SEPTEMBER 3, 1978 EL UVALDE TIMES PAGE 7 At SWTJC Photo Tips by Raymond Flores I Does Your English Gran Respuesta De La Comunidad Para Renombrar el Parque Mexicano The availability of high speed films and cameras with fast lenses eliminates the need for a tripod for most scenes and gives y°u the capability for making candid shots in existing light. Need A Lift? El proyecto de renombrar el ParqueWest End, mas popularmente conocido como firmados con nombre y dirección para asegurar que solamente se entrege un voto mas popular y daremos igual oportunidad a todos. Esperamos qué coperacion de toda la If you have an adjustable camera or an automatic camera that has a sensitive exposure meter, either one with an f 2.8 or foster lens, your're all set for taking many existing light pictures with a hand-held camera. If your camera lens isnt't that fast, you can still explore the world of existing-light picture taking, but sometimes you’ll need your three legged friend, a tripod, so that you can take time exposures. If your camera doesn’t have an exposure meter, at separate meter which is sensitive to low light-levels will be a big help in determining the correct exposures. For greatest versatility in most existing-light situations, use a high-speed film, such as Kodak High Speed Ektachrome for color slides, or Kodak Tri-X Pan for black-and-white prints. All color or black-and-white films are designed for use with a specific type of light. To obtain the most from this films, expose the film under the lighting conditions recommended by the manufacturer. Send any questions you may have on photography to: PHOTO TIPS, % El Uvalde Times, 556 W. Main St., Uvalde, Texas 78801. EDITOR’S NOTE Raymond Flores is an expert photographer and owner of Flores Studio here in Uvalde. He has been in business for several y^ars and has a wide knowledge in the field of photography. On your way to San Antonio,eat at Ytuarte’s Restaurante (One block East of Sonic) Specializing in Mexican Food. Barbecue on Weekends Lupe & Edward Ytuarte * 'I Open 9:30-10 p.m. (Weekends to 12 a.m.) hwy. 90 — HONDO, TEXAS 426-8808 C & D Sales »|1 & Service Venta y Servicio De Toda Marca De Aspiradoras. Partes Para Todas Marcas Vendas, Bolsas, Cordones, Etc. Transparentes De Ventanas Hechas Al Gusto. Visítenos, Queromos Que Conosca Nuestro Servicio. VACUUM CLEANER SALES & SERVICE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AND OTHERS. We Make Custom Window Shades. 400 W. Nopal 278-4270 Maybe you’re not exactly a college coed anymore but after years of marriage and kids, you’d like to try college. But there’s just one problem. You haven’t written anything more than a grocery list for 15 years. Freshman English and the mechanics of writing may seem a little foregoding to the college newcomer who has been out of school for years or even to the 18 year old high school graduate who barely made it through senior English and spells college “c-o-l-l-e-d-g-e” The newly estabhsned writing laboratory at Southwest Texas Junior College is especially designed for students who do not have a mastery of the basics needed for writing. “It’s not just for the weakest students,” explained Dr. Joseph Kirkland, director of the writing lab. “Some of the students who come here have just been out of school for a while and want a grammar review until they feel in the swing of things again.” Dr. Kirkland cited the example of one Uvalde woman Who had started back to school after rearing ii family. “She just needed some refresher work and came in for three weeks for a total of 15 hours reviewing the work she had already learned in high school years before.” “The writing lab is completely individua- lized and success depends on the motivation of the individual student,” he said. “We provide a series of edu-culture mini - courses which cover everything fromspelling and vocabulary development through regular freshman composition.” For example, a student with a punctuation problem might be assigned the proper English mechanics module dealing with punctuation. A module consists of a cassette tape and booklet providing explanations, exercises and testing for the student. “It might take one hour and 20 minutes or three hors of work to complete a particular module,” Dr. Kirkland explained. “But the student is provided immediate feedback. He can correct mistakes, turn back or go as fast or as slowly as he needs to.” Students are usually referred to the laboratory by their English instructors and are then assigned specific work that is individualized to correct whatever writing problem thay have. Their participation is purely voluntary. Not every student has to have a writing problem, however Sometimes a student might use the lab as a means of “catching up” after he has missed class and the discussion of a particular aspect of writing. A cassette tape can substitute for the lecture he missed. Even the director’s work is purely voluntary. With a regular course load of five classes, Dr. Kirkland originated the idea of the writing lab and volunteered to direct the lab in addition to his teaching duties. With the help of student assistants, Dr. Kirkland keeps the lab open 10 hours a week and checks all . the work done by each student referred to the writing laboratory. “My interest in developing a program for students with writing problems started in 1975 when I chaired a program on basic writing in a two-year college at the annual National Council of el “Parque Mexicano ”, y que esta patrocinado por LULAC y la Legion Americana Puesto 479 ha despertado mucha participación de los ciudadanos, lo cual alegra mucho a los iniciadores del evento. Hasta el 1 de Septiembre, que fue el ultimo dia para sugerir nombres, se recibieron un total de trece nombres. Ahora los ciudadanos deberán escojer el que mas les guste y animar a sus amistades que hagan lo mismo. por persona. Los votos se pueden entregar a la oficina de El Uvalde Times o pueden votar durante las Fiestas del Diez y Seis . Al terminarse la votación se formara un grupo especial para contar los votos y se anunciara el lugar y la fecha para que toda persona que desee estar presente lo pueda hacer. Los votos deben ser por escrito y “Aunque LULAC y la Legion y El Uvalde Times están patrocinando este proyecto,” dijo Mike Esparza presidente de LULAC, “Nosotros dejaremos que los votantes esco-gan el nombre que sea gente y estoy seguro que el nombre que se eliga sera un orgullo para nosotros, ya que todos los nombres hasta, hoy entregados todos son muy bonitos Los nombres por los que pueden votar son: General Zaragosa Cinco De Mayo City Park Cinco De Mayo Memorial Park Raza De Bronze City . Park Parque De Los Heroes De La Patria Cont. Page 8 Manténgase Informado VL. Subscríbase Hoy Mismo a El Uvalde Times $12 por un ano NOMBRE ______________________ DIRECCION CIUDAD ______________________ Envido a : EL UVALDE TIMES 556 W. Main St. Uvalde, Tex 78801 THIS 'THE • Adults $2.25 Poss List Suspended PART pg •in?- A UNIVERSAL PiC ru.RE COLOR *- OTHER SIDE OF THE IFE % •Í. r- : " V N ".i 1 STARDUST] H*y 8? No 278 2h44 W'v-J- 5* Hl .i 227 No Getty 278-26. BIDE US-FOR THE TIME OF YOUR ■ Teachers of English convention in San Diego,” he said. “Since then I’ve been working with basic Enlgish. First I introduced English 130 into our curriculum. It’s a developemental writing class which is designed to assist students who know they are weak in English. The class prepares them to take the required English 131 which leads to an academic degree.” Realizing that the English 130 course was not reaching enough students, Dr. Kirkland suggested the idea of a writing laboratory as a means of providing more assistance to a of larger number students. Last spring 50 students used the laboratory for a total of 100 hours,” Dr, Kirkland said. “That’s pretty good for a purely voluntary program.” Master’s Degree Program Offered by Sul Ross Uvalde Study Center has employed Dr. Bill Damron. Basically the program consists of seven core courses plus electives. To earn the M. B. A., a student must normally complete the Sul Ross State University Uvalde Study Center will reactivate its program leading to a Master’s Degree in Business Administration here in Uvalde in the Fall. As part of this renewed effort, Sul Ross seven core courses plus five electives, unless he or she chooses to write a thesis. Persons interested in this program may obtain Meeting for Diez y Seis Queen Candidates The candidates for Queen of the Diez y Seis and their friends will meet at the American Legion Hall Post 479 this Sunday, SEptember 3 at 2 p.m. to prepare the decorations for their cars and the West End Park. Anyone wishing to assist is asked to come bv. Lets Letter... Rosales. Creame que no recibi su primera carta. Agradesco su opinion y le aconsejo a Usted lo mismo que a tqdas las demas personas que nos están ayudando a nombrar el parque, que reuna todas las personas que esten de acuerdo con su nombre seleccionado, ya que el nombre con mas votos sera el escogido. Muchisimas gracias, y esperamos nos siga escribiendo, porque de las personas mayores como Usted surgen muchas valiosas opiniones. make this the brightest and best celebration additional information Study Center at 278- by calling the Uvalde 3443. MOLDING * ALL TYPES MATTING N O N G L A R E G L A S S Mo-Jays PICTURE FRAMING Tienda y taller de marcos 510 E. Main 278-6328 CUSTOM DESIGNED FRAMES TO COMPLIMENT YOUR TREASURED POSSESSIONS Thank You! The First State Bank of Uvalde Softball Team would like to thank the late First State Bank of Uvalde, for having sponsored our team in the Uvalde Slowpitch League. Joe Ramirez J. Xavier Rios R E G U L A R G L A S S ***'*'Ar*'*'******'****x^r'*'A'*'*** WES COOKSEY MOTORS Specials! 1973 Pontiac Catalina 4 door sedan, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning ' ' $ 1974 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 2 door hardtop, bucket seats, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission. Good school car Í $2795? 1973 Pontiac Bonneville 2 door hardtop local car, w top-of-the-line, full power equipment, air * c°ndi,i°ni"9..........................*1695* 1972 Chevrolet Biscoyne 4 door V-8, automatic X transmission, air conditioning, local car.O Q R 1975 Chevrolet Vega 2 door hatchback, air X" X conditioning, 4 cylinder, 30 miles per gallon _ X sharp school car....... ■19951 1976 Ford Vi ton pickup small V-8, standard transmission, excellent condition, local truck $ J| ft Rp- * 713MainSt. 278-3366 **<******* X*************'*:: b