J. C. Schumann, O**niiiiit< «« IFo**i y Zapatee, BAqueta* y L'trd -henee de Bu,'tñor Chine. hf • • rti fe hirnMi elementa A Ar-huc-* *f- .fe* y-« ei A i-MÍJidi, p,» T*. Vi •. ; S*eta I**. X M . Cnilr dr Xat. I > < r Sol- Spicgelbcrg. (¡w«t*Llecidorn M . Li. wmbe é*< recibir un aurtbb» xle Tota íg IUpa Fíha- fc^tror?» l'ARA CABALLENOS. i V* Toña* »qnw)lM peruana» que dr e**'i c*»ti;»r»i rl’<«,lAs¡buen<*i,y hannlov b»r'!Og.lru, I’w*. •engetn for l»*nv.r take h« -w blond gauge Pulln.an »’ro|-.» fi<-m.Cu< hura» All trains hint g.i over Cvman.-bc ixxs.1 !iidn.x!i^h! Berths secuttx! b) t«>-It^taph. T. J * lh-i :<>• >cpt. HALL Sim RENEWED. Tbt* gr> i»t ¡oi ulerlty of •?;'» t ri p.ir-.tt - . after It* ie*>of in*») years. i'., d.i an wurxurr, cvi n to t) - l: .v .*■ j :»;, that It It re«’ly n>*Tit. r.re i. < w!>t-h f< •••hl .• tlLM-; rv.’. ?'n ntLnd ;. | í-.v; ¡ >.»• •#r»rt th- -.I»' '■.I ci. tr of dac'lrutf; prcxti-i. ;L<- IX: *aJ. .-i* ur ch J11-'*' ***’* 1 auM a It !•; i,*; a X»llg iUt.L’s ¡Uta RXXF* F.'< po-lüiVT, *i* (XTo-u by t’xix hwhhful ix-tu- : >■ of i t vwrUbir Uw-J-. LU. which Inx V*.rate-. iu. ! rvjuvcoaL'. Ilk n. ; .« . . i i. \ e ikltglitfu! artv f..r :.¿’rt Úm-, < ... ■ ulnLng n- nh.n ,.v- Otatu quh-lih hint -Irx X.;. U:“ r.i‘.-.r«l . '■ iwx-lng the lydr Lvx xn ! bfi:::-, m J< c It-.lle, *n.« < uiwtewne r.<«ie»iion* ehl-h t —■) U *..< to.noir-I to e.r'x eirt.ni»T. 7 tn- r if«;r t®fi, . e,., ^ Uteul * <»# th* riQ<«*i ft**d New a*"W mwiklnri. n 1* l-i t n>ay lw Un* r«-iTt -4 e wMiih iheriUxi. SI 1 N SON’S rr. knxnrr v> »t f-.- tn i hrh- >f Ibr i|lCr»f| ljri»l..¡. hi! ( .mice d- -1 4 -f «-•»• n aifo.n, Ut,r H.-i. 'rt‘ e •p',r4! f-x-i *' I.in.' eii »■' i, btlurv* I» hoi wb'r. r- r kbit- i u Ji «!** I» » । »Pv i .« w Ayer's SarsapariL'a, wbt h It Vvf! ‘-rtlx- powt.rh.'1 tn f-iT-l f. ,.m »*■.. c.-;„ <>ru t^n,. , r tttry hK tofol*.. Pi* V.* ' urre r*v- kr- >i,r ft .fi * ef xh* wm'.l, ]t k. iu ^1. fe lino. »<-<*» jrwtrt. rx-*-i»ir t; r <>f Mw«i*rhuu-it* to.l •»*!•***** ft. hme-mt tn g* 1.1 «rXX IX *u>*t ber.-e * 4ry, >Mr«> ee4 UNtle, e pllexxj *«| IVn It w- 4re to Ay*rw 11».'I t • | pAp •rui the gw4 11 6oet W tj It» ’ JL\I* * H twjwte H> Ü* f-.Ittth*. Wd U- «hw» Xneee m4| heieliMkkieet , * t* Whb-> h fvwMeJw O* e«ilp. » VK*l>Hü VNh'* w*« ti* >**r. A I r*lx c* UMr W- kc- 1*1 <1^ fcerwe fr* Bmihy «*lr, bceM ««hi, lxnt'.r< tke fidltet ft ti-e II a | -JX e#.4 tu Kilet-Fi wk*>eae * X /a K 1 * Mw t-. t-rn--of Oeadwff ynliwtiy. ead to eft.rui*Hy prvrenle He l-Hvta. M AtMB't Item Vteoa. tr> etdhl >n M th* enmJve m*4 rweXortgi* rino« p* utter »y A)pvr*e Delr hUtMMUiery. Th* lUu * JliGflX V> JPx w |Ml* eU **eTy ¿titee*», awuree V* Ui law ux U .-kt,. «yank. I Sold by »U Druttim. AFTER DINNER. I'treoe* wk. eeftw n«*e Iwe^uerVee t*n arrvex 111- prrcrrim nf Ihtrt p**r-*ct IumIiujt by t|r- u'* < f tn *ftor- t!ir elooie.-h. prrxetil l«c#.nl»uru, ix-uw U.o liter to tr»nhful M-tinn. lu'U-xxtit® the ktdniyi.a: d thu*. Ü.~iHiahlbr w-th!!} nf tb-~- orei..B». piMe>*r tj,< ntdeial h»o\‘«in> -.neo ar»> Ur.agr.l. and « xrn thrr. tl.r.!r ■fi’hi< a e !» !>■•?!('* To c.itók".n" t-beir rffi. 1 in . ■ n«R atcxl ..r rhri'LlAfiiw». tlxjy m-i-b i.n l- uik.atu dinimMytiK ln»:**d ' d’.Ut''h.-tn. >\ r u-mr.vfti, atxd tt>. or Vle>rHif> tn *¡<*t«rly »«Aik«l «bi rr pf.yW U ,» *rw uci #t • r erx- . r in ~:twü»ír \*tw. .n' •■Ma ru.v»i . »#<- ruti, !f lik’it Tn x .uh? ybhjutl eclr-tltnf l-T'.’.-.fi etf ndit k .b-tn In- ; h!.»-, A?-'* L'.ie. Un iifiÑ-rate d.uurrly i-.iflb Rut u. ex.aurr r»*, «In f.c.tn I of Incalculable Value. rxxi'ixxn xv Dr. J. C. Ajt»r A < •»., X.ewril. M*a MJ Lj xL DrufXleU. ABCHITECT8 A BlHLDERfr H Edition of Seieetiflo AsuirJcan. v Kafh kta» r. nli’tit e-x!.**d tn*. Xini.M u« er.crsTtr-Ft tradf: marks «a; and rurk«u* xitfv-i ■•'iw»a fair»* ri-vr*. Abwwier*. Oewwi^ atxA.hi *.*i>* r»nw*ell,ei (i,*,. *et*p«k>fah*run fn-mn W,)kw #KUV ;i_ tww 4i< tb* bkwNl. Hile cap 1» 1 teh*ritod B»v fahjw WiH . , O,N bl.Mwl.abtohrwfe-^i a1t*TX¿r,^..t„< n wl«-l» mt*». Aft*» laitru. l.». tow* k-UlM xd Aj x» . hne^'.RÍ ? », ’ Emitely Cured í^a, h o,* rw*i tw, „,t ^1P<: u » «wwar^ to nw aUJ n„. .. - e. , btwü, XI» Trwxont ek, Ji<*u-n, X ! wwe IrrvubW wilt. r br*l‘,n* of Avw*» ^arwMiarfJi^ ”, , ,,w Klt«*bclh WartixMk, 8< A^'H* » bkIhH, faiohth^ie fas-*; 1Q<. Trjfl u„,t ww b*31v ewul’-n u-4 ... f,;<4 , m-nw large quaeittw» 4 vpt-,■■ Miv* in»u*r, Kr*r> rwr>-»!y ta.M ni-A.1 I u**d Ar«'e Fj Uklr.g tttnw botOeiof tilín tk* w-n* bar* h*»e twelcl, win! my betiti» to m •w**d. i am grateful t-* ;t h**, *■** »** - Mr* Ana u hn*s. EtulU-ven «L. bvw Turk. ff Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, r*wwr*i»-»r- i e ar« an*,■**»»:; M ly «diTtnnw»*. Fnwei.«ub.*wu»K 11 “I J*'ry«iSlF^t1 ♦ IN t fcf c ¿ f r-vOwa^K *-i.AKACrtM'xfX ÍJ I.', «’1 VhllWti ‘ * *v»“*T4 #- „ » ei..wu-s,*3. •*U4,-»1tX S CUX <( AWCtKi *P । •Chri>)-efww wbA# ee<*iei-ti<.iwi>t ,»- iV« hut*! m *ey inet^'rw* te | '* vtKi«M ta *.(Wln. — Ralph Wooman. Aarip.la. Md. Twcnty^ra yearn I mden-i 'nxn a torrid liver, which wm mk-rrd to hntiihr action by taking Arrr'l Ptlta «no* th— tiwto I hfcvr nert# b«.R without thorn. They Nicu bu# tL? txitrete, a*iut digestion, aad la,-row th» app*-uto. nxx* eurely than arr eth.-e aiodk eine. — i'aol Cburctu'i. ilarahJ.*, Mb—. INVIGORATED. I know ct no rarcedv oqasd to Avor'e Itito for Stomach and Liver diordanu I eufferod troeu a Tw;I Liver,and Dy»-pep*ta. toe aUbtoen mon-M Mv skl.t waa yellow, and my tx-u-je evstrd. I had no sppetita, raffiro.1 Heod-acho, was pala and emaaatai. A tew box— rd Ayer’s Fills, tnkeu Ln rrrxJs.ata dose», wiored me to i-trfbct br.xtih. — Waldo ¿ilea, Oberlin, Ohio. AreFi HU* are a superior hmlly nxsdvtine. atn agtUr. and invta-tttwte the digentív» org.u.s, emayj &n appetite. and rompvc th.' horrible deproi tino and dwpondt-r.;ro.^!Cr, hx)JU Liver Complaint. I fcxve tbrw. Ayer’s Pilis BEST SEEQS *n p.« , p D.1.FEÍÍSTÍC8 fa^dJTc- 3 5^** ' D M F*ivt .1 ÍMeatitoliy líoxt-ir.*, L.-xofolfW SMamMC appdu»*», xs.t u U« " kUt,u-r,s^*‘-^ try xi»it.- Dir; -c «i^tldlL-LD-x- H-4^ H>. M f€ -uvcco -rl<-' rrrno.r VriCH >«y 'O V -S ».«'!. SftH ii f alalt t "It Saved Mr Life" 1» a «weuxK» atprseeli^ cfa*a ixward trnm Üiuae who b#ai rMJtaod, by pur eo*iti n*A, the ewetive pt wwa of Aj-r. • tn prtitoo c4 Ajr*‘s Chmy TwAkhL »«*■ Itevieyt * I *> Wt h* lw w*,, I aterok". kww tiieco bare ¿li»I fam» lnr.< tren túne. — E Prwgd-x-.. Pwoni .. x. Ahr.nl elw mv-nü* faf' I * »• v -HawwrThNfR <4 tin 1 --.r r-xiud UBtU I b*¿*ri '..etxtg Ap*1* '■'bxTTI >\-c-k'owj Twxi >v*i1ob of th'a eawliato* r.'tT.ti'ntcly X.-M.L**! nxy hwWth- • Ltox.ta Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, wwwed M t>« I a Srw fcCX, t*-r*c, Mtaw. M Mtwcuieeiewu r$a*Sli. *u v^wLkiA A Creaking Hinge 1* dry and tarn* barí» aati! cti te s^dtod, -wwtotahwnw-. VVwiU .* *zta. or of the texiy awactifaaed wad Lcñarecxl by BbcumacU-u, U>*y ecu bo Ktovwl wltoout caartiag the ibn.t®| exeroclitlng |wln». Ayer*» fair—gwrtli^ by lu actltxi on hkxx!. ttilsvaa uLtt «MutttNui, a»d rwurxi* th# >ulata to gwd working order. Aynr *• faraaparUte hw tilMed. tn ottr rtlr, uiany n> wt rae—rhabto cure», ta aw— which baffled the e*xte cf th* men MtNxrtiwKwd phi-cimto. Ww it htea—arv. I oouid j^ra the s*mm* of raaw toil vidual» wfco ierw hace rami by taking ihU medSctoa. la say we M bee wvrk*l arood—e, rtiJ»rU< ■* #t Rheumatism. ^^^.^•IMyllhtiforvaaM. !n üdkaiti atiotbar Hsiiene arteum Brwi t*P»e t*>od. thetw * y needy with w ti* 11» eogttMBted. U-l afloré anch wx«M. Il heer^SeMed dteeeee tm» mrrrvtem.- oleU ibe *poedUj narUxwl tu health. —3. Ftwe*. lBtlepee4euoce, Va. ff Ayer’e Sarsaparilla, rreearwl Vt I>. J. O. ArwMOix. Lew»H. Mw*. faid bl e4¡ VraeKMa rrte* |1; tó* bewiw^ An Efficient Remedy In all caaea of Hrwchtel i»d Pwlsno nary AfftcU—ia I» Ayb»*» Ceexar FkvTWJUL Ae coca It b recegwtwd xad r.row-rfbent by tho medkti profcaaioe. and tu uieny thouiands of faailltee, for tho p.-u, CLUB ROOM AX'D BAR ;■«. N' * *r rri fox* r^i Ah*.TiiTiixrswir B«n or WHISKEY 1k CIGARS. tT.n; • f r:,-x. KnU F», M. M l'HB I-IRST NATIONAL BANK MP Pedro Perea * Presidente Vico M Palen Cashier N. MONDRAGON Y HNoI M AMTAm tn IBM D» JOYBRIA DT. I'ILIGRANA MEXICANA F.b? OHO Y PLATA. y rra. w. r.V i-r fon,,,* 0 n.fCstrOS paÍMFOt ■ ertrwwJtTW <0 - ,t. jAufarfyf.i ¡Kip-iiat de /t>yo» e^Heleto» te owetro ■ * Ce.ix.'ru P!i/wriiy.or pf/ pr:Kiikt iw: citrosr aJhajM h;raMM eNt^rtai vwfwi erne : urtzA. tn ¿ *adi Sy 4» U Hum. NUEVO MEXICO A. C IRELAND. JR opukir Cíe Santa Fe Surtido de / <25 rtcrUs v-5 derd.u medicinas ol mas huevo y completo •nev-. fS recibirán ci'tsexon eepeciat « lodo» 13. A. MOW Dealer in General Merchandise Wool, Cattie, Hides and Pelts and alikinda of country produce* Tajíqno, KoW NLEVu ESTABLECIMIENTO Infecto® -DKr- Fúnebre». A* Pe WOOLE,Propietario* Ha tiberio su d------ MM|■■■■ ' we—x.'T"**1. * RB FIRM IJSM jm8S6i!S86138r ■' —.— - Ml tn* wiAMwew - ■ - .m Send for Catalogue and Price 1*8$