\ áanta.h'c VOL. 1. Bwcrat SANTA FE N. M.TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 1. 1882 NO. 172. CHURCH DIRKt.TOItY. Mmioixsr itrwcofAL atu* >• -Mi. Nr. llackarr SrrrWf KI* Helloed B,r. Hr ar. 1 I'the right, and title, thereto That is a phrase heard in the 'attaching. In Kent they stayed h.dlwa ’ of many a home as the bul 3 short time, and retorne I to man of the house is hurry, i Hanford, tryingtheir best to elude ■'-*)' to exc ange daily labor for capture. Hut, alas fur their love. ■Wr-kr- ■ daily bread i r the mart of the 'bey were caught -unday morning "L*^' commerce. Sometimes it is the 11 * house on the Philadelphia wife vho lay it. ometimes inf ini P,kc. near Hamway's store, ale. ut •xrv 'll spratt'c the care, ing words, Hour miles from Magnolia Station. - - a- . ,S ", . T1.. .......1.. .k — ff L ..1 _ I , "Jnivereity of ^ilfeld * coflp New Mexico. PRCSBVTKXIAX CtroXCTI—I........._r................. J. McGssUr. ArrriwvSsUv'i holding up a sweet flower face for Tl|e county sheriff had he .rd that " £."■ WrtwA. ' 'he k as that is it warm sunshine ,hey we,e 'here, and started oui —*— of life, and the strong man waits I bright and early in the morning ,a moment tn clasp his treasure i*'1'1 two wagon lodes of d puty •and is gene; alldiy lb- wonders sheriffs They sumaroded the V5P. //. 0. LADD. Ae.4, - ior. AUHexonuiiiAUses. bazar of Fashion ^SOXGXrOATIOXAL CHURCH KEV. , T-rt •"‘w' na>, anuisg.-ne; an a ly nc wonders nicy sun.amucu uici a*nj w is a. rrsr'. «hat a Mormon inend --- ■—*■*-*• «a n«.. i member thit the relation the flower,enumerated at hi. req .est the fol bears to the universe isasc .refully lowing anomalies that be knew of ! provided for as that of the bright-. hi recent poly gam. ui marriages. , est star; that tl e little action of a . -„i : loving I eart goes .'de by side > oung and vey pretty girl m Withdte .eed of heroic worth; “« «PP*r ten of Mormonnm. that love is the due of life; that ¡married a young nun of her-own . the parting for a day may be the class, but stipulated before mar-! t parting of a lifetime. riage thit he should marry a sec- I !°nd wi<«" 1 Asa Aw. s.« b~Us afford to do so. Against his will! I Fw Al 4 won., b-Aen . , , .. ■ . I Tkw swrow css M'w Nt ncri - *hc has now kept him to t Make the air vocal with kisses I promise. Many tears have been shed over ¡ ,\ young couple were engaged. unktaMlkisse^-overth"» *«o"d **• I •! BOOT* Moses told the young girt Of a hoydwwh young creature, eater-cottage for two and of all the;u'ecd * I^-'X =' geatlearen one, »» pke.suretbeywowid have togetherl,ñcn’“1"- w“ much char-when she became his wile. She F'n^,„b? ,be •“"^appearance of | believed his Hoey, ju t os all of If.— i— them do, and promised to go with hisn,Uke her where he would. So one day last week «be wen with him, and, pul tag up the sails, the lovers went happily down the river, thinking only of love and where their breakfast was coming from. Moeee Lochinvar anchored htaciuft about eight miles from the home of Mr. Whitton, but did your day's wo* with _ God" in your soul th ,t you KLOPIXU OX A YACHT. Marrin*». Oh.ee awd Csnlurr. Wm. M. lEBGEH. OX THE PLAZX. B ESTATE IN WHO MIMS EXOUNE Ttltn t« Km! F.iMte Swrch* iu Gres» Uiei.t Sl»