pago 2__________________THE MEXICAN VOICE Sept-Oct. 1939 FROM- MY VIEWPOINT (Continued from page- 1) maybe throe timos as much oduca-tl.on as thomsolvos. So many of us grumble cbout the fact that v/e are not allowed or given tho chanco to got good positions. That all tho good positions are given to an American because he’s whlto. Maybo that’s true but to a certain point It is not. The real reason they got good oositlons Is not because they aro whlto and Am.rlcans but because thoy have one vary Important thing their proper Education. Put your-s j IvTsi n the po s 111 on "of an employer. Wouldn’t you take a person who had spent several years In cplJogo learning a care .r than one ’.mo had probably taken one or two yoars of it in senior high? Of course youTd tako the (*io further fitted for che fork. I’m not trying to sell you tho idea that you have to go to epilogo but I am trying to toll you to go as far, as it’s pos ’.iblo for you, in your schooling. So many of our Moxie an Youth hove never finished junior high and a greater portion never got through senior high. V/hy? I will t .11 you v.'hy. No ambition. Yes, I said no aiibition. Thoy’ro content 'd to 1. urn to r: ad, ■/rite, add and subtract. So that /hen it comes tim-.' to go co eith -r junior or sunior high, thoy think it’s all a waste of time. Whc.n they 50 out to look for work, of course th-.-y—enn’t g. t any kind of work except that which doesn’t n^ed brainwork but brawn. After sev ral yoars of this thoy begin to wish thoy could find a bott .-r job but alas to their dismay and grief thoy fiM out that v/ith their little schooling the only kind of work ttu.y could do is thi kind tinnt thoy’ro doing. Then they put up th ir ho’-l about Americans getting all .the good jobs and positions. "7h?r? if th?y co’ld only so that thos ■ ao call d favored Am rlcons hove ha 1 t /ice and Another thing I havo -to writ© about. Is about the Mexican girl or boy with talent. Talent. How many Mexicans do you know who have-some kind of tai rt yet never do anything about it because thoy claim, "what’s tho use." "What ’ s. tho uso," that phrase should bo taken out of the Mexican youth vocabulary. The oth r day a person askod if the Mexican people wore of any good but to got into trouble. I told him that 'chore wore Mexicans who could do as-much and maybo better than his people in their respectivo fields of endeavor. Ho then point d oat that as far as ho knew th^r-.' was no i.oxi-can ho re v/ivh any kind of to. lent. Keeping my so-called Latin temper down (with difficulty) I pointed out that wo v/cro never giv. n the chanco to prove our worth. Which I know as a lie bocaus? I know that anyone with talent, any kind of talent is always given the chanco. What has talent to do with Education, is what you’ro probably asking yourself? "/oil doesn’t it takq education to develop talent? Of course and as Education is whet I’m trying to bring .out, I think that - f v/o know of nyon .; ■•1 th'con sort of talent, wo should do our best to try and get him or h.rv-io continue. his or }i_r ..ducation or. that lino, bo it----art, music, v>r soroo commercial subject. I know, of a bb;; ;ho can draw, Y. '■ ; no • Rombr .nt hut. ha can draw. V/hen I tole'1 '’5j? -itw h.) did'nt cont5nii.?‘ or that .line. Do- ; oil knov; what ho told Lie? h= said ho didn’t have tho tim.'. Hi’ didn’t have time, m’. oye. I tried to got him to go to night school with me but ho would rather spend his nights whooping it up* with the boys,- but ho had n< (Continued on pago 3)