p 72? «... Sr * % a 4. 2. s i^k .'"' Heamsr tf/TwM - 5 3i' $.'8- V- W Wilis. :, ? s -• *» «■ a* * ■ ’©mwfawe Afore n *.,»»»* *'' '; MTWE B8d0fM4 fatvfe 4' ...., _ ■ill us ■ 'i •'" ' ” VSr '"' ■Í**-|i|>Mt'Ny ewWjeMfll ■(■ -'■* ww«! I. KjJiS». 6M •ft ' vX í V L' I M' jkir "■ |!^../-.,.¿-í^! :7'tik' f.1- J ■!■'•;, ,i,'",.:i.-..y.c :»¡í: WWdw, hLifaw .. totefat deferw tolwi'Momge He 'fe!few. ttfeohfa 'frote ^6'Motril N' njfe’MA Sink W tbe^Jtio ^hmdfT-jfefag ftMiVtotlto" frofa'Cfifaargú nod fiftfa»n from' Mfar***wflbfa 'faerchfew' imd QtbWfegbi^^ ‘wife» trade for e ur* Gdfe^eiiWf rw^llb» be Wwfki wm uwie mm M " ypfedily all *!!& utilt .ferou !*.W. afo: f < •■L4W-t •., ¿ cowgnsaewte' rameo W s?w-' *NOTIQE’if' i"'1'-’ ffflRE eatepdfera, fir tfe Month of tfe JbdRfo'Gmiid^ farras wW iimf onfall tswutwM «* ■racefafag Gntewrfev. Clothing, Boots i and Shi»c >ry> "—■■ . CLAW >LANDlJ^/e?' . 1 i snih abimFwt Brown, ■ wfeew!iw»w«I''re. tóíá1 ;! I#¿ mieüi$. JKJh. .The N, O. Bui Vm, faaufavilfa Journal, N. Y. Courier & Ignqmrer» Wasfefagem Union, St Louis Repúblicas),' Beaton Ptioi, Public Ledger, Phifa, and CharleMon curyT will copy three times. Sstemor^, July 21, 5847. *8 oí' sahi < «ir. Asedé® Suwe, íb I tnte, will be on Ttieedeye rod Ft». I niflflMwh* w--* 1 - Goods limited eoj'w «¡O, fe|gj . 'DlOMfíOG-^KtoU, / "'.■' ■ Pww-.AMÍW*W#'*. 1 • MatameMw, «arf& 50, ÍH?, in l"l,W*<",re,,<* 7f* 461’l“l,rll"n 1 l,l^",nu, -|-UII«"4|l*f-wMtf*'lfW*»ni*liMll8li । gf^* 1 * 1 I' - CHANGE OF-EESIpENCE : I THIS brief notice wiiijhiforigi tk t moicial 'community. th« public at large, thatibe underftigBsd.hás r® QSOvgd 4rem his old »t®ml in Galmna street, and fa bow ' loewfcd' fa the centre of 1 .opposite the Exchange E|*l,.where bo.wifi. [vsmfew, lis usual, •" Bma*w,aa*e*iv^by every mese»faijM*"'' Tfie 8$<>re rooms attached to the ^íia&i¿i*. mentor© very commodious, and capable of eoBtefafag a farge qmntity of merchandfae ef ^y dwrigAsí ¡ D»ON IS 1O Cr F ARB ELL. L¡eroéd''AuctiÍbnee?;' Malamroa, Nne 1847; "",1—"'' " F ■™íí^ i<^fa to®»' fa e!ase"§he Sterefa *' 7'/Dr*..&rG»;Wi^«08Nrii cuando ¡áe reauira, , ^tendsto tbe putting up of,prtfaript!eite» h»ran ajos remitemea famidi-t - Ky* For profeseioMt ^r|fafa,á^yfaV' ” hours at the * Doctor’» Dfaix*fmtory, opposite the Efa^Bge HfliáZvv "•’; Whh^itaie<isclil6fa%; “ Dr. Cullen’s celbbiated ra cure of scrofula, or king’s evi^< „ 8 ... .- curia! diseases; Venereal dfaeaW faf^W ficriptiems and impuritiea of the btood, fof.thf piies; for dfarrhusa aod dysentery and * fw-male diñase». *' BL B- Ail the preparauon* of Dr. CnHen are emi rdy devoid oi mercury or any miem* ral prt^p&ieiiou. Dr. Appletcmfa celebrated remedy for dqgf* nets ; . <* - -^ ^JWUWto'dtophefi do las venta¿ Se fe ran toM liferalto cmfado »e desé ,_^Silque imbsenbe se promete, par .fa fairgo giwpOi eegteráncfa y-fidelidad eon que'ti de-®tp*do esta efa^e de'negbeióo ’faereeér la ¿ehaágÁ;-^^^11111®- J peonage del público y de sue ^MfcS Venduta» se veri&arsn las dias Lunes, e*torccle®, y-SfabadiWd» " h v , 'FRANKLIN^TÁW.OR' Ifatafaiorcs, Bfav 15 de 1847¿ . i....... w -v - :• - X ;. LAND AGENCY. GROCERIES, Ac. S BACON would fafom» his mmit of 8utte*t üoree, Groceries, Ci ¡1»^ Ac. of the best quality. : He hsa ratwuy taken the More adjoming the ,PM^See where^BB frsMsde are; ¡avitw to a»R for themsdvee. . Mattstoiro^ April 21, $41^ JO8EPH SAN ÍOMaS. Whóíwtk and Ramil Dealer »« -C40:hiiig, iH«»a, Pwamajcial *««, diretily 6***ifa Ewhauge xiotei, and near the ph»i.i « 3 ,- VNÍ vaWriber hag now oa hand, wid 6 te^eivfag, a good sdeetfa:», dfafaade Clothing, fa which !to rw fames tibe púbk^úp call «m:í , H. Swayne’s original compound swtipoL wild cherry, for compfafateAS&e^c Rev. Dr# I, Cfavil’s ¡dlfa a cenxfa, safe and speedy cure for the rheumatism; 7;:: Dr. Wrightfa Indfan vegetable pilla • 'Br¿& drMh1^ LiWsXMo^a, femfcle pill», MArfeOhfa^hyf 5 '* iu ¿U >.i i -i Wff ■ *w ‘jpesrai I MptoW' wfr :' tfafaii^PWlra en ¡Hsefaprotoi i V. ' NiJyfl^ades *í3íto¿fo $ farm en au di wW fate sus rachmos. _. particular to i^asiMW te 1' i» r.TWWBN