhe Renat or rfrin khvHgan waa, iu-,li. i:h*iiuli ht-ilM.i on t-.« fight of lira hi iM-rshi,' Ida pereohsl kiewledge blWhulf one Io give to luqtii/* fnt.i rke eruoii ut the goiefitiaent. -pt*aa repaiteta lhe "proceed Inga"of tbe atcrei Tti- liberal* wrb- vehement tn detnamilag tbla ■ aeaalvn of the Mroir hltot nearly Ml BeaaU»i* riiilii. .This I» the Am ennfoct briweea the ' talked openly aboifr tbe proceedings tt exrto-lierwran iwrlliiimeet end lhe governmt-ni. »)r« eeeeton. ‘ , bluer ibe fichharaib »>*i in eesstol the '.' । eoethsin mamtwra ere riirredlngly sujiplrlnua. ? en»t »)««>«li their ntinds ptalulyand with energy Tb«re tíoh, aild ihal ibyy have the earliest knowledge »< til 0Utr»|(v» upen srtifars or trails or freight- A. Otero, Jam<» I. JiAifeon, t-rehk A. Man- I •Meare», Tbotpas H Curen, \V. W Gmlbi 1 John Pratt, tod S 11- Wbeelwk Al a rob? n VI be no WhtunnUile holidaye. -----------------■•» sm — H offers, and roninboie be ttoir patronage lo i ¿ Veveatilea. M«r )#. _____ -I u"t Bl«h» * largo body at Insurgent* ad- venced from ibctc Works I» front Of Newer works th front of tbe rampeffo *l Faria,"and attempted to surpriao th» government force* They .win. promplly met by troepe- who h»"»wpp*ri end enrouregsmeht. A» we tose sitie»), ib« tofdi toea rapifal' actually paid mead eccvutv i*e»»itrd. of 11. w>t wmrb kR»9U«l in L\ H. boinle e| wkh tbe Treasurer ef tto Vniito States el'./ . ___________________ ______, _ Ik'nshington to mrore Ito «Wee wbn-h it iwues; 1 Were frilly aware of tbete approach, and after and Itos* toads are Needdy iheraeeing in value • alrarp struggle routed by a. bayonet charge । man, ili-n >« commawl^t Camp Graiit. a -roptrd j I *» sihriiré riis profrSMoh» i¿» k.v. : *’“* •r* fo**1*.* w»rtk p**r t ai tif»i ap- The commune of Faris creaUs grval indigna-an? neserviiioti, mintery or ,1 lidian. A few_________.________. ». • ■ tl..u In-mlHierv «h-, !*■ i.ee* - .».t h*. Ptesuisnt, 8. fr Ml kins? *i<*e«Fr»»i<|ent. Jost L. Ferae; Cashier. W. W. Grill)*; AÍ«‘t Ctwhiev, Í> II-Wheelock. The bank te wow fully, ergnmsed under its I Xavier. A psriy of citiseni went m pet-suit. I overtook th» thieves on tbs Jit ex* rosd and al-.t, most i»" Camp Grant and simw ttot the trail hai toil followed in the Arie sipa C*fi*n. th* •liiactell of iheta eilitsry ••friendlies." The murder of fourteen eiiieens la Ran 1‘vdro vsifay, i* quilt cOrtsinly the w«rk of these ''tiwndto»,*1 and, so abnsdehl bed ite* »i idem?* become tba« iLey were guilty of mors «Irm-itiee under this •rautned peace arrangement iban ever befara. overtaking i he thuyra—-beth parties being well party of-#nkitown perecee Owpowcrrd ito Tnnidtd. Colored», reached there mate 3d fangal after .rktoe* wed extent eftto . K»*t*tr* Xcw RK'xice. We It-efn from GhyMMe who hai juet rrtor*-•d frahe a trip to aoatlyrn Ney, Mreira that at-coanti p( Indiieri murder» and robberiee in Greet «xinty Ind along the raetcrn line of Ariiooa redaliol» ere < f almost daily ocvurroará. ' Oti- •Jibongb but a fa* mites apart without dengrr of beirg *e*1»id and >M dew# by llwiewr Every era#! that goei into the Wfcatetoae. Fraeetoco,-.Burro er White Afuniitemten* ful Indién fighter i* the *eet w*e tilled ia the Whetetwie wieeltiae teat week aud Ua • meet deplerable eea- ritesy or’ihay wiU be cempalfadte abandon the couatry, "• 4 ; ... - . - * P*^y Ñ íadiaña and Mitiroaa Agro beep ront cali fram Caia* Alamo*,by Col. P»-fá 6> find Cacti* and ask him te one** te. e* una» ■ Cauadi'Aiaeoaa camp ptefaw t*' ¿«itt'e.thei he aed the band, now iafeeiing Naw Mrxieoaad Ariaone will.prapeyt-y; aftd.Col, Pype and Agint i*ip es! Ueeotvnd. That for the praseni ■ teo of eight toembwrs be aPPui6ied /’*■ al wee wUb tea. lar*suiwjut#. * *■ ib* «•• a# temr an itoy dt<,0 ., •ntbodty to teJte teathuoay wb tea fait maetlag to be held at a* tsri, M■ Mb-oommitem sb»!l aotifr tMe N *' • Mllteg te *mi( at which u», J**■ etuea abiti hat* vteitad ill seek uJ?e lhe BMlh M Ito coutntttoe grit repirt te be to • dtetortod temnu*7,l •tear localiliae m tea com*ittH aaroaeary. ■" **■ ' ReatovM. That tea ah»lfWia e| |U ■ and IIoum rommUteea ah*u t># *raif J1 that Mid tweetotmen be aui^J aiy ygroiey la eib-coueti-itus -J lowing were appelated a* th, Beaatoe town chalrmaa^ e«a*t1 rv fr «H ll 11 .u b r d I tU-u Inteifriiery olnlro htr», and írt*r»gsid»d ¡ as-* direct, insult lo U««i army. 11 tomín». May 18. A Tiaras e)»ste1 eay», ib# cwm inane reate vedlo form a ventral club uf women. The rúa Sways of the seeoad arrotoIseemeal were disarmed. A dt^rro teoew the hetoei of HL fame. h Is supposed ibsi the tirroiaee are ebovl •oadieg an glUmatuin io lhe eommnne. Thera si* heavy colanas of troops Mar Fawy where a itaiils is hourly ¿expected. The Bally Xewe eeys, ihere Is great agitation •ndilistrusi ofibe commune j arreara aro tw-coming geuersl. A Telcgrepb* epeclnl says lea theeroid Insurgente «titmpird Twcdday toeurprlpe Mailly,, bat wet* "driven back. It is reported -Unit tee VersiUllsU csrtfad Muni» gate, • ■ . . . Jt 1* estimated that at lean tve haidrei) per-sons wet* 41110kty the expteeten «f twehue-' tered enrtridgeat •• lw use nee amoatt e( itiffh-aoriwg projierty was deal rased. 7 " '”W* - Farie. May II. -•The romtottwe 0 **ty appeal* to the Nationals ip eMar* a trinmph, toecribliff the fanrftil nroglú oibrrwtee, A bier niterit «*' Neilly wa* rapnlrod. Motttuearu* Is bowbartiag Chateau Harón to. ányz Th» cowmiM hate* diratfed Itegeeii to’ make reprisals. CJesneat ato Branel have been hrmted. 1 prenste them, but when iln-y bs«s exptrienre.i i for a-yime lbs relief of toeing abte to depoiit their j fufc'ti in ■ secure piece where they will net be ¡ liable te suffer" loss from tobbety er otbeswi»», i they dtifroruihly avail Hramselvee of the privilege. The bank will receive deposit from all parties, awd guarantee atétenle misty of the *me while in its posse mí os ¡ it will iytue eerti-IÍ vetes of do petit or deposit books, et the option Of tb* depositor, .and abo bleak cheek books, without charge t>f any hind. I* ebon, it effort to the people of the lot ini Territory a secure place ef deposit for th can avail vbemeelm of this offer as •» tbs* living in the immediate neighboihood of tbs bank, for a. check against money d< poeitgd in Sente Fr will be. available and rurreut in all pane of the Ter- ..ritovy, , • e Simpe he rsorgattiisiim» a wash ago. ite.tfa-posits in'thu l»i.k have been la*ff*ly increased and by theliuw it is cabed upe» te publish it» next etteeawnt,' we N*r> ao 4o»hi ¡t .will make e report which will compare favorably with any new bank in the western countrr. • •■* .' --------,«*-*►♦.—:-------- \ - „ ... Fetiltrat. - The Rrpublican, Coertbtton ef Jaira will meei-JuRv 8let. OT course-whoever ai* nami-hated it ibe Voavhhtlei Will be .the near oUi-eerw; at tlie Rrpubücsn aewueation it atura election in lUt state.. - Al ex‘re session of the Iowa Legislature to, been called to settle tU finfimsbed bo,m»n _ The campaign in Ohio tl* eomlhg fell will be' every exMled ope. B.otb parties will noei nste strong tnen an J put forth. every effort to carry tbs stale. ’ • f The Maine Democratic Stat* Uonvrntian will mert at Aaguata. June 27. Char fas XV. Rab'srú will to the .nominee for Governor. n i* rostered that tbe flsn. Richard Yates will be heard from as 'a candidate in th* sp-' proachi«.g ronteai for the Rapubfu-ae noiulna'-lion for Congrwssmen at large iWlilinoit.", -Jt.it *ij that the ladifna Republicans will prernnt four candidates. for XS* Fraaidem. naaiety. Godfava S. Orth and Grorge XV. Jniian, who wero isivtntora at til; XLlraCea-greta. Geo. Lewi»1 XValfac* and tie*. Coarad ^*k,r- ' , ,Tbt Rrpebliróa* tova elected their men kips I ticket in Stockfen Cal. !• with -tie NteM*i*.». ; thia methed Jef ,''*tüihg|iij» dhynte. ■- ‘--7.; 7 . ; 7.*."®^ ,^w:Firi^-:Naiieito Bhnlr hat meved •*■ "«toe tortkof««'.forimer )****.' ead - aiww ropiea-titey teritiiSjl". iiéi<^to7Ái F|<»te¿íbb '■tsiHefyi'?..y"7'. • T'-;-." l^adoa, May l#~S a. *. ,‘A Timen ípreial "frota Feria eaye elx huti-Mflrd perecee wtrv killed by the eipluwie» near Avenue de Tratadora last eight ¡ enoet of dram Were woMHrie. - The Spaiil-b lote hu Wee IntrodWeed. Il to Mid that ToAejr fia» Uaewfi 3é,ow,0 of freeh coneote.fr • - / *" • Washington, May 15. The .trial of tins second bigamy caws of lio».. C. C. Itowen^eqptwteát of Mr; 1-fafcargv Jora "seal I* the "present (Nugros* fruto SuutU Ciro-Ite fa xet !<>r Tuesday at-xl, - 4 bill ha* been fofrydaced In thehetme.'or *faffstes of the Tertilpry to Columbia to gx-leed to Icmaie* the right to vofc awl told price. • , . TsitL te 1U aurora, W tbs effávi'to gel' Cacti* ■ ¿MeÍ*’ ‘«Nbir tbn mstfitr m. ite*«U|ti,rabIe>rúi wa arógísd u, tiara Ih^t thepnthór^ra ¿ave Übri<|ad■ to rotef-1 “•tí? ^‘‘Ne-wer.«Í*i»*¿tl*.M múnlerteit OÑ-' is iffflrt ot........................... _ Altelndijia-dcpaxi^wtvfar #e¿* apto 5• ítoy^h í *te ia rorottia effeyt —‘ VU ^8* W Ib* aatheriti* at Wisfc- erronal''' »<- «towe PfffiÍB'sVibetoW" <«*•; Afiitoa¿,-n¡* folUwing y:Wte^W -.di" .■T;’í • —r.:—«. tC: . .. ..-.I. -------------------- - .■ :ís । ■ •'"■ Chicago, May t¿ A WMdilngtol: Tribeña eprciil tayá, te te eteti-d.cn th* te-u authority Ibalthe oppoaettia , of ib* treaty eaSnol^poeeibly mujurr moro than adcNteí ttóisa, agnÍMllk.'- ^t-rrnl dtMo¿rnti wboee eonroe hwa bératotoro been cwaí*rvd doubttol are bel wt.ttown ae roriaU w vote tor IL. The vote K on tte laal rótUeatioa as berotefpro elated win be taken t^itiirrow or Twtádajr it ike ftirtheej* J The dtocauloH of thy trcaty wlite«» commit, .tea. of the whater^ba» -.beep ot‘< ge'peral «han-' actor, and «alMd ‘mwm- to «tmbein pt the tbreigo refaUoM rogim»** »N fiemwwht^ lyumbelL Other Sefiatnrn Uvr Mt panic). MMrexihMt IpUmdebate. Tib* Mjec, , UoM oftred havn beee aseeUy - ip . anklea ro./ *Ung tg the ctaiaaa and ihg lahari*. . ■-N-r^C1,^^"tNirM^"M'tSe5Ba' »miy waa, * ®»gn»cefiil compro»toe bou w) .üS ■¡titeptilMteraete end bobon beiMeítin» Ml,with.-M roapeMa •ihí'ító¿¿¿nii- tidd.^awpapy:eato?ará^'-'ÑM;-^ cotormed. TMaíte for wnUBff mUltery diÉthteriiti^ wíkFtd** * *aw Miwwiii eto^Mrti* :roteie' ■ ÍMI® Nriti dyito^ Ñ*po^ tetíe threete j-Í"-?' iik varia ef toe ¿t^f i ** «*ew* .ytotmf-rtoH^rwWw7.WM TwMtetM wbera toero wmi, praeiiiiiitohto.ro.i ? ■ - ■ N. Ga*ben,* member to ,|to gw****'< P*NM toMy Jtimd tee; tteM-tewrowbe an •roadie nd to**N*ei.| "totoM:ttor jto'to tor to to epiely tortora-agtoe* tbi wwtoeto, itoy will ilto roeiltorahto tmhteM tto> m« wed armed aad togtototov- / Í - Tto totebMieto.^to<»Mtoto»''lk::A.Mtoto'' ■whd.Mi* .itoMt ,M^M<.totoe¡íto*.*w-. poeten, totee roeew ora wk to werttoto to tiíeytwmtobte|i. we**eeitoeíer::tó - y Nr** *íto?NRÍM*^N: lín.iM»>| bavaaaaewed (ear-jmwero. The" c«*r«.m| wlU teka the atomefa* thereby tw »tup I arome» troape ftmm^pproarhiúg. J r Wwblngtos, Mit if I The BeMie to-day Mwlrwed tee W«»4<| ^HsiMtioee: Ix-aawater Wllianf Wane 4 Alabama torOévMMc et New M.xiw; te C- B. Beyetoe et ihte ciiy ncertier gsetixi-tee toad eMet Sdwle fc. 8taB.|o»,.seaarte: teta-ldwla M. luaje*. Sm reUry er Ctiemble; M. H. NUroy. wamtotf. Wyeeteff Itoyiiery; David te Netorefliienm rowwe lib álatrfcietia wgBHi tod Cae. Fraaa Sig* geBeetoríRhX* Jeto diattkl» . . ■ • * ' 1 .: IjwlW.ileVlL ,. DiW** frw r.mmw^aay ihmNt*' *H* »»erlleg NMwM Wt^ted ^ * -iWerNfM: VaiHiw Mira epeaH N • . * vtefaat raMiiiii WM keyt ap Seisriv* I I*|iéto|e torot;- 1 «teto» ec the .TuMNe-lroetoJMr *4 *t*tov"wiN"rotoiN*..;:- * ■ i - * tyrólpvefeeedle-tto .ee*mnielaroti'1 eTberti lira, ato toeatoiíÜwV 1 JtotoetoetotitiroMr bekaccerdlae to.crow*. I :*to^ IvWytoMtoNBbtórorol^'; ? ■■ 1>* •■nil Ñ MwieertroNitery cía# to.. Rr Ñro *M**g< iitoéO«;W«fepO j= V =. ■■k”44{ fi? i‘ *17^?7i"*Te,Kaa*1 í:V7;-A^' NxWN^^tN-wejiw^...- eaA 'twie'S teen* n** n&SLggS to¿a¡S!2BL^te^ pH - £?h-^2JS*SS*ffi9*w SS@SSBSiS2í5!fil8^ u-it ■- - -¿Sy'■' i WkS ¡gjí: ** Ww BjSSSSSSS - a íR'iSCi '^eí^gSie^Siei 5*17 8B8 ■¿a^teusáilW^tM IgiSEEtiiiiSBi® *TGnfc2»eS$ l#tiS|lSÍ6ie::*ie.í? M we^MS m eroráM : ■* 1 igtep .1 ». w* ¿«di